All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Agitato | 0:06:49 - Henriette leaves the classroom | agitated | appoggiatura | chromatic scale | distressed | establish character | hurrying | leading lady | leaving | minister | Neapolitan | principal | school | teacher | walking |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Louise | 0:52:39 - Louise hugs her father | added-note chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | child | conversing | duke | excited | governess | happy | hugging | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Duet) | 2:14:06 - A close-up on Henriette | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death bed | death scene | deceptive resolution | detective | duke | dying | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | prisoner | questioning | room | sad | soldier | suspect | tender |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Pleading | 1:11:08 - Laury pleads for Rocky | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | common-chord modulation | crying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | pleading | priest | room | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:20:39 - Policemen shoot tear gas in through the window | agitated | appoggiatura | building | conflict | dramatic | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | police | shooting | street | tone cluster | underscoring |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Pleading (Extended) | 1:21:00 - Jerry arrives on the scene | 9th chord | appoggiatura | arriving | chromatic sequence | circle of fifths | concerned | conflict | crowd | gun | gunshot | hurried | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | polychord | priest | pushing | street | yearning |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | Happy Land (Marcato) | 0:00:54 - Cast list | appoggiatura | cast list | dramatic | opening title sequence | sequence |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Expressivo) | 0:31:00 - Peggy apologizes to Danny | 9th chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | foreign key modulation | kiss | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | parallelism | romantic | room |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Molto Expressivo) | 0:48:44 - Danny talks with Peggy | 9th chord | 64 chord | appoggiatura | boxer | countermelody | dancer | embracing | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | plagal cadence | romantic | sequence | street |
City for Conquest (1940) | Underscoring (Gentle) | 0:55:19 - A taxi approaches | 11th chord | appoggiatura | arriving | farewell scene | gentle | leading lady | leading man | source and scoring overlap | street | taxi | underscoring |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Farewell) | 0:55:31 - Peggy bids farewell to Danny | 9th chord | appoggiatura | augmented sixth chord | conversing | crying | embracing | enharmonic respelling | farewell scene | leading lady | leading man | leaving | mode mixture | plagal cadence | romantic | sentimental | street |
Each Dawn I Die (1939) | Frank | 0:08:23 - Frank and Joyce embrace | appoggiatura | courtroom | courtroom scene | embracing | girlfriend | handcuffs | hero | leading man | mother | reporter | reverse picardy | tender |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Tranquillo | 0:29:07 - Lane and Field talk at the lakeside | appoggiatura | conversing | lake | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | romance | yearning |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:06:56 - Stanley talks with Peter | 9th chord | appoggiatura | car | circle of fifths | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | sultry |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:07:23 - Stanley drives away | 9th chord | appoggiatura | car | circle of fifths | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | sultry |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Peter Lies) | 0:13:28 - Peter talks about his trip | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | conversing | leading lady | leading man | lying | musical clue | packing | room | serious | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Valse Triste) | 0:16:22 - Roy looks out the window | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | dark | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | somber | waltz | watching | window |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:16:44 - Craig comes inside | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | dark | father | leading lady | leading man | room | somber | waltz |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:17:11 - Stanley comes down the stairs | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | fiancé | kissing | leading lady | room | sultry |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Packing) | 0:17:51 - Stanley packs her things | 9th chord | advance plot | agitated | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | leading lady | packing | room | tense |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Gloomy) | 0:28:32 - Roy walking in the park | 9th chord | advance plot | altered dominant | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | dark | depressed | leading lady | leading man | park | sigh gesture | sitting | tritone substitution |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Morendo) | 0:29:32 - Craig talks with Roy | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | conversing | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | park | somber |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Stringy) | 0:32:14 - Stanley and Peter in the car | 9th chord | appoggiatura | car | circle of fifths | conversing | leading lady | leading man | sultry | wedding | wedding |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Grazioso) | 0:37:56 - Stanley talks to Peter | 9th chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | flirting | happy | leading lady | leading man | love scene | pleasant | room | sultry |
In This Our Life (1942) | Roy (Morendo 2) | 0:49:54 - Roy reacts to the bad news | added-note chord | appoggiatura | augmented sixth chord | conversing | father | leading lady | leading man | mode change | room | serious | somber | suicide | turning point | uncle |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Peter Lies) | 0:51:55 - Roy at Stanley's bedside | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | conversing | gentle | leading lady | room | sister | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Packing) | 0:52:23 - Roy at Stanley's bedside | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | conversing | gentle | leading lady | room | sister | tense | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Valse Triste) | 0:52:42 - Stanley talks to Roy | 9th chord | advance plot | agitated | altered dominant | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | leading lady | room | sister | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:52:56 - Stanley talks to Roy | 9th chord | advance plot | agitated | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | leading lady | room | sister | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:53:23 - Roy comforts Stanley | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | comforting | crying | gentle | leading lady | room | sister | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 0:53:46 - Roy comforts Stanley | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | calm | circle of fifths | comforting | leading lady | room | sister | widow |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Extended) | 1:05:53 - Stanley talks to Craig | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | office | solemn | uneasy |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Triste) | 1:06:29 - Stanley talks to Craig | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | conversing | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | office | uneasy |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | 1:07:11 - Stanley talks to Craig | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | manipulating | office | uneasy |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Packing) | 1:14:36 - Newspaper headline about the accident | 9th chord | appoggiatura | arriving | circle of fifths | conflict | conversing | headline | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | newspaper | office |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Valse Triste) | 1:26:23 - Stanley confesses | 9th chord | altered dominant | appoggiatura | arguing | circle of fifths | climax | confessing | confession | criminal | crying | dramatic | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mother | room | suspect | whole-tone chord |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Extended) | 1:27:33 - Stanley goes upstairs | 9th chord | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | climax | conversing | criminal | crying | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mother | room | somber | suspect | uneasy |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Triste) | 1:29:42 - Stanley enters the house | 9th chord | agitated | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | criminal | leading lady | room | running | sigh gesture | somber | tense | transition | uncle |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Crying) | 1:33:37 - Stanley crying in her car | 9th chord | appoggiatura | chase scene | chasing | climax | criminal | crying | dark | dramatic | driving | fleeing | harmonic sequence | leading lady | police | somber | street | tense |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Tragic) | 1:34:28 - Police run to Stanley's car | 9th chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | brash | car | car crash | chase scene | climax | criminal | dramatic | dying | fire | half-diminished 7th chord | helping | leading lady | mournful | police | reporting | rescuing | rushing | sigh gesture | somber | street | tragic |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley | NIF - not in film | 9th chord | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | cut from film | resolution |
In This Our Life (1942) | The End | NIF - not in film | appoggiatura | cut from film | resolution |
The Informer (1935) | Katie (Tragic) | 1:04:39 - Katie is left alone on the street | advance plot | appoggiatura | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | money | somber | street | worrying |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie | 0:15:28 - Robert comforts Leslie | advance plot | appoggiatura | comforting | crying | gentle | home | leading lady | love theme | murder | pedal tone | sigh gesture | suspension |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie | 0:20:07 - Leslie looks in the drawer | appoggiatura | embracing | home | husband | leading lady | love scene | love theme | pedal tone | romantic | sigh gesture | suspension |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie | 0:41:12 - Howard says he will help Leslie | advance plot | appoggiatura | calm | chromatic mediant | crying | deception | hospital | lawyer | leading lady | letter | love theme | sigh gesture | somber | suspension | tender |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie (Triste) | 0:42:17 - Leslie and Howard talk about her husband | advance plot | appoggiatura | calm | chromatic mediant | crying | hospital | lawyer | leading lady | letter | love theme | resolution | sigh gesture | somber | suspension | tender |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Ending) | 1:34:28 - Camera pans to the moon | appoggiatura | glorious | minor-major 7th chord | moon | oscillation | plagal cadence | plantation | resolution |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred B | 0:00:52 - Cast list and wave effect | 9th chord | appoggiatura | cast list | chromatic mediant | deceptive resolution | enharmonic modulation | foreign key modulation | gentle | mickey-mousing | name on screen | opening title sequence | optimistic | romantic | sequential modulation | water | wave |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Waltz Fantasy) | 0:32:38 - Veda fantasizes about her mother marrying Wally | 9th chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | child | chromatic parallelism | dreaming | fantasy | greed | heroine | leading lady | room | uneasy |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Waltz Fantasy) | 1:19:18 - Mildred talks to Veda | 9th chord | antagonist | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | comforting | conflict | daughter | dream-like | friend | heroine | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Waltz Fantasy) | 1:44:53 - Mildred tells Veda not to confess | 9th chord | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | detective | harsh | heroine | interrogating | interrogation | leading lady | pleading | police station |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad (Introduction) | 0:00:00 - The WB shield | 9th chord | appoggiatura | fanfare | jaunty | main title | opening title sequence | starring list | WB shield |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad | 0:00:09 - Title of the film | 9th chord | appoggiatura | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | fanfare | jaunty | march-like | opening title sequence | parallel period |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad (Montage) | 0:46:47 - Montage of newspaper headlines | 64 chord | advance plot | appoggiatura | boxer | boxing | boxing ring | cheering | chromatic parallelism | fanfare | fragmentation | harmonic sequence | heroic | leading man | montage | newspaper |
Kid Galahad (1937) | The Split Up | 0:56:59 - Louise and Nick break up | appoggiatura | conversing | heartbroken | leading lady | love scene | manager | not by Steiner | romantic | room | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | The Split Up | 0:57:45 - Louise says goodbye to Nick | appoggiatura | conversing | heartbroken | leading lady | love scene | manager | not by Steiner | romantic | room | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad (Tender) | 1:39:15 - Nick speaks his final words | 9th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | climax | death | dying | fanfare | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | manager | mode mixture | pedal tone | room | sister | somber | stretto imitation |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Tragico | 0:46:40 - Gerald faces his mother | advance plot | antagonist | appoggiatura | boy | child | conversing | dark | home | mother | pedal tone | room | sad | stinger | tragic |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Heart Break | 1:40:11 - David and Leni kiss | 9th chord | appoggiatura | dissonant bass | first kiss | hero | heroine | kissing | love | love scene | mode mixture | passionate | pedal tone | prison | suspension |
Three Who Loved (1931) | Love Dream | 1:03:22 - The End | appoggiatura | end title sequence | self-borrowing | The End | transcribed by ear | triumphant |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Ursula (Horoscope) | 0:10:57 - Ursula looks at the horoscope | advance plot | antagonist | appoggiatura | horoscope | leading lady | march-like | mysterious | reading | room | transcribed by ear |
Murder on the Blackboard (1934) | Blackboard Murder (Lyrical) | 0:00:51 - Video cast list | appoggiatura | augmented triad | blackboard | opening title sequence | ostinato | pleasant | retardation | sequence | transcribed by ear | video cast list |
Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936) | Gimpy Walk | 0:26:00 - Bob walks | advance plot | appoggiatura | gangster | imposter | leading man | oscillation | pacing | room | street | tense | walking |