Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Sanctus (Mysterioso) | 1:05:33 - Jerry looks at note from Rocky | advance plot | charity | classical music | common-chord modulation | friendship | leading man | letter | mode mixture | money | mysterious | pedal tone | priest | room | sacred | source to score | thinking |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Hold That Tiger | 0:13:15 - Young people dancing | advance plot | cheerful | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | on-screen music | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Introduction | 0:24:14 - Boys in the washroom | advance plot | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | mysterious | transcribed by ear |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Washroom Sequence) | 0:24:25 - Eddie talks with his friends | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | score to source | somber | source music | transcribed by ear |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Moonbeams (Dream Sequence) | 0:27:23 - Eddie takes Flo home | added-note chord | advance plot | double exposure | dream sequence | entering | friend | hectic | kissing | leading man | mode mixture | romantic | source to score | street | transcribed by ear | waltz |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Eddie Sings) | 0:40:40 - The boys leave the scene of the crime | friend | leading man | murderer | murder scene | nervous | singing | source music | street | walking |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | St. James Infirmary | 0:41:24 - Young people lounging around | advance plot | Dixieland | friend | lazy | leading man | lounging | love interest | murderer | radio | room | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | St. James Infirmary | 0:42:08 - Young people talking | advance plot | conversing | Dixieland | friend | lazy | leading man | love interest | murderer | radio | room | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Hey! Hey! | 0:50:14 - Eddie and Flo dance | 9th chord | AABA structure | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | dance hall | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading man | love interest | murderer | on-screen music | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Makes You Forget Your Troubles | 0:50:55 - Young people dancing | AABA structure | arguing | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | dance hall | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading man | love interest | murderer | on-screen music | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Stars and Stripes Forever | 0:52:14 - Young people cavorting in the street | advance plot | cheerful | dancing | drunk | friend | leading man | love interest | murderer | on-screen music | singing | source music | street |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Makes You Forget Your Troubles | 0:53:07 - Drunken young people | advance plot | cheerful | dancing | drunk | friend | hallway | leading man | love interest | murderer | on-screen music | singing | source music |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Risoluto 2) | 0:53:55 - Newspaper headlines | advance plot | arresting | dark | detective | double exposure | fragmentation | friend | headline | leading man | love interest | murderer | newspaper | ominous | room | sequential modulation | spinning | thematic transformation | underscoring |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Lewis (Moderato Expressivo) | 0:06:23 - Fishing in a stream | calm | canoe | doctor | establish character | friend | lake | leading lady | leading man | rowing | wife |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Lewis | 0:10:42 - The doctor in a canoe | calm | canoe | departing | doctor | establish character | friend | lake | leading lady | leading man | noble | rowing | wife |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Moose | 0:11:22 - Moose enters the house | cabin | conversing | establish character | exotic | friend | leading lady | liquor | wife | working |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Liquor | 0:11:52 - Moose finds some alcohol | cabin | drunk | establish character | friend | liquor | pouring |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Drunk | 0:14:08 - Moose is drinking | advance plot | cabin | collapsing | drinking | drunk | drunk effect | friend | leading lady | liquor | mickey-mousing | stumbling | wife |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Falling down | 0:14:27 - Moose falls on a bed | advance plot | cabin | collapsing | dramatic | falling | friend | leading lady | mickey-mousing | pushing | wife |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Underscoring (Mysterious) | 0:14:31 - Rosa grabs the key | advance plot | cabin | friend | key | leading lady | mysterious | underscoring | walking | wife |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Varsovienne | 1:04:52 - Moose talks with Mr. Latimer | conversing | dance scene | folk music | friend | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | on-screen music | party | plotting | proposal | room | sneaking | source music | square dance music | upbeat |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:08:24 - Moose warns Rosa | anger | dramatic | friend | harsh | leading lady | observing | room | stinger | turning point | underscoring | warning | warning |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Misterioso) | 1:09:23 - Rosa looks through the binoculars | anger | binoculars | forest | friend | hunting | husband | leading lady | leading man | looking | murder scene | mysterious | ominous | tense | victim |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Chicago (Ominous) | 1:10:01 - Rosa puts down the binoculars | aiming | anger | dark | familiar tune | forest | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murder scene | ominous | popular tune | victim |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Ominous) | 1:10:14 - Rosa aims her gun | aiming | anger | dark | forest | friend | harsh | husband | leading lady | leading man | murder scene | ominous | stinger | victim |
The Breaking Point (1950) | Humming | 0:54:33 - Wesley and Harry work on the boat | arriving | calm | criminal | friend | harbor | humming | leading man | on-screen music | sailor | source music | transition | walking | working |
Caged (1950) | Marie (Slowly) | 0:35:14 - Marie talks to Kitty | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | chromatic mediant | conversing | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | oscillation | pc set | prison | prisoner | sickness | sigh gesture | solemn | uneasy |
Caged (1950) | Underscoring (Subtle) | 0:36:52 - June gets dressed for her parole board hearing | dressing | establish character | excited | friend | leading lady | prison | prisoner | sequential modulation | tense | underscoring |
Caged (1950) | June and Marie | 0:37:06 - June and Marie talk | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | hopeful | leading lady | noble | prison | prisoner |
Caged (1950) | June | 0:37:27 - June and Marie talk | 11th chord | 13th chord | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | hopeful | leading lady | melancholy | prison | prisoner | sequence | somber |
Caged (1950) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:37:58 - June and Marie argue | arguing | dark | dissonant bass | establish character | friend | leading lady | prison | prisoner | underscoring |
Caged (1950) | June (Triste) | 0:38:14 - June and Marie talk | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | cut from film | establish character | friend | leading lady | melancholy | prison | prisoner | somber |
Caged (1950) | June (Slowly) | 0:38:39 - Marie looks for June | arriving | chromatic mediant | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | friend | guard | leading lady | melancholy | minor-major 7th chord | prison | prisoner | somber |
Caged (1950) | June (Adagio) | 0:39:34 - Inmates play cards | cards | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | close-up | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | melancholy | playing | prison | prisoner | somber | underscoring | uneasy |
Caged (1950) | June and Marie (Very Slow) | 0:39:59 - Marie helps June | 9th chord | consoling | dark | despair | establish character | friend | guard | helping | leading lady | prison | prisoner | somber | whole-tone chord |
Caged (1950) | Harper | 0:40:20 - Harper walks | dark | establish character | friend | guard | leading lady | mickey-mousing | prison | prisoner | tritone oscillation | walking | whole-tone chord |
Caged (1950) | June (Dead) | 0:43:38 - Shot of June's hanging body | common-tone diminished 7th | dark | death | death scene | friend | hanging | harsh | leading lady | prison | prisoner | suicide |
City for Conquest (1940) | The Continental | 0:19:53 - Peggy dances with Murray | AABA structure | boxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | phrase extension | playing | popular music | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | Jalousie | 0:20:39 - Danny sitting at a table | ABAC structure | boxer | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | I'm Just Wild About Harry | 0:23:07 - Close-up of Lily | ABAC structure | award | boxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Lento 2) | 1:28:11 - Peggy cries | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | conversing | crying | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | room | sequence | somber |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem D (Dolce) | 1:28:33 - Gladys talks to Peggy | 9th chord | 11th chord | advance plot | blue note | chromatic sequence | comforting | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | crying | friend | gentle | leading lady | mode mixture | newspaper | parallel fifths | room | sweet |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Maestoso) | 1:29:11 - Peggy looks up | advance plot | friend | hopeful | leading lady | mode mixture | newspaper | reading | room | suspension |
Deep Valley (1947) | Joe | 0:01:29 - A dog | cheerful | dog | establish character | friendly | leading lady | mother | opening | porch | room | running | upbeat | waking |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | My Wild Irish Rose | 0:40:51 - Joe and Mabel in Nick's Diner | accompanied source music | altered dominant | common-chord modulation | diner | establish character | familiar tune | friend | happy | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | parallel double period | popular song | radio | shopkeeper | singing | source music | ternary form |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Irish Rose) | 0:42:25 - They go to work in the kitchen | diner | establish character | friend | happy | leading lady | leading man | score to source | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Delicatessen) | 0:43:38 - Mabel and Nick talk | common-tone diminished 7th | develop character | diner | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | secondary dominant | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (In Love) | 0:43:51 - Mabel and Nick talk | 9th chord | develop character | diner | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Delicatessen) | 0:44:01 - Mabel and Nick talk | common-tone diminished 7th | develop character | diner | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | secondary dominant | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | My Wild Irish Rose (Waltz) | 0:44:17 - Mabel and Nick talk | develop character | diner | familiar tune | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | pedal tone | popular song | shopkeeper | singing | source music |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Calm) | 0:44:32 - Mabel and Nick talk | added-note chord | altered dominant | develop character | diner | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:46:58 - Nick working | create suspense | dark | dissonant bass | friend | police | room | shopkeeper | street | underscoring |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Hiding) | 0:47:35 - Nick talks with Joe | 42 chord | advance plot | anxious | diminished 7th chord | diner | fragmentation | friend | hiding | leading man | money | runaway | shopkeeper | suspense |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:47:58 - Joe walks to the jail | 64 chord | friend | jail | jail break | leading man | runaway | shopkeeper | tense | underscoring | walking |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Trickery) | 0:48:45 - Joe talks to the jailer | distortion | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | jail | jail break | leading man | parallelism | passerby | shopkeeper | tense | warden |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (The Escape) | 0:50:26 - Joe and Mabel leave the jail | 64 chord | chromatic parallelism | dark | escaping | foreign key modulation | friend | hopeful | jail | jail break | leading lady | leading man | shopkeeper |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Grandioso) | 0:50:50 - Joe and Mabel outside | 42 chord | 64 chord | deceptive resolution | escaping | friend | heroic | jail break | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | shopkeeper | street | triumphant |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Stinger | 0:51:01 - They see approaching headlights | 42 chord | danger | friend | jail break | leading lady | leading man | ominous | shopkeeper | siren | stinger | street |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Speeding car | 0:51:08 - The car speeds off | car | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | friend | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | shopkeeper | street | traveling |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Thankful) | 0:51:24 - Joe, Mabel, and Nick talk in the car | augmented sixth chord | escape | friend | leading lady | leading man | shopkeeper | thankful | train station |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | My Wild Irish Rose (Goodbye) | 0:51:35 - Joe and Mabel say goodbye to Nick | 9th chord | escape | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | mode mixture | popular song | shopkeeper | tender | train station |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | My Wild Irish Rose (Grandioso) | 0:52:06 - Joe and Mabel leave on a train | 9th chord | 64 chord | calm | escape | familiar tune | friend | leading lady | leading man | popular song | shopkeeper | sweet | tender | train station | triumphant |
Each Dawn I Die (1939) | Frank (Released) | 1:28:49 - Frank is released | 9th chord | altered dominant | artwork in score | conclusion | embracing | friend | gentle | goodbye | leading lady | leading man | Neapolitan | passionate | peaceful |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Mob | 1:28:20 - A mob forms outside of Lane's home | advance plot | angry | anxious | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | friend | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | mob | mobbing | ostinato | polyrhythm | room | tense | whole-tone chord |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus | 1:28:52 - Lane says Titus's name | advance plot | conversing | dark | friend | leading lady | mob | ominous | room | self-borrowing | zoom in |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Ecstatic) | 1:33:37 - Lane walks away | added-note chord | altered dominant | artwork in score | chromatic parallelism | friend | husband | joyous | leading lady | leading man | leaving | prison | resolution | reuniting | romance | secondary dominant | The End | thematic transference | triumphant | wife |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Prison Gate | 0:01:25 - Steve exits the prison gate | conductor score | establish character | friend | gate | leading lady | leading man | leaving | prison | serious | walking |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay | 0:02:01 - Marcia embraces Steve | conductor score | embracing | establish character | friend | gentle | leading lady | leading man | street |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:02:12 - Steve mentions a divorce and leaves | conductor score | conversing | dark | establish character | friend | investigator | leading man | street | underscoring |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Menace | 0:04:31 - Steve gets off the bus | dark | dock | establish setting | friend | investigator | leading man | leaving | menacing | transcribed by ear |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Adoramus te Christe | 0:38:32 - A funeral | church | conversing | friend | funeral | investigator | leading man | somber | source music |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:52:13 - Dan waits for Steve | advance plot | conductor score | friend | gangster | investigator | leading man | pacing | street | tense | underscoring | waiting |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Steve | 0:52:23 - Steve arrives | advance plot | conductor score | conversing | friend | gangster | investigator | leading man | neutral | street |
In This Our Life (1942) | Blues in the Night (Transition) | 0:43:37 - Craig's office door | 9th chord | arriving | assistant | calm | friend | leading lady | love scene | office | pleasant | source to score |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Expressivo) | 0:43:43 - Roy talks with Parry | 64 chord | assistant | calm | conversing | deceptive resolution | friend | leading lady | love scene | office | pleasant |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Delicate) | 0:50:40 - Roy arrives at Stanley's apartment | advance plot | arriving | deceptive resolution | foreign key modulation | friend | gentle | leading lady | room | sweet |
In This Our Life (1942) | Underscoring (Gentle) | 0:50:58 - Roy talks with Betty | added-note chord | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | friend | gentle | leading lady | parallelism | room | tender | underscoring | whole-tone chord |
In This Our Life (1942) | Door opens | 0:51:37 - Betty opens the door | advance plot | door | friend | gentle | leading lady | mickey-mousing | opening | room | whole-tone chord |
The Informer (1935) | The Informer (King Gypo) | 1:01:03 - Gypo's friend brags about him | advance plot | antagonist | bragging | cheerful | crowd | friend | leading man | party | proud |
The Informer (1935) | The Informer (Quiet!) | 1:01:27 - The rebels enter and start an argument | 64 chord | advance plot | antagonist | arguing | bold | crowd | dark | friend | interrupting | leading man | matching speech | mickey-mousing | party | rebel |
Key Largo (1948) | Rocco (Tense) | 1:19:02 - Rocco welcomes new gangsters | boss | conversing | friend | gangster | greeting | hotel | investigation scene | laughing | tense | underscoring |
The Letter (1940) | Foxtrot No.1 C | 1:21:36 - Leslie goes to the party | added-note chord | altered dominant | calm | conversing | dance music | dancing | foreign key modulation | foxtrot | friend | leading lady | party | party | plagal cadence | source music |
The Letter (1940) | Foxtrot No. 2 | 1:22:12 - Leslie joins the party | 9th chord | AABA structure | altered dominant | conversing | dance music | dancing | foxtrot | friend | happy | husband | leading lady | party | party | pump-up modulation | secondary dominant | source music |
The Letter (1940) | Foxtrot No. 3 | 1:23:25 - Robert talks to friends at the party | 9th chord | added-note chord | common-tone diminished 7th | contrasting period | conversing | dance music | drinking | foxtrot | friend | happy | husband | leading lady | party | party | source music |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly and Trev (Tenderly) | 0:41:54 - Pedro tells Shelly where Trev is | actor | advance plot | conversing | friend | gentle | leading lady | ranch | tender | worker |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Underneath a Western Sky | 0:56:48 - A chuckwagon dinner | actor | advance plot | calm | campfire | chuckwagon | conversing | cowboy song | crowd | drinking | eating | father | flirting | food | friend | leading lady | love interest | mother | on-screen music | owner | playing | ranch | source music |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Too Much Love | 0:59:02 - Shelly looks at Trev's portrait | actor | advance plot | calm | conversing | flirting | friend | leading lady | love interest | party | popular music | portrait | ranch | source music |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Mi Caballero | 1:00:08 - People dancing outside | actor | advance plot | crowd | dancing | friend | Latin American | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | party | playing | ranch | source music | upbeat |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Underscoring (Dark) | 1:02:38 - Harvey drives | actor | arriving | car | conflict | danger | dark | driving | friend | leading lady | love interest | ranch | stopping | tense | underscoring |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly (Worried) | 1:03:05 - Harvey gets out of the car | actor | arriving | car | concerned | conflict | conversing | dark | friend | leading lady | love interest | ranch | tense | worried |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Slipping | 1:03:21 - Shelly slips | actor | car | conflict | dark | friend | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | ranch | slipping | stumbling |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly (Agitato) | 1:03:34 - Shelly runs away | actor | agitated | calm | conflict | embracing | escaping | friend | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ranch | reuniting | suspect |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | El Pregon de Santiago | 1:11:53 - Johnny plays the guitar and sings | actor | Cuban | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | La Paloma | 1:12:40 - Johnny sings briefly | actor | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | Mexican | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly (Attack) | NIF - not in film | actor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly 2 (Attack) | NIF - not in film | actor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly 3 (Attack) | NIF - not in film | actor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Trev (Realization) | 1:26:36 - Close-up on Trev's face | actor | anger | chasing | climax | close-up | dark | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | menacing | murderer | rancher | realizing | room | zoom in |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:26:47 - Trev runs after Liza | actor | anger | chasing | climax | dramatic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | running | underscoring |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Escape | 1:26:51 - Liza runs away | actor | brother | chasing | climax | dark | escaping | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ranch | rancher | room | tense |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Escape (Getaway) | 1:27:08 - Trev runs back inside | actor | brother | chasing | climax | dramatic | escaping | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ranch | rancher | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby | 0:03:59 - Wally sees Mildred from the window | conversing | establish character | familiar tune | friend | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | restaurant | source music | upbeat |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:08:53 - Wally looks for Mildred | 9th chord | action scene | ascending | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | down | dramatic | falling | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | searching | setup | suspenseful | underscoring | walking | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally tries to open door | 0:08:53 - Wally tries to open the door | action scene | augmented triad | chromatic scale | door | frantic | friend | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | stinger |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally goes upstairs | 0:09:28 - Wally ascends the spiral staircase | 9th chord | action scene | ascending | chromatic scale | dramatic | friend | mickey-mousing | room | spiral staircase | stairs | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally knocks on the door | 0:09:59 - Wally knocks on a door | action scene | door | dramatic | friend | knocking | mickey-mousing | room |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Lamp falls | 0:10:03 - Wally knocks over a lamp | action scene | body | dramatic | falling | friend | lamp | mickey-mousing | reveal | room | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Murdered Man | 0:10:06 - Wally discovers the body | action scene | corpse | dark | death | dramatic | friend | linear chromaticism | looking | mickey-mousing | murder | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Phone rings | 0:10:16 - Phone rings | action scene | death | friend | mickey-mousing | murder | ringing | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:10:21 - Wally reacts to the situation | action scene | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | death | dramatic | escaping | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | murder | room | running | smashing | sneaking | telephone | underscoring | victim | walking | whole-tone chord | worrying |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally stands up and walks | 0:10:21 - Wally stands up to go to the phone | action scene | friend | mickey-mousing | rising | room | standing | tense | up | victim | walking |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally walks | 0:10:32 - Wally hurriedly walks away | action scene | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | room | victim | walking |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally sneaks | 0:10:37 - Wally sneaks down the hall | action scene | diminished 7th chord | friend | mickey-mousing | room | sneaking | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Breaks door with chair | 0:10:47 - Wally smashes a glass door with a chair | action scene | breaking | chair | door | dramatic | friend | glass | mickey-mousing | room | smashing | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Glass falls | 0:10:49 - The glass door breaks | action scene | breaking | door | dramatic | falling | friend | glass | mickey-mousing | room | smashing | victim | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Wally runs | 0:11:01 - Wally runs out of the house | action scene | beach | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | dramatic | friend | gun | gunshot | mickey-mousing | running | shooting | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Opens coat | 0:11:12 - Policeman opens Wally's coat to frisk him | action scene | beach | dramatic | friend | mickey-mousing | opening | police | searching | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:11:13 - Policemen investigate the scene | action scene | altered dominant | beach | conversing | dissonant bass | friend | mysterious | police | searching | sequence | tense | underscoring | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Work (Excited) | 0:42:35 - Mildred and Wally leave | 9th chord | added-note chord | excited | excitement | friend | heroine | leading lady | leaving | room | self-borrowing | shadow | transition | work |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Beach House | 0:42:49 - Mildred and Wally drive up to the beach house | 9th chord | arriving | beach house | driving | friend | heroine | leading lady | ocean | peaceful | transition | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Walking | 0:42:58 - Mildred and Wally walk to the house | added-note chord | arriving | beach house | excited | friend | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | ocean | parallelism | transition | walking |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Work (Molto Grazioso) | 0:48:16 - Mildred works at her restaurant | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | friend | heroine | ladder | leading lady | legs | pedal tone | restaurant | self-borrowing | transition | working |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | First Kiss | 0:49:40 - Monte steals a kiss from Mildred | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | falling in love scene | friend | heroine | kissing | leading lady | restaurant | romance |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Walking | 0:49:48 - Driving to the beach house | 9th chord | beach house | cheerful | driving | falling in love scene | friend | heroine | leading lady | parallelism | room | traveling | walking |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | T'Ain't No Good | 0:57:37 - Mildred at the opening of her restaurant | advance plot | antagonist | busy | conversing | daughter | dining | friend | guest | heroine | leading lady | popular music | restaurant | serving | source music | upbeat | working |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | While You're Away | 0:59:47 - Monte arrives at the restaurant | ABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | busy | conversing | daughter | dining | friend | guest | heroine | leading lady | love interest | parallel double period | popular music | restaurant | serving | source music | upbeat | working |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Please Think of Me | 1:01:54 - Monte dances with Veda | antagonist | celebrating | dance scene | dancing | daughter | friend | heroine | jukebox | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | popular music | restaurant | singing | source music | upbeat |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Subtle) | 1:09:27 - bill; photograph; gun | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | conversing | friend | heroine | leading lady | mode mixture | room | subtle | voice-over |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby | 1:16:01 - Wally and Veda in a restaurant | advance plot | antagonist | cheerful | conversing | daughter | drinking | friend | popular music | restaurant | source music | toasting |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:18:34 - Veda tells her mother she is married | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | conflict | conversing | daughter | diminished 7th chord | friend | heroine | leading lady | oscillation | reverse stinger | room | tense | underscoring |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Secret Revealed | 1:18:59 - Veda talks to her mother | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conflict | conversing | daughter | fear | friend | heroine | leading lady | linear chromaticism | octatonic chord | room | surprise | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Coy) | 1:19:11 - Veda talks to her mother | antagonist | apologizing | chromatic parallelism | conflict | daughter | friend | heroine | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Waltz Fantasy) | 1:19:18 - Mildred talks to Veda | 9th chord | antagonist | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | comforting | conflict | daughter | dream-like | friend | heroine | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Tenderly) | 1:19:37 - Wally talks about a settlement | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | conflict | conversing | daughter | fragmentation | friend | heroine | leading lady | pedal tone | room | tender |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | It Can't Be Wrong (Molto Misterioso) | 1:42:42 - Mildred learns that Monte has betrayed her | 9th chord | bankruptcy | betrayal | dark | familiar tune | friend | heroine | leading lady | love theme | memory | mysterious | pc set | popular music | realizing | room | somber | turning point | whole-tone chord |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Darktown Strutters' Ball | 0:40:06 - Sadie and Mike in a bar | advance plot | business man | club | common-chord modulation | conversing | friend | love interest | plotting | ragtime | source music | upbeat |
Rockabye (1932) | Out of the Blue | 0:33:38 - People at a party | advance plot | calm | club | conversing | friend | leading lady | on-screen music | pianist | playing | playwright | singer | singing | source music |
Rockabye (1932) | Till the Real Thing Comes My Way | 0:33:55 - Judy at the party | advance plot | club | conversing | dancing | friend | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | playing | playwright | source music | upbeat |
Rockabye (1932) | Improvisation (in Rockabye) | 0:35:35 - People at a party | advance plot | club | conversing | drinking | friend | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Fishing | 0:13:46 - Catching a fish | advance plot | boat | boat | chef | comical | conversing | fish | fishing | friend | mickey-mousing | transcribed by ear |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Dark) | 0:19:34 - Goff walks | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | threatening | walking |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:20:11 - Jonah reacts | arguing | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Threatening) | 0:20:40 - Goff threatens Jonah | arguing | boat | breaking | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | threatening | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fear) | 0:21:18 - Officer Magruder arrives | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fear | fisherman | friend | leading man | police | sandwich | solemn | somber |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Concert in the Park | 0:25:09 - Jonah and Olaf walk down the street | advance plot | arriving | conversing | dock | father | fisherman | friend | popular music | source music | upbeat | walking |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:26:42 - Goff slaps Jonah | arguing | chef | conflict | criminal | dock | dramatic | extortion | falling | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | mickey-mousing | punching | slapping | stinger | underscoring | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Gentle) | 0:26:51 - Jonah helps Olaf | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | gentle | helping | leading man | mickey-mousing | reacting | solemn | tender | threatening | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Dark 2) | 0:27:12 - Jonah and Olaf react | arguing | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | gun | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Animato | 0:27:43 - Goff pulls out a gun | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | foreign key modulation | friend | gun | leading man | tense | threatening |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Distorted) | 0:28:02 - Jonah and Olaf pay Goff | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | money | threatening |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:28:20 - Jonah and Olaf react | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | threatening | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:45:13 - Goff enters | arriving | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | dramatic | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Solemn) | 0:45:25 - Goff asks for money | arguing | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | foreign key modulation | friend | leading man | sequence | solemn |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:46:00 - Jonah calls for the cop | arguing | conflict | criminal | dock | dramatic | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | underscoring | yelling |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fragmented) | 0:46:14 - Jonah calls for the cop | arguing | conflict | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | fragmentation | friend | leading man | police | tense | yelling |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:46:34 - Jonah accuses Goff | arguing | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | police | tense | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fragmented) | 0:46:50 - Olaf accuses Goff | conflict | conversing | criminal | departing | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | fragmentation | friend | leading man | police | tense |
Out of the Fog (1941) | The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down | 0:49:00 - Olaf and Jonah walk to the restaurant | AABA structure | advance plot | conversing | crowd | dancing | dock | father | fisherman | friend | popular music | source music | upbeat |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Folk Song | 0:54:43 - Jonah enters a room | advance plot | arriving | cheerful | father | fisherman | folk music | friend | on-screen music | room | singing | source music |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle | 0:55:11 - Sam sings a Russian folk song | advance plot | cheerful | father | fisherman | folk music | friend | on-screen music | room | score to source | singing | source music |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:06:59 - Goff hits George | boyfriend | conflict | criminal | dock | dramatic | falling | fighting | fisherman | friend | leading man | punching | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Animato (Extended) | 1:07:04 - Jonah and Olaf help George | arguing | boyfriend | conflict | criminal | dock | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fragmented 2) | 1:07:35 - A boat in the fog | conflict | criminal | dark | fisherman | fragmentation | friend | leading man | menacing | ominous | sea | traveling |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Menacing) | 1:09:32 - Goffs sees Olaf holding a lead pipe | arguing | attempted murder | climax | criminal | dark | fisherman | friend | leading man | menacing | ominous | sea | stinger |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:09:45 - Goff struggles with Jonah and Olaf | attempted murder | climax | criminal | dramatic | fighting | fisherman | friend | leading man | punching | sea | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Drowning) | 1:09:58 - Goff drowns | attempted murder | climax | criminal | dark | death | drowning | fisherman | friend | leading man | ominous | sea |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Speeding Car (Arriving) | 1:11:50 - A speeding car | action scene | car | dramatic | driving | fisherman | friend | rushed | rushing | street | tense |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dark) | 1:12:05 - Police ring the bell | action scene | arguing | conversing | dark | fisherman | friend | police | ringing | room | street | underscoring |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Tanner (Headlines) | 1:24:17 - Chris is suspected of murder | altered dominant | chromatic scale | climax | fragmentation | friend | hurrying | montage | newspaper | newspaper boy | panicked | police station | polychord | polytonality | quartal chord | radio | reporter | room | rushing | street | surprise | tritone oscillation | widow |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Ask Anyone Who Knows | 1:34:08 - Paula reads the paper | ABA structure | calm | conversing | friend | husband | radio | reading | resolution | room | source music |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Would You Believe Me | 1:36:54 - Paula talks with Bob | ABAC structure | calm | conversing | friend | husband | radio | reading | resolution | room | source music |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Tenderness | 0:13:40 - David talks to Leni | 64 chord | doctor | establish character | friendly | hero | heroine | mode mixture | room | sequence | tender |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Garden) | 1:31:13 - Walter talks with Marian | conversing | criminal | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | love scene | murderer | noble | room | spy | spying |
The Woman in White (1948) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:31:28 - Marian sees Sir Percival spying on them | conversing | dramatic | friend | leading lady | leading man | love scene | lyrical | room | stinger | underscoring |
The Woman in White (1948) | The Self Banished | 1:31:42 - Walter Kisses Marian | conversing | embracing | friend | gentle | kissing | leading lady | leading man | leaving | love interest | love scene | romantic | room | thematic transference |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Molto Moderato) | 1:38:43 - Fosco looks at Marian | advance plot | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | menacing | murderer | pacing | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:39:05 - The butler enters | advance plot | butler | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | room | tense | underscoring |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Molto Moderato) | 1:39:33 - Fosco talks to Marian | advance plot | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | menacing | murderer | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:44:06 - The countess enters | climax | conversing | criminal | dark | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | necklace | ominous | room | transcribed by ear | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Not in Score) | 1:44:24 - Count Fosco talks to the Countess | climax | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | mysterious | necklace | room | transcribed by ear | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Screwy) | 1:44:42 - The Countess walks across the room | climax | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | mysterious | necklace | room | sneaking | walking | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Sneaking) | 1:44:51 - The Countess walks across the room | climax | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | mysterious | necklace | room | sneaking | walking | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Adagio | 1:45:00 - The Countess picks up a knife | climax | conversing | criminal | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | necklace | room | somber | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Soft) | 1:45:18 - The Count talks to Marian | arriving | climax | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | mysterious | necklace | room | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Stabbing | 1:45:23 - The Countess stabs Count Fosco | climax | criminal | dramatic | dropping | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | murdering | necklace | revenge | room | stabbing | violent | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Dying) | 1:45:34 - The Countess picks up the necklace | arriving | climax | criminal | death | dramatic | dying | falling | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | revenge | rising | room | stinger | tense | victim | violent | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Quasi Misterioso) | 1:46:05 - Various close-ups | climax | criminal | death | dying | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | revenge | room | somber | victim | watching | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Waltz 2) | 1:46:13 - A close-up on the Countess | criminal | death | embracing | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | reacting | resolution | revenge | room | tender | victim | waltz | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Laura | 1:46:37 - Walter, Marian, and Laura together | asylum | conversing | friend | happy | murderer | necklace | patient | resolution | time lapse | voice-over | waltz |
High Stakes (1931) | Close to Me | 0:01:09 - People at a party | conversing | establish character | friend | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat | waiting | wedding |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Serenade | 0:28:11 - Jo plays the piano | advance plot | calm | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | friend | gentle | on-screen music | piano | playing | room | secondary dominant | self-borrowing | sentence form | source music | transcribed by ear |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Wedding March | 0:23:10 - A woman opens a cigarette case | alternate timeline | cheerful | classical music | conversing | friend | music box | pivotal scene | room | source music | suspect |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Wedding March | 0:47:11 - A man opens a cigarette case | alternate timeline | cheerful | classical music | conversing | friend | music box | pivotal scene | room | source music | suspect |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Chanson | 1:02:06 - A man turns on the radio | alternate timeline | calm | classical music | conversing | friend | radio | resolution | room | source music | suspect |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Wedding March | 1:03:10 - A woman opens a cigarette case | alternate timeline | cheerful | classical music | conversing | friend | music box | resolution | room | source music |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Won't You Believe | 1:03:30 - A man adjusts the radio | AABA structure | alternate timeline | conversing | dancing | drinking | friend | popular music | radio | resolution | room | source music | upbeat |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | The Trysting Place | 1:04:35 - Charles talks to Ann in the moonlight | alternate timeline | balcony | conversing | friend | mode mixture | popular music | proposal | proposing | radio | resolution | romantic | sequence | source music | triadic transformation |
Gridiron Flash (1934) | Swing it Sister | 0:21:09 - Eddie at a party | conversing | friend | leading lady | leading man | party | popular music | room | upbeat |
Gridiron Flash (1934) | Oh, Mama | 0:22:48 - Pudge sings | athlete | awkward | crowd | friend | listening | party | room | singing | source music |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | A Moment In The Dark | 0:04:39 - A picture of a hunting trip | boat | conversing | establish character | friend | hunter | leading man | radio | radio | source music | upbeat |