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98 results for "hiding" in 20 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)All Hallows Eve1:23:22 - A forest scene at nightaugmented triad | child | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conversing | create suspense | dissonant bass | forest | governess | Halloween | hiding | leading lady | ombra topic | on-screen text | pc set | pedal tone | scaring | scary | spooky | walking | whole-tone chord
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Machine Gun1:20:24 - Policeman shoots at Rocky with machine gunagitated | building | chromatic parallelism | conflict | death | dramatic | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading man | police | polychord | shooting | street | underscoring
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Underscoring (Comical)0:02:20 - Mortimer hides from the reporterschromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | comical | disguise | establish character | hiding | leading lady | leading man | looking | marriage | office | reporter | underscoring | whole-tone chord
The Big Sleep (1946)The Pursuit0:57:09 - Marlowe pursues killer in his carassassin | car | chase scene | chasing | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | driving | gun | hiding | leading man | murderer | ostinato | private eye | pursuing | street | syncopation | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Hiding)1:41:50 - Marlowe crouches behind a caraction scene | criminal | hiding | leading man | mysterious | outside | private eye

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Echo)1:42:20 - Canino shoots at Marloweaction scene | criminal | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | outside | private eye | shooting | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Danger)1:48:32 - Men approach the houseclimax | fear | hiding | leading man | mysterious | ominous | pc set | planning | private eye | room | tense | tone cluster | underscoring | waiting

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Misterioso)1:48:55 - Marlowe sneaks up behind Marsclimax | criminal | fear | hiding | leading man | mysterious | private eye | room | sneaking | tense
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:28:01 - Frankie escapes from the warden's office9th chord | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | mickey-mousing | ostinato | reformatory | running | teenager | tense | throwing | tone cluster | warden | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Escaping0:28:32 - Frankie runs and hideschromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | sequence | sneaking | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Searchlights (Sneaking)0:28:47 - Frankie hides from the searchlightchromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | searchlight | sneaking | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:29:09 - Frankie hides then runsbarbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | escaping | gang | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)1:14:26 - Mark talks to policemanchromatic scale | conflict | deceptive resolution | gun | hero | heroine | hiding | knocking | leading lady | leading man | lying | mode mixture | pedal tone | police | room | teenager | tense | underscoring
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Underscoring (Tense)1:02:14 - Johnnie overhears the detectiveadvance plot | chromatic scale | detective | dissonant bass | hiding | leading man | ominous | room | tense | underscoring

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Hiding)1:02:31 - Detective buys tickets to Johnnie's matchadvance plot | detective | hiding | leading man | pedal tone | room | suspenseful | tense
Deep Valley (1947)Underscoring (Dramatic)1:06:48 - Barry reacts to gunshotsaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | forest | fugitive | gunfight | hiding | leading man | loading | love interest | manhunt | police | shooting | stinger | tense | underscoring

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:07:20 - Barry tries to escapeaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | fugitive | hiding | leading man | love interest | manhunt | police | retreating | shooting | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Libby (Stormy)1:36:26 - Cliff looks for Elliebarn | climax | convict | crying | dark | father | fugitive | hiding | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mother | running | rushing | sneaking | tense | yard

Deep Valley (1947)

Law (Searching)1:39:05 - The posse closes in on Barrychasing | climax | convict | dramatic | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | police | searching

Deep Valley (1947)

Underscoring (Tense)1:39:09 - Barry hidesclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | police | searching | tense | underscoring

Deep Valley (1947)

Law (Subtle)1:39:20 - The posse searches for Barryclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | police | searching | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Law1:39:28 - Barry crawls on the groundclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | police | searching | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Dark 2)1:39:35 - Barry hidesclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | mysterious | police | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:40:00 - Barry hidesclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | mysterious | police | searching | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Law (Misterioso)1:40:10 - Barry hidesclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | mysterious | searching | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Misterioso 2)1:40:17 - Barry runsclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber | stumbling | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Triste)1:40:30 - Barry at the creekclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber

Deep Valley (1947)

Molto Expressivo1:40:35 - Barry at the creekclimax | convict | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | somber

Deep Valley (1947)

Sunrise1:40:46 - The sun risesclimax | convict | dramatic | forest | fugitive | hiding | injury | leading man | love interest | sunrise effect
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Agitato Risoluto0:35:11 - Joe and Mabel hide under the stairsagitated | alley | chromatic parallelism | concerned | danger | escape | hiding | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | runaway | street

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Hiding)0:47:35 - Nick talks with Joe42 chord | advance plot | anxious | diminished 7th chord | diner | fragmentation | friend | hiding | leading man | money | runaway | shopkeeper | suspense

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Appassionato)1:12:09 - Mabel and Joe hide from the reportersconflict | countermelody | hero | hiding | hospital | leading lady | leading man | passionate | underscoring
The FBI Story (1959)Mario hides1:59:37 - Although not on screen, the music here tells us that Mario is still hiding on the top of the hillflashback | hiding | mickey-mousing
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Climbing and jumping0:53:27 - Steve runs from Hammyaction scene | climbing | conductor score | hiding | hurried | investigator | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Sneaking and following0:58:30 - Bessie sneaks awaychase scene | conductor score | descending | floozy | following | hiding | investigator | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:33:12 - Amato hidesaction scene | fleeing | gangster | hiding | leading man | ominous | street
Her Kind of Man (1946)Underscoring (Tense [Steiner])1:15:00 - Candy in the alleyarriving | climax | criminal | double-cross | driving | gambler | henchman | hiding | husband | leading man | murderer | revenge | signaling | sneaking | street | syncopation | tense | underscoring | warehouse | widow

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Candy (Tragic)1:15:28 - Candy in the shadowschromatic scale | climax | conversing | criminal | double-cross | gambler | henchman | hiding | husband | leading man | murderer | revenge | sequence | street | tense | tragic | walking | widow
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Sneaking0:58:02 - Matt and Eve sneak awaychromatic scale | communist | create suspense | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | running | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Running and hiding1:03:28 - Matt runs and takes covercommunist | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | train tracks | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Gunfight)1:03:34 - Train tracksaugmented triad | communist | dissonant bass | diving | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | minor-major 7th chord | polychord | running | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | syncopation | teacher | tense | train tracks | tritone oscillation | undercover agent
In This Our Life (1942)Stanley B (Very Agitated)1:32:15 - Stanley hides from the policeagitated | chromatic scale | conflict | criminal | dissonant bass | fragmentation | hiding | leading lady | mysterious | police | room | running | rushing | street

In This Our Life (1942)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:32:30 - Stanley dashes through the gateconflict | criminal | dramatic | hiding | leading lady | police | running | rushing | street | underscoring

In This Our Life (1942)

Police (Chase)1:32:36 - Stanley runs for her carchromatic scale | conflict | criminal | dissonant bass | driving | fleeing | hiding | leading lady | ostinato | police | running | rushing | street | tense
The Informer (1935)Running and hiding0:07:54 - Frankie runs and hides in the shadowschromatic scale | establish character | familiar tune | folk song | hero | hiding | mickey-mousing | running | soldier | street | tense

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Gypo Hides)1:20:38 - Gypo sees British soldiers marchingantagonist | hiding | leading man | marching | running | street | tense | traitor | transition

The Informer (1935)

Gypo runs away1:21:26 - Gypo runs and hidesagitated | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | street | tense | traitor | transition

The Informer (1935)

The Informer (Up the Stairs)1:21:35 - Gypo goes up the stairs64 chord | agitated | antagonist | chromatic sequence | fragmentation | hallway | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | sequence | stairs | tense | traitor | transition | up
White Heat (1949)Danger (Sneaky)1:31:56 - Hank puts the transmitter on the truckadvance plot | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading lady | leading man | moll | murderer | sneaking | tense | transmitter | truck | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Danger1:36:32 - The gangsters hide in the truckadvance plot | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | preparing | tense | truck | truck | undercover agent | worker

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:47:35 - Gangsters get off of ladderaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | rushing | tense | underscoring
The Woman in White (1948)Appearing1:10:28 - The woman in white disappearsadvance plot | antagonist | criminal | doctor | hiding | husband | leading lady | leading man | magical | mysterious | room | running | superimposed shot | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Appearing1:34:51 - Laura emerges from her roomasylum | escape | escaping | hiding | leading lady | magical | mickey-mousing | mysterious | patient | sneaking | victim | wife

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann1:34:57 - Laura sneaks down the hallwayasylum | escape | escaping | hiding | leading lady | mysterious | patient | sneaking | victim | wife

The Woman in White (1948)

Balmy Porter1:35:10 - The porter returns to lock the doorasylum | comical | escape | escaping | hiding | hurrying | key | locking | shuffling | sneaking | walking | worker

The Woman in White (1948)

Appearing1:35:26 - Laura takes a keyasylum | escape | escaping | hiding | key | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mysterious | patient | sneaking | victim | wife

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann1:35:32 - Laura heads for the exitasylum | escape | escaping | hiding | key | leading lady | mysterious | patient | sneaking | victim | wife
We're Only Human (1935)The Escape (Hiding)0:27:05 - Pete and Danny dodge from gunfireaction scene | chromatic scale | detective | dodging | dramatic | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | shooting | stinger | street | whole-tone chord

We're Only Human (1935)

Gypo Runs Away0:27:09 - Pete and Danny hideaction scene | agitated | chromatic parallelism | detective | diminished 7th chord | gangster | hiding | leading man | street | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

The Informer (Up the Stairs)0:27:17 - Pete prepares to advance64 chord | action scene | agitated | bank | chromatic sequence | detective | dodging | fragmentation | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | preparing | running | stinger | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

Blood Money (Four Coins)0:27:37 - Pete and Danny hideaction scene | bank | detective | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | mysterious | preparing | sneaking | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

The Informer (Lying)0:27:51 - Danny prepares to advanceaction scene | bank | chromatic sequence | detective | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | gangster | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | octatonic | preparing | sneaking | tense

We're Only Human (1935)

The Escape1:04:31 - Pete enters the housechromatic scale | climax | conflict | detective | dodging | dramatic | gangster | gunshot | hiding | leading man | murderer | room | shooting | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord
Without Honor (1949)Underscoring (Tense)0:37:33 - Jane climbs out the windowaction scene | escaping | hiding | leading lady | running | tense | underscoring | window | yard

Without Honor (1949)

Good Humor Truck + Underscoring (Tense)0:37:46 - Jane runs to the road | action scene | combination of themes | escaping | hiding | ice cream truck | leading lady | running | scored source music | source music | street | tense | underscoring
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)Russian Waltz (Poco Agitato)0:42:12 - The Count approachesaction scene | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Poco Agitato)0:42:25 - Bob and Eve hide in a caveaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Hiding)0:42:33 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Count Approaches0:42:44 - The Count approaches slowlyaction scene | approaching | arrow | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | shooting | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:29 - Eve reacts to the arrowaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:44 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hunting) + The Iron Door0:43:48 - Zaroff talks to Bobaction scene | combination of themes | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Andante)0:44:07 - Close up on Zaroffaction scene | count | dark | departing | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | ominous | sneaking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Allegro)0:44:26 - Bob prepare to leaveaction scene | agitated | departing | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | tense | victim | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Moderato)0:44:51 - Bob tells Eve to come outaction scene | calm | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | unsettled | victim | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hiding)0:46:48 - Bob and Eve hide from Zaroffaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | sneaking | tense | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Trembling)0:47:20 - A branch tremblesaction scene | approaching | count | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | trembling effect | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro)0:47:43 - The Count approachesaction scene | approaching | count | dark | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Deliberate)0:47:51 - Bob and Eve scramble awayaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | scrambling | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Dark)0:52:53 - Eve and Bob hiding in a treeagitated | barking | chase scene | count | dark | dog | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach0:52:59 - Eve and Bob hiding in a treeagitated | barking | chase scene | count | dark | dog | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Accelerando) + The Iron Door0:53:02 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dark | dog | escaping | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | lifting | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain | vine

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Risoluto)0:53:38 - Bob and Eve hide in the treesbarking | chase scene | cliff | climbing | cutting | dog | dramatic | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Risoluto)0:54:59 - Count Zaroff by the riverchase scene | chasing | count | dramatic | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Tremolo) + The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:55:08 - Count Zaroff approaching the waterfallchase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dramatic | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall
White Heat (1949)Plotting (Extended)1:49:34 - Gangsters hideaction scene | agent | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing + Agents1:49:44 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | combination of themes | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso 2)1:49:55 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Searching)1:50:02 - Agents plan their next moveaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights)1:50:05 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | tense

White Heat (1949)

Madness1:50:16 - Cody talks to Rileyaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | madness | murderer | plotting | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Agitato)1:50:27 - Cody gets upaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | madness | murderer | police | raid | sneaking | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Climbing)1:50:30 - Cody climbs the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting1:50:41 - Cody hidesaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights 2)1:50:48 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | announcing | death | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | killing | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | surrendering | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing1:51:44 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | aiming | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | tense
Mara Maru (1952)Hiding1:24:54 - Gregory hides in the busheschase scene | cross | dark | dramatic | fear | frantic | gun | hiding | jungle | leading man | mickey-mousing | rain | storm | tense | wind

Mara Maru (1952)

Cross (Religioso)1:28:41 - Manuelo sees the churchaction scene | car | church | collapsing | cross | headlights | hiding | hymn-like | passionate | religious | scrambling | shadow | street | suspect | worker