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17 results for "performer" in 5 films — see also musician

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Her Kind of Man (1946)Night Clubs0:01:12 - Montage of night clubsbar | bluesy | club | crowd | dancer | dancing | double exposure | eating | journalist | montage | montage | performer | performing | simulated source music | street | voice-over
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Chiapanecas0:33:40 - People dancing outsideactor | advance plot | congregation | conversing | dancer | dancing | leading lady | Mexican | on-screen music | performer | playing | priest | ranch | source music | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

El Pregon de Santiago1:11:53 - Johnny plays the guitar and singsactor | Cuban | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

La Paloma1:12:40 - Johnny sings brieflyactor | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | Mexican | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)Funeral March0:01:12 - A funeral marchaltered dominant | brass band | classical music | crowd | establish place | funeral | funeral march | marching | mode change | on-screen music | parallel 63s | pedal tone | performer | secondary dominant | somber | source music | street | watching
Thirteen Women (1932)Blue Streak0:01:54 - A circus posterABA structure | circus | circus music | conversing | cousin | establish character | establish place | horoscope | letter | performer | reading | source music | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Circus Music0:03:44 - June talks to HazelAB structure | circus | circus music | conversing | cousin | establish character | performer | source music | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Spring, Beautiful Spring0:04:48 - June and May performABA structure | circus | circus music | death scene | performer | performing | source music | swinging | trapeze | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Drum Roll0:06:18 - June and May performcircus | death scene | fear | performer | preparing | source music | tense | trapeze

Thirteen Women (1932)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:07:14 - May falls to her deathcircus | dark | death scene | dying | falling | performer | trapeze | underscoring
Sing and Like It (1934)Hi-De-Ho1:01:43 - The audienceAABA structure | boss | critic | crowd | dance | dancing | gangster | moll | musical | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | singer | singing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:02:44 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | conducting | conductor | crowd | dancer | dancing | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:10 - The audience reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:34 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:04:10 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother1:04:54 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | ballad | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | crying | dancing | gangster | gun | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | theater | threatening | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Curtain Call)1:07:57 - The audience applaudsAABA structure | applauding | boss | bowing | cheering | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | gangster | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | playing | secondary dominant | singer | source music | theater | transcribed by ear | upbeat