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10 results for "celebrating" in 10 films — see also partying

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
City for Conquest (1940)Liberty Day0:39:41 - Old timer talks to workerboxer | boxing ring | celebrating | contrasting double period | conversing | crowd | fanfare | leading man | manager | montage | parallel double period | source music | upbeat
Her Kind of Man (1946)You Do Something to Me0:02:52 - A night clubAABA structure | celebrating | club | conversing | dancing | establish character | flashback | mickey-mousing | on-screen music | playing | popular music | ripple effect | source music | upbeat | working
The Informer (1935)Dardanella0:53:41 - Gypo buys drinks at a partyAB structure | advance plot | antagonist | celebrating | cheerful | crowd | drinking | leading man | on-screen music | party | partying | source music
The Letter (1940)Sociable1:09:09 - Leslie and Robert meet with friends64 chord | celebrating | dinner music | drinking | foreign key modulation | happy | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | party | pump-up modulation | reverse picardy
Mildred Pierce (1945)Please Think of Me1:01:54 - Monte dances with Vedaantagonist | celebrating | dance scene | dancing | daughter | friend | heroine | jukebox | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | popular music | restaurant | singing | source music | upbeat
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)Semper Fidelis0:30:32 - A march is played outsideadvance plot | celebrating | cheering | child | common-chord modulation | conversing | crowd | gossiper | leading lady | leading man | march | patriotic tune | politician | source music | spouse | street | upbeat
Rockabye (1932)You've Got What Gets Me0:55:05 - Judy at a partyABAB structure | advance plot | celebrating | cheerful | leading lady | maid | mother | party | source music
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)Bide-More Alma Mater1:04:44 - Bidemore celebrates their victorycelebrating | comic | crowd | field | love interest | politician | prisoner | resolution | source music | upbeat | warden
Sing and Like It (1934)Makes You Forget Your Troubles1:08:27 - A man pours champagneAABA structure | announcing | boss | celebrating | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | crowd | drinking | gangster | leading lady | moll | party | party | room | singer | source music | upbeat
Gridiron Flash (1934)Gridiron Flash1:02:36 - The scoreboardadded-note chord | athlete | celebrating | countermelody | crowd | football | football game | leading lady | leading man | march | resolution | The End | upbeat