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12 results for "arresting" in 8 films — see also capturing

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)The Duchess (Dramatic)1:52:48 - Soldiers confront Henrietteaccusing | arresting | augmented sixth chord | conflict | landlady | leading lady | ominous | realizing | room | soldier | suspect | tense

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Henriette (Dark)1:52:57 - A police wagon approachesarresting | carriage | chromatic sequence | conflict | crowd | dark | landlady | leading lady | soldier | street | suspect

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Henriette (Grandioso) + Desperation (Grandioso)1:53:13 - The police wagon leavesarresting | bold | carriage | conflict | conversing | crowd | crying | dark | dissonant bass | fragmentation | landlady | leading lady | ominous | soldier | street | suspect | tense | testifying
Are These Our Children? (1931)Dreams (Risoluto 2)0:53:55 - Newspaper headlinesadvance plot | arresting | dark | detective | double exposure | fragmentation | friend | headline | leading man | love interest | murderer | newspaper | ominous | room | sequential modulation | spinning | thematic transformation | underscoring
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Tense)0:09:40 - Spike is captured by the cops9th chord | arresting | capturing | conflict | dramatic | police | street | teenager | tense
Flamingo Road (1949)Titus + Agitato (Extended)0:39:55 - Police take Lane awayarresting | combination of themes | conflict | driving | leading lady | police | self-borrowing | street | tense | turbulent
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)FBI (Molto Marcato)0:59:03 - FBI man enters with a gunagent | arresting | communist | gun | leading lady | leading man | murder scene | noble | room | sneaking | spy | stinger | street | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tense)0:59:26 - FBI man holds gun on commie agentsacceleration | agent | arresting | communist | dark | dialing | gun | murder scene | room | spy | tense | tritone oscillation
The Informer (1935)The Informer (Tranquillo)1:16:35 - Gypo is taken awayantagonist | arresting | authentic cadence | climax | confessing | confession | courtroom | courtroom scene | crying | guilt | headquarters | hero | leading man | leaving | love interest | pleading | remorseful | room | traitor
We Are Not Alone (1939)Frohe Botschaft (Drifting)1:14:30 - David gives Leni money for her travels altered dominant | arrest | arresting | chromatic parallelism | conflict | conversing | dark | death | familiar tune | folk song | gentle | German | happy | hero | heroine | mode mixture | murder | police | quotation | sad | sweet | tense | train station | whole-tone chord

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Underscoring (Tense)1:15:25 - David is taken away by the police9th chord | added-note chord | arresting | conflict | hero | heroine | pedal tone | police | tense | train station | underscoring
White Heat (1949)Danger (Molto Agitato)0:23:25 - Evans points a gun at Codyaction scene | agent | agitated | arresting | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | shooting | street | tense | wound