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29 results for "tritone oscillation" in 7 films — see also oscillation | tritone

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Big Sleep (1946)Carmen (Drugged)NIF - not in filmdeleted scene | femme fatale | helping | investigation | leading man | mysterious | oscillation | ostinato | private eye | room | tense | tritone oscillation | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Hostage + Marlowe (Fragment)1:42:34 - Canino brings Vivian out as a hostage64 chord | action scene | criminal | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ostinato | ostinato | outside | private eye | tense | tritone oscillation | walking
Caged (1950)Harper0:40:20 - Harper walksdark | establish character | friend | guard | leading lady | mickey-mousing | prison | prisoner | tritone oscillation | walking | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

She RunsNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | agitated | chromatic scale | cut from film | cut scene | dissonant bass | sequence | tritone oscillation
City for Conquest (1940)Googi (Molto Mysterioso e Screwyoso)1:15:19 - Cobb sees the guncar | chromatic parallelism | conversing | corpse | criminal | disposing | dissonant bass | dock | fragmentation | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | manager | murderer | murder scene | ominous | ostinato | tense | tritone oscillation | working
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Communist0:00:09 - Title of filmbold | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dark | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | hallway | march | opening title sequence | oscillation | parallelism | stranger | title of film | tritone oscillation | zoom in

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent0:00:26 - Starring listapproaching | bold | cast list | dark | dramatic | fanfare | hallway | march | mickey-mousing | opening title sequence | ostinato | polychord | sequence | starring list | stranger | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Communist (Alternate)NIF - not in filmalternate music | cast list | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | half-diminished 7th chord | opening title sequence | oscillation | parallelism | starring list | title of film | tritone oscillation | zoom in

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Marcia Misterioso)0:01:17 - Agent walks to the phoneagent | airport | arriving | calling | conversing | dialing | establish setting | march | mysterious | ostinato | polychord | sequence | telephone | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | typewriter | typing | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Molto Misterioso)0:02:57 - Mason gets his assignmentagent | conversing | establish setting | map | march | mysterious | office | ostinato | planning | polychord | sequence | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | working

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Ominous) + Family0:38:46 - Matt leaves his apartmentadvance plot | combination of themes | communist | dark | discovery | leading lady | letter | ominous | polychord | reacting | reading | self-borrowing | spy | street | teacher | tense | tritone oscillation

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Molto Misterioso)0:58:12 - The communists go upstairsascending | communist | create suspense | leading lady | leading man | ostinato | polychord | sequence | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tense)0:59:26 - FBI man holds gun on commie agentsacceleration | agent | arresting | communist | dark | dialing | gun | murder scene | room | spy | tense | tritone oscillation

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Agents Fight0:59:39 - Communists fight the FBI managent | attacking | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | communist | death | dramatic | fighting | knife | minor-major 7th chord | murder | murder scene | pc set | polychord | room | spy | stabbing | stinger | tritone oscillation

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Misterioso)0:59:50 - Agent watchescar | communist | driving | escaping | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | polychord | spy | street | teacher | transition | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Gunfight)1:03:34 - Train tracksaugmented triad | communist | dissonant bass | diving | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | minor-major 7th chord | polychord | running | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | syncopation | teacher | tense | train tracks | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Newspaper)1:04:11 - FBI agents talkagent | conversing | dark | leading man | newspaper | ominous | planning | polychord | room | transition | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Risoluto)1:09:39 - FBI agents walk awayagent | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | polychord | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent1:10:36 - Communists interrogate Mattcommunist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | polychord | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tuttissimo)1:10:54 - Communists interrogate Mattanger | anxiety | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | shallow focus | suspicion | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Conflict)1:11:10 - Communists beat up Mattattacking | communist | dramatic | fighting | interrogation | leading man | police | polychord | punching | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tuttissimo)1:14:31 - New York City skylinecrowd | dramatic | montage | polychord | riot | rioting | tritone oscillation | violence | voice-over

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Conflict)1:15:06 - Protestors marchingarguing | crowd | dramatic | montage | polychord | protesting | riot | tritone oscillation | violence
In This Our Life (1942)Underscoring (Tense)1:15:04 - Craig refuses Parry's caseconflict | conversing | denying | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | office | ominous | refusing | tritone oscillation | underscoring
The Letter (1940)Leslie (Confession)1:16:36 - Leslie confesses to Robertconfessing | conflict | dark | half-diminished 7th chord | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | letter | ostinato | recounting | sequence | serious | tritone | tritone oscillation

The Letter (1940)

Mrs. Hammond (Confession)1:17:35 - Leslie confesses to RobertChinese | confessing | conflict | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | letter | open fifth | parallel fifths | parallelism | pentatonic | recounting | serious | somber | tritone oscillation
The Unfaithful (1947)Chris (Dark)0:07:46 - Chris continues driving9th chord | advance plot | antagonist | calm | danger | dissonant bass | foreign key modulation | house | leading lady | ominous | sequential modulation | shadow | tritone | tritone oscillation | walking

The Unfaithful (1947)

Tanner (Headlines)1:24:17 - Chris is suspected of murderaltered dominant | chromatic scale | climax | fragmentation | friend | hurrying | montage | newspaper | newspaper boy | panicked | police station | polychord | polytonality | quartal chord | radio | reporter | room | rushing | street | surprise | tritone oscillation | widow

The Unfaithful (1947)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:25:51 - Art shop owner testifiesclimax | courtroom | dramatic | hurrying | montage | prosecuting | quartal chord | rushing | testifying | tritone oscillation | underscoring | witness