All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duke (Tranquillo) | 0:31:41 - The doctor treats Raynald | advance plot | caring | child | conversing | doctor | duke | gentle | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Prayer | 0:36:36 - The Abbe prays for Raynald | child | common-chord modulation | duke | governess | hymn-like | illness | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | praying | priest | religious scene | room | sequence | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:37:37 - They rise from prayer | added-note chord | child | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conversing | deceptive resolution | duchess | duke | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | leaving | priest | religious scene | room | somber | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Raynald (Triste) | 0:39:16 - The Duke talks to Henriette | 64 chord | advance plot | child | conversing | duke | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Raynald (Andante) | 0:41:36 - Henriette and the Duke by Raynald's bedside | 9th chord | 64 chord | augmented sixth chord | child | chromatic sequence | conversing | duke | governess | hopeful | illness | illness scene | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | room | solemn | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Isabelle | 1:07:33 - Isabelle cries | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | child | chromatic sequence | comforting | crying | governess | leading lady | room | sequence | serious | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Isabelle 2 | 1:08:44 - Isabelle talks to Henriette | advance plot | child | comforting | countermelody | crying | governess | leading lady | room | serious | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Sad Waltz) | 1:12:55 - Henriette watches the people dancing | 9th chord | 64 chord | advance plot | ballroom | crowd | dancing | dissolve | governess | leading lady | pedal tone | point-of-view shot | room | somber | watching |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Somber) | 1:15:09 - Henriette looks out the window | advance plot | governess | leading lady | longing | pedal tone | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:21:26 - The Duke descends the stairs | child | chromatic scale | conflict | conversing | crying gesture | descending | governess | leading lady | room | somber | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Triste | 1:28:51 - Henriette talks about a mystery | duke | falling in love scene | governess | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | room | sigh gesture | somber | storytelling |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Expressivo) | 1:32:32 - Henriette enters the palace | dissonant bass | governess | leading lady | love scene | ominous | palace | somber | walking |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duchess (Agitato) | 1:34:41 - Henriette rushes away from the Duchess | chattering | child | chromatic sequence | common-chord modulation | conflict | conversing | duchess | governess | leading lady | mode mixture | room | somber | worried |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:37:35 - Henriette talks with the Duke | chromatic scale | conversing | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | love scene | room | somber | underscoring |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Raynald (Dark) | 1:41:54 - Raynald talks with Henriette | child | chromatic sequence | conversing | crying | deceptive resolution | farewell scene | governess | leading lady | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Lullaby (Tender) | 1:42:13 - Henriette says goodbye to the children | child | conversing | deceptive resolution | farewell scene | governess | leading lady | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Mysterioso) | 1:42:50 - An apartment building | double exposure | half-diminished 7th chord | letter | montage | room | somber | writing |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Gossiping) + Spring Time (Gossiping) | 1:47:25 - Henriette's landlady talks to the Duke | awkward | child | combination of themes | common-tone diminished 7th | diminished 7th chord | duke | gossiper | gossiping | landlady | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | parallelism | pedal tone | reunion scene | room | somber | tense | watching |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Serious) | 2:11:50 - Henriette arrives upstairs | arriving | detective | hearing voices | leading lady | palace | prisoner | serious | soldier | solemn | somber | suspect | transition | whole-tone chord |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Crying | 2:12:15 - Pierre looks at Henriette | 64 chord | caretaker | chromatic scale | crying | detective | devastated | leading lady | looking | palace | prisoner | soldier | somber | suspect | transition |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Dying (Molto Expressivo) | 2:14:46 - The Duke talks to Pierre | caretaker | chromatic parallelism | confessing | conversing | death bed | death scene | diminished 7th chord | duke | dying | leading man | love | pedal tone | room | sigh gesture | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Confession of Love) | 2:15:34 - The Duke confesses his love | added-note chord | caretaker | chromatic mediant | common-tone modulation | confessing | conversing | death bed | death scene | duke | dying | foreign key modulation | leading man | love | mode mixture | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duke (Gravestone) | 2:16:48 - The Duke's gravestone | common-tone modulation | death | foreign key modulation | gentle | gravestone | graveyard | grieving | leading lady | resolution | somber | voice-over |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Adagio) | 2:18:52 - A child begins crying | child | chromatic mediant | crying | deceptive resolution | leading lady | resolution | school | somber | storytelling | student | teacher |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | The Gangster (Reformatory) | 0:05:04 - Sign: "Society for Juvenile Delinquents" | establish character | main title | Neapolitan | prisoner | reformatory | serious | sign | somber | teenager |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Pleading | 1:11:08 - Laury pleads for Rocky | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | common-chord modulation | crying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | pleading | priest | room | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | The Gangster (Triste) | 1:23:57 - Rocky uses Jerry as a hostage | 9th chord | building | chromatic parallelism | conflict | coughing | dark | double-cross | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | gangster | hostage | leading man | linear chromaticism | major 7th chord | menacing | polychord | priest | smoke | somber | street | tear gas | walking |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | The Gangster (Captured) | 1:25:31 - Rocky is captured | capturing | conflict | gangster | leading man | police | somber | street | taunting |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | The Gangster (Funebre) | 1:31:55 - Rocky is taken away | 64 chord | climax | gangster | leading man | police | priest | prison | pushing | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Funebre | 1:32:03 - Jerry and Rocky walk down the hall | climax | dirge | execution chamber | gangster | leading man | marching | police | priest | prison | somber | tense | walking |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Jerry (Goodbye) | 1:33:12 - Jerry says goodbye to Rocky | added-note chord | climax | conversing | dissonant bass | execution chamber | gangster | leading man | priest | prison | serious | sigh gesture | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Funebre (Sigh) | 1:33:19 - Rocky heads towards electric chair | added-note chord | climax | dirge | execution chamber | gangster | leading man | marching | priest | prison | sigh gesture | somber | tense | walking |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Sanctus (Mournful) | 1:34:12 - Jerry cries after Rocky dies | added-note chord | climax | crying | death | dissonant bass | execution chamber | leading man | mourning | pedal tone | priest | prison | redemption | reverse picardy | sacred | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Jerry (Triste) | 1:35:23 - Jerry visits the boys | conversing | death | foreign key modulation | leading man | pedal tone | picardy third | priest | resolution | room | somber | teenager |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Whole Tone) | 0:21:11 - A view of the city | dreaming | leading man | montage | pedal tone | room | somber | whole-tone scale |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams + Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Allegro) | NIF - not in film | cut from film | mysterious | octatonic | somber | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Washroom Sequence) | 0:24:25 - Eddie talks with his friends | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | dance hall | friend | leading man | score to source | somber | source music | transcribed by ear |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Newspaper Montage) | 0:45:04 - Newspaper headlines | augmentation | comforting | common-chord modulation | crying | double exposure | grandmother | headline | love interest | mickey-mousing | montage | newspaper | room | somber | spinning |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Dreams (Transition 13) + Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Transition 13) | NIF - not in film | 9th chord | added-note chord | chromatic sequence | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | dramatic | plagal cadence | somber |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Moderato) | 0:03:32 - Rosa's house | establish setting | house | maid | somber | voice-over | walking | yard |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Loyalton 2 (Andante) | 0:22:47 - Lewis helps a patient | advance plot | doctor | gentle | healing | helping | leading man | patient | room | sickness | somber | tender |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Sombre) | 0:32:36 - Rosa walks away | advance plot | leading lady | room | somber | sulking | tense | upset | walking |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Lewis (Moderato Quasi Rubato) | 0:42:23 - Lewis talks to some men | advance plot | calm | conversing | doctor | leading man | room | somber | source and scoring overlap | street | townsfolk | walking | warm |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Moderato 2) | 0:45:30 - Rosa in her hotel room | advance plot | calling | hotel | leading lady | somber | telephone | waiting | worrisome |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Solemn) | 0:48:04 - Rosa leaves the office | dark | departing | leading lady | office | receptionist | somber | street | transition | walking |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Chicago (Somber) | 0:48:32 - Rosa sits in a coffee shop | advance plot | angry | audible thoughts | cafe | familiar tune | leading lady | popular tune | somber | thinking |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Dejected) | 0:49:45 - Rosa hangs up the phone | advance plot | cafe | crying | leading lady | somber | telephone |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Heavy) | 1:12:58 - Rosa and Lewis drive away | arriving | departing | dramatic | funeral | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | room | somber | transition | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Sostenuto) | 1:24:25 - Marlowe cleans up | advance plot | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | pain | private eye | recovering | room | somber | tender | weary |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Wrong Address | 1:30:46 - Marlowe ends the phone call | 9th chord | altered dominant | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death | death scene | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | phone call | private eye | room | somber | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Jones (Dolce) | 1:31:04 - Marlowe sits down on the couch | chromatic parallelism | death | death scene | leading man | mourning | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Jones (Triste) | 1:32:02 - Marlowe leaves the office | death scene | informer | leading man | mourning | mysterious | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber |
The Breaking Point (1950) | The Breaking Point (Triste) | 1:35:50 - Harry is carried out on a stretcher | carrying | child | climax | crowd | crying | deceptive resolution | doctor | harbor | leading lady | leading man | sailor | somber | watching | wife |
The Breaking Point (1950) | Leona | 1:36:26 - Leona watches | 9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | augmented sixth chord | child | chromatic parallelism | climax | crowd | crying | doctor | harbor | leading lady | leading man | sailor | somber | watching | wife |
The Breaking Point (1950) | Sad Boy | 1:36:44 - Sad orphaned boy looks on | 9th chord | 11th chord | blue note | child | climax | crowd | crying | harbor | leaving | somber | spiritual | triumphant | watching |
Caged (1950) | Marie | 0:08:04 - Marie poses for mugshot | augmented sixth chord | camera | dissonant bass | establish character | guard | leading lady | mug shot | photographer | photographing | prison | prisoner | sigh gesture | somber |
Caged (1950) | Molto Expressivo | NIF - not in film | 9th chord | advance plot | arriving | cut from film | disbelief | foreign key modulation | guard | leading lady | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | realization | somber | stinger | tense | walking |
Caged (1950) | June | 0:37:27 - June and Marie talk | 11th chord | 13th chord | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | hopeful | leading lady | melancholy | prison | prisoner | sequence | somber |
Caged (1950) | June (Triste) | 0:38:14 - June and Marie talk | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | cut from film | establish character | friend | leading lady | melancholy | prison | prisoner | somber |
Caged (1950) | June (Slowly) | 0:38:39 - Marie looks for June | arriving | chromatic mediant | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | friend | guard | leading lady | melancholy | minor-major 7th chord | prison | prisoner | somber |
Caged (1950) | June (Adagio) | 0:39:34 - Inmates play cards | cards | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | close-up | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | melancholy | playing | prison | prisoner | somber | underscoring | uneasy |
Caged (1950) | June and Marie (Very Slow) | 0:39:59 - Marie helps June | 9th chord | consoling | dark | despair | establish character | friend | guard | helping | leading lady | prison | prisoner | somber | whole-tone chord |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Unattainable Stars) | 0:12:37 - Eddie plays the piano | brother | chromatic parallelism | composer | conversing | describing | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | somber | source music | transcribed by ear |
City for Conquest (1940) | Shadow Waltz (Dark) | 0:33:22 - Peggy talks with Danny | boat | chromatic sequence | conversing | dark | leading lady | leading man | love scene | major 7th chord | octatonic | somber |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Lento 2) | 1:28:11 - Peggy cries | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | conversing | crying | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | room | sequence | somber |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Lento) | 1:35:02 - Orchestra playing | 9th chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | crying | leading lady | linear chromaticism | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | polychord | romantic | somber | source music | tender | watching |
Crime School (1938) | Sue (Quasi Blues) | 0:11:08 - Sue talks to Frankie | bluesy | chromatic parallelism | common-chord modulation | conversing | crying | establish character | foreign key modulation | Gershwinesque | heroine | leading lady | room | somber |
Crime School (1938) | Sue (Minor) | 0:20:38 - Judge sentences boys to the reformatory | augmented sixth chord | chromatic parallelism | courthouse | crying | dissonant bass | gang | heroine | judge | leading lady | leading man | sister | somber | stinger | teenager | trial |
Crime School (1938) | Window closing | 0:30:05 - Boys close their window | chromatic parallelism | closing | escape | gang | mickey-mousing | reformatory | somber | teenager | whole-tone scale | window |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Subtle) | 0:37:09 - Transition to cafeteria | advance plot | conversing | hospital | leading man | reformatory | somber | teenager | underscoring | warden |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:22:16 - Close-up on Johnnie | advance plot | leading man | money | realizing | room | somber | stinger | underscoring |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | The Fugitive (Triste) | 0:23:12 - Johnnie at a diner | 9th chord | advance plot | diner | leading man | money | somber | thinking | underscoring |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | Drops money | 0:23:19 - Johnnie drops his money | advance plot | diner | dropping | leading man | mickey-mousing | money | somber |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | The Fugitive (Ashamed) | 1:03:55 - Johnnie tells them he can't fight | 9th chord | conflict | dark | foreign key modulation | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | lying | room | somber | teenager |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | On the Make (Heartbreak) | 1:06:05 - Johnny talks to Peggy | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | room | slamming | somber | tense |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | On the Make (Crying) | 1:06:29 - Peggy cries after Johnnie leaves | 11th chord | conflict | crying | leading lady | leading man | room | somber |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | The Fugitive (Let Down) | 1:06:51 - The boys talk about Johnnie | added-note chord | arguing | conflict | criticizing | foreign key modulation | leading man | room | somber | teenager |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | The Fugitive (Going Away) | 1:07:38 - Tommy talks to Johnnie | conflict | leading man | lonely | packing | room | somber | teenager | thinking |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi's Mother | 0:05:23 - Detective questions Clementi's mother | folk-like | mother | somber | strumming |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Bridget's Story | 0:05:53 - Detective questions Bridget | sigh gesture | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Zina | 0:09:30 - Clementi learns that Zina has married his brother while she thought he was dead | female | flashback | folk-like | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:10:38 - Clementi leaves the shop | flashback | male lead | somber | underscoring |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:26:32 - Stephanie goes into Clementi's office | flashback | somber | underscoring |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi C (Con Moto) | 1:26:52 - Clementi and Stephanie talk | deception | flashback | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Stephanie (Deception) | 1:27:04 - Clementi and Stephanie talk | deception | flashback | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Stephanie (Leaving) | 1:27:19 - Clementi and Stephanie talk | deception | flashback | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Stephanie (Weeping) | 1:28:53 - Stephanie leaves Clementi | crying | deception | flashback | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Bridget (Expressivo) | 1:29:43 - Bridget consoles Clementi and tells him she loves him | flashback | love | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Zina | 1:34:08 - Zina tells Clementi how she knows he killed his brother | female | flashback | folk-like | gun | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Death 1 | 1:57:48 - The story goes back to present day when Bridget is telling the story of Clementi to the detectives | mournful | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi's Mother | 1:58:15 - Bridget talks to Clementi's mother | mother | somber |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi A (Appassionato) | 1:58:26 - Briget walks out of the room | dark | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Drudge | 0:03:59 - Libby goes downstairs | descending | establish character | leading lady | room | somber | stairs | upset | walking |
Deep Valley (1947) | Drudge (Kitchen) | 0:04:12 - Libby works in kitchen | cooking | dog | establish character | kitchen | leading lady | somber | upset |
Deep Valley (1947) | Drudge (Sentimentale) | 0:04:49 - Libby feeds Joe | cooking | dog | establish character | kitchen | leading lady | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby | 0:06:09 - Libby returns to her work | establish character | father | kitchen | leading lady | serving | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Homestead (Morendo) | 0:06:44 - Cliff makes his bed | cleaning | establish character | father | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Rubato) | 0:08:13 - Libby at the kitchen table | establish character | kitchen | leading lady | leaving | somber | tense |
Deep Valley (1947) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:17:55 - Libby talks with Ellie | advance plot | conversing | dark | leading lady | mother | room | somber | underscoring |
Deep Valley (1947) | Homestead (Somber) | 0:18:26 - Ellie talks with Libby | advance plot | conversing | dark | leading lady | mother | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Love Theme (Molto Expressivo) | 0:23:07 - Libby watches them take Barry | boss | conflict | convict | crying | father | guard | leading lady | leading man | somber | street | watching |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Misterioso) | 0:28:31 - Libby talks with Jeff | advance plot | boss | conversing | dark | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Homestead (Morendo) | 0:29:17 - Jeff talks with Libby | advance plot | boss | conversing | leading lady | leading man | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Dark) | 0:33:17 - Libby walks to her mother's room | conflict | conversing | dark | leading lady | lightning | mother | room | somber | storm | thunder | walking |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Slowly) | 0:34:53 - Libby leaves her mother | conflict | dark | leading lady | leaving | lightning | mother | pleading | room | somber | storm | tense | thunder |
Deep Valley (1947) | Triste (Stormy) | 0:35:16 - Shutters shaking in the wind | conflict | dark | leading lady | leaving | lightning | mother | pleading | room | somber | storm | thunder |
Deep Valley (1947) | Homestead (Slowly) | 0:37:05 - Ellie in her room | advance plot | arriving | father | mother | room | somber | street | waiting |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Molto Expressivo) | 0:57:13 - Libby looks at the homestead | leading lady | mother | mysterious | reconciliation scene | returning | room | somber | street |
Deep Valley (1947) | Triste (Timidly) | 0:57:32 - Ellie leaves her room | cleaning | father | mother | reconciliation scene | room | somber | timid | walking |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Molto Misterioso) + Love Theme | 1:06:04 - Sheriff drinks coffee | action scene | convict | drinking | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | police | room | somber | walking |
Deep Valley (1947) | Homestead (Morendo) | 1:08:13 - Libby talks with her parents | advance plot | conversing | father | leading lady | mother | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Triste) | 1:10:09 - Libby reacts to the news | escape | leading lady | leading man | reacting | room | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Very Slowly) | 1:30:02 - Libby climbs the ladder | advance plot | arriving | barn | climbing | convict | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber | uneasy | walking |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby (Somber) + Barry (Somber) | 1:30:26 - Libby talks to Barry | advance plot | barn | combination of themes | comforting | convict | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Misterioso 2) | 1:40:17 - Barry runs | climax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber | stumbling | tense |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Triste) | 1:40:30 - Barry at the creek | climax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber |
Deep Valley (1947) | Molto Expressivo | 1:40:35 - Barry at the creek | climax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Marching | 0:10:10 - Inmates marching | establish location | leading man | march | marching | parallelism | pedal tone | prison | prisoner | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Marching | 0:12:27 - Inmates marching | establish character | march | marching | pedal tone | prison | prisoner | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Somber) | 0:18:36 - Mabel reacts | conflict | inversion | leading lady | prison | sigh gesture | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny | 0:38:38 - Joe and Mabel part | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | leading lady | leading man | leaving | runaway | somber | street |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Parting Ways) | 0:38:56 - Joe and Mabel part | altered dominant | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | dark | leading lady | leading man | leaving | mode mixture | pedal tone | runaway | somber | street |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Running) | 0:39:33 - Mabel runs across the street | conflict | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | runaway | running | somber | street | truck |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Regret) | 0:39:53 - Joe walks away sadly | conflict | dark | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | pedal tone | runaway | somber | street |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Worried) | 0:46:02 - Mabel talks to the police | 11th chord | create suspense | leading lady | police | room | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Radio) | 0:52:28 - Mabel in an apartment | conflict | leading lady | leading man | popular song | radio | room | score to source | somber | source music |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Mysterioso) | 1:05:26 - Joe talks to Mike | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | dark | leading man | linear chromaticism | newspaper editor | office | ominous | somber |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Delicate) | 1:22:18 - Mabel rises to testify for Joe | courtroom | crowd | delicate | judge | jury | leading lady | leading man | sequence | somber | suspect | trial |
The FBI Story (1959) | FBI March A (Triste) | 1:24:06 - Lucy says that she is going to leave Chip | faithful | FBI | flashback | noble | plain | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus 2 (Triste) | 0:34:10 - Field tells Lane he is getting married | breaking up | breakup | café | chromatic sequence | dark | leading lady | leading man | major 7th chord | mysterious | self-borrowing | somber | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Triste) | 0:34:51 - Lane goes to the kitchen | breakup | café | dark | diminished 7th chord | foreign key modulation | leading lady | pondering | somber | waitress | working |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lane (Triste) | 0:35:13 - Lane comes back and Field is gone | breakup | café | dark | employer | firing | leading lady | somber | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Somber) | 0:40:31 - Field talks to Lane's co-worker | 9th chord | 11th chord | advance plot | café | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | coworker | deceptive resolution | diminished 7th chord | leading man | linear chromaticism | politician | reverse picardy | sigh gesture | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lane (Lonely) | 0:41:27 - Lane talks to a fellow prisoner | advance plot | conversing | foreign key modulation | leading lady | lonely | prison | prisoner | reverse picardy | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lane (Fragmented) | 0:42:21 - Lane talks to a fellow prisoner | advance plot | conversing | fragmentation | leading lady | prison | prisoner | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Flamingo Road (Triste) | 1:19:43 - Lane watches Dan leave | altered dominant | conflict | husband | leading lady | leading man | politician | room | self-borrowing | somber | waiting | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Somber Phone Call | 1:19:54 - Dan calls Lane from the station | calling | conflict | half-diminished 7th chord | husband | leading lady | leading man | politician | somber | tone cluster | train station | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Triste 2) | 1:20:10 - Dan and Lane talk on the phone | calling | conflict | husband | leading lady | leading man | politician | room | somber | train station | wife |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Lane (Lonely) | 1:21:12 - Lane in her room | advance plot | leading lady | lonely | mickey-mousing | pondering | rising | room | somber | waiting |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Triste) | 1:22:18 - Field enters the house | death scene | diminished 7th chord | drunk | drunk | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | stumbling |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:22:33 - Field stumbles through the house | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death scene | drunk | drunk | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Drunk) | 1:22:58 - Field and Lane talk about their past love | arguing | chromatic parallelism | death scene | diminished 7th chord | drunk | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay | 0:25:56 - Marcia and Steve talk | advance plot | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | room | somber |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay | 0:28:43 - Marcia talks to Steve | action scene | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | somber |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Disappointment | 0:36:18 - Steve leaves | advance plot | conductor score | dark | disappointed | investigator | leading man | leaving | somber | street |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Adoramus te Christe | 0:38:32 - A funeral | church | conversing | friend | funeral | investigator | leading man | somber | source music |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay | 1:01:53 - Marcia talks to Steve | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | room | somber |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Kay | 1:29:11 - Steve enters with Kay | arriving | entering | investigator | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | turning point | witness |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Anna | 1:30:35 - Anna tells Steve where to find Amato | advance plot | betraying | conversing | dark | investigator | leading man | ominous | priest | room | somber | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (Somber) | 0:44:48 - Georgia leaves | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | departing | gambler | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | underscoring |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Family (Triste) | 0:38:00 - Matt enters his home | advance plot | common-chord modulation | foreign key modulation | leading man | pacing | room | self-borrowing | solemn | somber | thinking | undercover agent |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Triste) | 0:12:54 - Roy walks up the stairs | 9th chord | altered dominant | countermelody | establish character | foreign key modulation | gentle | leading lady | room | somber | walking |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Peter Lies) | 0:13:28 - Peter talks about his trip | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | conversing | leading lady | leading man | lying | musical clue | packing | room | serious | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Discussion | 0:13:57 - Roy talks with Peter | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | conversing | leading lady | leading man | passionate | reverse picardy | room | serious | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Morendo) | 0:15:43 - Roy responds to Peter | added-note chord | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | conversing | embracing | leading lady | leading man | room | serious | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Valse Triste) | 0:16:22 - Roy looks out the window | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | dark | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | somber | waltz | watching | window |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley B (Valse Triste) | 0:16:33 - Craig arrives | 9th chord | advance plot | arriving | dark | dissonant bass | leading lady | leading man | somber | street | waltz | watching | window |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:16:44 - Craig comes inside | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | dark | father | leading lady | leading man | room | somber | waltz |
In This Our Life (1942) | Asa (Triste) | 0:21:45 - Asa arrives home | 64 chord | arriving | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | father | leading lady | room | solemn | somber | tense |
In This Our Life (1942) | Asa (Molto Expressivo) | 0:23:49 - Roy leaves | 64 chord | added-note chord | conflict | dark | father | leading lady | leaving | mode mixture | pedal tone | reverse picardy | room | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Morendo) | 0:29:32 - Craig talks with Roy | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | conversing | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | park | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley Introduction (Extended) | 0:36:41 - Peter goes home | 9th chord | arriving | car | chromatic scale | leading man | love scene | room | solemn | somber | tense |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Cello Solo) | 0:37:11 - Peter sits on the couch | 9th chord | contemplating | enharmonic respelling | leading man | love scene | room | sigh gesture | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:48:46 - Asa relates the bad news | 9th chord | bad news | conversing | deceptive resolution | father | leading lady | leading man | room | sigh gesture | somber | turning point | uncle | underscoring |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Morendo 2) | 0:49:54 - Roy reacts to the bad news | added-note chord | appoggiatura | augmented sixth chord | conversing | father | leading lady | leading man | mode change | room | serious | somber | suicide | turning point | uncle |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Triste 2) | 1:13:12 - Roy talks with Minerva | advance plot | conversing | leading lady | maid | mother | questioning | room | solemn | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Slowly 2) | 1:20:46 - Men playing checkers | checkers | conflict | criminal | dark | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | game | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | playing | prison | prisoner | somber | suspect | victim |
In This Our Life (1942) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:21:07 - Parry in his jail cell | 9th chord | conflict | conversing | criminal | diminished 7th chord | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | prison | prisoner | sigh gesture | somber | suspect | underscoring | victim |
In This Our Life (1942) | Minerva and Parry | 1:21:28 - Parry in his jail cell | 9th chord | 11th chord | blue note | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | conversing | criminal | foreign key modulation | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | lying | prison | prisoner | somber | suspect | tender | testifying | victim |
In This Our Life (1942) | Minerva and Parry (Triste) | 1:22:39 - Parry talks to Stanley | 64 chord | conflict | conversing | criminal | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | lying | mode change | prison | prisoner | solemn | somber | suspect | testifying | victim |
In This Our Life (1942) | London Bridge is Falling Down (Molto Expressivo) | 1:23:33 - Craig talks to Stanley | car | children's song | conflict | conversing | criminal | familiar tune | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Extended) | 1:27:33 - Stanley goes upstairs | 9th chord | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | climax | conversing | criminal | crying | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mother | room | somber | suspect | uneasy |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Triste) | 1:29:42 - Stanley enters the house | 9th chord | agitated | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | criminal | leading lady | room | running | sigh gesture | somber | tense | transition | uncle |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Crying) | 1:33:37 - Stanley crying in her car | 9th chord | appoggiatura | chase scene | chasing | climax | criminal | crying | dark | dramatic | driving | fleeing | harmonic sequence | leading lady | police | somber | street | tense |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Tragic) | 1:34:28 - Police run to Stanley's car | 9th chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | brash | car | car crash | chase scene | climax | criminal | dramatic | dying | fire | half-diminished 7th chord | helping | leading lady | mournful | police | reporting | rescuing | rushing | sigh gesture | somber | street | tragic |
In This Our Life (1942) | Fast Driving (Dark) | 1:35:07 - Policemen on the radio | calling | oscillation | pc set | police | police station | reporting | resolution | room | solemn | somber | stinger |
In This Our Life (1942) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:35:22 - Policemen on the radio | altered dominant | calling | police | police station | reporting | resolution | room | solemn | somber | tense | underscoring |
In This Our Life (1942) | Love Theme (Slowly) | 1:35:39 - Craig answers a phone call | comforting | conversing | leading lady | leading man | resolution | room | solemn | somber | tender | The End |
The Informer (1935) | Drinking Song | 0:02:15 - Gypo and Frankie sing at a pub | cheerful | drinking | establish character | flashback | leading man | on-screen music | pub | remembering | singing | somber | source music | street |
The Informer (1935) | Katie Calls Gypo | 0:05:38 - Katie says Gypo's name | conversing | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | somber | staring | street |
The Informer (1935) | Katie (Tired and Sad) | 0:05:49 - Katie talks to Gypo | conversing | crying | diminished 7th chord | establish character | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | Scotch snap | sobbing gesture | somber | street |
The Informer (1935) | The Informer (Suspicion) | 0:29:47 - Gypo leaves the wake | 64 chord | antagonist | coin | crying | dissonant bass | dropping | giving | leading man | leaving | mickey-mousing | money | mourner | pivotal scene | room | Scotch snap | sigh gesture | somber | staring |
The Informer (1935) | Katie (Tragic) | 1:04:39 - Katie is left alone on the street | advance plot | appoggiatura | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | money | somber | street | worrying |
The Informer (1935) | Peter Mulligan | 1:05:37 - Peter Mulligan sits and holds a crucifix | courtroom | courtroom scene | folk-like | headquarters | mode mixture | room | somber | suspect | waiting |
The Informer (1935) | Peter Mulligan | 1:07:25 - Mulligan cries | courtroom scene | headquarters | mode mixture | room | somber | suspect | waiting |
The Informer (1935) | Judges (Maestoso) | 1:08:01 - Gypo looks at the judges | 64 chord | chromatic scale | courtroom | courtroom scene | headquarters | judge | judging | pedal tone | room | serious | somber | watching |
The Informer (1935) | The Informer (Pathetic) | 1:29:48 - Gypo stumbles toward Frankie's mother | antagonist | church | climax | diminished 7th chord | dying | gentle | leading man | main theme | pedal tone | somber | stumbling | traitor | walking |
The Informer (1935) | Sancta Maria | 1:30:27 - Frankie's mother forgives Gypo | antagonist | church | climax | confessing | dying | gentle | leading man | mother | sacred | somber | suspension | traitor |
Key Largo (1948) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:13:51 - Frank talks with Mr. Temple | advance plot | conversing | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | prelude | somber | underscoring |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Molto Expressivo) | 0:15:36 - Frank and Mr. Temple talk about George | advance plot | death | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | war |
Key Largo (1948) | Burial Place | 0:16:11 - Frank talks about George's burial place | advance plot | death | father | hotel | hymn | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Bugle Call) + Taps | 0:16:31 - Mr. Temple asks Frank about George's burial place | advance plot | bugle call | combination of themes | death | father | heroic | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | noble | remembering | somber | storytelling | taps | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Broad) | 0:17:00 - Nora and Frank go outside | advance plot | bright | death | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | walking | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Tragic) | 0:34:05 - McCloud and Nora help Mr. Temple up | boss | conflict | father | gangster | helping | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mode change | solemn | somber |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Triste) | 0:47:23 - Rocco mocks McCloud | boss | conflict | conversing | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mode change | moll | serious | somber |
Key Largo (1948) | Moanin’ Low (Quasi Appassionato) | 0:58:38 - McCloud gets a drink for Gaye | alcohol | bluesy | boss | crying | develop character | familiar tune | father | gangster | helping | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | moll | somber | source to score |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Somber) | 1:17:43 - Sheriff questions McCloud | determined | hotel | investigation scene | leading man | police | questioning | somber |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Slowly) | 1:24:14 - McCloud and Nora exchange glances | advance plot | hotel | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | somber |
Key Largo (1948) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:27:42 - Nora and Gaye enter the hotel | advance plot | conversing | hotel | leading lady | moll | somber | underscoring | walking |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Tense) | 1:27:56 - Mr. Temple tries to make a phone call | advance plot | conversing | father | hotel | leading lady | moll | somber |
Key Largo (1948) | Moanin’ Low (Triste) | 1:38:30 - Gaye leaves | familiar tune | father | hotel | leading lady | moll | resolution | somber | thinking | waiting |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie | 0:41:12 - Howard says he will help Leslie | advance plot | appoggiatura | calm | chromatic mediant | crying | deception | hospital | lawyer | leading lady | letter | love theme | sigh gesture | somber | suspension | tender |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie (Triste) | 0:42:17 - Leslie and Howard talk about her husband | advance plot | appoggiatura | calm | chromatic mediant | crying | hospital | lawyer | leading lady | letter | love theme | resolution | sigh gesture | somber | suspension | tender |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie (Tragic) | 1:16:14 - Leslie tells Howard to give Robert the letter | conflict | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | letter | love theme | reading | somber | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Mrs. Hammond (Confession) | 1:17:35 - Leslie confesses to Robert | Chinese | confessing | conflict | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | letter | open fifth | parallel fifths | parallelism | pentatonic | recounting | serious | somber | tritone oscillation |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Very Slow) | 1:29:01 - Leslie rejects Robert | augmented sixth chord | changing meter | climax | enharmonic respelling | home | leading lady | oscillation | sequence | somber | stern | weeping |
The Letter (1940) | Mrs. Hammond (Dirge) | 1:29:32 - Leslie heads towards the door | Chinese | climax | dark | dirge | home | leading lady | parallelism | somber | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Native (Climactic) | 1:30:42 - Leslie walks through her garden | climax | crying | Dorian mode | exoticism | gamelan | Indonesian music | leading lady | mysterious | panning shot | parallelism | plantation | setting | somber | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Deception (Appassionato) | 1:31:18 - Close-up of Leslie | climax | crying | leading lady | mysterious | pc set | Phrygian mode | plantation | somber | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Deliberate) | 1:32:48 - Mrs. Hammond approaches Leslie with a knife | antagonist | changing meter | Chinese | climax | dagger | leading lady | oscillation | plantation | somber | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Mrs. Hammond (Revenge) | 1:33:01 - Mrs. Hammond stabs Leslie | 64 chord | antagonist | Chinese | Chinese | climax | dagger | leading lady | murder | open fifth | parallel fifths | parallelism | pentatonic | plantation | somber | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Reckoning) | 1:33:42 - Mrs. Hammond walks away | 11th chord | antagonist | augmentation | body | changing meter | Chinese | climax | death | leading lady | moon | oscillation | plantation | policeman | somber | suspension |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie (The Body) | NIF - not in film | alternate music | body | chromatic mediant | climax | death | foreign key modulation | love theme | Neapolitan | pedal tone | plantation | somber |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Lightning 3 | 0:01:02 - Title card, cast list and prison | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | dark | guard | opening title sequence | priest | prison | somber | warden |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace | 0:01:23 - Priest in a prison | arriving | conversing | dark | establish character | funeral march | funereal | guard | leading man | priest | prison | prisoner | solemn | somber | walking | warden |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly and Trev (Molto Expressivo) | 0:23:31 - Shelly makes a promise | actor | conversing | countryside | departing | horse | leading lady | leading man | promise | somber | suspect | transition |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Father Paul | 0:33:25 - Liza comforts String | actor | anger | brother | comforting | conflict | crying | dark | leading lady | priest | rancher | room | somber | tense |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Mournful | 0:35:50 - Priest hears a dog whimpering | body | death | dog | flashback | leading man | priest | ranch | sad | searching | somber | suspect | whimpering |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Trev (Triste) | 0:38:59 - Trev enters the store | actor | advance plot | arriving | leading lady | leading man | looking | somber | staring | store | suspect | watching | whispering | worker |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly and Trev (Taken Aback) | 0:45:08 - Shelly reacts to Trev's question | actor | arguing | cliff | countryside | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | reacting | somber | suspect |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Trev (Triste 2) | 0:46:33 - Trev climbs to help Shelly | actor | cliff | climbing | countryside | danger | falling in love scene | helping | heroic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | rescue | rescuing | romantic | somber | suspect | tense |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Molto Misterioso) | 0:50:38 - Liza leaves the room | actor | car | leading lady | leaving | luggage | mysterious | packing | ranch | rancher | somber | tense | transition |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Emotion | 1:05:10 - Shelly cries | actor | comforting | conversing | crying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | ranch | somber | suspect |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:17:15 - Trev stares at Shelly | actor | dark | husband | leading lady | leading man | love scene | reacting | room | somber | suspect | underscoring |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Mournful (Scared) | 1:18:45 - Shelly is afraid of Trev | actor | crying | fear | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | somber | suspect | worrying |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Somber) | 0:01:37 - A house on the beach | added-note chord | beach | establish setting | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | optimistic | pedal tone | somber | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Murder) | 0:01:59 - Bullet holes in the mirror | 11th chord | augmented sixth chord | dark | death | dying | leaving | murder | murder scene | room | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Pier) | 0:02:15 - Santa Monica pier at night | chromatic parallelism | dock | establish character | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | pondering | sequence | somber | walking | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Tragic) | 0:02:42 - Mildred walks out onto the dock | altered dominant | dock | establish character | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | pondering | sequence | somber | suicide | tragic | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Waves rumbling | 0:03:15 - Policeman convinces Mildred not to jump | conversing | dock | establish character | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | police | somber | suicide | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Bert (Triste) | 0:24:26 - Bert and Mildred separate | augmented sixth chord | breaking up | crying | establish character | fragmentation | heroine | husband | leading lady | leaving | Neapolitan | pedal tone | room | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Sentimental) | 0:25:37 - Veda and Kay see their father leaving | child | establish character | interrupting | leaving | mode mixture | packing | sentimental | somber | stopping | street |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Ashamed) | 0:28:13 - Mildred overhears Veda complaining about her new dress | advance plot | child | heroine | leading lady | Neapolitan | room | sigh gesture | somber | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Lonely) | 0:28:20 - Mildred looks through her desk | advance plot | bill | flashback | foreign key modulation | gun | heroine | leading lady | lonely | mode mixture | photograph | room | somber | voice-over | writing |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Regretful) | 0:39:37 - Mildred regrets slapping Veda | apologizing | child | chromatic mediant | conflict | foreign key modulation | heroine | hopeful | leading lady | mode mixture | Neapolitan | regretting | room | somber | tritone |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Bert (Sentimentale) | 0:48:03 - Mildred watches her children leave | heroine | husband | leading lady | leaving | oscillation | room | serious | somber | thinking | transition | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Pneumonia | 0:54:25 - A doctor works on Kay | child | chromatic scale | dark | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | mickey-mousing | nurse | oscillation | patient | pc set | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Dying) | 0:55:05 - Kay's family waits and watches | 11th chord | child | dark | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | nurse | patient | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Pneumonia (Dying) | 0:55:24 - Kay passes away | 9th chord | child | chromatic parallelism | dark | death | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | linear chromaticism | minor-major 7th chord | nurse | oscillation | patient | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Mourning) | 0:56:07 - Mildred mourns Kay's death | 9th chord | augmented sixth chord | child | death | death scene | doctor | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | mourning | nurse | patient | room | sick person | somber | turning point |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Tenderly) | 0:56:34 - Veda and Mildred mourn for Kay | added-note chord | calm | child | death | death scene | ex-husband | heroine | hopeful | leading lady | mode mixture | mourning | plagal cadence | room | somber | turning point |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Sorrow) | 1:03:41 - Monte asks about Kay | advance plot | conversing | heroine | leading lady | love interest | minor-major 7th chord | mode mixture | restaurant | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Bert (Regretful) | 1:04:43 - Bert tells Mildred about the divorce | 9th chord | advance plot | chromatic mediant | common-chord modulation | conversing | divorce | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | love interest | regretting | restaurant | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Closes blinds | 1:15:59 - Mildred closes the blinds | blinds | breakup | closing | conflict | down | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | room | somber | window |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Bert (Somber) | 1:37:06 - Bert talks with Mildred in her new house | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | conversing | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | pedal tone | room | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | It Can't Be Wrong (Molto Misterioso) | 1:42:42 - Mildred learns that Monte has betrayed her | 9th chord | bankruptcy | betrayal | dark | familiar tune | friend | heroine | leading lady | love theme | memory | mysterious | pc set | popular music | realizing | room | somber | turning point | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Dark) | 1:45:09 - Mildred realizes that she cannot save Veda | crime | heroine | interrogating | interrogation | police station | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Triste) | 1:49:37 - Veda is led out by the police | antagonist | conversing | daughter | defeat | detective | heroine | leading lady | leaving | mother | murderer | police station | resigned | resolution | sigh gesture | somber |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Funeral March | 0:01:12 - A funeral march | altered dominant | brass band | classical music | crowd | establish place | funeral | funeral march | marching | mode change | on-screen music | parallel 63s | pedal tone | performer | secondary dominant | somber | source music | street | watching |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby + Funeral March | 0:02:32 - Vergie in her jail cell | classical music | combination of themes | funeral | funeral march | leading lady | plagal cadence | pondering | prison | prisoner | sequence | somber | source music | suspect | watching |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Somber) | 0:54:14 - Vergie listens to John | altered dominant | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | outside | secret love | secret lover | somber |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Funeral March | 1:17:18 - John's funeral procession | altered dominant | brass band | classical music | crowd | establish place | funeral | funeral march | marching | on-screen music | parallel 63s | somber | source music | street | watching |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Ending) + Funeral March (Ending) | 1:18:06 - Vergie in her jail cell | classical music | combination of themes | crying | funeral | funeral march | leading lady | prisoner | somber | suspect |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Very Ethereal) | 1:19:04 - Vergie exits the prison | daughter | dissonant bass | husband | leading lady | pedal tone | prison | prisoner | resolution | somber | suspect | tense | walking |
Rockabye (1932) | Rockin' Chair | 0:59:16 - Judy talks to her manager | AABA structure | advance plot | conversing | drinking | leading lady | manager | party | somber | source music |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fear) | 0:21:18 - Officer Magruder arrives | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fear | fisherman | friend | leading man | police | sandwich | solemn | somber |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Drab | 0:24:36 - Stella in bed | advance plot | father | ignoring | knocking | leading lady | room | smoking | somber | tense | thinking | whispering |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Drab (Extended) | 0:51:50 - Stella talks with her father | advance plot | conversing | father | fisherman | foreign key modulation | leading lady | packing | room | sequence | somber | uneasy |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Drab | 0:53:05 - Stella talks with her father | advance plot | conversing | father | fisherman | leading lady | room | sequence | somber | uneasy |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Doublecross (Entanglements) | 1:17:24 - Nick falls to the ground | advance plot | dark | descending tetrachord | farm | fighting | leading man | manager | mother | not by Steiner | sister | somber | tragic | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Underscoring (Tender) | 1:38:49 - Nick lies dying on a table | climax | dying | linear chromaticism | manager | pedal tone | room | somber | tender |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad (Tender) | 1:39:15 - Nick speaks his final words | 9th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | climax | death | dying | fanfare | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | manager | mode mixture | pedal tone | room | sister | somber | stretto imitation |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | There's a Sob in My Heart (Sentimental) | 1:10:39 - People are sad as the radio plays | AABA structure | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | countermelody | crying | leading lady | leading man | popular song | radio | resolution | room | salesman | sentimental | somber | transcribed by ear |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Deep Night | 0:05:47 - Roger argues with Paula | AABA structure | antagonist | arguing | establish character | lawyer | leading lady | on-screen music | party | sister | somber | source music |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Somber) | 0:22:24 - Bob comforts Chris | 9th chord | augmented sixth chord | comfort | comforting | common-chord modulation | husband | leading lady | love scene | mode mixture | ostinato | pedal tone | room | somber | victim |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Ostinato) | 0:50:56 - Chris leaves Larry's office | advance plot | exiting | law office | lawyer | leading lady | office | pedal tone | somber |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Drone) | 0:51:08 - Chris enters the art shop | advance plot | arriving | leading lady | ostinato | shop | shopkeeper | somber |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Somber 2) | 1:00:01 - Chris thinks | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | chromatic mediant | common-chord modulation | conversing | foreign key modulation | husband | leading lady | mode mixture | ostinato | room | somber | tender |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Triste) | 1:13:36 - Bob walks slowly away | dirge | heartbroken | hotel | husband | ostinato | pedal tone | polychord | sad | sequential modulation | somber | transition | walking |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Distressed) | 1:41:24 - Larry talks with Bob | 9th chord | conversing | foreign key modulation | husband | lawyer | ostinato | pc set | resolution | room | somber | wife |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Leaving) | 1:42:32 - Chris prepares to leave | 9th chord | conversing | husband | lawyer | mode mixture | ostinato | pedal tone | resolution | room | somber | wife |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Surprise Symphony (Not Afraid) | 0:11:24 - David sets Leni's wrist | chromatic scale | classical music | delicate | doctor | establish character | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | Haydn | hero | heroine | quotation | room | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Somber) | 0:38:52 - Leni reacts | 9th chord | antagonist | common-chord modulation | conflict | conversing | evaded cadence | familiar tune | folk song | garden | German | heroine | mode mixture | quotation | sentimental | sigh gesture | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Captain Gerald | 0:43:23 - Gerald tells Leni a story | added-note chord | advance plot | boy | child | exoticism | foreign key modulation | heroine | home | imagination | room | somber | telling a story |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Crying) | 0:45:45 - Leni kisses Gerald | 9th chord | 64 chord | advance plot | antagonist | boy | child | crying | deceptive resolution | familiar tune | folk song | fragmentation | German | heroine | home | leaving | mode mixture | mother | quotation | room | sequence | somber | tritone |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Triste) | 0:51:10 - David talks to Leni | 9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | conversing | deceptive resolution | familiar tune | folk song | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | German | hero | heroine | home | quotation | room | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Surprise Symphony (Sneaky) | 0:51:52 - David goes to bed | added-note chord | advance plot | antagonist | classical music | cook | diminution | familiar tune | Haydn | hero | heroine | home | mickey-mousing | mysterious | quotation | room | sneaking | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:37:44 - David and Leni talk | conversing | harmonic sequence | hero | heroine | love scene | prison | somber | triadic transformation | underscoring |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Execution | 1:38:10 - Leni talks to David | comforting | conversing | drone | execution | hero | heroine | love scene | name of film | prison | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Hopeful) | 1:38:41 - David comforts Leni | 9th chord | comforting | conversing | familiar tune | folk song | German | hero | heroine | love scene | mode mixture | pedal tone | plagal cadence | prison | quotation | somber |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Waiting | 1:46:39 - David asks about his execution | 9th chord | advance plot | hero | prison | somber | waiting |
White Heat (1949) | Zuckie's Death | 0:12:29 - Cody ignores Zuckie | crying | dark | death | departing | funereal | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moaning | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | pleading | room | somber | victim |
White Heat (1949) | Zuckie's Death | 0:13:32 - Gangsters get in the car | dark | death | departing | funereal | gangster | gun | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | somber | victim | walking | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Verna (Uneasy) | 1:18:05 - Big Ed kisses Verna | dark | drinking | embracing | gangster | gun | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | moll | murderer | murder scene | room | somber | spying | waiting |
White Heat (1949) | Verna (Cello Solo) | 1:28:30 - Cody talks about Verna | advance plot | character mention | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | memory | murderer | somber | undercover agent | yard |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan | 0:00:08 - Title of the film | book | cast list | opening title sequence | Renaissance music | somber | starring list | title of film |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Garden) | 0:33:09 - Marian talks to Fosco | arguing | conversing | cousin | falling in love scene | garden | instrument effect | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | Renaissance music | somber | watching |
The Woman in White (1948) | The Self Banished (Somber) | 0:39:27 - Marian talks to Walter | advance plot | bad news | conversing | cousin | garden | gentle | heartbroken | leading lady | leading man | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan | 0:50:24 - Newspaper headline | headline | montage | montage | newspaper | Renaissance music | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Garden 2) | 0:55:17 - Marian talks to Mr. Fairlie | advance plot | conversing | cousin | father | leading lady | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Laura (At Dinner) | 0:55:43 - Sitting at the dining table | advance plot | antagonist | butler | cigarette | conversing | cousin | eating | happy | husband | leading lady | light | mansion | monkey | servant | smoking | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Misterioso Rubato) | 0:58:22 - The countess excuses herself | advance plot | antagonist | butler | conversing | cousin | departing | husband | leading lady | mansion | mysterious | servant | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Spying) | 0:58:37 - Marian writes in her journal | advance plot | cousin | journal | leading lady | mysterious | room | somber | thinking | voice-over | writing |
The Woman in White (1948) | The Self Banished (Somber) | 0:59:47 - Marian talks to Laura | advance plot | conversing | cousin | gentle | leading lady | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Asylum | 1:01:26 - Laura suffers from a headache | aching | advance plot | agitated | conversing | cousin | headache | illness | illness effect | leading lady | pain | room | somber | tense | victim |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Slow) | 1:01:49 - Marian closes the door | advance plot | cousin | departing | leading lady | room | somber | victim |
The Woman in White (1948) | Sneaking | 1:02:12 - Marian leaves wearing a cloak | advance plot | antagonist | conversing | cousin | criminal | eavesdropping | father | husband | leading lady | leading man | room | sneaking | somber | tense |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Basses) | 1:05:32 - Marian gets dressed | advance plot | antagonist | cousin | criminal | dressing | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | room | shadow | somber | stinger | surprising |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Dead) | 1:18:55 - The woman in white lies dead | antagonist | conversing | criminal | dark | death scene | dying | husband | leading lady | murderer | room | somber | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Come, Sweet Death | 1:20:00 - The obituaries column | montage | newspaper | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Come, Sweet Death (Funeral) | 1:20:13 - Mourners at a funeral | cemetery | church | cousin | crowd | funeral | funeral | husband | leading lady | leading man | mourning | priest | reading | somber | victim |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Misterioso) | 1:21:57 - Marian talks to Walter | cemetery | cousin | crying | funeral | funeral | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | somber | spying |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Molto Moderato) | 1:38:43 - Fosco looks at Marian | advance plot | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | menacing | murderer | pacing | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Molto Moderato) | 1:39:33 - Fosco talks to Marian | advance plot | conversing | criminal | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | menacing | murderer | room | somber |
The Woman in White (1948) | Adagio | 1:45:00 - The Countess picks up a knife | climax | conversing | criminal | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murderer | necklace | room | somber | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Quasi Misterioso) | 1:46:05 - Various close-ups | climax | criminal | death | dying | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | revenge | room | somber | victim | watching | wife |
Three Who Loved (1931) | Old Folks At Home | 0:46:00 - Phil paces in a jail cell | advance plot | jail | leading man | on-screen music | playing | prisoner | somber | source music |
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932) | The Prisoner's Song | 0:01:11 - Prisoners in a prison yard | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | establish place | establish setting | mode mixture | prison | somber | transcribed by ear | upbeat |
Secrets of the French Police (1932) | Taps | 0:02:18 - Taps is played at a military funeral | bugle call | familiar tune | funeral | funeral | military | on-screen music | playing | somber | source music |
Secrets of the French Police (1932) | Berceuse | 0:13:09 - The flower girl talks with her father | advance plot | conversing | father | leading lady | restaurant | somber | waltz |
The Phantom of Crestwood (1932) | Spy Song | 1:15:20 - Cast list / The End | closing credits | end title sequence | somber | The End | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Thirteen Women | 0:00:34 - Cast list on the pages of a book | book | cast list | common-chord modulation | funeral march | funereal | harmonic sequence | opening title sequence | relative key | somber | title of film | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | The Swami | 0:07:16 - The swami | Aeolian mode | antagonist | conversing | establish character | fortune | fortune teller | leading lady | parallelism | predicting | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Thirteen Women (Destiny) | 0:07:52 - Ursula talks to the swami | antagonist | common-chord modulation | conversing | destiny | establish character | fortune teller | harmonic sequence | leading lady | predicting | relative key | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | The Swami (Past Life) | 0:08:18 - The swami talks to Ursula | antagonist | chromaticism | chromatic parallelism | conversing | establish character | fortune teller | leading lady | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Ursula (Horoscope) | 0:08:56 - The swami talks to Ursula | antagonist | conversing | establish character | fate | fortune teller | leading lady | mysterious | predicting | quintal chord | room | somber | swami | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Ursula (Fate) | 0:09:11 - The swami predicts Ursula's fate | antagonist | conversing | dark | establish character | fate | fortune teller | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mysterious | predicting | room | somber | stinger | swami | train whistle | transcribed by ear |
Dangerous Corner (1934) | Fall of the Star | 0:17:05 - Newspaper headline about a suicide | common-tone diminished 7th | dramatic | headline | montage | montage | newspaper | pedal tone | somber | transcribed by ear |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Triste) | 0:02:19 - Dennis exits his car | car | establish setting | house | leading man | somber | street | walking |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Violin Solo) | 0:02:44 - Jane in the kitchen | cooking | doorbell | establish setting | food | kitchen | leading lady | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Triste | 0:07:37 - Dennis tells Jane their relationship is over | adulterer | affair | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato 2 (Agitato) | 0:07:57 - Jane tells Dennis she still loves him | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Broad) | 0:08:11 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Molto Expressivo) | 0:08:35 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Molto Expressivo) | 0:11:25 - Jane tries to get the blood off her hand | addicent | adulterer | blood | death | death scene | hand | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber | washing |
Without Honor (1949) | Valse Triste | 0:23:06 - Bill talks with Jane | antagonist | brother | conflict | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | memory | recounting | somber | uneasy | waltz |
Without Honor (1949) | Valse Triste (Andante Doloroso) | 0:49:07 - Fred enters | antagonist | brother | conflict | entering | husband | leading lady | leading man | reacting | reveal | room | secret | somber | thinking | wife |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Somber) | 0:57:48 - Mrs. Williams forgives Jane | antagonist | bathroom | brother | climax | forgiveness | husband | leading lady | leading man | razor blade | room | somber | thinking | wife |
Without Honor (1949) | Valse Triste (Suicide) | 0:58:33 - Jane stares in the mirror | antagonist | attempted suicide | bathroom | brother | climax | conversing | husband | knocking | leading lady | leading man | razor blade | room | somber | suicide | wife |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Rubato) | 0:59:24 - Mrs. Williams helps Jane | antagonist | attempted suicide | brother | climax | doctor | helping | husband | leading lady | leading man | razor blade | room | serious | somber | struggling | suicide | wife |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Russian Waltz | 0:24:22 - Zaroff plays the piano | brother | castle | conversing | count | dog | drunk | establish character | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | piano | playing | recounting | score to source | somber | source music | warning |
Caged (1950) | Marie (The End) | 1:36:04 - Mrs. Benton and her secretary | augmented sixth chord | climax | closing credits | conversing | prison | somber | warden |
Caged (1950) | Molto Expressivo (Timidly) | NIF - not in film | climax | cut from film | mode mixture | somber |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Father Paul (Slow) | 1:29:00 - Shelly and Myra wait for the news | actor | bell effect | car crash | countryside | death | funereal | leading lady | mother | owner | police | resolution | somber | waiting |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Liza (Triste) | 1:29:20 - Father Paul climbs up | actor | arriving | car crash | climbing | countryside | death | husband | leading lady | leading man | mother | owner | police | priest | resolution | somber |
Mara Maru (1952) | Gregory (Diving) | 0:00:40 - Cast list | boat | cast list | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | fanfare | leading man | ocean | opening title sequence | point-of-view shot | sailor | somber | underwater | uneasy | working |
Mara Maru (1952) | Stella (Sentimentale) | 0:46:13 - Gregory reacts to Stella's departure | advance plot | departing | distrust | leading man | room | somber | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:47:16 - Manuelo hold Perol in his arms | conversing | crying | death scene | dock | dying | leading man | pain | somber | struggling | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Manuelo (Molto Appassionato) | 0:48:42 - Manuelo mourns for his brother | cross | crying | dark | death | death scene | dock | embracing | evidence | leading man | mourning | somber | stinger | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Adoramus te Christe | 0:49:05 - A cross and some candles | brother | church | conversing | cross | crowd | crying | embracing | evidence | funeral scene | leading man | mother | mourner | mourning | police | praying | priest | private eye | somber | source music | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Morena | 0:50:56 - Gregory and Ranier walk down the street | advance plot | antagonist | bodyguard | cafe | conversing | hurrying | leading man | private eye | somber | source music | stree | tango | walking |
Mara Maru (1952) | Ortega is Shot | 1:34:42 - Ortega is shot | action scene | antagonist | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | murder | murderer | passionate | sentimental | shooting | somber | tunnel | victim |
Mara Maru (1952) | Gregory (Expressivo) | 1:36:22 - Stella and Gregory look at each other | catacomb | cave | comforting | conversing | corpse | cross | death | dying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | martyr | resolution | solemn | somber | tunnel | victim | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Cello Solo) | 1:36:55 - Manuelo mourns Ortega's death | catacomb | cave | corpse | cross | crying | death | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | martyr | reacting | resolution | solemn | somber | thinking | tunnel | victim | worker |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | An Old Adobe | 0:41:03 - | drunk | romantic | somber | sorrowful | sweet |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Always | 0:49:00 - | heartbroken | somber | tender | tragic |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Always | 0:50:27 - | somber |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:05:56 - | dramatic | somber |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Heartache | 1:06:09 - | melancholy | somber |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Heartache | 1:06:39 - | melancholy | somber |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:07:40 - | somber |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | Always | 1:07:50 - | calm | somber | tragic |
Roar of the Dragon (1932) | An Old Adobe | 1:08:16 - | somber | worried |