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347 results for "transcribed by ear" in 54 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Are These Our Children? (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - RKO logobeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Whistling)0:03:29 - Eddie walks homecheerful | establish character | gentle | leading man | love scene | on-screen music | score to source | source and scoring overlap | source music | street | transcribed by ear | walking | whistling

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Whistling 2)0:03:59 - Eddie walks homeadvance plot | cheerful | leading man | on-screen music | source music | street | transcribed by ear | walking | whistling

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Marcia Maestoso)0:08:58 - Eddie dreamsapplauding | common-chord modulation | double exposure | dreaming | dream sequence | fragmentation | leading man | meter change | montage | reciting | thematic transformation | transcribed by ear | triumphant

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Comical)0:09:17 - Eddie's dream ends abruptlycomical | double exposure | dream sequence | explosion | laughing | leading man | montage | student | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Flo Sings)0:17:20 - Flo singsadvance plot | cheerful | dance hall | love interest | on-screen music | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Whistling)0:18:46 - Eddie whistles on his way homecheerful | leading man | on-screen music | source music | street | transcribed by ear | transition | walking | whistling

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Eddie Sings)0:19:13 - Eddie sings to himselfcheerful | leading man | on-screen music | singing | source music | street | transcribed by ear | transition | walking

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Eddie Sings)0:19:30 - Eddie arrives homeadvance plot | arriving | cheerful | leading man | on-screen music | room | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Eddie Sings)0:20:44 - Eddie eatsadvance plot | cheerful | eating | humming | leading man | on-screen music | room | source music | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Whistling)0:23:11 - Eddie walks awayadvance plot | cheerful | leading man | on-screen music | source music | street | transcribed by ear | walking | whistling

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Introduction0:24:14 - Boys in the washroomadvance plot | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | mysterious | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Washroom Sequence)0:24:25 - Eddie talks with his friendsadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | score to source | somber | source music | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Moonbeams (Dream Sequence)0:27:23 - Eddie takes Flo homeadded-note chord | advance plot | double exposure | dream sequence | entering | friend | hectic | kissing | leading man | mode mixture | romantic | source to score | street | transcribed by ear | waltz

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Dream Sequence)0:27:44 - Time passesdouble exposure | dream sequence | fragmentation | hectic | montage | transcribed by ear

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Dream Sequence 2)0:27:51 - Time passesdouble exposure | dream sequence | hectic | montage | pedal tone | transcribed by ear
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Happy Land (March)1:57:20 - Cast listcast list | countermelody | end title sequence | transcribed by ear | upbeat
The Breaking Point (1950)Fishermen0:07:40 - Ship leaving the harborboat | boat | boating | calm | common-tone diminished 7th | departing | fisherman | fishing | floozy | leading lady | leading man | montage | not by Steiner | sailor | tense | transcribed by ear | upbeat
His Greatest Gamble (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Fanfare0:00:12 - Title of film; starring listfanfare | noble | opening title sequence | pedal tone | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Waltz0:00:28 - Cast listcast list | gentle | mode mixture | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear | waltz

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Bavardage0:01:10 - The beachAABA structure | beach | casino | establish character | establish place | establish setting | gambler | gambling | leading man | luggage | pleasant | roulette wheel | transcribed by ear | upbeat

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Waltz (Tender)0:02:35 - Philip in the casinocasino | child | conversing | establish character | gentle | leading man | leaving | transcribed by ear | waltz

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

The Chase 10:29:26 - Philip escapes from prisonaugmented triad | dark | escaping | frantic | leading man | montage | montage | prisoner | sequence | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | whole-tone scale

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

The Chase 20:29:44 - Montage of Philip's escapeboat | dark | frantic | leading man | montage | montage | parallelism | prisoner | transcribed by ear | traveling

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Waltz (Radio)0:57:06 - Philip talks with Alice9th chord | advance plot | conversing | daughter | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | mode mixture | radio | score to source | sentimental | source music | transcribed by ear | walking

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Waltz (The End)1:10:18 - Philip leavesdetective | end title sequence | fugitive | leading man | leaving | mode mixture | secondary dominant | transcribed by ear | triumphant | waltz

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Fanfare (The End)1:10:32 - The Endbold | end title sequence | fanfare | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant
City for Conquest (1940)Scales0:09:16 - Danny and Peggy go upstairsarguing | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mother | on-screen music | piano | room | source music | tedious | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:10:50 - Eddie plays the pianobrother | composer | conversing | establish character | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | score to source | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Very Broad)0:12:16 - Eddie plays the piano13th chord | brother | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | composer | conversing | describing | dissonant bass | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | name of film | pentatonic | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Unattainable Stars)0:12:37 - Eddie plays the pianobrother | chromatic parallelism | composer | conversing | describing | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | somber | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:13:03 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Fanfare0:22:58 - A trophy is brought outaward | bold | chromatic mediant | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | fanfare | leading lady | on-screen music | parallelism | presenting | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:25 - Eddie composes at the pianoadvance plot | brother | composer | composing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallelism | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:40 - Eddie plays the piano13th chord | advance plot | brother | composer | composing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:59 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | brother | composer | composing | deceptive resolution | enharmonic respelling | leading man | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Headlines)0:38:25 - Sports news headlines9th chord | bold | fanfare | headline | montage | newspaper | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A + Sidewalks of New York0:38:31 - Traveling montagecombination of themes | double exposure | gentle | montage | train | transcribed by ear | traveling

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Knock Out)0:38:33 - Montage of boxing scenesboxing | boxing ring | common-chord modulation | double exposure | falling | march | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | montage | transcribed by ear | triumphant

City for Conquest (1940)

Shadow Waltz (Dancing)0:38:57 - Montage of dancing scenesadded-note chord | altered dominant | augmented triad | dancing | double exposure | gentle | montage | shadow | stage | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Main Event)0:39:01 - Montage of boxing scenesboxing ring | double exposure | linear chromaticism | montage | poster | transcribed by ear | triumphant

City for Conquest (1940)

Burns and Company0:39:06 - Montage of dancing scenesadded-note chord | dance band | dancing | double exposure | headline | montage | newspaper | shadow | stage | transcribed by ear | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Resolution)0:39:10 - Montage of boxing scenes9th chord | added-note chord | boxing ring | chromatic mediant | double exposure | foreign key modulation | headline | montage | newspaper | resolution | transcribed by ear | triumphant

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:42:10 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | boxer | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | conversing | crowd | deceptive resolution | leading man | musician | on-screen music | party | piano | playing | romantic | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (The Song of the City)1:23:05 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | diminished 7th chord | leading man | listening | musician | on-screen music | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear | victim

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (End Cast)1:43:34 - End cast list13th chord | closing credits | end title sequence | jazz | not by Steiner | plagal cadence | syncopation | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Deep Valley (1947)Underscoring (Dramatic)1:37:57 - Jeff gets up and looks aroundcar | climax | climbing | convict | dramatic | fleeing | fugitive | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | police | searching | street | transcribed by ear | underscoring

Deep Valley (1947)

Fleeing1:38:08 - Barry makes a run for itchasing | climax | convict | dramatic | fleeing | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | police | running | shooting | transcribed by ear

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Not in Score)1:38:32 - The posse chases after Barrychasing | climax | convict | dramatic | fleeing | forest | fugitive | leading man | love interest | police | running | shooting | tense | transcribed by ear
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Menace0:04:31 - Steve gets off the busdark | departing | detective | dock | establish setting | friend | leading man | menacing | transcribed by ear | worker

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve (Investigating)0:04:44 - Fishermen on the dockdetective | dock | establish setting | hopeful | leading man | noble | transcribed by ear | wandering | worker

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace (Boats)0:05:06 - Steve sees some boatsdark | detective | dock | establish setting | leading man | transcribed by ear | wandering

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace 2 (Boats)0:05:12 - Steve looks at the boatsbrash | dark | detective | dock | establish setting | leading man | transcribed by ear | wandering

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve (Wandering)0:05:25 - Steve wanders the dockdetective | dock | entering | establish setting | hopeful | leading man | mysterious | noble | transcribed by ear | worker

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Headline0:38:23 - Newspaper headlineadvance plot | body | brash | dark | death | dock | headline | newspaper | stinger | transcribed by ear | violence
Her Kind of Man (1946)Signature0:00:00 - WB shieldadded-note chord | bold | chromatic mediant | fanfare | foreign key modulation | main title | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear | WB shield

Her Kind of Man (1946)

It Had to Be You (Transition)0:00:08 - Starring listbold | cards | dramatic | gambling | opening title sequence | poker | starring list | transcribed by ear | transition
The Informer (1935)RKO Tower0:00:02 - RKO radio towermain title | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

The Informer (1935)

Katie (Gypo is Drunk)0:46:36 - Gypo tells the rebel about "somebody waiting for me"advance plot | antagonist | augmented sixth chord | breaking | drunk | leading man | street | transcribed by ear | walking

The Informer (1935)

He Is Me Darling-O0:47:03 - Gypo and another man sing drunkenly advance plot | Aeolian mode | antagonist | drunk | familiar tune | folk song | Irish | leading man | street | transcribed by ear | walking

The Informer (1935)

Katie (Poster)0:47:58 - Gypo looks at the America posteradvance plot | antagonist | leading man | pondering | poster | sentimental | street | transcribed by ear

The Informer (1935)

Katie (Mistaken Identity)0:52:34 - Gypo thinks he sees Katie, but it's someone elseadvance plot | antagonist | augmented sixth chord | hallucinating | hallucination | leading lady | leading man | party | sentimental | transcribed by ear
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Lullaby (Not in Score)0:32:18 - Vergie and John look at a baby pictureAABA structure | calm | common-chord modulation | conversing | cuddling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | lullaby | peaceful | room | score to source | secret love | transcribed by ear

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Old Lavender1:00:07 - Joan and Ranny talk9th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | common-chord modulation | conversing | daughter | direct modulation | harmonic sequence | light | love interest | love scene | optimistic | proposal | proposing | room | transcribed by ear

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Here Comes the Bride1:00:46 - Joan and Ranny talk about marriagecommon-chord modulation | conversing | daughter | familiar tune | gentle | love interest | love scene | peaceful | proposal | proposing | romantic | room | transcribed by ear

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Lullaby (Clarinet Solo)1:00:58 - John and Laura talk about Joanadded-note chord | conflict | conversing | dramatic | gentle | leading man | peaceful | room | stinger | transcribed by ear | wife

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Lullaby (Agitated)1:01:27 - John and Laura argue about Joanagitated | arguing | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | diminished 7th chord | direct modulation | fragmentation | harmonic sequence | leading man | octatonic scale | room | tense | transcribed by ear | wife

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

A Boy and a Girl1:07:00 - John and Vergie listen to the radioadvance plot | altered dominant | common-chord modulation | conversing | leading lady | leading man | listening | room | secret lover | sentimental | simulated source music | source to score | transcribed by ear

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Lullaby + Here Comes the Bride1:10:07 - Vergie imagines the weddingadded-note chord | bride | calm | chromatic mediant | combination of themes | common-chord modulation | daughter | double exposure | familiar tune | groom | leading lady | leading man | peaceful | secret lover | ternary form | transcribed by ear | walking | wedding | wedding | wedding music
Rockabye (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Out of the Fog (1941)Russian Barcarolle (Dark)0:06:06 - Goff looks around the restaurantchef | criminal | dark | establish character | leading man | restaurant | sneaking | transcribed by ear

Out of the Fog (1941)

Stella Runs0:11:35 - Stella runs out of the restaurantboyfriend | criminal | departing | dock | emotional | establish character | evaded cadence | leading lady | leading man | restaurant | running | transcribed by ear | watching

Out of the Fog (1941)

Stella and George0:11:54 - George talks to StellaAABA structure | arguing | boyfriend | conversing | dock | establish character | leading lady | romantic | transcribed by ear

Out of the Fog (1941)

Stella and George (Tender)0:13:24 - George talks to Stellaboyfriend | conversing | crying | departing | dock | establish character | evaded cadence | leading lady | tender | transcribed by ear

Out of the Fog (1941)

Fishing0:13:46 - Catching a fishadvance plot | boat | boat | chef | comical | conversing | fish | fishing | friend | mickey-mousing | transcribed by ear
Kid Galahad (1937)Swing for Sale0:04:26 - Dancing at a partyAABA structure | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Ring0:06:38 - People at a partyAABA structure | crowd | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

Stride Piano Improvisation 10:08:50 - People at a partyblues scale | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | on-screen music | party | source music | stride piano | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Prizefighter and the Lady0:09:36 - Ward helps LouiseAABA structure | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | on-screen music | party | source music | stride piano | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

Stride Piano Improvisation 20:13:24 - People dance at a partycrowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

City Fanfare0:32:24 - Bright lights of the cityadvance plot | augmented triad | bold | city | light | not by Steiner | sign | street | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

New York Scene0:32:31 - Ward and Louise ride in a taxiadvance plot | driving | hurried | not by Steiner | street | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Escape0:33:23 - Nick punches man on streetadvance plot | boxer | car | hurried | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | not by Steiner | street | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Heart's Affair (Yearning)0:44:11 - Ward and Nick leave the farmadvance plot | altered dominant | car | deceptive resolution | driving | farm | leading man | leaving | manager | mother | not by Steiner | parting | sentimental | sister | transcribed by ear | yearning gesture

Kid Galahad (1937)

Yearning0:48:47 - Marie speaks with her motheradvance plot | chromatic mediant | conversing | deceptive resolution | foreign key modulation | home | mother | nervous | newspaper | not by Steiner | sister | transcribed by ear | yearning

Kid Galahad (1937)

Heart's Affair0:49:16 - Marie speaks with her motheradvance plot | altered dominant | conversing | harmonic sequence | home | mode mixture | mother | newspaper | romantic | sister | transcribed by ear | yearning

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Moon Is In Tears Tonight (The Kid)0:50:05 - Louise looks at her Kid Galahad scrapbookadvance plot | cheerful | countermelody | not by Steiner | organizing | parallelism | room | scrapbook | sister | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Moon Is In Tears Tonight (Love's Sorrow)0:53:05 - Ward professes his love for Marieconversing | heartbroken | leading lady | leading man | love scene | newspaper | not by Steiner | romantic | room | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Split Up0:56:59 - Louise and Nick break upappoggiatura | conversing | heartbroken | leading lady | love scene | manager | not by Steiner | romantic | room | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Moon Is In Tears Tonight (Tender)0:57:14 - Louise thinks of Wardconversing | leading lady | love scene | manager | not by Steiner | room | tender | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Split Up0:57:45 - Louise says goodbye to Nickappoggiatura | conversing | heartbroken | leading lady | love scene | manager | not by Steiner | romantic | room | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Heart's Affair (Arriving)0:58:30 - A newspaper headlinearriving | countermelody | farm | leading man | love scene | mode mixture | newspaper | playful | reading | sister | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Heart's Affair (Kiss)0:58:47 - Ward talks to MarieAABA structure | altered dominant | cheerful | conversing | deceptive resolution | farm | happy | kissing | leading man | love scene | mode mixture | sister | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Moon Is in Tears Tonight1:08:40 - Louise sings in a night clubleading lady | music scene | night club | on-screen music | playing music | sentimental | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Sand In My Shoes1:10:15 - Ward, Marie, and Louise talk in the clubadvance plot | cheerful | conversing | dancing | leading lady | leading man | night club | on-screen music | sister | source music | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Green Lady1:12:08 - Ward, Marie, and Louise talk in the clubadvance plot | arguing | cheerful | fighting | gangster | night club | source music | trainer | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Doublecross1:15:33 - Nick reads a newspaper headlineadvance plot | driving | hotel | manager | newspaper | not by Steiner | passionate | reading | sequence | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Heart's Affair (Trouble)1:15:53 - Ward talks to Marie at the farmadvance plot | deceptive resolution | embracing | farm | kissing | leading man | romantic | sister | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Doublecross (Heated)1:16:02 - Nick arrives at the farmadvance plot | arguing | arriving | chromatic mediant | farm | leading man | manager | not by Steiner | sister | tense | transcribed by ear

Kid Galahad (1937)

Doublecross (Entanglements)1:17:24 - Nick falls to the groundadvance plot | dark | descending tetrachord | farm | fighting | leading man | manager | mother | not by Steiner | sister | somber | tragic | transcribed by ear
Traveling Husbands (1931)There's a Sob in My Heart0:00:00 - A rushing train under the opening creditsAABA structure | opening title sequence | popular song | syncopation | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Whistling)0:01:25 - A man whistles on a traincheerful | comment on score | establish character | on-screen music | popular song | salesman | source music | train | train | transcribed by ear | whistling

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Singing)0:01:44 - A man sings on a traincheerful | comment on score | establish character | on-screen music | popular song | salesman | singing | source music | train | train | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Someone0:16:31 - Music is played in a hotel ballroomadvance plot | cheerful | dancing | hotel | leading lady | popular song | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Bicycle Built for Two0:20:51 - Music is played in a bar roomAABC structure | advance plot | bar | calm | conversing | eating | leading lady | popular song | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Sidewalks of New York0:21:01 - Music is played in a bar roomadvance plot | bar | calm | conversing | eating | leading lady | popular song | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Strings)0:23:03 - Music is played in a night clubAABA structure | comment on score | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | night club | popular song | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Dance0:26:27 - Music is played in a night clubAB structure | dance scene | dancing | Latin-American | leading lady | night club | salesman | source music | tango | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Duet)0:28:54 - Two lovers sing in a hotel roomAABA structure | comedy | comment on score | love | popular song | romantic | room | salesman | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Radio Waltz)0:32:02 - Music is played on the radiocomedy | comment on score | listening | popular song | radio | romantic | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Radio Jazz)0:32:29 - Music is played on the radioaltered dominant | comedy | comment on score | dancing | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Radio Dance Band)0:32:46 - Music is played on the radioAABA structure | chromatic mediant | comedy | comment on score | dancing | leading lady | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Dixieland)0:34:27 - Music is played in a night clubbanjo | countermelody | dancing | Dixieland | double exposure | drums | improvisation | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Hello Beautiful0:35:04 - Music is played in a taxiAABA structure | banjo | dancing | drums | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Millie0:35:09 - Hot jazz is played in a night clubAABA structure | banjo | dancing | Dixieland | drums | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Arabian)0:35:46 - Music is played on the radioAABA structure | advance plot | Arabian | comment on score | dancing | exoticism | popular song | radio | romantic | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Arabian)0:38:56 - Music is played on the radioadvance plot | Arabian | dancing | exoticism | leading lady | popular song | radio | romantic | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Chimes0:49:36 - A tune is played on church bellsadvance plot | calm | church bell | leading lady | leading man | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | waiting

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Chimes 20:51:50 - A tune is played on church bellsadvance plot | calm | church bell | leading lady | leading man | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | waiting

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Slow Waltz)0:57:47 - Music is played on the radioAABA structure | advance plot | arguing | calm | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Ring Around the Rosy1:09:30 - Men sing and dancechildren's song | dancing | exciting | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | resolution | room | salesman | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Sentimental)1:10:39 - People are sad as the radio playsAABA structure | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | countermelody | crying | leading lady | leading man | popular song | radio | resolution | room | salesman | sentimental | somber | transcribed by ear
We Are Not Alone (1939)Frohe Botschaft (At the Piano)0:34:49 - Leni plays and singsboy | cheerful | child | establish character | familiar tune | father | folk song | foreign key modulation | German | hero | heroine | home | on-screen music | piano | playing | score to source | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Surprise Symphony (The End)1:51:13 - Closing creditsbold | classical music | closing credits | end title sequence | familiar tune | Haydn | on-screen music | quotation | source music | transcribed by ear | whistling
The Woman in White (1948)Pavan Coda0:01:05 - On-screen textbook | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear

The Woman in White (1948)

Underscoring (Tense)1:44:06 - The countess entersclimax | conversing | criminal | dark | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | necklace | ominous | room | transcribed by ear | wife

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Not in Score)1:44:24 - Count Fosco talks to the Countessclimax | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | mysterious | necklace | room | transcribed by ear | wife
High Stakes (1931)Impish Elves0:00:00 - Title of film and cast listAABA structure | cast list | cheerful | jaunty | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

High Stakes (1931)

Love's Old Sweet Song1:08:36 - End titlescalm | end title sequence | transcribed by ear
The Public Defender (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towermain title | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

The Public Defender (1931)

Public Defender0:00:14 - Title and balancing scales (in motion)balancing | deceptive resolution | main title | opening title sequence | romantic | scale | sequence | starring list | transcribed by ear

The Public Defender (1931)

Violence0:00:41 - Cast list and balancing scalesbalancing | cast list | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | main title | opening title sequence | tense | transcribed by ear | violence

The Public Defender (1931)

Mystery0:00:45 - Cast list and balancing scalesaugmented triad | balancing | cast list | chromaticism | main title | mysterious | mystery | opening title sequence | pc set | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord

The Public Defender (1931)

Crowd thronging0:01:17 - A crowd pressing towards a guarded doorarguing | chromatic scale | crowd | hurried | noise | street | tense | transcribed by ear | transition

The Public Defender (1931)

Mystery (Bank Closed)0:01:25 - Notice posted on the doorarguing | chromaticism | crowd | mysterious | mystery | noise | pc set | street | transcribed by ear | transition

The Public Defender (1931)

Beautiful Thing0:05:58 - Dance music played at a dinner partyadvance plot | banker | cheerful | conversing | crowd | dance music | on-screen music | party | police | source music | transcribed by ear

The Public Defender (1931)

An Armchair With An Armful of You0:12:46 - Dance music played at a dinner partyABAC structure | advance plot | arguing | banker | cheerful | conversing | crowd | dance music | party | source music | transcribed by ear | waiter

The Public Defender (1931)

Mystery (Sandwich)0:15:25 - A mysterious hand puts a secret note in a sandwich advance plot | antagonist | chromaticism | hand | mysterious | mystery | party | pc set | sneaking | transcribed by ear

The Public Defender (1931)

An Armchair With An Armful of You0:15:33 - Waiter takes sandwich to manadvance plot | banker | cheerful | dance music | party | serving | source and scoring overlap | source music | transcribed by ear | waiter

The Public Defender (1931)

Mystery (Note)0:16:14 - Man discovers mysterious note in sandwichadvance plot | augmented triad | banker | chromaticism | discovery | dramatic | eating | mysterious | mystery | party | pc set | sandwich | source and scoring overlap | transcribed by ear | waiter

The Public Defender (1931)

An Armchair With An Armful of You0:16:29 - Dance music played at a dinner partyadvance plot | banker | cheerful | dance music | discovery | mystery | party | reacting | source and scoring overlap | source music | transcribed by ear | waiter

The Public Defender (1931)

He Walked Right In, Turned Around and Walked Right Out Again0:30:49 - Man sings to himself as he walks awayadvance plot | cheerful | leading man | on-screen music | room | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

The Public Defender (1931)

Mystery (End Title)1:08:56 - A kiss and The Endarguing | end title sequence | kissing | leading man | mode mixture | pedal tone | romantic | room | The End | transcribed by ear
Three Who Loved (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Three Who Loved (1931)

Impromptu0:00:16 - Title of film, starring list, cast listABAC structure | cast list | cheerful | mode mixture | not by steiner | opening title sequence | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Three Who Loved (1931)

Transition0:00:45 - Cast listcast list | cheerful | linear chromaticism | opening title sequence | pedal tone | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Three Who Loved (1931)

Typewriter0:01:02 - Person typingcheerful | opening title sequence | pleasant | transcribed by ear | typewriter | typing

Three Who Loved (1931)

Love Dream1:03:22 - The Endappoggiatura | end title sequence | self-borrowing | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Transgression (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Transgression (1931)

Main Title0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listAABA structure | altered dominant | cast list | gentle | happy | harmonic sequence | leading lady | mode mixture | opening title sequence | plagal cadence | pleasant | running | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Transgression (1931)

Main Title (Ending)1:09:15 - The Endembracing | end title sequence | gentle | happy | husband | leading lady | pleasant | The End | transcribed by ear
Hell’s Highway (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | main title | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Hell’s Highway (1932)

Hikin' Jerry0:00:14 - Main titles and newspaper headlinescall and response | establish setting | guard | headline | montage | newspaper | opening title sequence | prison | prisoner | singing | solemn | source music | transcribed by ear | working

Hell’s Highway (1932)

John Henry0:06:08 - Men working on a chain gangadvance plot | guard | on-screen music | pentatonic | prison | prisoner | singing | solemn | source music | transcribed by ear | working

Hell’s Highway (1932)

Willie, the Weeper0:13:52 - Men singing in prisonadvance plot | blue note | guard | on-screen music | prison | prisoner | singing | solemn | source music | spiritual | transcribed by ear

Hell’s Highway (1932)

The Load is Heavy0:17:26 - Men singing in prisonadvance plot | barbershop | cheerful | guard | on-screen music | prison | prisoner | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Hell’s Highway (1932)

Frankie and Johnny0:27:11 - Men singing in prisonadvance plot | calm | guard | on-screen music | prison | prisoner | singing | source music | transcribed by ear
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

The Prisoner's Song0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listaltered dominant | cast list | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | establish place | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Bide-More Alma Mater0:00:46 - Cast list and prison signcast list | cheerful | common-chord modulation | common-tone diminished 7th | countermelody | establish place | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

The Prisoner's Song0:01:11 - Prisoners in a prison yardaltered dominant | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | establish place | establish setting | mode mixture | prison | somber | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Is My Face Red? (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping radio towerbeeping | main title | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

You Bunch of Fun (Introduction)0:00:15 - Title and cast list on placards9th chord | cheerful | main title | opening title sequence | parallelism | sequence | syncopation | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

You Bunch of Fun0:00:43 - Title and cast list on placardsABAC structure | cheerful | main title | opening title sequence | syncopation | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

You Bunch of Fun (Transition)0:01:08 - Cast listexcited | main title | opening title sequence | pedal tone | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Transition0:01:22 - Speeding truck and a doordiminished 7th chord | establish setting | mysterious | poster | street | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Keyhole0:01:29 - Newspaper reads "The Keyhole to the City"establish setting | jazz | keyhole | raucous | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Keyhole (Gossip)0:01:35 - Man and woman argue about a newspaper storyarguing | argument | dramatic | establish setting | gossip | newspaper | room | sequence | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Cute!0:01:58 - Gossip column about a gambleraltered dominant | bluesy | conversing | establish setting | gossip | newspaper | parallelism | sultry | transcribed by ear | whole-tone

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Geraldine Tucker0:02:18 - Woman in the hospitalestablish setting | hospital | mellow | newspaper | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Press Club0:02:41 - Man serving beer in a barbar | bartender | establish setting | jazz | server | serving | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Is My Face Red? (1932)

You Bunch of Fun0:10:42 - Backstage at a Broadway showadvance plot | Broadway | cheerful | dancer | dancing | leading man | popular music | singing | source music | stage | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Burlesque0:13:10 - Backstage at a Broadway showABAC structure | advance plot | arguing | Broadway | burlesque | cheerful | common-chord modulation | dancer | leading man | pedal tone | plagal cadence | popular music | source music | stage | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Close to Me0:13:53 - William and Peggy talk in a dressing roomadvance plot | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | Broadway | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | dancer | Gypsy major scale | leading man | popular music | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Steam whistle0:15:08 - A steam whistle blowsboat | chromatic scale | mickey-mousing | polychord | steam whistle | tense | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sailing of the Olympic0:15:16 - William on the deck of a busy shipAB structure | advance plot | boat | bustling | chromatic sequence | crowd | hurried | leading man | metric dissonance | parallelism | searching | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

I Love Thee0:16:08 - Two people embraceadvance plot | boat | embrace | embracing | leading man | quotation | romantic | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Strolling the Deck (Argument)0:16:14 - Camera moves from one window to anotheradvance plot | boat | cheerful | eavesdropping | fragmentation | leading man | parallelism | searching | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sailing of the Olympic (Argument)0:16:24 - Two people argueadvance plot | arguing | boat | eavesdropping | leading man | parallelism | tense | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Strolling the Deck0:16:29 - Camera moves from one window to anotheradvance plot | boat | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | eavesdropping | leading man | mode mixture | searching | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sailing of the Olympic (Commotion)0:16:39 - Four people talk at once to Mildredadvance plot | arguing | argument | boat | chromatic sequence | eavesdropping | hurried | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | parallelism | tense | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz0:19:03 - Mildred talks with WilliamABA structure | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | boat | calm | conversing | diminished 7th chord | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sailing0:19:56 - Boat moves through the waterboat | common-tone diminished 7th | crowd | excited | mode mixture | pedal tone | sailing | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sidewalks of New York (Harbor)0:20:07 - New York City skylinecalm | countermelody | New York | parallelism | popular music | setting | transcribed by ear | transition | traveling

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz0:20:18 - Mildred has a drink with WilliamABA structure | advance plot | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | boat | calm | diminished 7th chord | drinking | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sidewalks of New York (Lights)0:21:04 - New York City skylinecalm | diminished 7th chord | drinking | leading lady | leading man | New York | octatonic | popular music | setting | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz (Tipsy)0:21:09 - Mildred is drunkadvance plot | altered dominant | augmented triad | boat | drinking | drunk | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sailing 20:21:30 - Boat cuts through the wavesboat | parallelism | sailing | sailor | tense | transcribed by ear | transition | waves | whole-tone

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz0:21:43 - Mildred talks with Williamadvance plot | augmented sixth chord | boat | calm | conversing | diminished 7th chord | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Hurrying0:22:00 - Mildred and William hurry offadvance plot | boat | hurried | hurrying | jumping | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear | up

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz (Rushing)0:22:05 - Mildred and William leaveadvance plot | boat | hurried | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | Neapolitan | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Scenes Metropolitaine0:43:51 - Montage of activities in the cityABCA structure | augmented triad | boat | boxing | Chinatown | diminished 7th chord | excited | gambling | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | montage | New York | night club | parallelism | transcribed by ear | transition | whole-tone

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Mildred Waltz0:44:47 - Mildred and William ride in a motorboatABA structure | advance plot | boat | calm | leading lady | leading man | sailing | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Comin' Thro' the Rye0:46:54 - A man exercises to music on a boatadvance plot | boat | calm | exercising | leading lady | leading man | source music | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Guilty0:47:40 - A radio orchestra plays on a soundstageadvance plot | band | broadcast | calm | dance music | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | radio | source music | stage | transcribed by ear | walking

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Trysting Place, The0:50:25 - William talks to Peggy and Mildredadvance plot | arguing | band | broadcast | calm | conversing | dance music | leading man | radio | sentence form | source music | stage | transcribed by ear

Is My Face Red? (1932)

You Bunch of Fun (Serious)1:05:05 - Cast of Characters / The Endcalm | closing credits | end title sequence | popular music | The End | transcribed by ear
Ladies of the Jury (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - RKO beeping radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Ladies of the Jury (1932)

Lady0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listABA structure | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | mode mixture | opening title sequence | sentimental | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Men of America (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron A0:00:14 - Title of film and starring listAmerican Indian music | bold | establish setting | fanfare | menacing | minor pentatonic | open fifth | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron B0:00:43 - Cast listcast list | folk song | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron C0:01:08 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | common-chord modulation | cowboy | establish character | establish setting | fanfare | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | noble | parallel double period | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | title card | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron B (Transition)0:02:19 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | chromatic mediant | cowboy | dramatic | establish character | establish setting | fragmentation | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | tense | title card | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Lady with a Past Fox Trot0:56:42 - The Endend title sequence | mode mixture | self-borrowing | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Penguin Pool Murder (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Sidewalks of New York0:00:14 - New York harborcalm | establish setting | harbor | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Whirlpool0:00:20 - Penguin in a whirlpoolchromatic scale | double exposure | hectic | opening title sequence | penguin | pool | transcribed by ear | whirling | whirlpool

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Penguin Pool Murder0:00:23 - Main title, starring list, and cast listcast list | chromatic parallelism | diminution | diving | double exposure | dramatic | hemiola | linear chromaticism | mysterious | opening title sequence | penguin | pool | starring list | swimming | tense | thematic transformation | through-composed | title of film | transcribed by ear | whirlpool | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Sidewalks of New York (Aquarium)0:01:00 - Outside of aquariumcalm | establish setting | foreign key modulation | harbor | mysterious | setting | transcribed by ear

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Penguin0:01:25 - A penguinaquarium | comical | diminished 7th chord | establish setting | half-diminished 7th chord | penguin | transcribed by ear | waddling

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Fish0:01:32 - Fishaugmented triad | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | establish setting | fish | fluttering | stinger | transcribed by ear | underwater | whole-tone chord

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Sea Creatures0:01:39 - A shark, an octopus, and a fishestablish setting | fish | mysterious | octopus | shark | swimming | tense | transcribed by ear | tritone | underwater | whole-tone

Penguin Pool Murder (1932)

Run Around1:01:51 - The End9th chord | altered dominant | end title sequence | mode mixture | self-borrowing | The End | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Secrets of the French Police (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
State’s Attorney (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - RKO beeping radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

The Sidewalks of New York0:00:15 - Title and starring listfamiliar tune | opening title sequence | popular music | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Transition0:00:20 - Title and starring listblues | bluesy | fanfare | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues0:00:29 - Title and starring list, cast listaltered dominant | blue note | blues | bluesy | cast list | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues (Double Time)0:01:04 - Cast listblue note | blues | bluesy | cast list | diminution | exciting | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | parallelism | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Bluesy Transition0:01:15 - Black screenblues | bluesy | exciting | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | pedal tone | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues (The End)1:18:41 - The Endblue note | blues | bluesy | end title sequence | Gershwinesque | The End | transcribed by ear
The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Fanfare0:00:16 - Fade-in to a seated orchestraannouncer | broadcast | dramatic | fanfare | on-screen music | opening title sequence | orchestra | playing | radio | source music | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Misterioso No. 10:00:21 - A radio broadcastannouncer | broadcast | mysterious | on-screen music | opening title sequence | orchestra | playing | radio | source music | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Crestwood A0:01:51 - Title over the image of a dark seascapediminished 7th chord | mickey-mousing | mysterious | opening title sequence | title of film | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Crestwood B0:02:08 - Title and Cast listcast list | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | sequence | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Crestwood C0:02:18 - Cast list and the first scenecast list | Lydian mode | mysterious | opening title sequence | parallelism | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

I'm Wrapped Up in You0:16:39 - People talk at a partyAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | dance music | jaunty | party | popular music | radio | source music | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Transgression0:18:54 - Ms. Wren descends the staircase9th chord | AABA structure | advance plot | arriving | common-chord modulation | conversing | party | radio | romantic | self-borrowing | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Auld Lang Syne0:19:50 - A man sings to himself at the partyadvance plot | drinking | familiar tune | on-screen music | party | peaceful | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Lady0:20:17 - People talk at a party9th chord | AAB structure | advance plot | common-chord modulation | conversing | dinner | party | peaceful | radio | sequence | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Sleeping Rose0:21:00 - People talk around the dinner tableABA structure | advance plot | conversing | dinner | party | peaceful | radio | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Cimarron Theme0:23:24 - Two people look at some portraitsAABC structure | advance plot | common-chord modulation | conversing | peaceful | portrait | room | self-borrowing | transcribed by ear

The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

Spy Song1:15:20 - Cast list / The Endclosing credits | end title sequence | somber | The End | transcribed by ear
The Roadhouse Murder (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - RKO beeping radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Thirteen Women (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Star0:00:15 - Book cover of the novel Thirteen Womenbook | dark | opening title sequence | suspension | title of film | tragic | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Thirteen Women0:00:34 - Cast list on the pages of a bookbook | cast list | common-chord modulation | funeral march | funereal | harmonic sequence | opening title sequence | relative key | somber | title of film | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula0:01:11 - A quotation about suicidebook | chromatic mediant | dark | opening title sequence | pedal tone | psychology | tragic | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Train0:01:33 - A rushing trainchromatic mediant | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | rushing | sorting | train | train | train whistle | transcribed by ear | transition | traveling | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Swami0:07:16 - The swamiAeolian mode | antagonist | conversing | establish character | fortune | fortune teller | leading lady | parallelism | predicting | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Thirteen Women (Destiny)0:07:52 - Ursula talks to the swamiantagonist | common-chord modulation | conversing | destiny | establish character | fortune teller | harmonic sequence | leading lady | predicting | relative key | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Swami (Past Life)0:08:18 - The swami talks to Ursulaantagonist | chromaticism | chromatic parallelism | conversing | establish character | fortune teller | leading lady | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Romance)0:08:37 - The swami kisses Ursulaantagonist | embracing | establish character | fortune teller | kissing | leading lady | romantic | room | secondary dominant | swami | transcribed by ear | waltz

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Horoscope)0:08:56 - The swami talks to Ursulaantagonist | conversing | establish character | fate | fortune teller | leading lady | mysterious | predicting | quintal chord | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Fate)0:09:11 - The swami predicts Ursula's fateantagonist | conversing | dark | establish character | fate | fortune teller | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mysterious | predicting | room | somber | stinger | swami | train whistle | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Swami (Rising Tension)0:09:53 - The swami shrinks from Ursula's gazeantagonist | conversing | establish character | fate | fortune teller | leading lady | mysterious | parallelism | room | swami | tense | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Hypnotic)0:10:05 - Ursula hypnotizes the swamiantagonist | diminished 7th chord | establish character | fortune teller | hypnotic | hypnotizing | leading lady | mysterious | room | seductive | sleeping | swami | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

The Swami (Sleeping)0:10:46 - Ursula leaves the swamiantagonist | establish character | fortune teller | leading lady | mysterious | room | sleeping | swami | transcribed by ear | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Horoscope)0:10:57 - Ursula looks at the horoscopeadvance plot | antagonist | appoggiatura | horoscope | leading lady | march-like | mysterious | reading | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Agitato)0:11:16 - Ursula tears up the horoscopeaccented dissonance | advance plot | agitated | antagonist | destroying | horoscope | leading lady | room | tearing | tense | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Dark)0:11:28 - Ursula reads a horoscope64 chord | advance plot | antagonist | dark | funeral march | horoscope | leading lady | reading | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic)0:11:45 - Ursula forges the swami's signatureadvance plot | antagonist | dark | exotic | exoticism | forging | Gypsy major scale | horoscope | leading lady | mysterious | ostinato | room | signing | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Violent)0:12:29 - Newspaper headlinedramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | headline | murder | murder scene | newspaper | transcribed by ear | violent

Thirteen Women (1932)

Hazel murders husband0:12:36 - Hazel murders her husbanddouble exposure | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | headline | husband | knife | murder | murderer | murdering | murder scene | newspaper | room | stabbing | stinger | transcribed by ear | victim | violent

Thirteen Women (1932)

Dramatic Agitato0:12:41 - Hazel screamsaugmented sixth chord | chromatic scale | double exposure | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | headline | letter | murder | murderer | murder scene | newspaper | room | screaming | stinger | transcribed by ear | victim | violent

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic) + The Train0:23:07 - Helen points the gun at herself and criesantagonist | combination of themes | crying | exotic | exoticism | gun | Gypsy major scale | hypnotic | murderer | murder scene | pedal tone | suicide | tense | train | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | victim

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Suicide)0:24:18 - Helen commits suicideantagonist | chromaticism | committing suicide | dying | exotic | exoticism | gun | gunshot | hypnotic | murderer | murder scene | pc set | pedal tone | stinger | suicide | tense | train | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | victim

Thirteen Women (1932)

Serenade0:28:11 - Jo plays the pianoadvance plot | calm | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | friend | gentle | on-screen music | piano | playing | room | secondary dominant | self-borrowing | sentence form | source music | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic)0:32:54 - Burns enters the houseadvance plot | entering | exotic | exoticism | Gypsy major scale | leading lady | love interest | ostinato | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Romance 2)0:33:10 - Burns kisses Ursula9th chord | advance plot | kissing | leading lady | love interest | Neapolitan | romantic | room | secondary dominant | transcribed by ear | waltz

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Mysterious Waltz)0:33:37 - Ursula talks to Burns64 chord | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | love interest | mode mixture | romantic | room | transcribed by ear | waltz

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic 2)0:33:52 - Ursula talks to Burnsadvance plot | conversing | dark | exotic | exoticism | Gypsy major scale | leading lady | love interest | mysterious | ostinato | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic)0:34:06 - Ursula argues with Burnsadvance plot | arguing | dark | exotic | exoticism | Gypsy major scale | leading lady | love interest | mysterious | ostinato | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (The End)0:59:03 - Ursula jumps to her deathchromatic scale | climax | dark | dramatic | dying | jumping | leading lady | murderer | The End | train | transcribed by ear
Before Dawn (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Before Dawn (1933)

Before Dawn A0:00:15 - Title over the image of hands grasping moneycoin | dark | diminished 7th chord | double exposure | grabbing | hand | money | mysterious | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | title of film | transcribed by ear

Before Dawn (1933)

Before Dawn B0:00:32 - Title and Cast list over a skullcast list | diminished 7th chord | double exposure | mysterious | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | sequence | skull | transcribed by ear

Before Dawn (1933)

Before Dawn C0:00:44 - Cast list over walking feetcast list | double exposure | Lydian mode | mysterious | opening title sequence | parallelism | self-borrowing | transcribed by ear | walking

Before Dawn (1933)

Wedding March0:59:55 - Two lovers kissing and The Enddetective | familiar tune | fanfare | kissing | leading lady | leading man | plagal cadence | resolution | romantic | secondary dominant | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Blind Adventure (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Blind Adventure (1933)

Opening Fanfare0:00:16 - Title of film and starring listcast list | chromatic mediant | cloud | exciting | fanfare | opening title sequence | pedal tone | title of film | transcribed by ear

Blind Adventure (1933)

My Imaginary Sweetheart0:00:32 - Credits over a foggy backgroundAABA structure | cast list | cheerful | chromatic parallelism | mode mixture | opening title sequence | popular music | secondary dominant | transcribed by ear | video cast list

Blind Adventure (1933)

My Imaginary Sweetheart (Coda)0:01:33 - View of Londoncalm | city | deceptive resolution | establish setting | transcribed by ear
Emergency Call (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Emergency Call (1933)

Fit as a Fiddle0:15:50 - A woman singsadvance plot | jaunty | nurse | on-screen music | popular song | singing | source music | transcribed by ear

Emergency Call (1933)

Whistling1:00:04 - A commemorative sign is unveiledadvance plot | solemn | transcribed by ear | whistler | whistling

Emergency Call (1933)

Theme from Cimarron1:00:41 - The endadded-note chord | closing credits | dramatic | end title sequence | The End | transcribed by ear
Headline Shooter (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Headline Shooter (1933)

You Bunch of Fun (Introduction)0:00:15 - Title and starring list over camera lens montage9th chord | boat | camera lens | car | cast list | cheerful | chromatic parallelism | kaleidoscope effect | opening title sequence | plane | racing | reused recording | sequence | split screen | title of film | transcribed by ear

Headline Shooter (1933)

You Bunch of Fun0:00:44 - Cast list over racing vehiclesABAA structure | added-note chord | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | opening title sequence | reused recording | split screen | transcribed by ear | video cast list

Headline Shooter (1933)

You Bunch of Fun (Transition)0:01:08 - Video cast listaugmented triad | chromatic parallelism | excited | opening title sequence | parallelism | pedal tone | reused recording | transcribed by ear | video cast list

Headline Shooter (1933)

Transition0:01:23 - Video cast listdiminished 7th chord | establish setting | mysterious | poster | reused recording | street | transcribed by ear
Dangerous Corner (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Introduction0:00:05 - Beeping RKO radio toweropening title sequence | pedal tone | romantic | title of film | transcribed by ear

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Finishing School0:00:17 - Title of the filmaltered dominant | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | mode mixture | opening title sequence | parallel double period | pedal tone | romantic | transcribed by ear

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Finishing School B0:01:05 - Video snapshots of the actors64 chord | common-tone diminished 7th | common-tone modulation | opening title sequence | pedal tone | phrase extension | pleasant | transcribed by ear | upbeat | video cast list

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Finishing School (Lilting)0:01:25 - On-screen text introducing the storymode mixture | on-screen text | opening title sequence | pedal tone | romantic | transcribed by ear

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Finishing School B (Playful)0:01:36 - Books being placed togetherbook | opening title sequence | pleasant | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Fall of the Star0:17:05 - Newspaper headline about a suicidecommon-tone diminished 7th | dramatic | headline | montage | montage | newspaper | pedal tone | somber | transcribed by ear
Sing and Like It (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Sing and Like It (1934)

Introduction0:00:10 - Title of the filmadded-note chord | foreign key modulation | introduction | jazz | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Opening Title)0:00:21 - Cast listAABA structure | added-note chord | augmented sixth chord | cast list | jazz | mode mixture | opening title sequence | radio | room | secondary dominant | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Curtain Call)1:07:57 - The audience applaudsAABA structure | applauding | boss | bowing | cheering | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | gangster | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | playing | secondary dominant | singer | source music | theater | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (End Title)1:11:36 - The Endadded-note chord | end title sequence | secondary dominant | sentimental | The End | transcribed by ear
Gridiron Flash (1934)RKO Tower0:00:07 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)

Transient Love0:00:12 - Title of film; starring list; cast listAABA structure | added-note chord | altered dominant | cast list | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | opening title sequence | pedal tone | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)

Newspaper Montage0:32:22 - Newspaper headlinesdark | headline | montage | newspaper | ominous | tragic | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)

Wonderful0:39:29 - Robert tells Dorothea goodbye11th chord | ABAC structure | added-note chord | advance plot | calm | club | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | meeting | self-borrowing | source music | transcribed by ear

Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)

End Title1:04:02 - The Endend title sequence | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Murder on the Blackboard (1934)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Sidewalks of New York (Waltz)0:00:11 - Tugboats sailing under a bridgeboat | cheerful | city | establish place | establish setting | parallelism | popular song | sailing | transcribed by ear

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Sidewalks of New York (Two-Step)0:00:17 - Buildings in New York Citycheerful | city | establish place | establish setting | linear chromaticism | popular song | transcribed by ear

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Murder Fanfare0:00:23 - Film title zooming out from a blackboardblackboard | dark | fanfare | opening title sequence | parallelism | pedal tone | title of film | transcribed by ear

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Blackboard Murder0:00:31 - Title of the film and cast listaltered dominant | blackboard | dark | mysterious | opening title sequence | ostinato | transcribed by ear

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Blackboard Murder (Lyrical)0:00:51 - Video cast listappoggiatura | augmented triad | blackboard | opening title sequence | ostinato | pleasant | retardation | sequence | transcribed by ear | video cast list

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

The Janitor0:01:30 - A janitor gets out of beddiminished 7th chord | dressing | establish character | janitor | mysterious | parallelism | school | transcribed by ear | waking | walking

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Blackboard Murder (Mysterious)0:01:52 - A janitor goes about his workestablish character | janitor | mysterious | school | transcribed by ear | walking

Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

Blackboard Murder (End Titles)1:10:39 - The Endadded-note chord | augmented triad | end title sequence | grand | The End | transcribed by ear
Star of Midnight (1935)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

Star of Midnight (1935)

Midnight in Manhattan (Fanfare)0:00:12 - Title of film; starring listbold | linear chromaticism | marquee | mode mixture | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Star of Midnight (1935)

Midnight in Manhattan0:00:34 - Cast listadded-note chord | altered dominant | cast list | chromatic scale | mode mixture | mysterious | opening title sequence | sentimental | transcribed by ear

Star of Midnight (1935)

Rushing0:54:02 - Clay rushes to catch the busbus | detective | hurried | leading man | montage | parallelism | rushing | street | transcribed by ear

Star of Midnight (1935)

Midnight in Manhattan (Montage)0:54:11 - Feet walkingbus | chromatic parallelism | fragmentation | hurried | montage | pedal tone | street | transcribed by ear | traveling | walking

Star of Midnight (1935)

Sidewalks of New York0:54:28 - Feet walkingbus | calm | chromatic parallelism | foreign key modulation | lighthearted | montage | street | transcribed by ear | traveling | walking

Star of Midnight (1935)

Midnight in Manhattan (Accelerando)0:54:42 - Feet walkingadded-note chord | bus | chromatic parallelism | hurried | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | montage | street | transcribed by ear | traveling | walking

Star of Midnight (1935)

Walking0:54:55 - Detective walkingdetective | mickey-mousing | montage | street | tired | transcribed by ear | walking

Star of Midnight (1935)

Midnight in Manhattan (The End)1:29:03 - The Endaugmented sixth chord | end title sequence | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)Crestwood A0:00:00 - RKO radio towerdark | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | radio tower | title of film | transcribed by ear

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Crestwood B0:00:17 - Cast listcast list | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | sequence | transcribed by ear

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Crestwood C0:00:27 - Cast listcast list | guard | Lydian mode | mysterious | opening title sequence | parallelism | prison | prisoner | transcribed by ear

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Mildred Waltz0:24:13 - Bob and Letty go for a walkABA structure | advance plot | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | calm | conversing | diminished 7th chord | gangster | imposter | leading man | love interest | street | transcribed by ear | walking | waltz

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Suicide Transition0:26:55 - Bob sitsaugmented triad | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | gangster | guard | gun | gunshot | imposter | leading man | mysterious | parallelism | plotting | preparing | reading | robbery | room | sequence | shooting | store | transcribed by ear | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:28:05 - Bob shoots guardbreaking | death | dramatic | gangster | guard | gun | gunshot | imposter | leading man | murder | robbery | robbery | shooting | stealing | store | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Mystery0:28:14 - Bob (Bat) steals a necklacebreaking | chromaticism | gangster | imposter | leading man | mysterious | necklace | pc set | robbery | robbery | room | stealing | transcribed by ear

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Suicide Transition 20:28:29 - Bob (Bat) bandanges his handbandaging | chromatic scale | gangster | imposter | leading man | mysterious | returning | robbery | room | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Blackboard Murder (End Titles)1:04:52 - The Endadded-note chord | augmented triad | end title sequence | grand | The End | transcribed by ear
We're Only Human (1935)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear

We're Only Human (1935)

Crestwood A0:00:13 - Title of the filmdark | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

We're Only Human (1935)

Crestwood B0:00:21 - Cast listdiminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | sequence | transcribed by ear

We're Only Human (1935)

Crestwood C0:00:31 - Cast listLydian mode | mysterious | opening title sequence | parallelism | transcribed by ear

We're Only Human (1935)

Isn't This a Night For Love (The End)1:08:36 - Pete kisses Sally9th chord | altered dominant | car | detective | end title sequence | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mode mixture | reporter | resolution | romantic | The End | transcribed by ear
Another Face (1935)Success at any Price0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbold | cast list | common-chord modulation | fanfare | lyrical | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | title of film | transcribed by ear
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
In This Our Life (1942)Love Theme (End Title)1:36:17 - End title creditscast list | cheerful | end title sequence | transcribed by ear | waltz
Bachelor Apartment (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
The Animal Kingdom (1932)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Christopher Strong (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Friends and Lovers (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Lucky Devils (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Too Many Cooks (1931)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear
Melody Cruise (1933)RKO Tower0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbeeping | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | transcribed by ear