All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Agitato 2 | 1:59:31 - Henriette is arrested | agitated | crowd | crying | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | double exposure | dramatic | fanfare | headline | leading lady | leaving | mob | montage | newspaper | soldier | street | suspect | yelling |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Ostinato) | 2:10:09 - A carriage leaves | carriage | crowd | dramatic | fragmentation | leading lady | mob | ominous | ostinato | prisoner | soldier | street | suspect | tense | transition | traveling |
The FBI Story (1959) | The Bureau (Arrest) | 1:01:31 - FBI arrest a mobster who then is shot | arrest | city | FBI | flashback | gangster | mobster | walking |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:02:21 - Montage of mobster mischief | dramatic | flashback | gangster | gun | gunshot | mobster | underscoring |
The FBI Story (1959) | Symbol (Shootout) | 1:20:04 - Gunfight breaks out between FBI agents and mobsters | car | FBI | flashback | gangster | mobster | shootout |
The FBI Story (1959) | Agents die | 1:20:10 - FBI agents are shot | death | FBI | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | shootout |
The FBI Story (1959) | Baby Face Dies | 1:20:14 - Baby Face Nelson is shot and dies | death | FBI | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | shootout |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dark) | 1:20:31 - Pretty Boy Floyd takes hostages to a car | dark | dramatic | flashback | gangster | mobster | tense | underscoring |
The FBI Story (1959) | Floyd runs 1 | 1:20:41 - Pretty Boy Floyd runs to take cover before shooting | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | running |
The FBI Story (1959) | Floyd runs 2 | 1:20:57 - Floyd runs from the FBI men | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | running |
The FBI Story (1959) | Floyd dies | 1:21:03 - Floyd falls to the ground and dies | death | flashback | gangster | mobster |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:32:26 - Shootout at Ma Barker's place | dramatic | flashback | gangster | gun | mobster | shootout | underscoring |
The FBI Story (1959) | Ma Barker Dies | 1:32:41 - Ma Barker is shot and dies | death | flashback | gangster | gun | gunshot | mobster |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:32:49 - Mobster Alvin Karpis announces that he is going to kill J. Edgar Hoover | dramatic | flashback | gangster | mobster | underscoring |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:33:19 - Agents arrest Machine Gun Kelly | dramatic | flashback | gangster | mobster | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Mob | 1:28:20 - A mob forms outside of Lane's home | advance plot | angry | anxious | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | friend | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | mob | mobbing | ostinato | polyrhythm | room | tense | whole-tone chord |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus | 1:28:52 - Lane says Titus's name | advance plot | conversing | dark | friend | leading lady | mob | ominous | room | self-borrowing | zoom in |
The Informer (1935) | The Irish Washerwoman (Pub) + Blood Money + The Wearin' o' the Green + The Informer | 0:44:52 - People celebrate in the pub | advance plot | antagonist | bar | chaotic | chromatic scale | close-up | combination of themes | crowd | dark | dissonant bass | excited | familiar tune | folk song | foreign key modulation | happy | heroic | Irish | layering | leading man | mob | mobbing | octatonic | parallelism | pedal tone | polytonality | rebel | serving | source to score | spying | tense | whole-tone | yelling | zoom in |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | God Save the King | 1:09:06 - Mob sings "God Save the King" outside | advance plot | antagonist | British | choral singing | familiar tune | home | mob | patriotic | singing | source music | source to score | street |