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389 results for "up" in 59 films — see also ascending | rising | uphill | upstairs

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)School Girls0:01:12 - Young girls walking to schooladded-note chord | chatting | child | establish setting | pedal tone | pleasant | school | street | upbeat | walking

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Henriette (Carriage)0:13:05 - A carriage arrives64 chord | carriage | driver | leading lady | pleasant | street | transition | traveling | upbeat

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Raynald (Carriage)0:46:53 - Horses pulling a carriage64 chord | carriage | child | chromatic mediant | common-chord modulation | conversing | countermelody | foreign key modulation | governess | horse | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | pleasant | riding | street | traveling scene | trotting | upbeat

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Armide0:49:21 - The opera housearriving | audience | child | concert scene | conversing | duke | governess | leading lady | leading man | opera | regal | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Fanfan la Tulipe0:51:48 - Henriette plays the harpsichordadvance plot | child | dancing | duke | folk music | governess | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | playing | room | upbeat

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Valse1:03:32 - Montage of newspaper clippingsadded-note chord | ballroom | cheerful | crowd | dancing | double exposure | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | montage | upbeat | waltz

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Invitation to the Dance1:04:19 - People waltzingadvance plot | ballroom | child | classical music | crowd | dancing | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | simulated source music | upbeat | waltz

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Henriette (Tristan)1:18:13 - Henriette opens a gift9th chord | advance plot | fragmentation | gift | governess | happy | leading lady | opening | pump-up modulation | room | snow globe

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

The Carousel1:26:22 - A spinning carousel64 chord | amusement park | augmented sixth chord | bright | carousel | child | enharmonic modulation | foreign key modulation | fun | mode mixture | on-screen text | pedal tone | riding | spinning | transition | upbeat

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Henriette (Tristan)1:46:15 - Henriette greets the children9th chord | arriving | child | duke | fragmentation | grand | greeting | leading lady | leading man | pump-up modulation | reunion scene | romantic | room
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)Clitterhouse Onestep0:33:20 - Gangsters walk through music studioadded-note chord | common-tone diminished 7th | dancer | dancing | gangster | jaunty | on-screen music | parallel double period | pianist | playing | singing | studio | transition | walking | warming up

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Rocks struggles and falls1:09:52 - Rocks tries to get up, then collapseschromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | death | doctor | down | drugs | dying | falling | gangster | leading lady | leading man | murder | murderer | murder scene | office | oscillation | poison | rising | split-third chord | struggling | tense | up
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Backing up0:40:37 - Rocky pulls a gun on the man following himbacking up | conflict | gangster | gun | leading man | mickey-mousing | ominous | sequence | shop

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Rocky and Laury0:41:37 - Laury pushes her way through the crowdaltered dominant | arriving | close-up | conflict | heartbroken | leading lady | love interest | rushing | sentimental | shop

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Going up a ladder1:17:41 - Rocky climbs up an escape ladderagitated | ascending | chromatic parallelism | climbing | conflict | dramatic | gangster | ladder | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | sequence | street | up

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Going up stairs1:19:27 - Rocky runs up the stairsagitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | dramatic | gangster | leading man | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | stairwell | up

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Sanctus (Maestoso)1:36:06 - Jerry and the boys walk up the stairsangelic | ascending | chromatic mediant | foreign key modulation | leading man | priest | resolution | room | stairs | teenager | The End | transcendence | triumphant | up
Are These Our Children? (1931)Incidental MusicNIF - not in filmABAC structure | added-note chord | altered dominant | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | upbeat
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Happy Land (Screwy Gavotte)0:00:39 - Cast list9th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | cast list | happy | opening title sequence | ostinato | pedal tone | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Happy Land (Gospel)0:00:47 - Cast listcast list | hymn | opening title sequence | parallel period | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Take Me Out to the Ball Game0:01:20 - Fans yelling at a ball gameaugmented sixth chord | baseball | baseball player | bass drum | cheering | crowd | enharmonic modulation | establish place | evaded cadence | falling | familiar tune | field | fighting | musician | parallel double period | pep band | playing | popular song | punching | rushed | saxophone | simulated source music | source music | sporting event | trombone | umpire | upbeat | yelling

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Two by Two0:02:51 - The marriage clerk singsclerk | establish character | marriage | office | on-screen music | singing | source music | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:03:34 - Hiding in a telephone boothadded-note chord | arguing | bystander | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | familiar tune | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | marriage | office | pump-up modulation | running | rushed | rushing | self-borrowing | sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Hanging up0:03:53 - Mortimer hangs up the phonebystander | diminished 7th chord | establish character | hanging up | leading lady | leading man | marriage | mickey-mousing | office | rushed

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Rondo Alla Turca0:06:25 - Teddy plays the harpsichordaunt | brother | classical music | conversing | crazy person | establish character | harpsichord | leading lady | old man | on-screen music | playing | room | source music | upbeat | victim

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Opens window0:13:59 - The aunts open the windowadvance plot | aunt | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | mickey-mousing | opening | raising | room | upbeat | window

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:14:10 - Mortimer calls to Elaineadded-note chord | aunt | bride | cemetery | conversing | deceptive resolution | driver | familiar tune | flirting | fragmentation | groom | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love | love scene | pump-up modulation | rushed | rushing | sequence | source to score | street

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:15:36 - Mortimer and Elaine talkadded-note chord | bride | cemetery | conversing | familiar tune | flirting | fragmentation | groom | hurried | leading lady | leading man | love | love scene | pump-up modulation | romantic | sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating 2)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | deceptive resolution | familiar tune | fragmentation | love scene | pump-up modulation | sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride0:19:52 - Mortimer at the window seatadvance plot | familiar tune | groom | leading man | on-screen music | room | source music | upbeat | whistling

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

The Aunts0:39:01 - The aunts talkadvance plot | aunt | cleaning | conversing | crazy person | foreign key modulation | harmonic sequence | leading lady | murderer | room | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Jonathan 20:40:30 - Jonathan enters the housearriving | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | close-up | criminal | dark | dissonant bass | establish character | leading man | observing | ominous | pc set | room | walking | zoom in

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Scar0:40:54 - The scar on Jonathan's faceclose-up | criminal | dark | establish character | horn flare | leading man | observing | ominous | pc set | polychord | room | scar

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

The Aunts0:53:55 - Aunt Abby goes to the front dooradvance plot | aunt | brother | calm | crazy person | darkness | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | murderer | room | silhouette | staring | upbeat | walking

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Scar (Tense)0:58:39 - Close-up on Dr. Einstein's faceadvance plot | bride | brother | calling | close-up | crazy person | darkness | doctor | entering | fear | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | murderer | polychord | room | sneaking | tense

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Knives1:31:05 - Mortimer looks at the knivesacceleration | brother | captive | chromatic parallelism | close-up | conflict | crazy person | diminution | doctor | fear | layering | leading man | murderer | ominous | oscillation | ostinato | pc set | polychord | room | tense | tone cluster | torturing | victim

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Happy Land1:50:41 - Mortimer singsbugle call | climax | leading man | on-screen music | room | singing | source music | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Happy Land (The End)1:57:05 - Mortimer carries Elaine awayaltered dominant | bride | countermelody | driver | end title sequence | familiar tune | groom | kissing | leading lady | leading man | resolution | street | The End | upbeat

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Happy Land (March)1:57:20 - Cast listcast list | countermelody | end title sequence | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Beyond the Forest (1949)Hurrying0:15:09 - Rosa lights a fireadvance plot | hurrying | leading lady | room | upbeat | wife | working

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Grazioso)0:15:23 - Rosa gets a drinkadvance plot | hurrying | leading lady | room | upbeat | wife | working

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Hurrying0:15:35 - Rosa carries a drinkadvance plot | hurrying | leading lady | room | upbeat | wife | working

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Turbulent)0:30:21 - Rosa checks her mailadvance plot | leading lady | mail | post office | reading | turbulent | upset

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Hurrying (Rather Slowly)0:30:48 - Rosa leaves the post officeadvance plot | child | departing | leading lady | mother | neighbor | post office | upset

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Courthouse (Agitato Quasi Rubato)0:31:12 - Rosa arrives homeadvance plot | angry | arriving | leading lady | room | upset | yelling

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Sombre)0:32:36 - Rosa walks awayadvance plot | leading lady | room | somber | sulking | tense | upset | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill + Rosa0:33:25 - Rosa lies downadvance plot | combination of themes | factory | fire | leading lady | machinery effect | porch | sulking | upset | watching

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago0:43:37 - Rosa sewsadvance plot | arriving | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular tune | room | score to source | sewing | singing | source and scoring overlap | source music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

The Arkansas Traveler1:02:55 - Folk musicianscrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Portland Fancy1:03:11 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Devil’s Dream1:03:26 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Little Brown Jug1:03:57 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Varsovienne1:04:52 - Moose talks with Mr. Latimerconversing | dance scene | folk music | friend | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | on-screen music | party | plotting | proposal | room | sneaking | source music | square dance music | upbeat

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago (Molto Expressivo)1:20:43 - The maid in the kitchenadvance plot | familiar tune | leading lady | maid | murderer | popular tune | recovering | resting | room | sentimental | sickness | upbeat
The Big Sleep (1946)Marlowe (Misterioso)0:59:14 - Marlowe ties up Carolassassin | corpse | dark | half-diminished 7th chord | investigating | investigation scene | leading man | murderer | mysterious | pc set | private eye | room | rope | stinger | tying up

The Big Sleep (1946)

And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine1:05:55 - Marlowe arrives at Mars's placeadvance plot | arriving | club | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | playing | private eye | singer | singing | source music | upbeat

The Big Sleep (1946)

Wotta Life1:08:09 - Marlowe talks to Mars12-bar blues | advance plot | club | criminal | investigating | leading man | private eye | source music | suspect | upbeat

The Big Sleep (1946)

I'm in a Jam With Baby1:10:53 - Marlowe talks to people at the partyadvance plot | club | gambler | gambling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | source music | upbeat

The Big Sleep (1946)

Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away)1:12:27 - Marlowe leaves the gambling jointAABA structure | conflict | criminal | investigating | leading lady | leading man | love interest | private eye | source music | street | upbeat

The Big Sleep (1946)

What Are You Doin' the Rest of Your Life1:14:35 - Marlowe and Vivian leaveconflict | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | parallel double period | private eye | source music | street | upbeat

The Big Sleep (1946)

Hangs up phone1:47:07 - Marlowe hangs up the phoneclimax | hanging up | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | mysterious | private eye | room
The Breaking Point (1950)Fishermen0:07:40 - Ship leaving the harborboat | boat | boating | calm | common-tone diminished 7th | departing | fisherman | fishing | floozy | leading lady | leading man | montage | not by Steiner | sailor | tense | transcribed by ear | upbeat

The Breaking Point (1950)

Flor de Lis0:08:17 - A ship sailingart song | boat | boat | boating | conversing | establish setting | flirting | floozy | leading lady | leading man | not by Steiner | sailor | upbeat | working

The Breaking Point (1950)

En Mi Canto de Amor0:08:57 - A dock at nightarriving | art song | boat | conversing | docking | establish setting | flirting | floozy | harbor | leading lady | leading man | not by Steiner | sailor | source music | upbeat | working

The Breaking Point (1950)

La Adelita0:09:56 - A Mexican village at nightarriving | bar | bartender | conversing | establish setting | folk music | leading man | musician | on-screen music | performing | sailor | salesperson | selling | source music | street | upbeat | working

The Breaking Point (1950)

Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone0:39:07 - Harry arrives at a barAABA structure | advance plot | bar | bartender | criminal | dancing | floozy | jukebox | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | sailor | singing | source music | upbeat

The Breaking Point (1950)

First Call1:15:04 - Sign for a horse racecrowd | horse | race track | source music | transition | upbeat
Caged (1950)June (Adagio)0:39:34 - Inmates play cardscards | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | close-up | conversing | establish character | foreign key modulation | friend | leading lady | melancholy | playing | prison | prisoner | somber | underscoring | uneasy
His Greatest Gamble (1934)Bavardage0:01:10 - The beachAABA structure | beach | casino | establish character | establish place | establish setting | gambler | gambling | leading man | luggage | pleasant | roulette wheel | transcribed by ear | upbeat
City for Conquest (1940)Train0:01:09 - An elevated train approachesadded-note chord | bridge | busy | city | hurried | mickey-mousing | old man | ostinato | police | pump-up modulation | train | transition | traveling

City for Conquest (1940)

Sidewalks of New York (Montage)0:02:18 - A montage of New York City scenesadded-note chord | boat | bridge | car | chromatic parallelism | city | conversing | Dutch angle | establish setting | excited | fragmentation | montage | old man | panning shot | police | pump-up modulation | soliloquy | train

City for Conquest (1940)

Sidewalks of New York0:03:10 - A New York street cornerAABA structure | child | conversing | crowd | dancing | old man | on-screen music | organ grinder | playing | pleasant | score to source | source music | street | street organ | thief | transition | upbeat | walking

City for Conquest (1940)

The Bowery0:05:00 - People on a New York streetchild | conversing | crowd | establish character | on-screen music | playing | pleasant | source music | street | street organ | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Lullaby of Broadway0:17:00 - A sign for Rose Gardens Casinoboxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | playing | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Latin For Manhattan0:18:29 - Peggy and Danny sit downAABA structure | blue note | boxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | playing | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

The Continental0:19:53 - Peggy dances with MurrayAABA structure | boxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | phrase extension | playing | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Jalousie0:20:39 - Danny sitting at a tableABAC structure | boxer | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

I'm Just Wild About Harry0:21:28 - Peggy dances with MurrayABAC structure | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Shadow Waltz0:21:46 - Peggy dances with MurrayABAC structure | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Fanfare0:22:58 - A trophy is brought outaward | bold | chromatic mediant | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | fanfare | leading lady | on-screen music | parallelism | presenting | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

I'm Just Wild About Harry0:23:07 - Close-up of LilyABAC structure | award | boxer | conversing | crowd | dance band | dance hall | dancer | dance scene | friend | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

I'm Just Wild About Harry (Delicato)0:25:06 - Peggy calls Murray11th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | calling | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | leading lady | mode mixture | pleasant | room | source to score | telephone | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Original Rhumba0:29:38 - Peggy dances with Murrayapplause | crowd | dance hall | dancer | dancing | double exposure | leading lady | montage | rhumba | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Original Bolero0:29:43 - Peggy dances with Murrayapplause | bolero | chromatic mediant | crowd | dance hall | dancer | dancing | double exposure | leading lady | montage | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Jalousie0:29:51 - Peggy dances with Murrayadded-note chord | applause | crowd | dance hall | dancer | dancing | double exposure | leading lady | montage | source music | tango | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Original Foxtrot0:29:57 - Peggy dances with Murrayapplause | common-tone diminished 7th | crowd | dance hall | dancer | dancing | double exposure | foxtrot | leading lady | montage | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

I'm Just Wild About Harry0:34:32 - Man operating a spotlightaudience | clapping | dancer | dancing | double exposure | leading lady | marquee | montage | source music | stage | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Burns and Company0:39:06 - Montage of dancing scenesadded-note chord | dance band | dancing | double exposure | headline | montage | newspaper | shadow | stage | transcribed by ear | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Liberty Day0:39:19 - A boxing matchboxing | boxing ring | contrasting double period | montage | parallel double period | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Liberty Day0:39:41 - Old timer talks to workerboxer | boxing ring | celebrating | contrasting double period | conversing | crowd | fanfare | leading man | manager | montage | parallel double period | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Negra Consentida0:41:21 - The Carleton Plaza Towersadvance plot | arriving | boxer | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | party | playing | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Stride Piano)0:43:27 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | boxer | brother | chord substitution | common-tone diminished 7th | composer | conversing | crowd | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | musician | on-screen music | parallelism | party | piano | playing | ragtime | source music | syncopation | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

In the Evening0:45:08 - Peggy in her dressing roomarguing | boxer | conflict | conversing | crying | dancer | dressing room | leading lady | leading man | parallel double period | punching | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

A Girl Like You0:46:49 - Danny in Peggy's dressing roomboxer | conflict | crying | dancer | dressing room | leading lady | leading man | leaving | parallel double period | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

42nd Street0:51:52 - People arriving at a danceAABA structure | advance plot | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | musician | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Corn Pickin'0:53:35 - People dancing the jitterbugAABA structure | advance plot | boxer | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Japanese Sandman0:54:33 - Danny and Peggy at the danceadvance plot | boxer | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Garden of the Moon1:00:04 - Backstage at the Club MadridAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | dancer | dressing room | leading lady | preparing | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Miramar1:00:44 - Danny prepares for a fightadvance plot | boxer | conversing | leading man | locker room | manager | march | parallel double period | preparing | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Piggy Wiggy Woo1:10:52 - Peggy criesadvance plot | conversing | crying | dancer | dressing room | leading lady | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Where Were You When the Moon Came Out1:19:38 - Danny resting in bedadvance plot | blur | brother | composer | dancing | leading man | listening | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | room | singer | singing | source music | upbeat | victim

City for Conquest (1940)

Powder My Back1:23:34 - A burlesque marqueeadvance plot | conversing | dancer | dancing | leading lady | manager | on-screen music | phrase extension | singer | singing | source music | stage | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem B1:33:32 - The wind section plays9th chord | added-note chord | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | excited | Mixolydian mode | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | ostinato | playing | pump-up modulation | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Train Whistle1:33:40 - The wind section playsadded-note chord | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | excited | fragmentation | Gershwinesque | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | pc set | playing | pump-up modulation | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem B1:35:43 - Danny listens to the radio9th chord | added-note chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | excited | Gershwinesque | leading man | listening | Mixolydian mode | musician | newspaper | newspaper stand | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | pump-up modulation | radio | source music | street | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Train Whistle1:35:50 - Danny listens to the radioadded-note chord | bold | concert | concert scene | dissonant bass | excited | fragmentation | Gershwinesque | leading man | listening | on-screen music | pc set | pump-up modulation | radio | source music | street

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (End Cast)1:43:34 - End cast list13th chord | closing credits | end title sequence | jazz | not by Steiner | plagal cadence | syncopation | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Crime School (1938)Gangster Blues0:01:16 - New York City streets13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | blues | cut from film | establish setting | fun | Gershwinesque | main title | setting | street | upbeat

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)0:08:20 - The kids confront the junk shop ownerattacking | chromatic scale | conflict | death | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | ominous | ostinato | running | shop | shopkeeper | stairs | stinger | teenager | tense | underscoring | up

Crime School (1938)

Policeman walks up stairs0:12:47 - Cop walks up the stairs to Sue's flatadvance plot | ascending | building | mickey-mousing | mysterious | police | quartal chord | up

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill0:33:18 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | cut from film | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | split-third chord | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill0:34:09 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill (Coda)0:35:01 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | exercising | gang | jogging | leading man | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Window opening1:11:57 - Boys open the windowdiminished 7th chord | escape | escaping | gang | mickey-mousing | mysterious | opening | reformatory | teenager | up | window

Crime School (1938)

Window opening 21:13:25 - Frankie opens the windowconflict | mysterious | opening | room | teenager | up | window

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Grazioso Mysterioso)1:13:38 - Frankie confronts Sue and Markcheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | conversing | deceptive resolution | dining | gun | happy | hero | heroine | leading lady | leading man | room | stick up | stinger | teenager | tone cluster | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (End Title)1:24:33 - Cast listbluesy | closing credits | end title sequence | not by Steiner | upbeat

Crime School (1938)

Sue (End Credits)1:24:49 - Cast listadded-note chord | bluesy | chromatic parallelism | closing credits | end title sequence | Gershwinesque | mode mixture | not by Steiner | upbeat
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Inspiration1:09:53 - Johnnie has an inspirationboxing | foreign key modulation | gentle | hero | idea | inspiration | leading man | pedal tone | pump-up modulation | room | shadow | thinking | turning point

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

On the Make (End Cast)1:31:03 - End titles9th chord | added-note chord | closing credits | end title | linear chromaticism | mode mixture | not by Steiner | plagal cadence | upbeat
Death of a Scoundrel (1956)Up the Stairs 10:00:56 - Bridget walks up the stairsstairs | tense | up | upstairs

Death of a Scoundrel (1956)

Gerry0:07:35 - Clementi knocks on his brother's door in the middle of the night and wakes him upflashback | nighttime | tired | waking up

Death of a Scoundrel (1956)

Gerry0:12:41 - Policeman knock on Gerry's door and wake him upflashback | nighttime | tired | waking up

Death of a Scoundrel (1956)

Up the Stairs 21:44:22 - Clementi takes his mother up the stairs to her roomflashback | folk-like | mickey-mousing | stairs | up | upstairs

Death of a Scoundrel (1956)

Clementi A (Mother)1:55:06 - Clementi staggers up the stairsflashback | mickey-mousing | stairs | up | upstairs
Deep Valley (1947)Joe0:01:29 - A dogcheerful | dog | establish character | friendly | leading lady | mother | opening | porch | room | running | upbeat | waking

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Poco Meno Expressivo)0:01:59 - Libby gets updog | dressing | establish character | leading lady | mother | room | scolding | upbeat | waking

Deep Valley (1947)

Drudge0:03:59 - Libby goes downstairsdescending | establish character | leading lady | room | somber | stairs | upset | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Drudge (Kitchen)0:04:12 - Libby works in kitchencooking | dog | establish character | kitchen | leading lady | somber | upset

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Very Light)0:04:29 - Joe watches Libby workcheerful | cooking | dog | establish character | kitchen | leading lady | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:08:25 - Libby leaves the housecheerful | dog | establish character | forest | leading lady | playing | running | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Squirrel0:09:26 - Libby feeds a squirrelcheerful | conversing | establish character | forest | leading lady | squirrel | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:09:57 - Libby walks in the woodscheerful | cut from film | dog | establish character | forest | leading lady | upbeat | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Running)0:19:24 - Libby arrives at the farmconversing | leading lady | lovers meet | running | rushed | street | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Allegretto Grazioso)0:39:06 - Libby in the woodsadvance plot | dog | forest | happy | leading lady | running | upbeat | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:40:58 - Libby swimmingadvance plot | cheerful | convict | dog | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | searching | swimming | upbeat

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:42:41 - Libby arrives at the cabinadvance plot | arriving | cabin | cheerful | convict | dog | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | upbeat
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Here Comes the Bride (Modulating)0:29:02 - Joe and Mabel run to the courthouseadded-note chord | deceptive resolution | excited | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | love scene | marriage | pump-up modulation | romance | romantic | running | sequence | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Running Up and Down)0:30:12 - Man runs up the courthouse steps64 chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | courthouse | down | frantic | leading lady | leading man | love scene | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | producer | running | stairs | street | up

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Here Comes the Bride (Triple)0:30:31 - Man talks to Joe and Mabel9th chord | 64 chord | chromatic parallelism | courthouse | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | love scene | marriage | producer | pump-up modulation | romantic | sequence | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Fairy Music0:30:58 - Man takes their luggage64 chord | courthouse | happy | leading lady | leading man | love scene | producer | pump-up modulation | romantic | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Reunited)0:40:03 - Joe runs to Mabel64 chord | altered dominant | foreign key modulation | joyful | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pump-up modulation | resolution | runaway | running | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Buzzing1:01:05 - Men working in the dark room64 chord | action scene | added-note chord | buzzy | chromatic parallelism | dark room | enharmonic modulation | exciting | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | Neapolitan | newspaper | newspaper editor | parallelism | photographer | photography | pump-up modulation | Rimsky-Korsakov | working

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (End Credits)1:26:54 - End creditsaltered dominant | closing credits | common-tone diminished 7th | end title sequence | upbeat
Each Dawn I Die (1939)Underscoring (Mysterious)0:04:28 - Frank leaves the newspaper officeclose-up | conflict | diminished 7th chord | gangster | hero | leading man | mysterious | reading | reporter | street | underscoring | watching
The FBI Story (1959)The Truck0:36:11 - The truck arrivesbacking up | flashback | truck

The FBI Story (1959)

Mario climbs uphill 11:54:15 - Mario climbs uphillclimbing | flashback | mickey-mousing | up | uphill | walking

The FBI Story (1959)

Mario climbs uphill 21:54:39 - Mario climbs uphillclimbing | flashback | mickey-mousing | up | uphill | walking

The FBI Story (1959)

Running uphill1:57:24 - Men run up the hillescaping | flashback | mickey-mousing | running | up | uphill

The FBI Story (1959)

Mario Climbs1:58:17 - Mario climbs uphillclimbing | flashback | up | uphill

The FBI Story (1959)

Mario Climbs (Hastening)1:58:38 - Mario climbs uphillclimbing | flashback | up | uphill

The FBI Story (1959)

Time Bomb 31:59:10 - Mario sets two time bombs then climbs uphill out of the waybomb | climbing | flashback | hero | machine | mickey-mousing | suspense | ticking | time bomb | uphill

The FBI Story (1959)

Raises microfilm2:09:07 - FBI agent looks at microfilmflashback | mickey-mousing | up
Flamingo Road (1949)Ain't We Got Fun0:01:41 - A carnival scenecarnival | carny | establish setting | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | source music | townsfolk | upbeat | voice-over

Flamingo Road (1949)

Put 'Em in a Box, Tie 'Em with a Ribbon, and Throw 'Em in the Deep Blue Sea0:12:05 - The Eagle CafeAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | leading lady | leading man | police | popular music | restaurant | source music | upbeat

Flamingo Road (1949)

Cheatin' on Me0:19:12 - Lane works at the caféAABA structure | advance plot | café | leading lady | leading man | leaving | police | source music | upbeat | waitress | working

Flamingo Road (1949)

South American Way0:22:08 - Field and Titus arrive at Lute Mae's Tavernadvance plot | club | dancer | dancing | gambling | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | police | politician | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus (Dark)0:33:56 - Field talks to Lanebreaking up | breakup | café | dark | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | self-borrowing | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus 2 (Triste)0:34:10 - Field tells Lane he is getting marriedbreaking up | breakup | café | chromatic sequence | dark | leading lady | leading man | major 7th chord | mysterious | self-borrowing | somber | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:34:30 - Lane responds to Fieldbreaking up | breakup | café | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | tense | underscoring | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Grazioso)0:41:46 - Lane talks to a fellow prisoneradvance plot | conversing | foreign key modulation | hopeful | leading lady | prison | prisoner | upbeat

Flamingo Road (1949)

The Blue Room0:44:58 - Lane dresses for workAABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | leading lady | politician | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Jalousie0:46:06 - Woman dancesclub | conversing | dance scene | dancing | employer | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

The Girl With the Spanish Drawl1:29:10 - Lane arrives at Lute Mae'sarriving | climax | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | musician | on-screen music | playing | source and scoring overlap | source music | upbeat

Flamingo Road (1949)

Struggling1:31:47 - Close-up on the gunclimax | close-up | club | dramatic | fighting | gun | gunshot | leading lady | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | oscillation | sheriff | struggling | tense
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Picks up suitcase0:26:22 - Steve picks up his suitcaseadvance plot | conductor score | hurried | leading man | mickey-mousing | picking up | room | rushing

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace 20:28:55 - Marcia reacts to Steve's commentaction scene | conductor score | conversing | leading lady | leading man | leaving | room | upset

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Put 'Em in a Box, Tie 'Em with a Ribbon, and Throw 'Em in the Deep Blue Sea0:40:24 - A dance halladvance plot | club | conversing | dancer | dancing | investigator | jazz | jazz band | leading man | on screen music | source music | upbeat

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Lifting up1:36:50 - Amato is brought onboardboat | dock | dramatic | gangster | inspector | leading man | lifting | mickey-mousing | police | raising | tense | up | water
Her Kind of Man (1946)You Do Something to Me0:02:52 - A night clubAABA structure | celebrating | club | conversing | dancing | establish character | flashback | mickey-mousing | on-screen music | playing | popular music | ripple effect | source music | upbeat | working

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Something to Remember You By0:06:59 - Floor show at a night clubclub | dancer | dancing | music scene | popular music | source music | stage | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Sailor's Hornpipe0:07:02 - Dancing sailorsclub | dancer | dancing | music scene | popular music | source music | stage | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Something to Remember You By0:07:16 - Georgia entersAABA structure | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | music scene | on-screen music | popular music | singer | singing | source music | stage | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Lady Play Your Mandolin0:11:03 - Audience applaudingAABA structure | applauding | applauding | club | crowd | dancing | leading man | music scene | popular music | source music | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Bulletin Board0:32:45 - Don leavesbluesy | conversing | crew | departing | gambler | leading man | reporter | room | source and scoring overlap | stage | transition | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Too Many Tears0:41:11 - Saratoga CasinoAABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | crowd | gambler | leading lady | leading man | love interest | manager | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Night Clubs (Street Scene)0:44:59 - Neon signs on Broadwaydramatic | sequential modulation | street | transition | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Can't We Talk It Over0:45:42 - Georgia and Don in a photographadvance plot | club | conversing | crowd | dancing | husband | leading lady | newspaper | on-screen music | photograph | playing | source music | upbeat | waiter

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone0:46:03 - Steve dances with a girlAABA structure | advance plot | club | conversing | criminal | dancing | floozy | gambler | henchman | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Love Is Sweeping the Country0:58:02 - The crowd applaudsadvance plot | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | gambler | henchman | husband | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | owner | performing | reporter | singer | sister | source music | upbeat | wife

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Shanty in Old Shanty Town0:59:36 - A cop waitsadvance plot | arguing | club | conversing | leading man | observing | on-screen music | police | reporter | source music | upbeat | waiting

Her Kind of Man (1946)

It Had to Be You (Tempo di Foxtrot)1:11:50 - Steve talks to Candyadvance plot | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | criminal | familiar tune | gambler | henchman | leading man | murderer | popular music | remembered source music | reminiscing | upbeat | warehouse
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)(I'm Gonna Wait) A Little Bit Longer (For That Never-on-Time Baby of Mine)0:39:06 - Matt goes to a record shopadvance plot | agent | arguing | arriving | conversing | jazz | leading man | record player | record shop | shopkeeper | source music | undercover agent | upbeat | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Ice Cold Katy0:53:21 - Matt follows Eveadvance plot | arguing | communist | jazz | leading lady | leading man | source music | spy | street | teacher | undercover agent | upbeat
In This Our Life (1942)South American Way0:24:06 - A spinning recordAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | dancing | Latin-American | leading lady | leading man | love interest | popular music | record player | room | source music | upbeat

In This Our Life (1942)

Roy (Encouragement)0:29:56 - Roy tries to cheer Craig up9th chord | advance plot | common-chord modulation | conversing | encouraging | leading lady | leading man | park | sequential modulation | uplifting

In This Our Life (1942)

Here Comes the Bride (A Little Shimmer)0:31:40 - A convertible9th chord | 11th chord | 64 chord | car | courthouse | deceptive resolution | happy | leading lady | leading man | leaving | pump-up modulation | sequential modulation | street | wedding | wedding

In This Our Life (1942)

Java Jive0:32:41 - A dance halldance hall | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

In This Our Life (1942)

This Time the Dream's on Me0:33:03 - Stanley and Peter sit at a tableAABA structure | conversing | dance hall | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

In This Our Life (1942)

Blues in the Night0:42:47 - Stanley puts a record on the phonographarguing | blue note | blues | conflict | leading lady | leading man | record player | room | source music | upbeat

In This Our Life (1942)

Blues in the Night0:54:51 - Stanley dressesadvance plot | blues | dressing | leading lady | record player | room | source music | upbeat | widow

In This Our Life (1942)

How Do I Know It's Sunday0:57:12 - Stanley starts a record playingAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | crying | dancing | father | flirting | leading lady | leading man | popular music | record player | room | sister | source music | upbeat | widow

In This Our Life (1942)

Anger1:04:56 - Stanley gets angryangry | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | leading lady | leaving | minor-major 7th chord | pc set | room | running | tense | uncle | upset | widow | yelling

In This Our Life (1942)

South American Way1:07:39 - Stanley in a baradvance plot | bar | bartender | dancing | drinking | jukebox | leading lady | upbeat | waiting

In This Our Life (1942)

You're a Lucky Guy1:16:20 - Stanley dancesAABA structure | advance plot | arriving | conversing | criminal | dancing | drinking | leading lady | popular music | record player | room | source music | upbeat
The Informer (1935)Tearing down poster0:02:47 - Gypo tears the reward poster off of the walldissonant bass | down | establish character | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | poster | removing | street | tearing | upset

The Informer (1935)

Katie (Hurt)0:06:58 - Katie is upset with Gypo and walks away upsetagitated | chromatic scale | crying | establish character | leading lady | leading man | leaving | street | tritone | upset

The Informer (1935)

The Irish Washerwoman (Pub) + Blood Money + The Wearin' o' the Green + The Informer0:44:52 - People celebrate in the pubadvance plot | antagonist | bar | chaotic | chromatic scale | close-up | combination of themes | crowd | dark | dissonant bass | excited | familiar tune | folk song | foreign key modulation | happy | heroic | Irish | layering | leading man | mob | mobbing | octatonic | parallelism | pedal tone | polytonality | rebel | serving | source to score | spying | tense | whole-tone | yelling | zoom in

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Up the Stairs)1:21:35 - Gypo goes up the stairs64 chord | agitated | antagonist | chromatic sequence | fragmentation | hallway | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | tense | traitor | transition | up
The Letter (1940)Lento Mysterioso0:50:37 - Leslie and Howard aloneadvance plot | altered dominant | home | lawyer | leading lady | mysterious | planning | sad | upper pedal tone | whole-tone chord

The Letter (1940)

Sociable1:09:09 - Leslie and Robert meet with friends64 chord | celebrating | dinner music | drinking | foreign key modulation | happy | home | husband | lawyer | leading lady | party | pump-up modulation | reverse picardy

The Letter (1940)

Foxtrot No. 21:22:12 - Leslie joins the party9th chord | AABA structure | altered dominant | conversing | dance music | dancing | foxtrot | friend | happy | husband | leading lady | party | party | pump-up modulation | secondary dominant | source music

The Letter (1940)

Leslie (Fast) + Foxtrot No. 31:34:18 - Leslie's laceworkcalm | combination of themes | dance music | fragmentation | lacework | oscillation | plantation | pump-up modulation | resolution | sequence | source music
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Chiapanecas0:33:40 - People dancing outsideactor | advance plot | congregation | conversing | dancer | dancing | leading lady | Mexican | on-screen music | performer | playing | priest | ranch | source music | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Father Paul (Carriage)0:35:13 - Priest riding in a carriagearriving | carriage | dog | flashback | galloping | horse | leading man | mysterious | priest | ranch | suspect | traveling | upbeat | voice-over

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Gallop)0:40:52 - Shelly riding on a horseactor | arriving | countryside | galloping | galloping effect | horse | leading lady | riding | transition | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Gallop 2) + Shelly 20:42:19 - Shelly riding on a horseactor | arriving | calm | combination of themes | countryside | galloping | galloping effect | horse | leading lady | riding | transition | traveling | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Traveling) + Shelly 2 (Allegretto)0:51:09 - Shelly drives away from the Tumble Moon ranchactor | car | combination of themes | driving | leading lady | luggage | ranch | rancher | transition | traveling | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Mi Caballero1:00:08 - People dancing outsideactor | advance plot | crowd | dancing | friend | Latin American | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | party | playing | ranch | source music | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

El Pregon de Santiago1:11:53 - Johnny plays the guitar and singsactor | Cuban | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

La Paloma1:12:40 - Johnny sings brieflyactor | friend | guitar | husband | leading lady | leading man | Mexican | on-screen music | party | performer | room | serenading | singing | suspect | upbeat

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Trev (Realization)1:26:36 - Close-up on Trev's faceactor | anger | chasing | climax | close-up | dark | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | menacing | murderer | rancher | realizing | room | zoom in
Mildred Pierce (1945)You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby0:03:59 - Wally sees Mildred from the windowconversing | establish character | familiar tune | friend | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | restaurant | source music | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Wally stands up and walks0:10:21 - Wally stands up to go to the phoneaction scene | friend | mickey-mousing | rising | room | standing | tense | up | victim | walking

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Bert (Triste)0:24:26 - Bert and Mildred separateaugmented sixth chord | breaking up | crying | establish character | fragmentation | heroine | husband | leading lady | leaving | Neapolitan | pedal tone | room | somber

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda0:25:03 - Kay plays football in the street11th chord | added-note chord | child | establish character | football | mickey-mousing | playing | street | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay falls0:25:12 - Kay falls to the groundchild | establish character | falling | football | mickey-mousing | playing | street | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred (Delicate)0:32:04 - Mildred walks up the stairsadvance plot | gentle | heroine | leading lady | parallelism | pedal tone | room | up | walking

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Work0:36:12 - Mildred works as a waitress64 chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | chromatic mediant | chromatic sequence | common-chord modulation | foreign key modulation | hectic | heroine | leading lady | montage | restaurant | rushing | self-borrowing | sequential modulation | serving | upbeat | voice-over | waitress | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Work (Singing Lesson)0:37:17 - Veda singsadded-note chord | child | double exposure | heroine | leading lady | montage | on-screen music | room | scored source music | self-borrowing | singing | upbeat | voice-over | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

South American Way0:37:36 - Veda sings and plays while Kay danceschild | dancing | heroine | leading lady | music scene | on-screen music | playing | popular music | room | sequence | singing | source music | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mazurka in B-Flat Major (Tense)0:38:47 - Veda plays a Chopin Mazurkaarguing | child | classical music | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | familiar tune | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | on-screen music | playing | quotation | room | scored source music | source music | tense | upbeat | waltz

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Work (Grand Opening)0:57:26 - View of Mildred's restaurantadded-note chord | advance plot | foreign key modulation | restaurant | self-borrowing | tritone | upbeat | voice-over | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

T'Ain't No Good0:57:37 - Mildred at the opening of her restaurantadvance plot | antagonist | busy | conversing | daughter | dining | friend | guest | heroine | leading lady | popular music | restaurant | serving | source music | upbeat | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

While You're Away0:59:47 - Monte arrives at the restaurantABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | busy | conversing | daughter | dining | friend | guest | heroine | leading lady | love interest | parallel double period | popular music | restaurant | serving | source music | upbeat | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Work (Success)1:01:42 - People work in Mildred's restaurant9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | busy | cook | foreign key modulation | restaurant | secondary dominant | self-borrowing | server | upbeat | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Order wheel spins1:01:45 - Restaurant order wheel spinsadvance plot | busy | cook | mickey-mousing | restaurant | server | spinning | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Please Think of Me1:01:54 - Monte dances with Vedaantagonist | celebrating | dance scene | dancing | daughter | friend | heroine | jukebox | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | popular music | restaurant | singing | source music | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Work1:08:00 - Montage of restaurantsadded-note chord | altered dominant | common-chord modulation | guest | montage | restaurant | self-borrowing | upbeat | voice-over | working

Mildred Pierce (1945)

French One-Step1:08:14 - Veda at a polo matchadded-note chord | antagonist | cheering | common-tone diminished 7th | daughter | field | heroine | leading lady | love interest | montage | playing | polo | secondary dominant | sports | upbeat | voice-over | watching

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Sweet Georgia Brown1:29:05 - Mildred confronts WallyABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | club | conversing | daughter | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

It Had to Be You1:30:25 - Mildred and Veda talkABAC structure | advance plot | antagonist | club | conversing | daughter | heroine | jazz | leading lady | on-screen music | popular music | source music | upbeat

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred stands and walks to window1:38:02 - Mildred stands up and goes to the windowadvance plot | delicate | graceful | heroine | leading lady | mickey-mousing | peaceful | rising | room | standing | up | walking
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight0:12:17 - People rallying for John Shadwelladvance plot | conversing | crowd | on-screen music | popular song | rally | source music | upbeat

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

For He's a Jolly Good Fellow0:13:48 - Political rally for John Shadwelladvance plot | conversing | crowd | folk song | on-screen music | politician | rally | source music | spouse | upbeat

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Oh! You Beautiful Doll0:17:47 - People in a baradvance plot | bar | business man | conversing | mode mixture | ragtime | source music | upbeat

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Ida (Sweet As Apple Cider)0:28:55 - People in a baradvance plot | bar | business man | conversing | parallel double period | ragtime | source music | upbeat

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Semper Fidelis0:30:32 - A march is played outsideadvance plot | celebrating | cheering | child | common-chord modulation | conversing | crowd | gossiper | leading lady | leading man | march | patriotic tune | politician | source music | spouse | street | upbeat

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Darktown Strutters' Ball0:40:06 - Sadie and Mike in a baradvance plot | business man | club | common-chord modulation | conversing | friend | love interest | plotting | ragtime | source music | upbeat
Rockabye (1932)Till the Real Thing Comes My Way0:33:55 - Judy at the partyadvance plot | club | conversing | dancing | friend | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | playing | playwright | source music | upbeat

Rockabye (1932)

Improvisation (in Rockabye)0:35:35 - People at a partyadvance plot | club | conversing | drinking | friend | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat

Rockabye (1932)

Till the Real Thing Comes My Way0:39:24 - Judy sings a songAABA structure | advance plot | club | dancing | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | singing | source music | upbeat

Rockabye (1932)

Till the Real Thing Comes My Way0:40:21 - Judy sings on top of a truckadvance plot | leading lady | love interest | on-screen music | pianist | singing | source music | street | upbeat

Rockabye (1932)

Run-Around0:52:45 - Montage of Broadway scenescommon-chord modulation | dominant pedal | montage | self-borrowing | theater | upbeat
Out of the Fog (1941)Concert in the Park0:01:57 - Goff walks along the dockarriving | conversing | criminal | dock | establish character | gambling | leading man | popular music | restaurant | source and scoring overlap | source music | upbeat | worker

Out of the Fog (1941)

Concert in the Park0:25:09 - Jonah and Olaf walk down the streetadvance plot | arriving | conversing | dock | father | fisherman | friend | popular music | source music | upbeat | walking

Out of the Fog (1941)

Trade Winds0:28:40 - Stella enters a drugstoreAABA structure | advance plot | child | conversing | criminal | leading lady | leading man | popular music | shopping | source music | store | upbeat | worker

Out of the Fog (1941)

South American Way0:30:00 - Stella listens to the radioadvance plot | conversing | leading lady | mother | popular music | radio | room | source music | upbeat

Out of the Fog (1941)

Comparsa Negra No.10:35:38 - People dancing in a conga lineABAC structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | eating | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | source music | upbeat

Out of the Fog (1941)

No Digas0:37:46 - Cuban dancers and musiciansAABA structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat

Out of the Fog (1941)

Whistle While You Work0:43:46 - Eddie sets the tableAABA structure | advance plot | arguing | boss | conversing | dock | popular music | restaurant | source music | upbeat | worker

Out of the Fog (1941)

The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down0:49:00 - Olaf and Jonah walk to the restaurantAABA structure | advance plot | conversing | crowd | dancing | dock | father | fisherman | friend | popular music | source music | upbeat

Out of the Fog (1941)

The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down (Cast List)1:24:39 - Cast listcast list | end title sequence | upbeat
Kid Galahad (1937)Swing for Sale0:04:26 - Dancing at a partyAABA structure | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Ring0:06:38 - People at a partyAABA structure | crowd | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

Stride Piano Improvisation 10:08:50 - People at a partyblues scale | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | on-screen music | party | source music | stride piano | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

The Prizefighter and the Lady0:09:36 - Ward helps LouiseAABA structure | crowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | on-screen music | party | source music | stride piano | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Kid Galahad (1937)

Stride Piano Improvisation 20:13:24 - People dance at a partycrowd | dancing | establish character | leading lady | leading man | manager | party | partying | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Traveling Husbands (1931)There's a Sob in My Heart0:00:00 - A rushing train under the opening creditsAABA structure | opening title sequence | popular song | syncopation | train | transcribed by ear | traveling | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Strings)0:23:03 - Music is played in a night clubAABA structure | comment on score | dance scene | dancing | leading lady | night club | popular song | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Dance0:26:27 - Music is played in a night clubAB structure | dance scene | dancing | Latin-American | leading lady | night club | salesman | source music | tango | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Radio Jazz)0:32:29 - Music is played on the radioaltered dominant | comedy | comment on score | dancing | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Radio Dance Band)0:32:46 - Music is played on the radioAABA structure | chromatic mediant | comedy | comment on score | dancing | leading lady | popular song | radio | room | salesman | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

There's a Sob in My Heart (Dixieland)0:34:27 - Music is played in a night clubbanjo | countermelody | dancing | Dixieland | double exposure | drums | improvisation | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Hello Beautiful0:35:04 - Music is played in a taxiAABA structure | banjo | dancing | drums | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat

Traveling Husbands (1931)

Millie0:35:09 - Hot jazz is played in a night clubAABA structure | banjo | dancing | Dixieland | drums | jazz | leading lady | montage | night club | popular song | salesman | source music | taxi | transcribed by ear | trombone | upbeat
The Unfaithful (1947)Beverly Hills0:01:00 - Cars driving down road in Beverly HillsBeverly Hills | cheerful | establish location | panning shot | sequential modulation | street | upbeat | voice-over

The Unfaithful (1947)

Stride Piano0:03:20 - Larry arrives at the partyestablish character | jazz | lawyer | leading lady | on-screen music | party | sister | source music | upbeat
We Are Not Alone (1939)Jessica (Upset)0:24:32 - Jessica enters and stops the conversationadvance plot | antagonist | chromatic scale | conversing | dark | home | parallelism | upset | wife
White Heat (1949)Backing up0:17:00 - Cody backs uparriving | backing up | car | dark | driving | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | street | tense | transition

White Heat (1949)

Five O'Clock Whistle1:11:01 - Verna watches Edadvance plot | conversing | gangster | leading lady | love interest | moll | popular music | radio | room | source music | upbeat
High Stakes (1931)Close to Me0:01:09 - People at a partyconversing | establish character | friend | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat | waiting | wedding
Three Who Loved (1931)My One Ambition is You0:14:21 - Phil turns on the radioAB structure | advance plot | cheerful | conversing | dancing | pleasant | radio | room | source music | upbeat
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)The Prisoner's Song0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listaltered dominant | cast list | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | establish place | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Bide-More Alma Mater0:00:46 - Cast list and prison signcast list | cheerful | common-chord modulation | common-tone diminished 7th | countermelody | establish place | opening title sequence | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

The Prisoner's Song0:01:11 - Prisoners in a prison yardaltered dominant | augmented sixth chord | cheerful | establish place | establish setting | mode mixture | prison | somber | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

There's a Sob in My Heart0:05:14 - People dancing in a night clubAABA structure | business man | cheerful | club | conversing | dance scene | dancing | dining | reused recording | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles0:11:18 - Spider and Curley talk to SteeleAABA structure | advance plot | club | comic | dancer | dancing | planning | salesman | self-borrowing | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

A Moment in the Dark0:14:05 - Curley turns on the radioAABA structure | advance plot | comic | goofing around | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Ain't That the Way it Goes0:14:53 - Spider and Curley look aroundAABA structure | advance plot | comic | conversing | goofing around | love interest | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

I'm Wrapped Up in You0:18:18 - Spider dances with Violetadvance plot | comic | conversing | dancing | goofing around | love interest | office | prisoner | radio | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Eldorania0:59:14 - A doctor tends to Spider's legadvance plot | athlete | comic | conversing | doctor | field | plotting | prisoner | referee | relative key | source music | treating | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

El Capitan March1:01:51 - Spider makes Whitey sign a confessionadvance plot | comic | criminal | field | plotting | prisoner | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Bide-More Alma Mater1:04:44 - Bidemore celebrates their victorycelebrating | comic | crowd | field | love interest | politician | prisoner | resolution | source music | upbeat | warden

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

The Prisoner's Song1:05:19 - Spider talks to Violetcomic | conversing | field | prisoner | resolution | source music | upbeat

Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)

Bide-More Alma Mater1:05:33 - End titlesend title sequence | source music | The End | upbeat
Is My Face Red? (1932)Press Club0:02:41 - Man serving beer in a barbar | bartender | establish setting | jazz | server | serving | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Hurrying0:22:00 - Mildred and William hurry offadvance plot | boat | hurried | hurrying | jumping | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear | up
Ladies of the Jury (1932)El Capitan March0:28:41 - Jurors deliberateadvance plot | conversing | juror | jury room | leading lady | march | radio | source music | upbeat

Ladies of the Jury (1932)

I'm Just Wild About Harry0:52:40 - Spencer singsadvance plot | juror | jury room | on-screen music | singing | source music | upbeat

Ladies of the Jury (1932)

All in Favor of Taking a Ride Say Aye0:56:03 - Mayme singsadvance plot | juror | jury room | on-screen music | singing | source music | upbeat
Men of America (1932)Cimarron B0:00:43 - Cast listcast list | folk song | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Men of America (1932)

Hey! Hey!0:26:27 - Man turns on car radioadvance plot | car | criminal | listening | mode mixture | radio | self-borrowing | source music | upbeat
Penguin Pool Murder (1932)Run Around1:01:51 - The End9th chord | altered dominant | end title sequence | mode mixture | self-borrowing | The End | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Secrets of the French Police (1932)Beau Ideal0:00:15 - A newspaper is opened to a detective storycast list | march | newspaper | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | upbeat

Secrets of the French Police (1932)

Serenade0:56:57 - The End and Cast of Charactersclosing credits | end title sequence | mode mixture | self-borrowing | The End | upbeat
State’s Attorney (1932)The Sidewalks of New York0:00:15 - Title and starring listfamiliar tune | opening title sequence | popular music | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues (Piano)0:18:14 - People talking in a clubadvance plot | blue note | club | conversing | gangster | leading lady | leading man | mistress | score to source | source music | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Stack o' Lee Blues0:43:17 - Jazz musicians playing in a clubclub | Dixieland | musician | music scene | on-screen music | playing | singer | singing | source music | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues (Swinging)0:43:46 - Jazz musicians playing in a clubclub | conversing | dancing | daughter | jazz | lawyer | leading man | love interest | music scene | on-screen music | source music | upbeat
Thirteen Women (1932)The Train0:01:33 - A rushing trainchromatic mediant | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | rushing | sorting | train | train | train whistle | transcribed by ear | transition | traveling | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Blue Streak0:01:54 - A circus posterABA structure | circus | circus music | conversing | cousin | establish character | establish place | horoscope | letter | performer | reading | source music | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Circus Music0:03:44 - June talks to HazelAB structure | circus | circus music | conversing | cousin | establish character | performer | source music | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Spring, Beautiful Spring0:04:48 - June and May performABA structure | circus | circus music | death scene | performer | performing | source music | swinging | trapeze | upbeat
Headline Shooter (1933)King Kong March1:00:16 - The Endaugmented sixth chord | end title | march | mode mixture | reused recording | The End | upbeat
Dangerous Corner (1934)Finishing School B0:01:05 - Video snapshots of the actors64 chord | common-tone diminished 7th | common-tone modulation | opening title sequence | pedal tone | phrase extension | pleasant | transcribed by ear | upbeat | video cast list

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Finishing School B (Playful)0:01:36 - Books being placed togetherbook | opening title sequence | pleasant | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Dangerous Corner (1934)

Won't You Believe1:03:30 - A man adjusts the radioAABA structure | alternate timeline | conversing | dancing | drinking | friend | popular music | radio | resolution | room | source music | upbeat
Sing and Like It (1934)Introduction0:00:10 - Title of the filmadded-note chord | foreign key modulation | introduction | jazz | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Opening Title)0:00:21 - Cast listAABA structure | added-note chord | augmented sixth chord | cast list | jazz | mode mixture | opening title sequence | radio | room | secondary dominant | source music | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Indiana0:01:30 - Ruby changes the radio stationABAC structure | boss | conversing | establish character | gangster | jazz | leading lady | leading man | listening | moll | radio | room | source music | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Dinah0:02:34 - Ruby and Fenny listen to the radioAABA structure | arguing | boss | conversing | establish character | gangster | gum | jazz | leading lady | leading man | listening | moll | radio | room | source music | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

It's Sunday Down in Caroline0:04:11 - Fenny prepares for a meetingAABA structure | boss | conversing | establish character | gangster | jazz | laughing | leading lady | leading man | moll | plotting | radio | room | source music | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

O Du Lieber Augustin0:09:09 - Annie and Oswald go in the theatre doorAABA structure | ballad | dancer | dancing | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | source music | stage | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Hi-De-Ho0:37:46 - Fenny talks with Mr. FrinkAABA structure | advance plot | boss | conversing | dancing | gangster | laughing | leading man | on-screen music | piano | source music | theater | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Hi-De-Ho1:01:43 - The audienceAABA structure | boss | critic | crowd | dance | dancing | gangster | moll | musical | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | singer | singing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:02:44 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | conducting | conductor | crowd | dancer | dancing | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:10 - The audience reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:34 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:04:10 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Curtain Call)1:07:57 - The audience applaudsAABA structure | applauding | boss | bowing | cheering | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | gangster | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | playing | secondary dominant | singer | source music | theater | transcribed by ear | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles1:08:27 - A man pours champagneAABA structure | announcing | boss | celebrating | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | crowd | drinking | gangster | leading lady | moll | party | party | room | singer | source music | upbeat
Gridiron Flash (1934)Fanfare0:00:16 - Title of the filmfanfare | opening title sequence | pedal tone | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Gridiron Flash0:00:24 - Cast listadded-note chord | cast list | countermelody | march | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Swing it Sister0:21:09 - Eddie at a partyconversing | friend | leading lady | leading man | party | popular music | room | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Gridiron Flash0:33:51 - Sports montagecountermelody | fanfare | football | football game | headline | montage | newspaper | playing | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Dunlap Commandery0:43:59 - Eddie in his roomadvance plot | cheering | leading man | march | room | thinking | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Gridiron Flash0:45:19 - Eddie in his roomadded-note chord | advance plot | cheering | countermelody | leading man | march | room | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Marching Band Tune0:56:19 - A marching bandadvance plot | athlete | football | football game | march | playing | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Gridiron Flash1:02:36 - The scoreboardadded-note chord | athlete | celebrating | countermelody | crowd | football | football game | leading lady | leading man | march | resolution | The End | upbeat
Star of Midnight (1935)Swing it Sister0:10:50 - Clay talks with JimAABA structure | blackmail | blackmailing | conversing | criminal | detective | establish character | leading man | radio | room | source music | threatening | upbeat
Another Face (1935)Old Fashioned Love0:38:13 - People at a pool partyABAB structure | actress | advance plot | conversing | crowd | diving | maid | mother | pool | room | source music | swimmer | swimming | upbeat
Girl of the Rio (1932)Paso Doble0:00:00 - Title of the film9th chord | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | opening title sequence | Spanish | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Girl of the Rio (1932)

Toreador Song0:04:23 - A man cues the orchestra to playarriving | celebrity | crowd | establish character | leading man | night club | source music | Spanish | three-phrase period | upbeat | walking

Girl of the Rio (1932)

Was it Wrong?0:15:41 - Johnny rolls a pair of diceconversing | crowd | dancing | flirting | leading lady | leading man | love interest | lovers meet | night club | on-screen music | performing | romantic | singer | source music | syncopation | terrace | upbeat

Girl of the Rio (1932)

Baile0:23:15 - A close-up on Doloresadvance plot | conversing | dancing | departing | leading lady | manager | on-screen music | performing | room | singer | source music | upbeat
Without Honor (1949)Triste0:07:37 - Dennis tells Jane their relationship is overadulterer | affair | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato 2 (Agitato)0:07:57 - Jane tells Dennis she still loves himadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato (Broad)0:08:11 - Jane criesadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber

Without Honor (1949)

Desperation0:08:20 - Jane talks to Dennisadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato (Molto Expressivo)0:08:35 - Jane criesadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Agitato)0:08:54 - Jane talks to Dennisadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ominous | tense

Without Honor (1949)

Underscoring (Agitated)0:09:10 - Jane threatens to kill herselfadulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | dark | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | suicide | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Unidentified dance tune0:19:04 - Bill turns on the radioadvance plot | antagonist | brother | conversing | leading lady | leading man | popular music | reacting | room | source music | upbeat

Without Honor (1949)

Tunes Radio0:26:26 - Bill turns on the radioantagonist | brother | conflict | conversing | leading lady | leading man | radio | room | source music | upbeat

Without Honor (1949)

Unidentified dance tune 20:27:06 - Bill turns on the radioantagonist | brother | conflict | leading lady | leading man | popular music | radio | reacting | room | source music | taunting | upbeat

Without Honor (1949)

First Call0:27:58 - Jane looks at Billantagonist | brother | bugle call | conflict | leading lady | leading man | radio | room | source music | taunting | upbeat

Without Honor (1949)

Unidentified dance tune 30:28:30 - Bill tunes the radioantagonist | brother | conflict | leading lady | leading man | popular music | radio | room | source music | taunting | upbeat

Without Honor (1949)

Unidentified dance tune 40:34:19 - Bill tunes the radioantagonist | brother | calling | conflict | conversing | dialing | leading lady | leading man | popular music | radio | room | source music | telephone | upbeat | wandering | wife
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)A Moment In The Dark0:04:39 - A picture of a hunting tripboat | conversing | establish character | friend | hunter | leading man | radio | radio | source music | upbeat

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Stinger)0:27:05 - A closeup on Ivanadvance plot | brother | castle | close-up | conversing | count | drunk | leading lady | leading man | mute | mysterious | servant | stinger | tense

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Zoom In)0:27:16 - Zaroff looks up at Eveadvance plot | brother | castle | close-up | conversing | count | departing | drunk | frantic | leading lady | leading man | mute | ominous | servant | stinger | zoom in

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Running) + The Iron Door0:54:08 - Bob runs through the junglechase scene | chasing | close-up | combination of themes | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Running)0:54:15 - A close-up on Zaroffchase scene | chasing | close-up | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Risolutissimo) + The Iron Door0:56:17 - Eve is capturedcapturing | climax | close-up | combination of themes | count | jungle | leading lady | ominous | river | servant | victim | villain | walking | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Climax)0:56:25 - A close-up on Eveclimax | close-up | count | jungle | leading lady | ominous | reacting | river | servant | victim | villain | waterfall
Caged (1950)Jingle Bells1:08:01 - Woman plays harmonicaadvance plot | Christmas | conversing | guard | harmonica | leading lady | listening | on-screen music | playing | prison | prisoner | source music | upbeat | warden

Caged (1950)

Bird in a Cage1:08:07 - Woman plays harmonicaadvance plot | Christmas | conversing | dancing | guard | harmonica | leading lady | listening | on-screen music | playing | prison | prisoner | singing | source music | upbeat | warden
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)Henriette (End Credits)2:22:42 - Closing credits9th chord | cast list | end title sequence | happy | upbeat
Mara Maru (1952)Gregory (Underwater)0:01:16 - A diver (Gregory) underwaterboat | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | establish character | fanfare | grand | heroic | leading man | ocean | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater0:01:48 - Gregory underwaterclose-up | dark | diver | diving | diving suit | establish character | floating | leading man | suspenseful | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Floating0:02:21 - Gregory floating underwaterclose-up | diver | diving | diving suit | establish character | floating | leading man | suspenseful | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Baby Face0:07:12 - Gregory arrives at a baradvance plot | arguing | bar | bartender | conversing | crowd | fighting | leading man | partner | sailor | server | source music | upbeat

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending1:00:51 - Gregory descends the ladderaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | bubbles | captain | close-up | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | heavy | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | private eye | ship | ship | stinger | suspenseful | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Shark1:01:35 - A shark appearsaction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | dramatic | fearful | jump scare | leading man | ocean | shark | suspenseful | swimming | swimming effect | swirling effect | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:01:46 - Gregory walks on the ocean flooraction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | close-up | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Benedict (Sabotage)1:02:14 - Ranier sneaks awayaction scene | antagonist | bodyguard | captain | close-up | diver | diving | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ocean | private eye | radio | sabotaging | saboteur | ship | ship | sneaking | suspenseful | swimming | traitor | underscoring | underwater | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater1:02:28 - Gregory walks on the ocean flooraction scene | captain | close-up | conversing | dark | diver | diving | leading man | ocean | ship | ship | suspenseful | swimming | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory (Close-Up)1:12:20 - A close-up of Gregoryaction scene | antogonist | captain | close-up | diver | diving suit | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | preparing | private eye | ship | ship | tense | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Descending1:12:27 - Gregory descends into the wateraction scene | antogonist | bubbles | captain | close-up | dark | descending | diver | diving | diving suit | heavy | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ocean | point-of-view shot | private eye | ship | ship | suspenseful | underwater | worker | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Walking underwater1:13:08 - The murky ocean bottomaction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | fish | leading man | ocean | ship | suspenseful | swimming | tense | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Fish)1:13:56 - Gregory moves toward the sunken boataction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | double exposure | exploring | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | ship | swimming | underwater | walking | water effect

Mara Maru (1952)

Gregory + Struggling1:16:57 - Gregory tries to free himselfaction scene | beam | boat | captain | close-up | combination of themes | dark | digging | diver | diving | diving suit | dramatic | fanfare | frantic | heroic | hose | leading man | mickey-mousing | ocean | rushing | ship | struggling | treasure | tugging | underwater | working

Mara Maru (1952)

Underwater (Fish)1:18:09 - Fish swimmingaction scene | boat | captain | carrying | close-up | diver | diving | diving suit | fish | leading man | mysterious | ocean | ship | swimming | treasure | underwater

Mara Maru (1952)

Surfacing1:18:26 - Gregory rises to the surfaceaction scene | antogonist | assisting | boat | captain | close-up | diver | diving suit | heroic | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | ocean | private eye | rain | rising | ship | storm | surfacing | treasure | underwater | wind | worker | working | yelling
Bachelor Apartment (1931)Kiss Me Cherie0:00:14 - Title of the filmABAC structure | cast list | cheerful | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Bachelor Apartment (1931)

You're Wonderful0:44:30 - Lita in a phone boothadvance plot | bachelor | conversing | leading man | sister | source music | telephone | upbeat
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)You're in the Army Now0:00:16 - The title of the film over a battlefieldcast list | opening title sequence | patriotic | patriotic tune | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Whistling the Blues Away (Military Band)0:00:22 - The cast list over a battlefieldAABA structure | cast list | opening title sequence | patriotic | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Doorman Dance0:42:01 - Dancers come on stagedancer | dance scene | dancing | fanfare | marching | night club | source music | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Whistling the Blues Away (Dancing)0:42:55 - Dancers dancingdancer | dance scene | dancing | night club | score to source | source music | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Domino Dance0:43:38 - Dancers dancingchromatic mediant | dancer | dance scene | dancing | fanfare | night club | source music | upbeat
Hook, Line and Sinker (1930)Whistling the Blues Away0:47:03 - People dancing at a partyAABA structure | ballroom | conversing | dancing | jazz | leading man | party | party | performing | upbeat

Hook, Line and Sinker (1930)

Three Little Words0:56:38 - Wilbur and Mary talkAABA structure | cash register | conversing | dancing | hotel | jazz | leading lady | leading man | love scene | party | performing | storm | upbeat

Hook, Line and Sinker (1930)

Whistling the Blues Away1:14:30 - The Endend title sequence | The End | upbeat
Too Many Cooks (1931)Three Little Words0:07:13 - Albert whistles a song to himselfadvance plot | leading man | on-screen music | source music | upbeat | walking | whistling
Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)Whistling the Blues Away (Dancing)0:43:54 - Dancers dancingdancer | dance scene | dancing | marching | night club | source music | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Springtime of Love (Dancing)1:05:24 - Gilbert and Olga dancedancing | fountain | garden | leading man | love interest | meter change | song and dance scene | upbeat

Half Shot at Sunrise (1930)

Kiss Me Cherie (The End)1:17:59 - The leads all embraceembracing | end title sequence | father | greeting | kissing | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mother | street | The End | upbeat