Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Roulette | 0:07:01 - Roulette wheel spins | club | double exposure | establish character | frantic | gambling | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | montage | parallelism | pedal tone | sequence | spinning |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Night Club Music | 0:07:05 - Rocky gambles in a nightclub | altered dominant | club | dancing | double exposure | drinking | establish character | frantic | gambling | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | montage | pouring |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | When a Prince of a Fella Meets a Cinderella | 0:16:49 - Rocky goes to a night club | advance plot | cheerful | conversing | gambling | gangster | lawyer | leading man | night club | parallel double period | popular music | source music |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Saving Myself For You (I've Been) | 1:02:30 - Rocky and Laury at a night club | AABA structure | advance plot | cheerful | club | drinking | gambling | gangster | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | source music |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | I’m in a Jam with Baby | 0:54:39 - Rosa walks down the street | advance plot | arriving | bouncer | club | crying | departing | jazz | leading lady | sentimental | sitting | source music | stranger |
The Big Sleep (1946) | I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan | 1:00:50 - Vivian enters a restaurant | ABACA structure | arriving | club | conversing | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | pleasant | private eye | source music |
The Big Sleep (1946) | The Blue Room | 1:02:15 - Vivan pays Marlowe | AABA structure | club | conversing | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | pleasant | private eye | source music |
The Big Sleep (1946) | You Go to My Head | 1:04:25 - Vivian and Marlowe talk in a restaurant | club | conversing | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | pleasant | private eye | source music |
The Big Sleep (1946) | And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine | 1:05:55 - Marlowe arrives at Mars's place | advance plot | arriving | club | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | playing | private eye | singer | singing | source music | upbeat |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Wotta Life | 1:08:09 - Marlowe talks to Mars | 12-bar blues | advance plot | club | criminal | investigating | leading man | private eye | source music | suspect | upbeat |
The Big Sleep (1946) | I'm in a Jam With Baby | 1:10:53 - Marlowe talks to people at the party | advance plot | club | gambler | gambling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | 42nd Street | 0:51:52 - People arriving at a dance | AABA structure | advance plot | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | musician | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | Drum Roll | 0:52:51 - Peggy and Danny at the dance | advance plot | announcer | announcing | club | crowd | dance band | dramatic | on-screen music | source music |
City for Conquest (1940) | Drum Roll | 0:53:08 - People applaud for Danny | advance plot | announcer | announcing | club | crowd | dance band | dramatic | on-screen music | source music |
City for Conquest (1940) | Corn Pickin' | 0:53:35 - People dancing the jitterbug | AABA structure | advance plot | boxer | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | Japanese Sandman | 0:54:33 - Danny and Peggy at the dance | advance plot | boxer | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lute Mae | 0:01:26 - Lute Mae's Roadhouse | 13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | bluesy | club | countermelody | dancing | eating | establish setting | musician | on-screen music | playing | self-borrowing | simulated source music | voice-over |
Flamingo Road (1949) | South American Way | 0:22:08 - Field and Titus arrive at Lute Mae's Tavern | advance plot | club | dancer | dancing | gambling | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | police | politician | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | It Had to Be You | 0:23:44 - Politicians gamble and talk | ABAC structure | advance plot | club | gambling | leading man | police | politician | sentimental | sheriff | source music | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Somebody Loves Me | 0:25:19 - Politicians plot | AABA structure | advance plot | club | leading man | plotting | police | politician | sentimental | sheriff | source music |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You | 0:26:58 - People gamble and dance | club | dancer | dance scene | dancing | fighting | gambling | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | police | sentimental | sheriff | singer | singing | source music |
Flamingo Road (1949) | The Blue Room | 0:44:58 - Lane dresses for work | AABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | leading lady | politician | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Angry) | 0:45:24 - Titus sees Lane | advance plot | anger | angry | club | dark | leading lady | noticing | ominous | politician | retrograde | self-borrowing | sheriff | sinister | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Agitato (Angry) | 0:45:50 - Dan argues with Titus | advance plot | anger | angry | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | club | leading lady | politician | polychord | self-borrowing | sheriff | smashing | stinger | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Jalousie | 0:46:06 - Woman dances | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | employer | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Through a Thousand Dreams | 0:56:41 - The Olympic City hotel | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | dining | leading lady | leading man | love interest | on-screen music | politician | sentimental | sheriff | source music | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Don't Take Your Love From Me | 0:58:50 - Dan and Lane sit at a table | ABAC structure | club | conversing | dance scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | on-screen music | politician | sentimental | sheriff | source music | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You | 0:59:52 - A woman sings with the dance band | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | dining | leading lady | leading man | love interest | on-screen music | politician | sentimental | sheriff | singer | singing | source music | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan | 1:01:40 - Lane and Dan talk at their table | club | conversing | dance scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | politician | sentimental | sheriff | source music | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | The Girl With the Spanish Drawl | 1:29:10 - Lane arrives at Lute Mae's | arriving | climax | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | musician | on-screen music | playing | source and scoring overlap | source music | upbeat |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Fragmented) + Titus 2 (Fragmented) | 1:29:47 - Lane confronts Titus | arguing | climax | club | combination of themes | dark | fragmentation | inversion | leading lady | motivic transformation | mysterious | ominous | retrograde | self-borrowing | sheriff |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Rising Tension) | 1:30:09 - Lane confronts Titus | arguing | climax | club | dark | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:30:24 - Lane pulls a gun on Titus | arguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | sheriff | stinger | threatening |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Slowly) | 1:30:42 - Lane holds Titus at gunpoint | arguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone | threatening |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus 2 (Ominous) | 1:30:55 - Titus pretends to make a phone call | calling | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dark | deceiving | gun | leading lady | mysterious | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:31:15 - Titus attacks Lane | attacking | breaking | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dramatic | dropping | gun | leading lady | linear chromaticism | oscillation | sheriff | staggering | stinger | telephone | tense | throwing | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Breaking door | 1:31:19 - Titus throws the phone at Lane | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dramatic | gun | leading lady | mickey-mousing | sheriff | telephone | throwing |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lane staggers | 1:31:22 - Lane staggers after being hit | climax | club | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | oscillation | sheriff | staggering |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Ostinato 3) | 1:31:25 - Titus holds a gun on Lane | climax | club | dramatic | fighting | gun | gunshot | leading lady | menacing | ostinato | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff | struggling | tense | threatening |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Climax) | 1:31:43 - Lane struggles with Titus | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | climax | club | dramatic | fighting | gun | gunshot | leading lady | major 7th chord | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff | struggling | tense |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Struggling | 1:31:47 - Close-up on the gun | climax | close-up | club | dramatic | fighting | gun | gunshot | leading lady | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | oscillation | sheriff | struggling | tense |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus 2 (Sinks) | 1:31:50 - Titus collapses to the floor | climax | club | death | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading lady | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff | sinking | tragic |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay (Expressivo) | 0:21:37 - Marcia on a poster | arriving | club | conductor score | detective | establish character | leading man | romantic | walking |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | The Very Thought of You | 0:21:51 - Marcia singing at a club | applauding | arriving | bartender | club | detective | establish character | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | pianist | popular music | romantic | singer | singing | singing | source music | waiter |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay (Piano Solo) | 0:23:26 - Marcia talks to Steve | bartender | club | conductor score | conversing | detective | establish character | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | pianist | playing | popular music | score to source | sentimental | singer | source music | waiter |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Put 'Em in a Box, Tie 'Em with a Ribbon, and Throw 'Em in the Deep Blue Sea | 0:40:24 - A dance hall | advance plot | club | conversing | dancer | dancing | detective | jazz | jazz band | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | How Many Hearts Have You Broken | 0:40:22 - A dance hall | advance plot | club | conversing | detective | drowning | fighting | gangster | interrogating | jazz | jazz band | leading man | mellow | on-screen music | source music |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | It Had to Be You | 1:17:06 - Marcia sings at a club | advance plot | calm | club | jazz | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | pianist | singer | singing | source music | wife |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay (Piano Solo) | 1:17:47 - Marcia and Steve talk | advance plot | calm | club | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | pianist | popular music | score to source | singer | source music | wife |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay (Invisible Orchestra) | 1:18:13 - Marcia and Steve talk | calm | club | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | scored source music | singer | source to score | wife |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Underscoring (Dark) | 1:19:09 - Marcia and Steve talk | club | conductor score | conversing | dark | leading lady | leading man | love scene | ominous | singer | underscoring | wife |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay (Resolution) | 1:19:28 - Marcia talks to Steve | club | conductor score | conversing | gentle | grand | leading lady | leading man | love scene | singer | tender | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Night Clubs | 0:01:12 - Montage of night clubs | bar | bluesy | club | crowd | dancer | dancing | double exposure | eating | journalist | montage | montage | performer | performing | simulated source music | street | voice-over |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | You Do Something to Me | 0:02:52 - A night club | AABA structure | celebrating | club | conversing | dancing | establish character | flashback | mickey-mousing | on-screen music | playing | popular music | ripple effect | source music | upbeat | working |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Something to Remember You By | 0:06:59 - Floor show at a night club | club | dancer | dancing | music scene | popular music | source music | stage | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Sailor's Hornpipe | 0:07:02 - Dancing sailors | club | dancer | dancing | music scene | popular music | source music | stage | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Something to Remember You By | 0:07:16 - Georgia enters | AABA structure | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | music scene | on-screen music | popular music | singer | singing | source music | stage | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Something to Remember You By | 0:08:02 - Georgia sings | AABA structure | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | leading man | music scene | on-screen music | popular music | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | stage |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Lady Play Your Mandolin | 0:11:03 - Audience applauding | AABA structure | applauding | applauding | club | crowd | dancing | leading man | music scene | popular music | source music | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Too Many Tears | 0:41:11 - Saratoga Casino | AABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | crowd | gambler | leading lady | leading man | love interest | manager | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Can't We Talk It Over | 0:45:42 - Georgia and Don in a photograph | advance plot | club | conversing | crowd | dancing | husband | leading lady | newspaper | on-screen music | photograph | playing | source music | upbeat | waiter |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone | 0:46:03 - Steve dances with a girl | AABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | criminal | dancing | floozy | gambler | henchman | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Body and Soul | 0:56:43 - Georgia sings in a night club | AABA structure | applauding | club | conductor | crowd | leading lady | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performing | performing | romantic | score to source | singer | singing | source music | watching | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Love Is Sweeping the Country | 0:58:02 - The crowd applauds | advance plot | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | gambler | henchman | husband | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | owner | performing | reporter | singer | sister | source music | upbeat | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Shanty in Old Shanty Town | 0:59:36 - A cop waits | advance plot | arguing | club | conversing | leading man | observing | on-screen music | police | reporter | source music | upbeat | waiting |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Steve Shoots Sister | 1:03:37 - Steve shoots his sister | action scene | chromatic scale | club | crowd | dramatic | dying | gambler | husband | leading man | murderer | police | reacting | shooting | sister | underscoring | victim |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | The Escape | 1:03:50 - Steve tries to escape | action scene | car | chasing | club | crowd | dramatic | driving | escaping | gambler | husband | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | sister | street | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | How Sweet You Are | 1:08:28 - Veda dances at a club | ABAB structure | advance plot | club | conversing | dance music | dancing | heroine | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | relaxed | source music |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Oceana Roll | 1:27:46 - Veda sings at a restaurant | advance plot | antagonist | cheerful | club | dancing | daughter | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | popular music | singing | source music |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Sweet Georgia Brown | 1:29:05 - Mildred confronts Wally | ABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | club | conversing | daughter | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | It Had to Be You | 1:30:25 - Mildred and Veda talk | ABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | club | conversing | daughter | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Darktown Strutters' Ball | 0:40:06 - Sadie and Mike in a bar | advance plot | business man | club | common-chord modulation | conversing | friend | love interest | plotting | ragtime | source music | upbeat |
Rockabye (1932) | Out of the Blue | 0:33:38 - People at a party | advance plot | calm | club | conversing | friend | leading lady | on-screen music | pianist | playing | playwright | singer | singing | source music |
Rockabye (1932) | Till the Real Thing Comes My Way | 0:33:55 - Judy at the party | advance plot | club | conversing | dancing | friend | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | playing | playwright | source music | upbeat |
Rockabye (1932) | Improvisation (in Rockabye) | 0:35:35 - People at a party | advance plot | club | conversing | drinking | friend | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat |
Rockabye (1932) | Out of the Blue (Piano Improvisation) | 0:35:57 - Judy and Jacobs talk | AABA structure | advance plot | calm | club | conversing | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | playwright | score to source borrowing | source music |
Rockabye (1932) | Till the Real Thing Comes My Way | 0:39:24 - Judy sings a song | AABA structure | advance plot | club | dancing | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | singing | source music | upbeat |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Comparsa Negra No.1 | 0:35:38 - People dancing in a conga line | ABAC structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | eating | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | source music | upbeat |
Out of the Fog (1941) | No Digas | 0:37:46 - Cuban dancers and musicians | AABA structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat |
Kid Galahad (1937) | The Moon Is in Tears Tonight | 1:08:40 - Louise sings in a night club | leading lady | music scene | night club | on-screen music | playing music | sentimental | singing | source music | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Sand In My Shoes | 1:10:15 - Ward, Marie, and Louise talk in the club | advance plot | cheerful | conversing | dancing | leading lady | leading man | night club | on-screen music | sister | source music | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Green Lady | 1:12:08 - Ward, Marie, and Louise talk in the club | advance plot | arguing | cheerful | fighting | gangster | night club | source music | trainer | transcribed by ear |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | There's a Sob in My Heart (Strings) | 0:23:03 - Music is played in a night club | AABA structure | comment on score | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | night club | popular song | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | Dance | 0:26:27 - Music is played in a night club | AB structure | dance scene | dancing | Latin-American | leading lady | night club | salesman | source music | tango | transcribed by ear | upbeat |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | There's a Sob in My Heart (Dixieland) | 0:34:27 - Music is played in a night club | banjo | countermelody | dancing | Dixieland | double exposure | drums | improvisation | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | Hello Beautiful | 0:35:04 - Music is played in a taxi | AABA structure | banjo | dancing | drums | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | Millie | 0:35:09 - Hot jazz is played in a night club | AABA structure | banjo | dancing | Dixieland | drums | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat |
Transgression (1931) | Dance | 0:08:10 - Elsie and Don Arturo at a club | AB structure | calm | club | conversing | establish character | leading lady | love interest | sophisticated | source music | tango |
Transgression (1931) | Waltz | 0:18:26 - People at a party | advance plot | calm | club | gambling | leading lady | linear chromaticism | love interest | parallel double period | sophisticated | source music | waltz |
Transgression (1931) | Igualada | 0:23:20 - Elsie and Don Arturo talking | calm | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | love interest | sophisticated | source music | tango |
Transgression (1931) | Igualada | 0:24:58 - Elsie and Don Arturo dancing | calm | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | love interest | sophisticated | source music | tango |
Transgression (1931) | There's a Sob In My Heart (Ballroom) | 0:28:18 - Robert arrives at the party | AABA structure | augmented sixth chord | calm | club | conversing | dancing | husband | leading lady | party | self-borrowing | sophisticated | source music |
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932) | There's a Sob in My Heart | 0:05:14 - People dancing in a night club | AABA structure | business man | cheerful | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | dining | reused recording | upbeat |
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932) | Makes You Forget Your Troubles | 0:11:18 - Spider and Curley talk to Steele | AABA structure | advance plot | club | comic | dancer | dancing | planning | salesman | self-borrowing | source music | upbeat |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Scenes Metropolitaine | 0:43:51 - Montage of activities in the city | ABCA structure | augmented triad | boat | boxing | Chinatown | diminished 7th chord | excited | gambling | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | montage | New York | night club | parallelism | transcribed by ear | transition | whole-tone |
State’s Attorney (1932) | Na Moku Eha | 0:01:19 - Hula dancer | cheerful | club | conversing | dancer | dancing | drinking | establish character | gambling | Hawaiian | leading man | on-screen music | playing | politician | singing | source music |
State’s Attorney (1932) | Blues (Piano) | 0:18:14 - People talking in a club | advance plot | blue note | club | conversing | gangster | leading lady | leading man | mistress | score to source | source music | upbeat |
State’s Attorney (1932) | Stack o' Lee Blues | 0:43:17 - Jazz musicians playing in a club | club | Dixieland | musician | music scene | on-screen music | playing | singer | singing | source music | upbeat |
State’s Attorney (1932) | Blues (Swinging) | 0:43:46 - Jazz musicians playing in a club | club | conversing | dancing | daughter | jazz | lawyer | leading man | love interest | music scene | on-screen music | source music | upbeat |
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934) | Wonderful | 0:39:29 - Robert tells Dorothea goodbye | 11th chord | ABAC structure | added-note chord | advance plot | calm | club | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | meeting | self-borrowing | source music | transcribed by ear |
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934) | When You're Far Away | 0:41:12 - Robert talks to Jerry | AABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | lawyer | leading man | meeting | pleasant | source music | suspect |
Girl of the Rio (1932) | Toreador Song | 0:04:23 - A man cues the orchestra to play | arriving | celebrity | crowd | establish character | leading man | night club | source music | Spanish | three-phrase period | upbeat | walking |
Girl of the Rio (1932) | Querida | 0:06:40 - Don Jose admires a woman | ABAC structure | arriving | celebrity | conversing | crowd | establish character | laughing | leading lady | leading man | night club | on-screen music | performing | romantic | singer | singing | source music | Spanish |
Girl of the Rio (1932) | Yo Con tu Amor | 0:12:26 - Don Jose talks with Dolores | advance plot | celebrity | conversing | flirting | leading lady | leading man | night club | parallel double period | romantic | singer | source music | Spanish |
Girl of the Rio (1932) | Was it Wrong? | 0:15:41 - Johnny rolls a pair of dice | conversing | crowd | dancing | flirting | leading lady | leading man | love interest | lovers meet | night club | on-screen music | performing | romantic | singer | source music | syncopation | terrace | upbeat |
Girl of the Rio (1932) | Querida | 0:38:14 - Dolores sings and plays the guitar | ABAC structure | advance plot | conversing | crowd | leading lady | night club | on-screen music | plotting | prison | romantic | singer | singing | source music | terrace | whistling |
Mara Maru (1952) | Nassau | 0:27:20 - People in a club | club | conversing | crowd | drinking | establish character | exotic | gentle | leading man | private eye | waitress |
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930) | Doorman Dance | 0:42:01 - Dancers come on stage | dancer | dance scene | dancing | fanfare | marching | night club | source music | upbeat |
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930) | Whistling the Blues Away (Dancing) | 0:42:55 - Dancers dancing | dancer | dance scene | dancing | night club | score to source | source music | upbeat |
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930) | Domino Dance | 0:43:38 - Dancers dancing | chromatic mediant | dancer | dance scene | dancing | fanfare | night club | source music | upbeat |
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930) | Whistling the Blues Away (Dancing) | 0:43:54 - Dancers dancing | dancer | dance scene | dancing | marching | night club | source music | upbeat |