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327 results for "action scene" in 16 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Beyond the Forest (1949)The Cliff1:19:13 - Rosa looks out of the car windowaction scene | car | car | cliff | contemplating | descending | driving | leading lady | leading man | murderer | tense

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago (Dark)1:19:25 - Rosa sitting in a caraction scene | car | car | cliff | conversing | descending | driving | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | popular tune

Beyond the Forest (1949)

The Cliff (Car Stops)1:19:36 - Rosa sitting in a caraction scene | car | car | cliff | conversing | descending | driving | leading lady | leading man | murderer | tense

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Hurrying (Fleeing)1:19:50 - Rosa leaps out of the caraction scene | canyon | car | cliff | fleeing | leading lady | leading man | murderer | runaway | running | rushed

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Leaping1:19:56 - Rosa leaps off of a cliffaction scene | canyon | jumping | leading lady | murderer | runaway | rushed

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Broadly)1:19:57 - Rosa rolls down a hillaction scene | canyon | dark | dramatic | falling | jumping | leading lady | leading man | murderer | runaway | tense
The Big Sleep (1946)Action0:21:04 - Marlowe runs to the houseaction scene | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | chromatic wedge | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | hurrying | leading man | pc set | private eye | running | street | tense | underscoring

The Big Sleep (1946)

Running down0:21:13 - Feet running down the stairsaction scene | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | descending | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | running | street | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Heroic)0:21:28 - Marlowe enters the house9th chord | action scene | breaking in | heroic | inversion | leading man | private eye | running | street

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Misterioso)1:41:01 - Marlowe plans his escapeaction scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | planning | private eye | room | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe 21:41:18 - Marlowe goes outsideaction scene | chromatic scale | escaping | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | private eye | room | screaming | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:41:36 - Marlowe runs to his car9th chord | action scene | criminal | diminution | dramatic | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | love interest | outside | private eye | running | underscoring | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Hiding)1:41:50 - Marlowe crouches behind a caraction scene | criminal | hiding | leading man | mysterious | outside | private eye

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Tense)1:41:55 - Thug looks for Marloweaction scene | criminal | diminished 7th chord | outside | sneaking | tense | underscoring

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Shoots)1:42:07 - Marlowe shoots off to the sideaction scene | gun | gunshot | leading man | outside | private eye | shooting | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Running and jumping1:42:10 - Man runs awayaction scene | chromatic scale | criminal | fear | jumping | mickey-mousing | outside | running | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Echo)1:42:20 - Canino shoots at Marloweaction scene | criminal | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | outside | private eye | shooting | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Hostage + Marlowe (Fragment)1:42:34 - Canino brings Vivian out as a hostage64 chord | action scene | criminal | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ostinato | ostinato | outside | private eye | tense | tritone oscillation | walking

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:43:17 - Canino shootsaction scene | criminal | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | private eye | shooting | underscoring

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe rises1:43:19 - Marlowe risesaction scene | criminal | dramatic | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | pc set | private eye | rising

The Big Sleep (1946)

Canino's Death1:43:22 - Canino is shotaction scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mirroring | outside | pc set | private eye | retrograde | stumbling | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Tense)1:43:35 - Marlowe gets the keys to the handcuffsaction scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | escaping | gun | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | pc set | private eye | tense | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Escaping)1:43:48 - Vivian takes off the handcuffsaction scene | distortion | escaping | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | outside | private eye | tense
Crime School (1938)The Boiler Room0:54:27 - Boys talk about stoking the boileraction scene | auctioning | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | fanfare | gang | heroic | reformatory | teenager | working

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Mechanical)0:54:46 - Boys get to work13th chord | action scene | added-note chord | altered dominant | boiler room | coal | danger | fire | fire | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | hurrying | mechanical | reformatory | sequence | shoveling | smoke | teenager | temperature | temperature | working

Crime School (1938)

Temperature rising0:54:53 - Close up of rising temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Temperature stable0:55:07 - Close up of stable temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Temperature oscillating0:55:28 - Close up of oscillating temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Boiler Overheating0:55:31 - Danger as the boiler gets really hotaction scene | arguing | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | hurrying | linear chromaticism | mechanical | pc set | reformatory | shoveling | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | worker | working

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Explosion)0:56:04 - The boiler explodes13th chord | action scene | added-note chord | boiler room | collapsing | escaping | exploding | explosion | foreign key modulation | frantic | gang | mechanical | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | worker | yelling

Crime School (1938)

Kids running down0:56:17 - Kids run down stairsaction scene | chromatic parallelism | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | polychord | quartal chord | reformatory | running | stairs | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Whistle0:56:27 - Close up of whistleaction scene | alarm | blowing | dramatic | mickey-mousing | reformatory | sounding | tone cluster | whistle

Crime School (1938)

Running around0:56:37 - Boys run out of the buildingaction scene | chromatic parallelism | gang | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | rushing | teenager | tense | worker

Crime School (1938)

Fireman0:56:46 - Boiler room worker orders kids backaction scene | fanfare | gang | heroic | parallelism | pedal tone | protecting | reformatory | rushing | teenager | worker | yelling

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:56:50 - Mark goes to rescue Squirtaction scene | altered dominant | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dramatic | hero | leading man | linear chromaticism | reformatory | rushing | saving | teenager | tense | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Going down0:57:05 - Mark descends into the boiler roomaction scene | descending | dramatic | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | stairs | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Temperature rising 20:57:12 - The temperature gauge risesaction scene | altered dominant | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | danger | dramatic | gauge | heat | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | teenager | temperature | tense

Crime School (1938)

Explosion0:57:21 - Mark pulls Squirt out of the boiler roomaction scene | ascending | boiler room | destruction | dissonant bass | dramatic | exploding | explosion | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | stairs | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Mark Saves Boy0:57:29 - Mark carries Squirt up the stairsaction scene | ascending | authentic cadence | dissonant bass | hero | heroic | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | stairs | teenager | walking
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)They Say0:13:05 - Doc and Goldie in Johnnie's caraction scene | car | car | criminal | drinking | driving | floozy | happy | murderer | radio | source music
Deep Valley (1947)Barry (Molto Misterioso) + Love Theme1:06:04 - Sheriff drinks coffeeaction scene | convict | drinking | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | police | room | somber | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Law (Slowly)1:06:18 - Lawmen advanceaction scene | convict | forest | fugitive | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | searching | serious | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:06:48 - Barry reacts to gunshotsaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | forest | fugitive | gunfight | hiding | leading man | loading | love interest | manhunt | police | shooting | stinger | tense | underscoring

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:07:20 - Barry tries to escapeaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | fugitive | hiding | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | retreating | shooting | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry1:07:25 - Barry climbs out of a holeaction scene | cabin | climbing | convict | dramatic | escaping | fugitive | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Jumping down1:07:32 - Barry jumps off the roofaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | fugitive | jumping | leading man | love interest | manhunt | mickey-mousing | police | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:07:34 - Lawmen pursue after Barryaction scene | chasing | convict | dramatic | escaping | fanfare | forest | fugitive | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | running | tense
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:59:15 - A bank alarm sounds42 chord | 64 chord | action scene | bank | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | crowd | dramatic | leading man | photographer | robbery | shopkeeper | street | tone cluster | underscoring

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Alarm0:59:15 - Alarm soundsaction scene | alarm | bank | crowd | dramatic | leading man | mickey-mousing | photographer | robbery | shopkeeper | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Heroic)0:59:42 - Joe takes pictures of the robbery42 chord | action scene | bank | chromatic scale | criminal | crowd | dramatic | fragmentation | gangster | leading man | photographer | retrograde | shopkeeper | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:59:53 - Police arrive at the scene64 chord | action scene | bank | chromatic scale | crowd | dramatic | leading man | police | street | underscoring

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Buzzing1:01:05 - Men working in the dark room64 chord | action scene | added-note chord | buzzy | chromatic parallelism | dark room | enharmonic modulation | exciting | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | Neapolitan | newspaper | newspaper editor | parallelism | photographer | photography | pump-up modulation | Rimsky-Korsakov | working

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Brave)1:10:38 - Joe jumps onto the caraction scene | augmented triad | car | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | fighting | gangster | hero | leading man | newspaper editor | street | whole-tone chord

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Heroic)1:10:32 - Joe heroically wrestles away the steering wheelaction scene | chromatic scale | dramatic | fighting | fragmentation | gangster | hero | leading man | newspaper editor | retrograde | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Car crash1:10:55 - Gangsters crash the caraction scene | car | chromatic scale | crashing | dramatic | gangster | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | newspaper editor | street
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:27:50 - Steve fights Hammyaction scene | conductor score | dramatic | fighting | gangster | hurried | leading lady | leading man | room | strangling | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Tense)0:28:03 - The gangsters leaveaction scene | conductor score | conversing | gangster | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Hell on Frisco Bay0:28:43 - Marcia talks to Steveaction scene | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | somber

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace 20:28:55 - Marcia reacts to Steve's commentaction scene | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | upset

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace0:49:04 - Amato pacesaction scene | conductor score | dark | gangster | leading man | menacing | pacing | room

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:51:36 - Amato yells at Steveaction scene | angry | arguing | conductor score | fighting | gangster | investigator | leading man | room | underscoring | violence | yelling

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve0:53:15 - Steve leavesaction scene | aiming | conductor score | dark | gangster | investigator | leading man | murderer | neutral | shooting | street | tense | walking

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Climbing and jumping0:53:27 - Steve runs from Hammyaction scene | climbing | conductor score | hiding | hurried | investigator | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace0:53:30 - Hammy tries to escapeaction scene | conductor score | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | gangster | hurried | investigator | leading man | murderer | running | shooting | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Hammy Is Shot0:53:37 - Hammy falls to the groundaction scene | conductor score | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | investigator | leading man | mickey-mousing | street | tragic

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Dark)0:53:50 - Steve questions Hammyaction scene | conductor score | dark | death | dying | gangster | investigator | leading man | questioning | stinger | street | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:31:01 - Amato prepares to leaveaction scene | agitated | gangster | leading man | packing | room

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace 21:31:19 - Amato prepares to leaveaction scene | agitated | gangster | leading man | packing | room

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:31:32 - Amato picks up his gunaction scene | conversing | dramatic | gangster | leading man | packing | room

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Lye1:32:01 - Lye confronts Amatoaction scene | conversing | gangster | gun | leading man | lying | room | uneasy

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:32:23 - Amato shoots Lyeaction scene | brash | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murder | murdering | room | shooting | tense | violence | yelling

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Lye's Death1:32:58 - Lye is killedaction scene | brash | gangster | harsh | leading man | murder | murdering | shooting | street | violence

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:33:12 - Amato hidesaction scene | fleeing | gangster | hiding | leading man | ominous | street

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve1:33:17 - Marcia looks for Steveaction scene | dock | dramatic | leading lady | running | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:33:23 - Amato takes Marcia hostageaction scene | dock | gangster | inspector | kidnapping | leading lady | leading man | ominous | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:34:01 - Steve confronts Amatoaction scene | dock | dramatic | gangster | inspector | kidnapping | leading lady | leading man | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:34:08 - Steve confronts Amatoaction scene | dock | dramatic | gangster | gun | gunshot | inspector | kidnapping | leading lady | leading man | shooting | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato runs1:34:27 - Amato runs to his boataction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | following | gangster | inspector | leading man | running | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Boat Chase1:34:33 - Amato tries to escape in a boataction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | following | gangster | inspector | leading man | running | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve dives1:34:48 - Steve dives in the wateraction scene | agitated | diving | dock | dramatic | gangster | inspector | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | splashing | tense | water

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:34:53 - Steve climbs in the boataction scene | boat | dock | dramatic | driving | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:34:57 - Steve and Amato fightaction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Tense)1:35:05 - The police arriveaction scene | arriving | conversing | dock | leading lady | police | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:35:21 - Steve and Amato fightaction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Police running1:35:32 - The policemen runaction scene | agitated | dock | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | police | running | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:35:44 - The police boat leaves the dockaction scene | boat | departing | dock | dramatic | police | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:35:47 - Steve and Amato fightaction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:35:56 - The police boat advancesaction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Horn Call1:36:10 - The police boat advancesaction scene | battle call | boat | departing | dock | police | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:36:12 - Steve and Amato fightaction scene | agitated | boat | dock | dramatic | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato falls1:36:20 - Amato falls in the wateraction scene | boat | dock | dramatic | falling | fighting | gangster | inspector | leading man | mickey-mousing | punching | splashing | tense | water

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Tense)1:36:23 - The boat approaches a wallaction scene | boat | dock | driving | inspector | leading man | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve dives 21:36:27 - Steve dives in the wateraction scene | boat | diving | dock | inspector | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | splashing | tense | water
Her Kind of Man (1946)Underscoring (Dark [Waxman])0:17:02 - Steve fights Felixaction scene | arguing | conversing | criminal | dark | death | dramatic | gambler | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | owner | punching | room | self-defense | shooting | singer | stinger | tense | underscoring

Her Kind of Man (1946)

It Had to Be You (Kissing)0:18:22 - Steve kisses Georgiaaction scene | augmented triad | gambler | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | minor-major 7th chord | room | singer | source to score | tense

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Underscoring (Dark [Waxman])0:18:32 - Candy entersaction scene | conversing | criminal | dark | gambler | henchman | leading man | owner | room | stinger | tense | underscoring

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Underscoring (Tense [Waxman])0:40:34 - Don punches Steveaction scene | boxing ring | criminal | fighting | gambler | henchman | leading man | punching | reporter | tense | underscoring

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic [Waxman])0:42:19 - Approaching headlightsaction scene | criminal | dark | departing | dramatic | driving | henchman | leading man | leaving | reporter | street | stumbling | underscoring

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Steve Shoots Sister1:03:37 - Steve shoots his sisteraction scene | chromatic scale | club | crowd | dramatic | dying | gambler | husband | leading man | murderer | police | reacting | shooting | sister | underscoring | victim

Her Kind of Man (1946)

The Escape1:03:50 - Steve tries to escapeaction scene | car | chasing | club | crowd | dramatic | driving | escaping | gambler | husband | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | sister | street | victim

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Police Radio1:04:40 - Policeman on the radioaction scene | announcing | police | radio | radio effect | station | tense

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Underscoring (Dramatic [Deutsch])1:04:46 - Montage of policemenaction scene | double exposure | dramatic | montage | police | searching | street | underscoring

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Headline1:04:52 - Newspaper headlineaction scene | double exposure | dramatic | headline | newspaper
The Letter (1940)Runners0:05:14 - Workers run through jungleaction scene | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | heroic | jungle | running | sequential modulation | servant | tense

The Letter (1940)

Mr. Hammond Has Been Shot0:05:45 - Worker runs in11th chord | action scene | altered dominant | dark | death | husband | ominous | reacting | servant | warehouse

The Letter (1940)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:06:04 - Robert leavesaction scene | conversing | death | dramatic | husband | murder | servant | underscoring | warehouse
Mildred Pierce (1945)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:08:53 - Wally looks for Mildred9th chord | action scene | ascending | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | down | dramatic | falling | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | searching | setup | suspenseful | underscoring | walking | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally tries to open door0:08:53 - Wally tries to open the dooraction scene | augmented triad | chromatic scale | door | frantic | friend | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | stinger

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally goes upstairs0:09:28 - Wally ascends the spiral staircase9th chord | action scene | ascending | chromatic scale | dramatic | friend | mickey-mousing | room | spiral staircase | stairs | whole-tone chord

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally knocks on the door0:09:59 - Wally knocks on a dooraction scene | door | dramatic | friend | knocking | mickey-mousing | room

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Lamp falls0:10:03 - Wally knocks over a lampaction scene | body | dramatic | falling | friend | lamp | mickey-mousing | reveal | room | whole-tone chord

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Murdered Man0:10:06 - Wally discovers the bodyaction scene | corpse | dark | death | dramatic | friend | linear chromaticism | looking | mickey-mousing | murder | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Phone rings0:10:16 - Phone ringsaction scene | death | friend | mickey-mousing | murder | ringing | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:10:21 - Wally reacts to the situationaction scene | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | death | dramatic | escaping | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | murder | room | running | smashing | sneaking | telephone | underscoring | victim | walking | whole-tone chord | worrying

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally stands up and walks0:10:21 - Wally stands up to go to the phoneaction scene | friend | mickey-mousing | rising | room | standing | tense | up | victim | walking

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally walks0:10:32 - Wally hurriedly walks awayaction scene | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | room | victim | walking

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally sneaks0:10:37 - Wally sneaks down the hallaction scene | diminished 7th chord | friend | mickey-mousing | room | sneaking | tense | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Breaks door with chair0:10:47 - Wally smashes a glass door with a chairaction scene | breaking | chair | door | dramatic | friend | glass | mickey-mousing | room | smashing | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Glass falls0:10:49 - The glass door breaksaction scene | breaking | door | dramatic | falling | friend | glass | mickey-mousing | room | smashing | victim | whole-tone chord

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally runs0:11:01 - Wally runs out of the house action scene | beach | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | dramatic | friend | gun | gunshot | mickey-mousing | running | shooting | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Cops walk0:11:08 - The cops walk down the hillaction scene | beach | dramatic | lumbering | mickey-mousing | police | walking

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Opens coat0:11:12 - Policeman opens Wally's coat to frisk himaction scene | beach | dramatic | friend | mickey-mousing | opening | police | searching | victim

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Underscoring (Tense)0:11:13 - Policemen investigate the sceneaction scene | altered dominant | beach | conversing | dissonant bass | friend | mysterious | police | searching | sequence | tense | underscoring | victim
Out of the Fog (1941)Speeding Car (Arriving)1:11:50 - A speeding caraction scene | car | dramatic | driving | fisherman | friend | rushed | rushing | street | tense

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Dark)1:12:05 - Police ring the bellaction scene | arguing | conversing | dark | fisherman | friend | police | ringing | room | street | underscoring

Out of the Fog (1941)

Speeding Car1:12:30 - A car racing down the streetaction scene | car | double exposure | dramatic | driving | leading lady | point-of-view shot | police | rushed | rushing | street | tense

Out of the Fog (1941)

Morgue1:12:37 - The morgueaction scene | arriving | conversing | corpse | death | fear | leading lady | morgue | ominous | police | tense

Out of the Fog (1941)

Russian Barcarolle (Dead)1:13:15 - Stella sees Goff's bodyaction scene | arguing | corpse | crying | dark | death | fear | leading lady | morgue | ominous | police

Out of the Fog (1941)

Speeding Car (Extended)1:13:32 - A car racing down the streetaction scene | car | crowd | double exposure | dramatic | driving | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | point-of-view shot | police | questioning | reporter | rushed | rushing | street | tense
White Heat (1949)Danger (Molto Agitato)0:23:25 - Evans points a gun at Codyaction scene | agent | agitated | arresting | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | shooting | street | tense | wound

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Escaping)0:23:32 - Verna and Ma rush outaction scene | agent | dramatic | escaping | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | room | rushing | street | wound

White Heat (1949)

Agitato (Escaping)0:23:37 - Evans struggles on the groundaction scene | agent | agitated | car | dramatic | driving | escaping | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | shooting | street | struggling | tense | wound

White Heat (1949)

Driving (Extended)0:23:46 - The gangsters speed awayaction scene | agent | car | chasing | dark | dramatic | gangster | leading lady | leading man | menacing | moll | mother | murderer | speeding | street | wound

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:23:54 - Evans falls to the groundaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | helping | rushing | street | underscoring | wound

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight0:37:48 - Hank sees Bo Creelaction scene | falling | fighting | gangster | guard | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | punching | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Punching and falling0:38:03 - Hank punches inmateaction scene | dramatic | falling | gangster | guard | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | punching | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:13:20 - Big Ed walks up the stairsaction scene | dark | gangster | leading lady | love interest | moll | room | tense | underscoring | walking

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Agitato)1:13:33 - Verna sits upaction scene | anxiety | danger | gangster | leading lady | listening | love interest | moll | room | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:13:57 - Verna sneaks out of her bedroomaction scene | leading lady | moll | room | sneaking | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Sneaking)1:14:09 - Verna sneaks down the stairsaction scene | descending | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | mysterious | room | sneaking | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:14:13 - Verna looks for a way outaction scene | leading lady | moll | room | sneaking | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Running to window1:14:22 - Verna runs to the windowaction scene | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | opening | room | running | stinger | tense | window

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:14:27 - Verna opens the windowaction scene | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | room | running | stinger | tense | underscoring | window

White Heat (1949)

Jumping out window1:14:31 - Verna jumps out of the windowaction scene | descending | dramatic | jumping | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | tense | window | yard

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Mysterious)1:26:39 - Hank sneaks outaction scene | mysterious | sneaking | undercover agent | underscoring | yard

White Heat (1949)

Fight1:26:51 - Hank attacks the gangsteraction scene | dramatic | fighting | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | punching | tense | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Faster)1:41:49 - Gangsters enter the buildingaction scene | anxious | arriving | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | hurrying | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | working

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:42:42 - Hank looks out the windowaction scene | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | underscoring | working

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Arriving)1:42:48 - Police cars rush to factoryaction scene | agent | car | factory | guard | police | pursuing | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso)1:43:03 - Police enter the factoryaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | guard | police | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Police Raid1:43:09 - Gangster acting as lookoutaction scene | arriving | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | looking | march | murderer | police | running | rushing | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Bo Creel (Misterioso)1:43:26 - Bo Creel tells Cody that Hank is a copaction scene | discovering | discovery | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | leading man | looking | murderer | mysterious | realizing | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:46:13 - Cody shoots man in backaction scene | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | shooting | tear gas | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Crawling1:46:18 - Hank crawls on the flooraction scene | agent | crawling | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | rushing | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Tutti)1:46:31 - Agents watch men exitingaction scene | agent | aiming | dramatic | factory | gun | leading man | police | rushing | stopping | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Escaping)1:46:36 - Hank escapesaction scene | agent | crawling | dark | escaping | factory | gun | leading man | police | reporting | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Marcato)1:46:58 - Evans signals to another agentaction scene | agent | bold | commanding | factory | fanfare | leading man | police

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Extended)1:47:06 - Cody sends men outaction scene | agent | death | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | pushing | rushing | shooting | tense

White Heat (1949)

Climbing stairs1:47:22 - Gangsters climb up stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | rushing | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:47:35 - Gangsters get off of ladderaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | rushing | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Police Raid)1:47:47 - Police advance on the gangstersaction scene | advancing | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hidiging | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | shooting | shootout | tense

White Heat (1949)

Falling and dying1:48:09 - Gangster falls downaction scene | death | descending | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | mickey-mousing | police | raid | shootout | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody 2 (Brash)1:48:12 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | brash | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:17 - Gangsters run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Falling down stairs1:48:21 - Gangster falls down the stairsaction scene | death | descending | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | police | raid | shootout | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:30 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | stairs | tense
We're Only Human (1935)The Escape (Hiding)0:27:05 - Pete and Danny dodge from gunfireaction scene | chromatic scale | detective | dodging | dramatic | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | shooting | stinger | street | whole-tone chord

We're Only Human (1935)

Gypo Runs Away0:27:09 - Pete and Danny hideaction scene | agitated | chromatic parallelism | detective | diminished 7th chord | gangster | hiding | leading man | street | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

The Informer (Up the Stairs)0:27:17 - Pete prepares to advance64 chord | action scene | agitated | bank | chromatic sequence | detective | dodging | fragmentation | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | preparing | running | stinger | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

Blood Money (Four Coins)0:27:37 - Pete and Danny hideaction scene | bank | detective | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | mysterious | preparing | sneaking | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

The Informer (Lying)0:27:51 - Danny prepares to advanceaction scene | bank | chromatic sequence | detective | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | octatonic | preparing | sneaking | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

Kong 10:28:23 - Pete jumps on a criminalaction scene | bank | chromatic parallelism | detective | dramatic | fighting | gangster | jumping | leading man | pedal tone | punching | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

Kong 20:28:34 - Pete handcuffs a criminalaction scene | bank | detective | dramatic | fighting | gangster | leading man | mysterious | tense | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

We're Only Human (1935)

The Informer (Drinking)0:28:39 - Pete stands upaction scene | bank | detective | gangster | leading man | octatonic | standing | tense | whole-tone chord

We're Only Human (1935)

Katie (Triste)0:28:47 - Pete talks to the criminalaction scene | arguing | bank | detective | foreign key modulation | gangster | leading man | parallelism | stinger | sultry

We're Only Human (1935)

Blood Money (Extended)0:28:58 - Pete walks away with the criminalaction scene | arguing | augmented triad | bank | detective | gangster | leading man | mysterious | tense | tritone | whole-tone

We're Only Human (1935)

Katie (Begging)0:29:21 - Close up on Danny64 chord | action scene | bank | calling | detective | gangster | leading man | sequence | serious | tense | victim

We're Only Human (1935)

Begging0:29:35 - Pete talks with Dannyaction scene | arguing | bank | detective | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | gangster | leading man | pedal tone | sequence | serious | tense | victim

We're Only Human (1935)

Katie (Dolcissimo)0:30:05 - Danny talks with Peteaction scene | bank | chromatic sequence | conversing | death | detective | dying | gangster | leading man | solemn | victim

We're Only Human (1935)

Dan and Mary (Adagio)0:30:44 - Pete says goodbye to Danny11th chord | action scene | bank | conversing | death | detective | dying | gangster | leading man | solemn | victim
Without Honor (1949)Underscoring (Tense)0:37:33 - Jane climbs out the windowaction scene | escaping | hiding | leading lady | running | tense | underscoring | window | yard

Without Honor (1949)

Jumping down0:37:38 - Jane jumps to the groundaction scene | descending | jumping | leading lady | mickey-mousing | tense | window | yard

Without Honor (1949)

Lullaby + Underscoring (Tense)0:37:46 - Jane runs to the road | action scene | combination of themes | escaping | hiding | ice cream truck | leading lady | running | scored source music | source music | street | tense | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:38:12 - Jane gets sprayed by a hoseaction scene | bus | conversing | leading lady | neighbor | street | tense | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Chasing bus0:38:22 - Jane runs after the busaction scene | bus | chasing | dramatic | falling | leading lady | mickey-mousing | running | street

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato 2 (Dramatic)0:38:33 - Jane tries to catch the busaction scene | bus | chasing | dramatic | leading lady | street | waving

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Rubato)0:39:03 - Jane stands in the roadaction scene | car | husband | leading lady | leading man | solemn | street | walking
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)The Wreck0:07:15 - A sinking shipaction scene | captain | crew | leading man | ocean | ship | ship wreck | sinking | swimming | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Shark Attack0:07:35 - A shark in the wateraction scene | attacking | biting | blood | captain | crew | death | dramatic | drowning | dying | leading man | ocean | shark | ship wreck | stinger | struggling | swimming | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Swimming0:07:56 - Bob swims awayaction scene | beach | dramatic | escaping | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship wreck | swimming | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Beach0:08:11 - Bob walks onto the beachaction scene | beach | calm | leading man | ship wreck | stumbling | walking | wave effect

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Collapsing)0:08:23 - Bob collapses on the beachaction scene | beach | calm | collapsing | falling | foreshadowing | leading man | mysterious | ship wreck

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Tense)0:36:27 - Zaroff looks at Bob's watchaction scene | castle | commanding | count | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | shackles | stinger | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Walking0:36:42 - Zaroff walks to the dooraction scene | agitated | castle | closing | count | leading man | marching | mickey-mousing | mute | preparing | prisoner | servant | tense | villain | walking

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Fangs and Claws)0:37:00 - Zaroff gives Bob a knifeaction scene | castle | commanding | count | giving | knife | leading man | mute | preparing | prisoner | servant | tense | threatening | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato)0:37:04 - The iron dooraction scene | agitated | castle | descending | door | fear | leading lady | opening | running | rushing | screaming | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato)0:37:23 - Eve runs to Bobaction scene | agitated | arriving | castle | conversing | count | fear | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Meno) + The Iron Door0:37:30 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | combination of themes | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Tense)0:37:49 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | underscoring | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Molto Moderato) + The Iron Door0:38:01 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | combination of themes | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage + The Iron Door0:38:17 - Bob and Eve leaveaction scene | agitated | castle | combination of themes | count | departing | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Maestoso)0:38:32 - Bob and Eve are taken to the jungleaction scene | conversing | fanfare | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mute | ominous | preparing | prisoner | releasing | servant | walking

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Dramatic)0:39:00 - Bob and Eve take one last look backaction scene | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | looking | walking

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Slowly) + Russian Waltz + The Iron Door0:39:04 - Zaroff stares at Bob and Eveaction scene | combination of themes | count | jungle | ominous | smoking | staring | villain | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Tone Cluster)0:41:32 - Bob builds a trapaction scene | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | preparing | stinger | tense | trap | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Poco Agitato)0:42:12 - The Count approachesaction scene | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Poco Agitato)0:42:25 - Bob and Eve hide in a caveaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Hiding)0:42:33 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Count Approaches0:42:44 - The Count approaches slowlyaction scene | approaching | arrow | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | shooting | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Tree falling0:43:14 - A tree fallsaction scene | arrow | count | dark | dramatic | falling | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:29 - Eve reacts to the arrowaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:44 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hunting) + The Iron Door0:43:48 - Zaroff talks to Bobaction scene | combination of themes | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Andante)0:44:07 - Close up on Zaroffaction scene | count | dark | departing | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | ominous | sneaking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Allegro)0:44:26 - Bob prepare to leaveaction scene | agitated | departing | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | tense | victim | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Moderato)0:44:51 - Bob tells Eve to come outaction scene | calm | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | unsettled | victim | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Mysterioso Dramatico0:45:01 - Bob and Eve look for Zaroffaction scene | conversing | fanfare | heroic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | tense | victim | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Low Brass)0:45:12 - Bob talks with Eveaction scene | conversing | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | tense | victim | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Running Away)0:45:17 - Eve runs awayaction scene | agitated | chasing | fleeing | following | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Running Away)0:45:34 - Eve jumps over a creviceaction scene | agitated | chasing | fleeing | following | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:45:41 - Bob catches Eveaction scene | agitated | catching | conversing | convincing | jungle | leading lady | leading man | tense | underscoring | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Fog Hollow) + The Iron Door0:45:46 - Bob and Eve see Fog Hollowaction scene | combination of themes | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | ominous | preparing | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Rock Falling0:46:09 - A rock falls into a creviceaction scene | dramatic | falling | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | rock | splashing | stinger | tumbling | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Quasi Mysterioso)0:46:16 - Bob jumps over the creviceaction scene | agitated | jungle | leading lady | leading man | plotting | preparing | tense | trap | victim | working

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hiding)0:46:48 - Bob and Eve hide from Zaroffaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | sneaking | tense | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Trembling)0:47:20 - A branch tremblesaction scene | approaching | count | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | trembling effect | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro)0:47:43 - The Count approachesaction scene | approaching | count | dark | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Trap Falling0:47:47 - The trap collapsesaction scene | count | dramatic | falling | gun | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | stinger | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Deliberate)0:47:51 - Bob and Eve scramble awayaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | scrambling | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Fog0:48:02 - Bob and Eve in the fogaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Tense)0:48:21 - The Count talks to Bobaction scene | conversing | count | dark | gun | jungle | leading lady | leading man | taunting | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:48:50 - Zaroff blows his hunting hornaction scene | count | dark | horn | horn call | jungle | leading lady | leading man | playing | scored source music | score to source | source music | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Bob leaping0:58:57 - Bob leaps at Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | jumping | leading man | leaping | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro Furioso)0:58:57 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (The Fight)0:59:04 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (The Fight)0:59:06 - Zaroff's gunaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:59:18 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | underscoring | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (The Fight 2)0:59:22 - Zaroff's servant attacksaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (The Fight 2)0:59:27 - Bob fights Zaroff's servantaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (The Fight)0:59:36 - Bob fights Zaroff's servantaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Count rises0:59:46 - The Count slowly risesaction scene | arrow | breaking | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | rising | servant | sneaking | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Slow)1:00:03 - Bob kills Zaroff's servantaction scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | leading man | preparing | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Allegro Furioso)1:00:07 - Bob attacks Zaroffaction scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | tense | victim | villain
White Heat (1949)Sliding down pole1:48:43 - Cody slides down a poleaction scene | agent | descending | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | pole | police | raid | sliding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Tense)1:48:48 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fanfare | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Gathering1:49:06 - Agents in actionaction scene | agent | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Risoluto)1:49:17 - Agents advanceaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:49:19 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Extended)1:49:34 - Gangsters hideaction scene | agent | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing + Agents1:49:44 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | combination of themes | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso 2)1:49:55 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Searching)1:50:02 - Agents plan their next moveaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights)1:50:05 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | tense

White Heat (1949)

Madness1:50:16 - Cody talks to Rileyaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | madness | murderer | plotting | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Agitato)1:50:27 - Cody gets upaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | madness | murderer | police | raid | sneaking | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Climbing)1:50:30 - Cody climbs the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting1:50:41 - Cody hidesaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights 2)1:50:48 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | announcing | death | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | killing | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | surrendering | tense

White Heat (1949)

Riley's Death1:51:15 - Riley hits the groundaction scene | agent | dark | death | dying | factory | fugitive | gangster | laughing | leading man | murder | murderer | police | raid | stinger

White Heat (1949)

Cody 3 (Mocking)1:51:30 - Cody shootsaction scene | agent | brash | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | laughing | leading man | mocking | murderer | police | raid

White Heat (1949)

Trap1:51:37 - Policeman hands Hank a rifleaction scene | agent | aiming | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | leading man | murderer | police | raid | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing1:51:44 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | aiming | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | tense
Mara Maru (1952)Dropping anchor1:00:18 - The anchor dropsaction scene | anchor | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | dramatic | dropping | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | ship | ship

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Heroic)1:00:31 - Gregory gets ready to diveaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | conversing | diving suit | heroic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | preparing | private eye | ship | ship | tense | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending1:00:51 - Gregory descends the ladderaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | bubbles | captain | close-up | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | heavy | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | private eye | ship | ship | stinger | suspenseful | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Shark1:01:35 - A shark appearsaction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | dramatic | fearful | jump scare | leading man | ocean | shark | suspenseful | swimming | swimming effect | swirling effect | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:01:46 - Gregory walks on the ocean flooraction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | close-up | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Walking)1:02:03 - Gregory walks underwateraction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | point-of-view shot | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Sabotage)1:02:14 - Ranier sneaks awayaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | close-up | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ocean | private eye | radio | sabotaging | saboteur | ship | ship | sneaking | suspenseful | swimming | traitor | underscoring | underwater | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater1:02:28 - Gregory walks on the ocean flooraction scene | captain | close-up | conversing | dark | diver | diving | leading man | ocean | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Dramatic)1:02:42 - Manuelo talks to Benedictaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | conversing | dark | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | traitor | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Surfacing1:02:55 - Gregory rises from the wateraction scene | antagonist | assisting | bodyguard | breaking | captain | diver | heroic | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | radio | rising | sabotaging | saboteur | ship | ship | sneaking | surfacing | traitor | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

On Deck (Minor)1:03:17 - Gregory boards the shipaction scene | antagonist | assisting | bodyguard | captain | dark | diver | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ominous | private eye | radio | rising | sabotaging | saboteur | ship | ship | sneaking | surfacing | traitor | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Dropping anchor1:11:18 - The anchor dropsaction scene | anchor | antogonist | dramatic | dropping | falling | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | ship | ship

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Poco Accellerando)1:11:34 - Benedict goes outsideaction scene | antogonist | captain | departing | diver | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | ship | ship | turbulent | walking | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Appassionato (Molto Expressivo)1:11:48 - Crew on deck of the shipaction scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | conversing | diver | diving suit | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | preparing | private eye | ship | ship | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Close-Up)1:12:20 - A close-up of Gregoryaction scene | antogonist | captain | close-up | diver | diving suit | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | preparing | private eye | ship | ship | tense | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending1:12:27 - Gregory descends into the wateraction scene | antogonist | bubbles | captain | close-up | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | heavy | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | point-of-view shot | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:13:08 - The murky ocean bottomaction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | fish | leading man | ocean | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Slow)1:13:16 - A close-up on Gregory's faceaction scene | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | exploring | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | point-of-view shot | ship | swimming | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:13:30 - Gregory walks underwateraction scene | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | fish | leading man | ocean | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Fish)1:13:38 - A close-up on Gregory's faceaction scene | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | exploring | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | seaweed | ship | swimming | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:13:49 - A sunken boataction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | exploring | leading man | ocean | ship | stinger | swimming | underscoring | underwater | walking

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Fish)1:13:56 - Gregory moves toward the sunken boataction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | double exposure | exploring | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | ship | swimming | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Sunken Boat)1:14:12 - Gregory enters the boataction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | exploring | fanfare | heroic | leading man | ocean | ship | suspeneful | swimming | underwater | walking

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Exploring)1:14:48 - Gregory explores the boataction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | exploring | fanfare | leading man | ocean | ship | subdued | swimming | underwater | walking

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Hindemith in Hollywood)1:15:18 - Gregory opens a dooraction scene | boat | captain | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | exploring | fanfare | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | serious | ship | suspenseful | swimming | underwater | walking

Mara Maru (1952)

Torch1:15:50 - Gregory operates a torchaction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | fire | fire effect | leading man | lighting | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship | tense | torch | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Beam falling1:15:57 - A beam collapsesaction scene | beam | boat | captain | collapsing | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | falling | leading man | lighting | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Torch1:16:06 - Gregory operates a torchaction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | fire | leading man | lighting | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship | tense | torch | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Mysterious)1:16:15 - Gregory opens a dooraction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | leading man | mysterious | ocean | opening | ship | tense | treasure | underscoring | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:16:23 - Gregory walks awayaction scene | boat | captain | diver | diving | diving suit | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship | suspenseful | tense | treasure | underwater | walking | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Beam falling 21:16:34 - A beam collapses on the air hoseaction scene | beam | boat | captain | collapsing | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | falling | hose | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | ship | treasure | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Tugging1:16:39 - Gregory tugs at the air hoseaction scene | antogonist | beam | boat | captain | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | hose | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | pulling | rain | raining | ship | storm | treasure | tugging | underwater | worker | working | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Gauge rising1:16:54 - Rising air pressure on a gaugeaction scene | antogonist | boat | captain | diver | dramatic | gauge | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | rain | raining | rising | ship | storm | tense | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory + Struggling1:16:57 - Gregory tries to free himselfaction scene | beam | boat | captain | close-up | combination of themes | dark | digging | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | fanfare | frantic | heroic | hose | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | rushing | ship | struggling | treasure | tugging | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Struggling 21:17:23 - Gregory tries to free himselfaction scene | beam | boat | captain | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | frantic | hose | leading man | ocean | rushing | ship | struggling | treasure | tugging | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Gauge falling1:17:42 - Falling air pressure on a gaugeaction scene | antogonist | boat | captain | descending | diver | dramatic | falling | gauge | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | rain | relief | ship | storm | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater1:17:50 - Gregory's light shines underwateraction scene | boat | captain | carrying | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | leading man | ocean | ship | suspenseful | swimming | treasure | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Floating1:18:01 - Gregory carries the treasure chestaction scene | boat | captain | carrying | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | leading man | ocean | ship | suspenseful | swimming | treasure | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Fish)1:18:09 - Fish swimmingaction scene | boat | captain | carrying | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | ship | swimming | treasure | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Signaling)1:18:19 - Gregory signals to come upaction scene | antogonist | boat | captain | carrying | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | fanfare | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | private eye | rain | ship | signaling | storm | swimming | treasure | underwater | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Surfacing1:18:26 - Gregory rises to the surfaceaction scene | antogonist | assisting | boat | captain | close-up | diver | diving suit | heroic | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | rain | rising | ship | storm | surfacing | treasure | underwater | wind | worker | working | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

On Deck1:18:55 - Gregory emerges from the wateraction scene | antogonist | assisting | boat | captain | conversing | diver | diving suit | heroic | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | treasure | triumphant | wind | worker | working | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:19:10 - Gregory falls to the deck flooraction scene | antogonist | boat | captain | diver | diving suit | dramatic | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | treasure | underscoring | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:19:37 - The cross in a treasure chestaction scene | antogonist | breaking | captain | cross | dark | diver | dramatic | dropping | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | reveal | ship | storm | throwing | treasure | underscoring | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Cross (Distorted)1:19:49 - The cross is revealedaction scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | cross | dark | diver | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Tense)1:20:01 - Benedict grabs the crossaction scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ordering | private eye | punching | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | underscoring | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:20:13 - Fortuno grabs Gregoryaction scene | antogonist | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | underscoring | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Rushing1:20:29 - Benedict runs in to check the compassaction scene | antogonist | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | running | rushing | rushing effect | ship | storm | tense | treasure | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Tense)1:21:01 - Gregory gives ordersaction scene | antogonist | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | fanfare | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ordering | private eye | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | wind | worker | yelling

Mara Maru (1952)

Very Stormy1:21:22 - A waves splashes onboardaction scene | antogonist | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | walking | wave | wave effect | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory + Raising Anchor1:21:31 - The anchor is raisedaction scene | anchor | antogonist | captain | combination of themes | diver | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | private eye | rising | ship | ship | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Determined)1:21:45 - Gregory goes to the wheelhouseaction scene | antogonist | captain | conversing | determined | diver | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | sailing | ship | storm | walking | wind | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Cross (Appassionato)1:28:12 - Manuelo runs awayaction scene | church | cross | fleeing | hymn-like | jungle | passionate | searching | walking | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Cross (Religioso)1:28:41 - Manuelo sees the churchaction scene | car | church | collapsing | cross | headlights | hiding | hymn-like | passionate | religious | scrambling | shadow | street | suspect | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Tense)1:29:14 - Manuelo collapsesaction scene | car | church | collapsing | cross | dark | headlights | scrambling | shadow | street | suspect | tense | underscoring | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:33:58 - Fortuno shoots at Gregoryaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | escaping | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | running | shooting | suspsect | tense | tunnel

Mara Maru (1952)

The Chase1:34:03 - Ortega and Gregory run awayaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | escaping | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | running | running effect | shooting | suspsect | tense | tunnel

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Menacing)1:34:30 - Ortega tries to block the dooraction scene | antagonist | arguing | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | defending | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | menacing | murderer | ominous | protecting | pushing | running | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Ortega is Shot1:34:42 - Ortega is shotaction scene | antagonist | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | murder | murderer | passionate | sentimental | shooting | somber | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Police1:34:53 - The police enteraction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | dramatic | gun | gunshot | heroic | leading man | martyr | murderer | police | running | shooting | stairs | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending the stairs1:34:55 - Fortuno runs down the stairsaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | cross | descending | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | stairs | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Ascending the stairs1:35:08 - Benedict runs up the stairsaction scene | antagonist | ascending | catacomb | cave | chasing | climax | dramatic | mickey-mousing | murderer | ominous | running | stairs | tense | tunnel

Mara Maru (1952)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:35:15 - Benedict confronts Gregoryaction scene | antagonist | attacking | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | dramatic | leading man | martyr | murderer | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

The Fight1:35:20 - Gregory fights Benedictaction scene | antagonist | attacking | catacomb | cave | choking | climax | dramatic | falling | fighting | hitting | leading man | martyr | mickey-mousing | murderer | punching | stinger | tense | tunnel | victim

Mara Maru (1952)

Rolling down the stairs1:36:05 - Benedict falls down the stairsaction scene | antagonist | catacomb | cave | climax | corpse | death | descending | dramatic | falling | leading man | martyr | mickey-mousing | murderer | rolling | stinger | tense | tunnel | victim