The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | The Amazing Doctor + The Motor | 0:50:22 - Butch runs downstairs | anxious | chromatic scale | combination of themes | criminal | double-cross | down | downstairs | dramatic | gangster | mickey-mousing | motor | ostinato | robbery | store | tense | thief | walking |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Butch goes downstairs | 0:50:22 - Butch runs downstairs | anxious | chromatic scale | combination of themes | criminal | double-cross | down | downstairs | dramatic | gangster | mickey-mousing | robbery | store | tense | thief | walking |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Rocks struggles and falls | 1:09:52 - Rocks tries to get up, then collapses | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | death | doctor | down | drugs | dying | falling | gangster | leading lady | leading man | murder | murderer | murder scene | office | oscillation | poison | rising | split-third chord | struggling | tense | up |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Going down a ladder | 1:17:32 - Rocky goes down an escape ladder | agitated | chromatic scale | climbing | conflict | descending | down | dramatic | escaping | gangster | hurrying | ladder | leading man | mickey-mousing | street |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Breaking in | 1:18:11 - Rocky enters the building | conflict | down | gangster | jumping | landing | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | sneaking | sneaky |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Going down stairs | 1:19:05 - Rocky runs down the stairs | agitated | chromatic scale | conflict | down | dramatic | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | stairs | stairwell |
Crime School (1938) | Kids running down | 0:56:17 - Kids run down stairs | action scene | chromatic parallelism | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | polychord | quartal chord | reformatory | running | stairs | teenager |
Crime School (1938) | The Escape | 1:12:03 - Boys escape | down | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager | whole-tone chord |
Crime School (1938) | Jumping down | 1:12:03 - Boys jump out of the window | diminished 7th chord | down | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Jumps down stairs | 0:24:49 - Man jumps down the stairs to chase Clementi | down | flashback | jumping | mickey-mousing | stairs |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Arriving | 0:26:52 - Joe and Mabel settle into their new situation | 9th chord | arriving | calm | dramatic | freedom | leading lady | leading man | runaway | settling down | street | traveling | traveling scene | truck |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dust Be My Destiny (Running Up and Down) | 0:30:12 - Man runs up the courthouse steps | 64 chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | courthouse | down | frantic | leading lady | leading man | love scene | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | producer | running | stairs | street | up |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Fleeing | 0:34:56 - Joe and Mabel flee | alley | chromatic scale | danger | down | escape | fearful | fleeing | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | police | runaway | running | street | suspenseful |
The FBI Story (1959) | Running downhill | 1:57:13 - Men run downhill | down | downhill | escaping | flashback | mickey-mousing | running |
The FBI Story (1959) | Mario Climbs (Descending) | 1:58:44 - Mario climbs downhill | down | downhill | flashback |
The FBI Story (1959) | Mario climbs downhill | 1:59:50 - Mario climbs downhill | climbing | down | downhill | flashback | mickey-mousing |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Boy running | 0:36:50 - Georgie runs down the stairs | advance plot | child | conductor score | down | hurried | mickey-mousing | running | street |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Police running | 1:35:32 - The policemen run | action scene | agitated | dock | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | police | running | tense |
The Informer (1935) | Tearing down poster | 0:02:47 - Gypo tears the reward poster off of the wall | dissonant bass | down | establish character | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | poster | removing | street | tearing | upset |
The Informer (1935) | Throwing man down | 0:05:31 - Gypo picks the man up and throws him in the street | angry | down | establish character | falling | leading man | mickey-mousing | street | throwing | whole-tone | whole-tone chord |
The Informer (1935) | Dan and Mary (Descending) | 1:05:08 - Mary enters, looking for Dan | chromatic sequence | courtroom scene | dissonant bass | down | headquarters | hero | love interest | love theme | mickey-mousing | romantic | stairs | street | suspect | walking |
The Informer (1935) | Falling down the stairs | 1:06:19 - Gypo falls down the stairs | 9th chord | antagonist | chromatic scale | courtroom scene | down | dramatic | falling | headquarters | leading man | mickey-mousing | rebel | room | stairs | suspect |
The Informer (1935) | The Escape (The Fight) | 1:28:25 - Rebels shoot through the door | antagonist | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climax | down | dramatic | escaping | falling | fighting | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | rebel | room | running | tense | traitor | whole-tone |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:08:53 - Wally looks for Mildred | 9th chord | action scene | ascending | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | down | dramatic | falling | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | knocking | mickey-mousing | room | searching | setup | suspenseful | underscoring | walking | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Breaks glass | 1:05:35 - Bert slaps the glass out of Monte's hand | advance plot | breaking | down | ex-husband | falling | glass | heroine | leading lady | love interest | mickey-mousing | restaurant | tense | throwing | violence |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Closes blinds | 1:15:59 - Mildred closes the blinds | blinds | breakup | closing | conflict | down | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | room | somber | window |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Boy runs downstairs | 0:03:07 - Gerald runs down the stairs | 9th chord | altered dominant | antagonist | boy | child | chromatic mediant | down | downstairs | establish character | foreign key modulation | gentle | home | mickey-mousing | mother | pedal tone | playful | running |
White Heat (1949) | Danger (Tense) | 1:05:23 - Cody forces the doctor out at gunpoint | doctor | down | dramatic | gangster | guard | gun | leading man | murderer | prison | prison break | prisoner | stinger | warden |