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18 results for "spying" in 6 films — see also catching | discovery | sneaking | uncovering | watch

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Informer (1935)The Irish Washerwoman (Pub) + Blood Money + The Wearin' o' the Green + The Informer0:44:52 - People celebrate in the pubadvance plot | antagonist | bar | chaotic | chromatic scale | close-up | combination of themes | crowd | dark | dissonant bass | excited | familiar tune | folk song | foreign key modulation | happy | heroic | Irish | layering | leading man | mob | mobbing | octatonic | parallelism | pedal tone | polytonality | rebel | serving | source to score | spying | tense | whole-tone | yelling | zoom in

The Informer (1935)

Blood Money1:00:57 - Rebels see Gypo spending moneyadvance plot | augmented triad | dark | money | party | rebel | spying | tritone

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Sympathetic)1:26:35 - Katie tells Dan where Gypo isadvance plot | eavesdropping | leading lady | love interest | main theme | rebel | room | spying | tense
The Letter (1940)Leslie (Ominous)0:22:58 - The site of the murderadvance plot | augmentation | call and response | Chinese | dramatic | leading lady | leaving | mysterious | plantation | reveal | shadow | spying | stinger | tense | watching | widow
We Are Not Alone (1939)Surprise Symphony (Window)1:05:40 - Susan sees Leni and David in the windowantagonist | classical music | conflict | familiar tune | Haydn | quotation | spying | street | tense | window
White Heat (1949)Whispering0:41:06 - The prisoner reads lipsadvance plot | gangster | leading man | listening | murderer | prison | prisoner | spying | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | whisper effect | whispering

White Heat (1949)

Verna (Slowly)0:43:41 - Verna kisses Big Edbetrayal | bluesy | gangster | kissing | leading lady | love interest | love scene | moll | mother | porch | romantic | spying | sultry

White Heat (1949)

Verna (Uneasy)1:18:05 - Big Ed kisses Vernadark | drinking | embracing | gangster | gun | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | moll | murderer | murder scene | room | somber | spying | waiting
The Woman in White (1948)Fosco (Spying)0:31:31 - Fosco spies on Laura and Walteradvance plot | garden | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | point-of-view shot | snooping | spying | watching

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Misterioso)1:21:57 - Marian talks to Waltercemetery | cousin | crying | funeral | funeral | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | somber | spying

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan (Misterioso)1:23:21 - Marian and Walter leavecousin | dark | forest | leading lady | leading man | leaving | serious | spy | spying | transition

The Woman in White (1948)

Hypnosis + Fosco1:30:32 - Count Fosco leavesantagonist | carriage | combination of themes | criminal | dark | husband | hypnotist | leading man | leaving | murderer | ominous | plotting | spy | spying | street | tense | transition

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan (Garden)1:31:13 - Walter talks with Marianconversing | criminal | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | love scene | murderer | noble | room | spy | spying

The Woman in White (1948)

The Carman's Whistle (Accompaniment)1:32:33 - Walter walkscalm | comedy | criminal | leading man | sneaking | spy | spying | street | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

The Carman's Whistle (Bassoon)1:32:48 - A man spies on Waltercalm | comedy | criminal | following | husband | leading man | murderer | sneaking | spy | spying | street | walking
Mara Maru (1952)Underscoring (Mysterious)0:14:26 - Gregory walks down the streetleading man | mysterious | private eye | spying | street | transition | walking

Mara Maru (1952)

Sneaking away0:14:35 - Two men sneak awayleading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | private eye | sneaking | spying | street | transition

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict1:31:19 - Benedict arrives at the churchantagonist | arriving | bodyguard | car | departing | driver | leading lady | love interest | murderer | mysterious | spying | street | tense | transition | watching