All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duchess (Agitato) | 0:22:02 - The Duchess argues with the Duke | agitated | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | distressed | duchess | duke | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Agitated) | 0:22:23 - The Duke rebukes the Duchess | agitated | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | distressed | dominant 7th chord | duchess | duke | establish character | leading lady | leading man | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Rushing | 0:22:31 - The Duchess rushes after the Duke | agitated | arguing | augmented triad | distressed | duchess | duke | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | rising | room | rushing | turn figure |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Pleading | 0:22:41 - The Duchess pleads with the Duke to stay | acceleration | agitated | arguing | chromatic sequence | distressed | duchess | duke | establish character | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | pleading | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Furioso) | 0:22:53 - The Duchess curses the Duke | agitated | arguing | dissonant bass | distressed | duchess | duke | establish character | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | pleading | priest | room | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Rubato | NIF - not in film | 9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | arguing | child | cut from film | deceptive resolution | duchess | governess | leading lady | room | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Very Dramatic) | NIF - not in film | advance plot | altered dominant | arguing | child | cut from film | duchess | governess | leading lady | room | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:30:19 - Henriette dresses Raynald | 9th chord | advance plot | arguing | caring | child | duke | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | room | sequence | tense | underscoring |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Gentle) | 0:30:34 - Henriette puts Raynald in bed | advance plot | arguing | caring | child | chromatic sequence | duke | gentle | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | room | tense | underscoring |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Romance | 0:30:48 - Henriette talks with the Duke | added-note chord | advance plot | arguing | child | duke | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | romantic | room | sequence |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duchess (Agitato) | 0:38:09 - The Duchess argues with the doctor | arguing | common-chord modulation | doctor | duchess | illness | leading lady | mode mixture | religious scene | room | syncopation | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Rushing | 0:40:15 - The Duchess rushes to the Abbe | angry | arguing | augmented triad | despair | duchess | leading lady | mad scene | mickey-mousing | priest | room | turn figure |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Pleading (Extended) | 0:40:26 - The Abbe talks with the Duchess | 9th chord | angry | arguing | chromatic sequence | despair | duchess | fragmentation | leading lady | mad scene | oscillation | parallelism | priest | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Very Emotional) | 0:41:00 - The Duchess pleads with the Abbe | angry | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | crying | despair | dissonant bass | illness | leading lady | mad scene | priest | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Rushing 2 | 0:43:14 - The Duchess rushes into the room | arguing | child | duchess | duke | governess | half-diminished 7th chord | hurried | illness | illness scene | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | rushing |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duchess (Arguing) | 1:00:32 - Henriette leaves | added-note chord | arguing | conflict | dramatic | duchess | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | listening | romantic | room | serious | trouble |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:01:03 - Henriette packs her things | arguing | conflict | dramatic | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | room | trouble |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Very Emotional) | 1:01:26 - Henriette talks to the Duke | arguing | chromatic sequence | conflict | dramatic | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | room | trouble |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Pleading (Extended) | 1:01:39 - The Duke responds to Henriette | 9th chord | arguing | chromatic sequence | conflict | dramatic | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | room | trouble |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Very Emotional) | 1:02:00 - The Duke talks to Henriette | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | room | trouble |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Rushing | 1:19:33 - The Duchess rushes forward | angry | arguing | augmented triad | compound melody | conflict | desperate | duchess | duke | hurried | leading lady | leading man | room | rushing | turn figure |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Pleading (Extended 2) | 1:19:43 - The Duchess pleads with the Duke | 9th chord | acceleration | arguing | chromatic sequence | conflict | desperate | duchess | duke | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Very Emotional) | 1:20:06 - The Duchess threatens the Duke | arguing | augmented triad | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | desperate | dissonant bass | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | room | tense | threatening |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Desperation (Sempre Accelerando | 1:20:39 - The Duke and Duchess argue | acceleration | arguing | augmented triad | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | desperate | dissonant bass | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | panning shot | pc set | room | screaming | tense | threatening |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Tense) | 1:47:51 - The Duke argues with Henriette | arguing | conflict | diminished 7th chord | duke | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | room | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duchess (Tense) | 1:48:04 - Henriette talks with the Duke | arguing | conflict | duke | leading lady | leading man | room | sequential modulation | tense |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Tense) | 2:06:17 - Henriette argues with Henry | advance plot | arguing | fragmentation | leading lady | minister | pedal tone | prison | prisoner | sequence | suspect | tense | underscoring |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:00:10 - Jo and Rocks quarrel | advance plot | antagonist | arguing | dissonant bass | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | quarreling | room | tense |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:23:10 - Jerry and Rocky confront one another | 42 chord | agitated | arguing | building | conflict | dramatic | entering | gangster | leading man | priest | underscoring | wedge | yelling |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Jerry (Agitato) | 1:23:21 - Jerry and Rocky talk | agitated | arguing | building | conflict | diminished 7th chord | gangster | leading man | pedal tone | priest |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:30:25 - Eddie attacks boy | arguing | clock | dark | diminished 7th chord | double exposure | dream sequence | fighting | kissing | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | montage | ominous | pedal tone | stinger | ticking |
Are These Our Children? (1931) | Makes You Forget Your Troubles | 0:50:55 - Young people dancing | AABA structure | arguing | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | dance hall | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading man | love interest | murderer | on-screen music | source music |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | Here Comes the Bride (Modulating) | 0:03:34 - Hiding in a telephone booth | added-note chord | arguing | bystander | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | familiar tune | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | marriage | office | pump-up modulation | running | rushed | rushing | self-borrowing | sequence |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | The Old Maid | 0:04:17 - Mortimer talks to Elaine | added-note chord | arguing | conversing | enharmonic modulation | establish character | kissing | leading lady | leading man | marriage | mode mixture | office | parallel period | pedal tone | romantic | self-borrowing |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | Organ Stinger | 1:01:40 - Aunts emerge in black upstairs | arguing | aunt | brother | conflict | crazy person | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | room | stinger |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | The Aunts (Frightened) | 1:01:49 - Aunts talk to Jonathan | arguing | aunt | brother | conflict | crazy person | fear | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | murderer | Neapolitan | parallel 63s | pedal tone | room | tense |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Chicago (Echo Chambre) | 1:28:20 - Rosa prepares to leave | angry | arguing | climax | crazed | delirious | eerie | familiar tune | leading lady | mad | madness | mad scene | maid | murderer | popular tune | preparing | room | stumbling | unsettling | yelling |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Ear Music) | 0:38:26 - Marlowe talks with Agnes | arguing | book shop | chromatic scale | fragmentation | investigation scene | leading man | private eye | secretary | tense | whole-tone chord |
The Breaking Point (1950) | Mi Mariposa | 0:15:21 - Harry talks to the bartender | advance plot | arguing | art song | bar | bartender | calm | conversing | leading man | on-screen music | sailor | source music |
The Breaking Point (1950) | Ask Me No Questions | 0:40:46 - Harry talks to Duncan | advance plot | arguing | bar | bartender | conversing | criminal | floozy | jukebox | leading lady | leading man | mellow | sailor | source music |
Caged (1950) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:37:58 - June and Marie argue | arguing | dark | dissonant bass | establish character | friend | leading lady | prison | prisoner | underscoring |
City for Conquest (1940) | Sidewalks of New York (Soliloquy) | 0:02:50 - Old-timer talks with cop | 9th chord | 13th chord | arguing | bluesy | bridge | chromatic parallelism | city | establish setting | old man | police | sentimental | soliloquy |
City for Conquest (1940) | Sidewalks of New York (Cop Grabs Bum) | 0:03:06 - Cop pushes old-timer | 9th chord | arguing | bridge | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | city | comical | establish setting | mickey-mousing | old man | police | pushing | rushing | tense |
City for Conquest (1940) | Scales | 0:09:16 - Danny and Peggy go upstairs | arguing | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mother | on-screen music | piano | room | source music | tedious | transcribed by ear |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Dolce) | 0:30:28 - Peggy talks to Danny | 9th chord | 11th chord | arguing | chromatic parallelism | common-chord modulation | conversing | flirting | gentle | leading lady | leading man | love scene | playful | room | shaving |
City for Conquest (1940) | Only Fooling | 0:30:54 - Peggy cleans Danny's face | arguing | common-tone modulation | conversing | diminished 7th chord | flirting | leading lady | leading man | love scene | parallelism | playful | room | shaving |
City for Conquest (1940) | In the Evening | 0:45:08 - Peggy in her dressing room | arguing | boxer | conflict | conversing | crying | dancer | dressing room | leading lady | leading man | parallel double period | punching | source music | upbeat |
City for Conquest (1940) | Tone Poem A (Ominous) | 1:14:02 - Googi talks with the boxing managers | 9th chord | arguing | car | car | criminal | dissonant bass | driving | fragmentation | gangster | manager | murder scene | ominous | tense |
Crime School (1938) | The Warden | 0:23:15 - Warden stands up to face the boys | antagonist | arguing | augmented triad | authority | chromatic parallelism | establish character | falling | gang | lightning | ominous | police | reformatory | slapping | stinger | teenager | warden | whole-tone chord |
Crime School (1938) | Boiler Overheating | 0:55:31 - Danger as the boiler gets really hot | action scene | arguing | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | hurrying | linear chromaticism | mechanical | pc set | reformatory | shoveling | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | worker | working |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:06:17 - Spike talks to Frankie about his sister | advance plot | anger | arguing | mysterious | pc set | reformatory | teenager | tense | underscoring |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:06:55 - Frankie hits Spike | advance plot | anger | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dramatic | reformatory | teenager | underscoring |
Crime School (1938) | Sue (Mysterious) | 1:07:09 - Spike talks to Frankie about his sister | advance plot | arguing | mysterious | reformatory | teenager | thinking | worrying |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:11:24 - Boys plot their escape | 9th chord | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dramatic | escape | gang | plotting | reformatory | teenager | underscoring |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:15:31 - Frankie fights Spike | agitated | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | hero | leading man | sequence | street | teenager | underscoring |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:56:17 - Johnnie sees his picture in the paper | angry | arguing | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dramatic | fighting | half-diminished 7th chord | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | photograph | ranch | teenager | tense | turning point | underscoring |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | On the Make (Dolce) | 1:05:13 - Peggy talks to Johnnie | added-note chord | altered dominant | arguing | conflict | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | lying | room | tender |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | On the Make (Heartbreak) | 1:06:05 - Johnny talks to Peggy | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | room | slamming | somber | tense |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | The Fugitive (Let Down) | 1:06:51 - The boys talk about Johnnie | added-note chord | arguing | conflict | criticizing | foreign key modulation | leading man | room | somber | teenager |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | On the Make (Tenderly) | 1:07:57 - Tommy talks to Johnnie | 9th chord | ABAB structure | altered dominant | arguing | chromatic mediant | conversing | direct modulation | foreign key modulation | hero | leading man | room | tender | turning point |
Deep Valley (1947) | Libby 2 (Slowly) | 0:19:39 - Jeff talks with Libby | arguing | crew | dog | father | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | street | tense |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry | 0:22:35 - Barry threatens the guard | angry | arguing | boss | conflict | convict | dramatic | father | guard | leading lady | leading man | street | threatening | yelling |
Deep Valley (1947) | Law (Subtle) | 0:22:45 - Barry looks at the guard | arguing | boss | conflict | convict | father | guard | leading lady | leading man | street | tense | underscoring |
Deep Valley (1947) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:31:10 - Close-up on Libby | arguing | conflict | crying | dark | dramatic | father | leading lady | lightning | room | storm | tense | thunder | underscoring |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Drunk) | 1:36:39 - Barry steals a car | arguing | car | climax | convict | dark | fighting | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | rushing | street | tense | yelling |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry | 1:36:57 - Jeff hits Barry | arguing | attacking | car | climax | convict | dark | fighting | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | punching | street | tense | yelling |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Running) | 1:37:23 - Libby chases Barry | arguing | car | chasing | climax | convict | crying | dramatic | driving | fleeing | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | street |
Deep Valley (1947) | Molto Expressivo | 1:37:28 - Barry pushes Libby away | arguing | car | chasing | climax | convict | crying | dramatic | driving | falling | fleeing | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | running | street |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Agitated) | 0:14:22 - Joe argues with Mabel | agitated | arguing | barn | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | prisoner | sequence |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:38:00 - Joe and Mabel argue | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | runaway | street | underscoring |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Arguing) | 0:55:00 - Mabel confronts Joe | agitated | arguing | conflict | dark | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | pc set | pleading | room |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Vision of Salome | 0:03:12 - Two men argue | arguing | carnival | carny | dancer | establish setting | exotic | Gypsy minor scale | leading lady | mysterious | on-screen music | source music |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Ostinato) | NIF - not in film | advance plot | arguing | café | cut from film | cut from film | employer | leading lady | lying | ostinato | self-borrowing | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Agitato (Angry) | 0:45:50 - Dan argues with Titus | advance plot | anger | angry | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | club | leading lady | politician | polychord | self-borrowing | sheriff | smashing | stinger | waitress |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Ominous) | 1:11:44 - Titus argues with Field | arguing | bullying | conflict | drinking | leading man | mysterious | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | tense |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:11:51 - Titus argues with Field | arguing | bullying | conflict | drinking | leading man | politician | room | sheriff | tense | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | The Sheriff | 1:12:01 - Titus stands and walks | arguing | bullying | chromatic parallelism | conflict | dark | leading man | mickey-mousing | ominous | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | standing |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Violent) | 1:12:11 - Titus and Field argue | arguing | bullying | conflict | dark | leading man | ominous | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | violent |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Anger | 1:12:20 - Titus and Field face off | angry | arguing | bullying | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | conflict | leading man | pc set | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | tense |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Rising Anger | 1:12:26 - Titus throws open the door | angry | arguing | bullying | chromatic parallelism | conflict | diminished 7th chord | leading man | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Appassionato | 1:19:10 - Dan argues with Lane | arguing | chromatic parallelism | conflict | diminished 7th chord | harmonic sequence | husband | leading lady | leading man | passionate | politician | room | wife | yearning |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Drunk) | 1:22:58 - Field and Lane talk about their past love | arguing | chromatic parallelism | death scene | diminished 7th chord | drunk | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Ostinato 2) | 1:23:34 - Field and Lane talk about Titus and Dan | arguing | dark | death scene | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ominous | ostinato | room | self-borrowing |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Fragmented) + Titus 2 (Fragmented) | 1:29:47 - Lane confronts Titus | arguing | climax | club | combination of themes | dark | fragmentation | inversion | leading lady | motivic transformation | mysterious | ominous | retrograde | self-borrowing | sheriff |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Rising Tension) | 1:30:09 - Lane confronts Titus | arguing | climax | club | dark | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:30:24 - Lane pulls a gun on Titus | arguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | sheriff | stinger | threatening |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Slowly) | 1:30:42 - Lane holds Titus at gunpoint | arguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone | threatening |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Hell on Frisco Bay | 0:25:14 - Marcia and Steve argue | advance plot | arguing | conductor score | leading lady | leading man | room | tense |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Amato | 0:48:03 - Amato teases Lye | advance plot | agitated | antagonist | arguing | conductor score | gangster | leading man | room |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Amato | 0:48:11 - Amato threatens Lye | advance plot | antagonist | arguing | brash | conductor score | dark | gangster | leading man | room | threatening |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:51:36 - Amato yells at Steve | action scene | angry | arguing | conductor score | fighting | gangster | investigator | leading man | room | underscoring | violence | yelling |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Underscoring (Dark [Waxman]) | 0:17:02 - Steve fights Felix | action scene | arguing | conversing | criminal | dark | death | dramatic | gambler | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | owner | punching | room | self-defense | shooting | singer | stinger | tense | underscoring |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (Somber) | 0:44:48 - Georgia leaves | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | departing | gambler | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | underscoring |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (Passionate) | 0:47:50 - Georgia talks with Steve | arguing | conversing | dark | gambler | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | passionate | romantic | room | sequence | source to score | turbulent |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (Dramatic) | 0:51:26 - Don shoves Candy | arguing | conflict | criminal | departing | dramatic | fighting | gambler | henchman | leading man | reporter | room | underscoring |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Shanty in Old Shanty Town | 0:59:36 - A cop waits | advance plot | arguing | club | conversing | leading man | observing | on-screen music | police | reporter | source music | upbeat | waiting |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Underscoring (Tense [Steiner]) | 1:12:07 - Steve talks to Candy | advance plot | arguing | chromatic parallelism | conversing | criminal | gambler | henchman | leading man | murderer | pedal tone | slapping | tense | underscoring | warehouse |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Underscoring (Dark [Steiner]) | 1:12:32 - Candy reacts | 9th chord | advance plot | arguing | conversing | criminal | dark | gambler | half-diminished 7th chord | henchman | leading man | murderer | ominous | ostinato | underscoring | warehouse |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Candy (Agitato) | 1:16:53 - Don confronts Candy | agitated | arguing | climax | confronting | criminal | double-cross | gambler | henchman | leading man | murder | murderer | pc set | police | reporter | revenge | sequence | street | tense |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | (I'm Gonna Wait) A Little Bit Longer (For That Never-on-Time Baby of Mine) | 0:39:06 - Matt goes to a record shop | advance plot | agent | arguing | arriving | conversing | jazz | leading man | record player | record shop | shopkeeper | source music | undercover agent | upbeat | walking |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Ice Cold Katy | 0:53:21 - Matt follows Eve | advance plot | arguing | communist | jazz | leading lady | leading man | source music | spy | street | teacher | undercover agent | upbeat |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Undercover Agent (Conflict) | 1:15:06 - Protestors marching | arguing | crowd | dramatic | montage | polychord | protesting | riot | tritone oscillation | violence |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley B (Agitato) | 0:15:19 - Peter replies to Roy | advance plot | agitated | arguing | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | leading man | room | tense | whole-tone chord |
In This Our Life (1942) | Blues in the Night | 0:42:47 - Stanley puts a record on the phonograph | arguing | blue note | blues | conflict | leading lady | leading man | record player | room | source music | upbeat |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley B (Agitato) | 0:49:32 - Uncle Fitzroy asks about Stanley | agitated | altered dominant | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | dissonant bass | father | leading lady | leading man | room | suicide | tense | turning point | uncle | whole-tone chord |
In This Our Life (1942) | Anger | 1:04:56 - Stanley gets angry | angry | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | leading lady | leaving | minor-major 7th chord | pc set | room | running | tense | uncle | upset | widow | yelling |
In This Our Life (1942) | Autumn Nocturne | 1:17:45 - Stanley puts on a record | AABA structure | accusing | arguing | conflict | criminal | defending | leading lady | lying | popular music | record player | room | sentimental | source music |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Valse Triste) | 1:26:23 - Stanley confesses | 9th chord | altered dominant | appoggiatura | arguing | circle of fifths | climax | confessing | confession | criminal | crying | dramatic | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mother | room | suspect | whole-tone chord |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley B (Slowly Extended) | 1:26:39 - Stanley confesses | 9th chord | agitated | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | climax | confessing | confession | criminal | crying | dissonant bass | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | lying | mother | room | suspect |
In This Our Life (1942) | Expressivo (Extended) | 1:27:04 - Lavinia rises | added-note chord | arguing | chromatic scale | climax | criminal | emotional | father | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | mother | pleading | retardation | room | suspect |
In This Our Life (1942) | Anger (Agitato) | 1:31:34 - Stanley yells at her uncle | agitated | angry | arguing | conflict | criminal | distressed | leading lady | minor-major 7th chord | oscillation | room | uncle | yelling |
The Informer (1935) | The Informer (Quiet!) | 1:01:27 - The rebels enter and start an argument | 64 chord | advance plot | antagonist | arguing | bold | crowd | dark | friend | interrupting | leading man | matching speech | mickey-mousing | party | rebel |
Key Largo (1948) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:33:17 - Mr. Temple rises to attack Rocco | angry | arguing | attacking | boss | conflict | dramatic | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | laughing | leading lady | leading man | tense | underscoring |
Key Largo (1948) | Rocco 3 (Nervous) | 1:02:52 - Rocco yells at Gaye | arguing | boss | dark | develop character | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | menacing | moll |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Risoluto) | 0:35:11 - Leslie reacts angrily to the letter | arguing | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | deception | fragmentation | lawyer | leading lady | letter | lying | oscillation | pc set | pivotal scene | polychord | prison | sequence | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Restless) | 1:14:42 - Robert asks about the letter | arguing | conflict | fragmentation | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | lying | major 7th chord | sequence | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Wild) | 1:14:57 - Robert waits for a response | 9th chord | arguing | augmented major 7th chord | chromatic parallelism | conflict | distress | fragmentation | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | lying | sequence | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Distress | 1:15:08 - Robert confronts the lawyer | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | dissonant bass | distress | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Molto Agitato) | 1:15:28 - Robert argues with Leslie | arguing | chromatic parallelism | conflict | distress | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | oscillation | pc set | sequence | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:15:45 - Robert asks to see the letter | arguing | augmented triad | conflict | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | letter | pc set | sequence | tense | underscoring |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Molto Agitato | 0:32:50 - String gets angry | actor | anger | arguing | brother | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conflict | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | oscillation | pc set | priest | rancher | room | tense |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Poco Meno) | 0:33:06 - String argues | actor | anger | arguing | brother | chromatic parallelism | conflict | diminished 7th chord | leading lady | priest | rancher | room | tense |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Anger | 0:33:15 - String gets angry | actor | anger | arguing | brother | conflict | crying | dramatic | leading lady | oscillation | priest | rancher | room | tense | tone cluster | whole-tone chord | yelling |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly and Trev (Taken Aback) | 0:45:08 - Shelly reacts to Trev's question | actor | arguing | cliff | countryside | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | reacting | somber | suspect |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Shelly (Menacing) | 0:45:23 - Shelly talks with Trev | actor | arguing | cliff | countryside | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | menacing | reacting | suspect |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Misterioso) | 1:19:48 - Trev calls Harvey | arguing | conversing | husband | leading man | mad scene | mysterious | room | suspect | suspense | telephone |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Frantic) | NIF - not in film | actor | arguing | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | leading lady | murderer | rancher | room |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mazurka in B-Flat Major (Tense) | 0:38:47 - Veda plays a Chopin Mazurka | arguing | child | classical music | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | familiar tune | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | quotation | room | scored source music | source music | tense | upbeat | waltz |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Secret Revealed | 0:39:10 - Mildred argues with Veda | angry | arguing | child | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conflict | harsh | heroine | leading lady | linear chromaticism | octatonic chord | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Appassionato) | 0:39:22 - Mildred argues with Veda | angry | arguing | child | chromatic scale | conflict | foreign key modulation | heroine | leading lady | raising | room | standing | tense | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred raises Veda | 0:39:22 - Mildred lifts her daughter up by the arm | angry | arguing | child | conflict | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | raising | room | standing | tense | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred B (Angry) | 0:39:30 - Mildred argues with Veda | 11th chord | angry | arguing | child | conflict | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | room | slapping | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Sly) | 1:13:55 - Mildred tells Monte to not see Veda | arguing | breakup | chromatic wedge | chromatic wedge | conflict | disagreement | heroine | leading lady | love interest | ominous | room | sinister | tense | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Troubled) | 1:14:06 - Mildred and Monte argue | arguing | breakup | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | disagreement | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | love interest | ominous | room | sinister | tense | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Agitato) | 1:14:37 - Mildred and Monte argue | agitated | arguing | breakup | conflict | distortion | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | love interest | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:14:53 - Mildred and Monte argue | 9th chord | added-note chord | arguing | bitter | breakup | conflict | deceptive resolution | heroine | leading lady | love interest | room | tense | underscoring |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | It Can't Be Wrong (Bitter) | 1:15:29 - Mildred writes Monte a check | arguing | bitter | breakup | conflict | dissonant bass | familiar tune | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | popular music | room | source to score | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Agitato) | 1:22:22 - Veda and her mother argue | agitated | antagonist | arguing | augmented sixth chord | blackmail | chromatic sequence | conflict | daughter | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Ominous) | 1:22:43 - Veda argues with her mother | antagonist | arguing | conflict | dark | daughter | heroine | insulting | leading lady | ominous | room | ugly |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Appassionato) | 1:23:00 - Veda expresses her disgust with her mother | angry | antagonist | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | daughter | foreign key modulation | heroine | insulting | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred B (Angry 2) | 1:23:09 - Mildred gets angry at Veda | angry | antagonist | arguing | conflict | daughter | fragmentation | heroine | insulting | leading lady | room | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Vicious) | 1:23:21 - Veda insults her mother | angry | antagonist | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | conflict | daughter | heroine | insulting | leading lady | reverse stinger | room | tense | whole-tone chord |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred B (Angry) | 1:23:38 - Mildred tears up Veda's check | angry | antagonist | arguing | check | conflict | daughter | fighting | heroine | leading lady | pc set | room | slapping | tearing | tense | violence | yelling |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Tragic) | 1:46:43 - Mildred runs away | altered dominant | antagonist | arguing | betrayal | chromatic scale | climax | daughter | dramatic | emotional | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | room | running | sequence |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Agitated) | 1:01:27 - John and Laura argue about Joan | agitated | arguing | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | diminished 7th chord | direct modulation | fragmentation | harmonic sequence | leading man | octatonic scale | room | tense | transcribed by ear | wife |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Old Lavender | 1:02:11 - Joan and Ranny enter | 9th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | arguing | common-chord modulation | conflict | conversing | daughter | direct modulation | harmonic sequence | leading man | light | love interest | optimistic | room | surprise | wife |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Doloroso) | 1:05:58 - John talks with his wife Laura | 9th chord | arguing | conflict | dark | leading man | leaving | reverse picardy | room | tense | wife |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Stella and George | 0:11:54 - George talks to Stella | AABA structure | arguing | boyfriend | conversing | dock | establish character | leading lady | romantic | transcribed by ear |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Subtle) | 0:13:05 - A boy runs in | arguing | boyfriend | conversing | dock | establish character | leading lady | underscoring | uneasy |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:20:11 - Jonah reacts | arguing | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Threatening) | 0:20:40 - Goff threatens Jonah | arguing | boat | breaking | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | threatening | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:26:42 - Goff slaps Jonah | arguing | chef | conflict | criminal | dock | dramatic | extortion | falling | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | mickey-mousing | punching | slapping | stinger | underscoring | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Dark 2) | 0:27:12 - Jonah and Olaf react | arguing | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | gun | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Stella and George (Extended) | 0:41:45 - George talks to Stella | arguing | boyfriend | conversing | foreign key modulation | leading lady | love scene | room | tender |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Whistle While You Work | 0:43:46 - Eddie sets the table | AABA structure | advance plot | arguing | boss | conversing | dock | popular music | restaurant | source music | upbeat | worker |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Solemn) | 0:45:25 - Goff asks for money | arguing | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | foreign key modulation | friend | leading man | sequence | solemn |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:46:00 - Jonah calls for the cop | arguing | conflict | criminal | dock | dramatic | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | underscoring | yelling |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Fragmented) | 0:46:14 - Jonah calls for the cop | arguing | conflict | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | fragmentation | friend | leading man | police | tense | yelling |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:46:34 - Jonah accuses Goff | arguing | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | police | tense | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Animato (Extended) | 1:07:04 - Jonah and Olaf help George | arguing | boyfriend | conflict | criminal | dock | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | violence |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Menacing) | 1:09:32 - Goffs sees Olaf holding a lead pipe | arguing | attempted murder | climax | criminal | dark | fisherman | friend | leading man | menacing | ominous | sea | stinger |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Underscoring (Dark) | 1:12:05 - Police ring the bell | action scene | arguing | conversing | dark | fisherman | friend | police | ringing | room | street | underscoring |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Dead) | 1:13:15 - Stella sees Goff's body | action scene | arguing | corpse | crying | dark | death | fear | leading lady | morgue | ominous | police |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Green Lady | 1:12:08 - Ward, Marie, and Louise talk in the club | advance plot | arguing | cheerful | fighting | gangster | night club | source music | trainer | transcribed by ear |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Doublecross (Heated) | 1:16:02 - Nick arrives at the farm | advance plot | arguing | arriving | chromatic mediant | farm | leading man | manager | not by Steiner | sister | tense | transcribed by ear |
Traveling Husbands (1931) | There's a Sob in My Heart (Slow Waltz) | 0:57:47 - Music is played on the radio | AABA structure | advance plot | arguing | calm | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Deep Night | 0:05:47 - Roger argues with Paula | AABA structure | antagonist | arguing | establish character | lawyer | leading lady | on-screen music | party | sister | somber | source music |
The Unfaithful (1947) | Unfaithful (Not in Film) | NIF - not in film | acceleration | arguing | climax | cut from film | husband | Neapolitan | ostinato | room | sequential modulation | tense | wife |
White Heat (1949) | Verna | 0:06:56 - Verna gets up | arguing | bluesy | complaining | dark | establish character | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | rising | room | victim | waking |
White Heat (1949) | Rushing | 0:10:49 - A gangster comes in the door | advance plot | arguing | dark | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | punching | room | storm | tense | victim | wind |
White Heat (1949) | Danger (Con Moto) | 0:17:39 - Cody argues with Verna | agitated | arguing | conflict | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | murderer | room | tense |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:42:52 - Big Ed talks to Verna | advance plot | anger | angry | arguing | dramatic | gangster | leading lady | love interest | moll | porch | underscoring |
White Heat (1949) | Moll (Arguing) | 0:43:06 - Verna argues with Big Ed | anger | arguing | gangster | leading lady | love interest | love scene | moll | porch | tense | uneasy |
White Heat (1949) | T-Men (Misterioso) | 1:27:39 - Hank talks to Cody | advance plot | arguing | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | mysterious | stinger | undercover agent | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:27:53 - Hank talks to Cody | advance plot | arguing | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | underscoring | yard |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Garden) | 0:33:09 - Marian talks to Fosco | arguing | conversing | cousin | falling in love scene | garden | instrument effect | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | Renaissance music | somber | watching |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Agitato) | 0:33:43 - Walter argues with Laura | agitated | arguing | argument | falling in love scene | garden | leading lady | leading man |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Poco Agitato) | 0:46:06 - Walter talks to Marian | arguing | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion | tense |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fairlie (Moderato) | 0:46:16 - Marian argues with Walter | agitated | arguing | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Agitato Quasi Misterioso) | 0:46:28 - Walter argues with Marian | arguing | butler | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion | mysterious | stinger |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Marcato) | 1:08:44 - Fosco talks to the servant | antagonist | arguing | butler | confining | conflict | conversing | cousin | criminal | dark | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | prisoner | room |
The Woman in White (1948) | Pavan (Distressed) | 1:25:43 - Laura confronts Sir Percival | antagonist | arguing | asylum | criminal | dark | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | victim |
The Public Defender (1931) | Crowd thronging | 0:01:17 - A crowd pressing towards a guarded door | arguing | chromatic scale | crowd | hurried | noise | street | tense | transcribed by ear | transition |
The Public Defender (1931) | Mystery (Bank Closed) | 0:01:25 - Notice posted on the door | arguing | chromaticism | crowd | mysterious | mystery | noise | pc set | street | transcribed by ear | transition |
The Public Defender (1931) | An Armchair With An Armful of You | 0:12:46 - Dance music played at a dinner party | ABAC structure | advance plot | arguing | banker | cheerful | conversing | crowd | dance music | party | source music | transcribed by ear | waiter |
The Public Defender (1931) | Mystery (End Title) | 1:08:56 - A kiss and The End | arguing | end title sequence | kissing | leading man | mode mixture | pedal tone | romantic | room | The End | transcribed by ear |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Keyhole (Gossip) | 0:01:35 - Man and woman argue about a newspaper story | arguing | argument | dramatic | establish setting | gossip | newspaper | room | sequence | transcribed by ear |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Burlesque | 0:13:10 - Backstage at a Broadway show | ABAC structure | advance plot | arguing | Broadway | burlesque | cheerful | common-chord modulation | dancer | leading man | pedal tone | plagal cadence | popular music | source music | stage | transcribed by ear |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Sailing of the Olympic (Argument) | 0:16:24 - Two people argue | advance plot | arguing | boat | eavesdropping | leading man | parallelism | tense | transcribed by ear |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Sailing of the Olympic (Commotion) | 0:16:39 - Four people talk at once to Mildred | advance plot | arguing | argument | boat | chromatic sequence | eavesdropping | hurried | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | parallelism | tense | transcribed by ear |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Trysting Place, The | 0:50:25 - William talks to Peggy and Mildred | advance plot | arguing | band | broadcast | calm | conversing | dance music | leading man | radio | sentence form | source music | stage | transcribed by ear |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Ursula (Exotic) | 0:34:06 - Ursula argues with Burns | advance plot | arguing | dark | exotic | exoticism | Gypsy major scale | leading lady | love interest | mysterious | ostinato | room | transcribed by ear |
Sing and Like It (1934) | Dinah | 0:02:34 - Ruby and Fenny listen to the radio | AABA structure | arguing | boss | conversing | establish character | gangster | gum | jazz | leading lady | leading man | listening | moll | radio | room | source music | upbeat |
Sing and Like It (1934) | Your Mother | 0:23:01 - Call board for a dress rehearsal | AABA structure | arguing | ballad | boss | conversing | gangster | leading lady | listening | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | stage |
We're Only Human (1935) | Katie (Triste) | 0:28:47 - Pete talks to the criminal | action scene | arguing | bank | detective | foreign key modulation | gangster | leading man | parallelism | stinger | sultry |
We're Only Human (1935) | Blood Money (Extended) | 0:28:58 - Pete walks away with the criminal | action scene | arguing | augmented triad | bank | detective | gangster | leading man | mysterious | tense | tritone | whole-tone |
We're Only Human (1935) | Begging | 0:29:35 - Pete talks with Danny | action scene | arguing | bank | detective | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | gangster | leading man | pedal tone | sequence | serious | tense | victim |
We're Only Human (1935) | Isn't This a Night For Love (Dance Band) | 0:33:11 - Pete walks into a diner | AABA structure | advance plot | arguing | conversing | detective | diner | leading lady | leading man | reporter | sentimental | source music |
We're Only Human (1935) | Midnight in Manhattan (Warm) | 0:36:50 - Mary and Pete in a restaurant | advance plot | altered dominant | arguing | conversing | detective | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | Neapolitan | reporter | restaurant | sentimental | source music |
We're Only Human (1935) | Game 2 | 1:01:56 - Witness threatens to kill the criminals | acceleration | arguing | car | car | chromatic parallelism | climax | conflict | detective | dramatic | driving | hurried | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | reporter | rushing | threat | threatening | victim |
We're Only Human (1935) | Saroff | 1:03:07 - They argue | arguing | chromatic scale | climax | conflict | detective | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | reporter | tense | victim | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | yard |
We're Only Human (1935) | Game 8 | 1:05:55 - Pete advances slowly | arguing | chromatic scale | climax | conflict | detective | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hostage | leading man | murderer | pedal tone | polychord | room | sneaking | taunting | tense | tricking | underscoring |
Another Face (1935) | Russian Waltz (Poco Agitato) | 0:04:46 - Nurse argues with doctor | advance plot | arguing | blackmail | doctor | nurse | operating room | tense |
Another Face (1935) | Zaroff (Poco Agitato) | 0:05:01 - Nurse argues with doctor | advance plot | arguing | blackmail | chromatic parallelism | doctor | half-diminished 7th chord | nurse | operating room | tense |
Another Face (1935) | Courage (Hiding) | 0:05:09 - Doctor threatens nurse | advance plot | arguing | blackmail | doctor | nurse | operating room | tense | whole-tone chord |
Another Face (1935) | You're an Angel | 0:25:47 - A man knocks on a door | AABA structure | actress | advance plot | arguing | conversing | embracing | kissing | maid | manager | proposal | room | sentimental | source music |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato 2 (Agitato) | 0:07:57 - Jane tells Dennis she still loves him | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Broad) | 0:08:11 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Desperation | 0:08:20 - Jane talks to Dennis | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Molto Expressivo) | 0:08:35 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Agitato) | 0:08:54 - Jane talks to Dennis | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ominous | tense |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Agitated) | 0:09:10 - Jane threatens to kill herself | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | dark | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | suicide | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Valse Triste (Reeds) | 1:04:26 - Fred argues with Bill | antagonist | arguing | brother | husband | leading man | resolution | room | tense |
Without Honor (1949) | Valse Triste (Triple Beguin) | 1:05:18 - Fred starts to leave for the hospital | antagonist | arguing | brother | fighting | husband | leading man | punching | resolution | tense | yard |
Mara Maru (1952) | Baby Face | 0:07:12 - Gregory arrives at a bar | advance plot | arguing | bar | bartender | conversing | crowd | fighting | leading man | partner | sailor | server | source music | upbeat |
Mara Maru (1952) | Misterioso | 0:12:16 - Gregory talks to Stella | arguing | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | room | stinger | tense |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:12:54 - Gregory talks to Stella | arguing | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | room | tense | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Appassionato | 0:13:27 - Stella argues with Gregory | arguing | conversing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | passionate | room |
Mara Maru (1952) | Ortega | 0:40:26 - Gregory talks with Ortega | arguing | brother | conversing | distrust | establish character | leading man | mysterious | room | tense |
Mara Maru (1952) | Grabbing | 0:41:15 - Gregory grabs Ortega | arguing | brother | distrust | dramatic | establish character | grabbing | gun | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | tense |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:41:23 - Ortega points a gun at Gregory | arguing | brother | distrust | establish character | gun | leading man | room | stinger | tense | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Fragment) | 0:41:40 - A cross on Ortega's keychain | arguing | brother | cross | distrust | dramatic | establish character | gun | keys | leading man | room | stinger |
Mara Maru (1952) | Ortega | 0:41:50 - Gregory tosses Ortega's keys | arguing | brother | distrust | establish character | gun | leading man | mysterious | room | tense |
Mara Maru (1952) | Appassionato (Tenderly 2) | 1:07:51 - Stella approaches | arguing | captain | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | rushing | sailing | ship | ship | uneasy | walking | warning |
Mara Maru (1952) | Appassionato (Extended) | 1:08:25 - Stella talks with Gregory | arguing | captain | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | passionate | sailing | ship | ship | warning |
Mara Maru (1952) | Stella | 1:09:02 - Stella tells Gregory she loves him | arguing | captain | embracing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | romantic | sailing | ship | ship |
Mara Maru (1952) | Appassionato (Molto Expressivo) | 1:11:48 - Crew on deck of the ship | action scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | conversing | diver | diving suit | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | preparing | private eye | ship | ship | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Distorted) | 1:19:49 - The cross is revealed | action scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | cross | dark | diver | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | wind | worker | yelling |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:20:01 - Benedict grabs the cross | action scene | antogonist | arguing | captain | cross | diver | dramatic | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ordering | private eye | punching | rain | ship | storm | tense | treasure | underscoring | wind | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross | 1:26:54 - Manuelo holds the cross | arguing | calm | cross | hut | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | love interest | religious | turning point | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Tense) | 1:27:07 - Gregory grabs Manuelo | arguing | cross | falling | hut | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | love interest | religious | slapping | tense | turning point | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Maestoso) | 1:27:18 - Gregory slaps Manuelo | arguing | cross | hut | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | love interest | majestic | reacting | slapping | tense | turning point | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:27:44 - Gregory follows after Manuelo | arguing | following | hut | jungle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | searching | tense | thinking | turning point | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Grabbing | 1:32:13 - Gregory grabs Ortega | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | dramatic | grabbing | interrogating | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | suspsect | tunnel |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:32:18 - Gregory interrogates Ortega | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | grabbing | interrogating | leading man | suspsect | tense | tunnel | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Fragment) | 1:32:29 - Ortega explains himself | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | dark | grabbing | interrogating | leading man | suspsect | tunnel |
Mara Maru (1952) | Benedict (Agitato) | 1:32:39 - Ortega accuses Benedict | advance plot | agitated | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | interrogating | leading man | mysterious | suspsect | tunnel | uneasy |
Mara Maru (1952) | Grabbing 2 | 1:32:55 - Gregory grabs Ortega | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | dramatic | grabbing | interrogating | leading man | mickey-mousing | suspsect | tunnel |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Maestoso Religioso) | 1:33:02 - Ortega offers Gregory the cross | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | giving | hymn-like | leading man | pleading | reacting | religious | suspsect | tense | tunnel |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:33:38 - Ortega pleads with Gregory | advance plot | arguing | catacomb | cave | cross | leading man | pleading | suspsect | tense | tunnel | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Benedict (Menacing) | 1:34:30 - Ortega tries to block the door | action scene | antagonist | arguing | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | defending | dramatic | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | menacing | murderer | ominous | protecting | pushing | running | tunnel | victim |