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32 results for "whole-tone scale" in 12 films — see also whole-tone | whole-tone chord

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Are These Our Children? (1931)Dreams (Whole Tone)0:21:11 - A view of the citydreaming | leading man | montage | pedal tone | room | somber | whole-tone scale

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams + Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Allegro)NIF - not in filmcut from film | mysterious | octatonic | somber | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Allegro)1:15:33 - Newspaper headlinesaugmented triad | chromatic parallelism | double exposure | dramatic | fanfare | frantic | headline | montage | mother | newspaper | ostinato | spinning | tense | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Happy Land (Lento)0:12:31 - The aunts talkadvance plot | aunt | brother | conversing | crazy person | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | gentle | leading lady | mysterious | plotting | room | sequence | tender | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Blows out match0:56:48 - Einstein blows out the matchadvance plot | blowing | brother | crazy person | darkness | doctor | extinguishing | leading man | match | mickey-mousing | murderer | room | tense | whole-tone scale
The Big Sleep (1946)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:56:54 - Killer shoots at Marloweassassin | chase scene | chasing | chromatic scale | dramatic | leading man | murderer | pc set | private eye | running | shooting | street | tense | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Beaten)1:23:35 - Jones helps Marlowe upadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | dazed | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | lifting | mickey-mousing | pain | private eye | rising | street | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Recovering1:24:06 - Jones helps Marlowe upadvance plot | augmented triad | conversing | impressionism | leading man | mysterious | pain | private eye | street | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Whole Tone)1:39:25 - Marlowe talks to Viviancaptive | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | mysterious | private eye | room | tense | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale
Caged (1950)Prison Alarm0:32:00 - Ringing prison alarmagitated | alarm | alarm effect | bell | double exposure | dramatic | guard | leading lady | mickey-mousing | montage | montage | prison | prisoner | ringing | waking | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale | yelling

Caged (1950)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:32:30 - Marie in the prison cafeteriaalarm | alarm effect | bell | chromatic parallelism | double exposure | dramatic | eating | fanning | guard | heat | leading lady | mickey-mousing | montage | montage | pc set | prison | prisoner | underscoring | whole-tone scale
His Greatest Gamble (1934)The Chase 10:29:26 - Philip escapes from prisonaugmented triad | dark | escaping | frantic | leading man | montage | montage | prisoner | sequence | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | whole-tone scale
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Mysterious)0:09:53 - Frankie sneaks in the houseconcern | conversing | dissonant bass | establish character | heroine | leading lady | mysterious | pedal tone | room | sister | sneaking | sneaky | teenager | underscoring | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:28:01 - Frankie escapes from the warden's office9th chord | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | mickey-mousing | ostinato | reformatory | running | teenager | tense | throwing | tone cluster | warden | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Window closing0:30:05 - Boys close their windowchromatic parallelism | closing | escape | gang | mickey-mousing | reformatory | somber | teenager | whole-tone scale | window
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Dust Be My Destiny (Fight)0:25:41 - Charlie and Joe fight42 chord | barn | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conflict | dramatic | fighting | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | octatonic scale | punching | villain | warden | whole-tone scale
Flamingo Road (1949)Flamingo Road (Tense)1:04:16 - Titus enters the roomadvance plot | combination of themes | conversing | leading lady | leading man | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | tense | whole-tone scale

Flamingo Road (1949)

Throwing whiskey and glass1:12:08 - Titus throws whiskey in Field's facealcohol | breaking | bullying | conflict | dramatic | glass | leading man | mickey-mousing | politician | room | sheriff | slamming | splashing | throwing | tone cluster | whole-tone scale
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Agitato Molto Misterioso1:10:18 - Communists interrogate Mattchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | ostinato | pc set | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | undercover agent | whole-tone scale

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Riot1:14:50 - Rioters fightingchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | crowd | dramatic | fighting | montage | ostinato | pc set | riot | rioting | violence | whole-tone scale
In This Our Life (1942)Fast Driving + Stanley1:08:53 - Stanley drivingcar | car | child | combination of themes | crime scene | criminal | driving | drunk | leading lady | mysterious | oscillation | street | tense | uneasy | victim | walking | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:09:01 - Stanley has an accidentcar | child | chromatic scale | crashing | crime scene | criminal | dramatic | driving | drunk | leading lady | pc set | street | victim | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Car crash1:09:01 - Stanley hits two pedestriansaccident | car | car crash | crashing | crime scene | criminal | dramatic | driving | drunk | dying | falling | hit and run | leading lady | mickey-mousing | street | victim | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Fast Driving1:09:12 - Stanley drives awayaccident | car | car | car crash | crime scene | criminal | driving | drunk | fleeing | hit and run | leading lady | mysterious | oscillation | tense | whole-tone scale

In This Our Life (1942)

Fast Driving1:29:17 - Stanley driving her carcriminal | driving | escaping | leading lady | oscillation | street | tense | transition | whole-tone scale
Mildred Pierce (1945)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:08:53 - Wally looks for Mildred9th chord | action scene | ascending | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | down | dramatic | falling | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | searching | setup | suspenseful | underscoring | walking | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred (Appassionato)0:39:22 - Mildred argues with Vedaangry | arguing | child | chromatic scale | conflict | foreign key modulation | heroine | leading lady | raising | room | standing | tense | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred raises Veda0:39:22 - Mildred lifts her daughter up by the armangry | arguing | child | conflict | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | raising | room | standing | tense | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Troubled)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | common-chord modulation | cut from film | dissonant | dramatic | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | hopeful | mode mixture | sequence | tender | tense | tragic | turbulent | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Misterioso)0:54:01 - Bert tells Mildred that Kay is sickbad news | conversing | dark | death scene | distress | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | mysterious | ominous | stinger | street | turning point | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Troubled)1:14:06 - Mildred and Monte arguearguing | breakup | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | disagreement | fragmentation | heroine | leading lady | love interest | ominous | room | sinister | tense | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)Newspaper Montage0:32:22 - Newspaper headlinesdark | headline | montage | newspaper | ominous | tragic | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale