All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Raynald (Dark) | 0:34:52 - Raynald talks with Henriette | advance plot | child | comforting | conversing | dark | death | duke | foreign key modulation | governess | illness | leading lady | leading man | room |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Noble) | 2:13:19 - Henriette comes into the Duke's room | arriving | dark | death scene | detective | duke | dying | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | noble | prisoner | room | soldier | suspect |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Dying | 2:13:46 - The Duke in his death bed | chromatic scale | conversing | death bed | death scene | detective | dissonant bass | duke | dying | leading lady | leading man | prisoner | questioning | room | sad | soldier | suspect |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Duet) | 2:14:06 - A close-up on Henriette | appoggiatura | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death bed | death scene | deceptive resolution | detective | duke | dying | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | prisoner | questioning | room | sad | soldier | suspect | tender |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Funereal) | 2:14:27 - Henriette leaves the Duke | conversing | death bed | death scene | detective | duke | dying | funeral march | leading lady | leading man | Neapolitan | parallelism | pedal tone | prisoner | questioning | room | sad | sigh gesture | soldier | suspect |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Dying (Molto Expressivo) | 2:14:46 - The Duke talks to Pierre | caretaker | chromatic parallelism | confessing | conversing | death bed | death scene | diminished 7th chord | duke | dying | leading man | love | pedal tone | room | sigh gesture | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Henriette (Confession of Love) | 2:15:34 - The Duke confesses his love | added-note chord | caretaker | chromatic mediant | common-tone modulation | confessing | conversing | death bed | death scene | duke | dying | foreign key modulation | leading man | love | mode mixture | room | somber |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | The Duke (Gravestone) | 2:16:48 - The Duke's gravestone | common-tone modulation | death | foreign key modulation | gentle | gravestone | graveyard | grieving | leading lady | resolution | somber | voice-over |
All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Heaven Theme (Expressivo) | 2:17:25 - Henriette leaves with Henry Field | comforting | death | gravestone | graveyard | grieving | hopeful | leading lady | minister | resolution | voice-over | wave |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Rocks struggles and falls | 1:09:52 - Rocks tries to get up, then collapses | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | death | doctor | down | drugs | dying | falling | gangster | leading lady | leading man | murder | murderer | murder scene | office | oscillation | poison | rising | split-third chord | struggling | tense | up |
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | The Amazing Doctor (Funebre) | 1:10:07 - Dr. Clitterhouse talks with Jo | 9th chord | chromatic parallelism | dark | death | doctor | gangster | leading lady | leading man | murder | murderer | murder scene | office | pleading | realizing | tense |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:40:50 - Gangsters shoot their own man in phone booth | chromatic sequence | conflict | death | diminished 7th chord | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | polychord | shooting | shop | sneaking | tense | voice-exchange |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:16:29 - Rocky shoots Mac and Frazier | agitated | attacking | casino | chaos | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | conflict | crowd | death | dissonant bass | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | fighting | gangster | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | jumping | landing | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | police | rooftop | room | running | sequence | shooting | sneaking | sneaky | street | tone cluster | underscoring |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Mac gets shot | 1:16:35 - Mac gets shot and dies | agitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | conflict | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | shooting |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Frazier gets shot | 1:16:56 - Frazier gets shot and dies | agitated | casino | chromatic scale | conflict | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Machine Gun | 1:20:24 - Policeman shoots at Rocky with machine gun | agitated | building | chromatic parallelism | conflict | death | dramatic | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading man | police | polychord | shooting | street | underscoring |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:33:36 - Rocky pleads for his life | begging | climax | cowardice | crowd | crying | death | execution | execution chamber | gangster | leading man | pleading | police | priest | prison | shadow | tense | tone cluster | underscoring | wailing |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Sanctus (Mournful) | 1:34:12 - Jerry cries after Rocky dies | added-note chord | climax | crying | death | dissonant bass | execution chamber | leading man | mourning | pedal tone | priest | prison | redemption | reverse picardy | sacred | somber |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Jerry (Triste) | 1:35:23 - Jerry visits the boys | conversing | death | foreign key modulation | leading man | pedal tone | picardy third | priest | resolution | room | somber | teenager |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Stinger | 1:31:51 - Rosa dead | arriving | climax | dark | death | doctor | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | solemn | stinger | train | train station | walking |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa | 1:32:10 - Lewis arrives | arriving | checking | climax | dark | death | doctor | dramatic | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | reacting | tender | train | train station |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:24:57 - Dead body on the floor | corpse | death | dramatic | femme fatale | investigating | investigation scene | leading man | private eye | room | searching | stinger | tense | underscoring |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Glass drops | 1:29:49 - Jones drops his glass | breaking | death | death scene | dropping | glass | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | mysterious | pc set | poison | private eye | room | victim | violent |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Jones falls | 1:29:50 - Jones falls and dies | chromatic parallelism | death | death scene | dying | falling | leading man | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | murder | mysterious | pc set | poison | private eye | room | victim | violent |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:30:01 - Marlowe investigates the crime scene | dark | death | death scene | dying | leading man | murder | private eye | room | tense | underscoring | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Risoluto) | 1:30:12 - Marlowe makes a phone call | added-note chord | bold | conversing | death scene | fragmentation | leading man | phone call | private eye | room | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:30:24 - Marlowe makes a phone call | conversing | death scene | leading man | pc set | phone call | private eye | room | tense | underscoring | victim | whole-tone chord |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Wrong Address | 1:30:46 - Marlowe ends the phone call | 9th chord | altered dominant | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death | death scene | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | phone call | private eye | room | somber | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Jones (Dolce) | 1:31:04 - Marlowe sits down on the couch | chromatic parallelism | death | death scene | leading man | mourning | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber | victim |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Molto Misterioso) | 1:31:23 - Marlowe gets up to answer the phone | added-note chord | conversing | death scene | informer | leading man | mysterious | pedal tone | phone call | private eye | room |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:31:48 - Marlowe talks to Agnes on the phone | conversing | death scene | informer | leading man | pc set | phone call | private eye | room | tense | underscoring |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Jones (Triste) | 1:32:02 - Marlowe leaves the office | death scene | informer | leading man | mourning | mysterious | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Canino's Death | 1:43:22 - Canino is shot | action scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mirroring | outside | pc set | private eye | retrograde | stumbling | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:43:35 - Marlowe gets the keys to the handcuffs | action scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | escaping | gun | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | pc set | private eye | tense | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Mars Dies | 1:51:43 - Mars falls dead to the ground | criminal | death | dying | falling | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ominous | private eye | resolution | room | stinger | tense | underscoring |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Risoluto) | 1:52:01 - Marlowe walks to the phone | added-note chord | bold | death | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | plotting | private eye | resolution | room | tense |
Caged (1950) | June (Dead) | 0:43:38 - Shot of June's hanging body | common-tone diminished 7th | dark | death | death scene | friend | hanging | harsh | leading lady | prison | prisoner | suicide |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:08:20 - The kids confront the junk shop owner | attacking | chromatic scale | conflict | death | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | ominous | ostinato | running | shop | shopkeeper | stairs | stinger | teenager | tense | underscoring | up |
Crime School (1938) | Attacking | 0:08:27 - Spike attacks the junk shop owner | attacking | conflict | death | dramatic | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | polychord | shop | shopkeeper | teenager | tense |
They Made Me a Criminal (1939) | Marche Funebre | 1:02:45 - Boys look at poster of a boxer | 64 chord | advance plot | Chopin | classical music | conversing | dark | death | poster | room | teenager |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Death 1 | 0:01:22 - Mr. Sabourin is lying dead on the floors, arms oustretched to fill the wide screen | dark | death | stinger |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi A | 0:01:47 - Death of a Scoundrel over Clementi's dead body | dark | death | main theme | main title |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi B | 0:02:06 - Credits | death | main theme | main title |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi A (Maestoso) | 0:02:34 - Credits | dark | death | main theme | main title |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Death 1 | 0:04:55 - Clementi's body is removed from the room | dark | death |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Death 2 | 0:25:31 - People gather around dead man who was just hit by the truck | church bell | death | flashback |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:39:11 - The police take Clementi to see Zina's dead body | death | flashback | tense | underscoring |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi A (Dark) | 1:39:50 - Clementi speaks to the police about Zina's death, and they read her final note | death | detective | flashback | note |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Death 2 (Dark) | 1:51:59 - Zina enters Clementi's office after Mr. O'Hara was shot | death | flashback |
Death of a Scoundrel (1956) | Clementi A (Appassionato) | 1:57:14 - Clementi speaks with Bridget on the phone, then dies | death | flashback | injury | phone call |
Deep Valley (1947) | Sneaking (Molto Rubato) | 1:40:51 - Libby runs to find Barry | death scene | forest | leading lady | mysterious | resolution | running | tense |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Appassionato) | 1:41:02 - Libby arrives at the cabin | cabin | calling | death scene | leading lady | passionate | resolution | searching |
Deep Valley (1947) | Molto Expressivo | 1:41:09 - Libby looks for Barry | calling | death scene | forest | leading lady | passionate | resolution | searching |
Deep Valley (1947) | Barry (Dolce) | 1:41:24 - Libby finds Barry | convict | death scene | finding | forest | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | resolution | searching |
Deep Valley (1947) | Deep Valley (Delicato 2) | 1:41:39 - Libby goes to Barry | comforting | convict | crying | death scene | delicate | dying | forest | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | resolution | reuniting | tender |
Deep Valley (1947) | Deep Valley (Dying) | 1:42:30 - Barry talks to Libby | comforting | convict | crying | death scene | delicate | dying | forest | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | resolution | reuniting | tender |
Deep Valley (1947) | Passing away | 1:43:19 - Barry dies | convict | death | death scene | delicate | dying | forest | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | resolution | tender |
Deep Valley (1947) | Breeze | 1:43:22 - Libby looks at Barry | convict | crying | death | death scene | ethereal | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | magical | resolution | wind effect |
Deep Valley (1947) | Breeze + Love Theme | 1:43:32 - Libby embraces Barry | combination of themes | convict | crying | death | death scene | ethereal | forest | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | love interest | magical | resolution | wind effect |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Dying | 0:26:09 - Charlie falls and dies | barn | death | death | dramatic | falling | mickey-mousing | villain | warden |
Dust Be My Destiny (1939) | Turning around | 0:26:13 - Joe and Mabel turn around | 64 chord | barn | death | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | prisoner | turning |
The FBI Story (1959) | FBI March A (Doloroso) | 1:12:36 - Sam dies in Chip's arms | death | FBI | flashback | murder |
The FBI Story (1959) | FBI March A (Honorable) | 1:14:32 - Sam's graveside funeral | cemetery | death | flashback | funeral | rain | sermon |
The FBI Story (1959) | Taps | 1:15:06 - Chip talks to Sam's sister about helping take care of Sam's son | cemetery | death | flashback | funeral | rain | sermon | taps |
The FBI Story (1959) | Dillinger's death | 1:18:53 - Dillinger falls dead to the ground | death | death gesture | flashback | mickey-mousing |
The FBI Story (1959) | Agents die | 1:20:10 - FBI agents are shot | death | FBI | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | shootout |
The FBI Story (1959) | Baby Face Dies | 1:20:14 - Baby Face Nelson is shot and dies | death | FBI | flashback | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | mobster | shootout |
The FBI Story (1959) | Floyd dies | 1:21:03 - Floyd falls to the ground and dies | death | flashback | gangster | mobster |
The FBI Story (1959) | Ma Barker Dies | 1:32:41 - Ma Barker is shot and dies | death | flashback | gangster | gun | gunshot | mobster |
The FBI Story (1959) | Mario | 2:00:16 - Mario rises above the hill and is shot | death | flashback | gun | hero |
The FBI Story (1959) | Mario (Death) | 2:00:33 - Mario's body falls into the river | death | descending tetrachord | flashback | hero |
The FBI Story (1959) | Telegram | 2:03:13 - Chip and Lucy learn that their son died in the war in Iwo Jima | death | flashback | news | telegram |
The FBI Story (1959) | Egg Hunt (Solemn) | 2:04:28 - Chip and Lucy talk about their son | child | death | flashback | memory | weeping |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Triste) | 1:22:18 - Field enters the house | death scene | diminished 7th chord | drunk | drunk | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | stumbling |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Somber) | 1:22:33 - Field stumbles through the house | chromatic parallelism | conversing | death scene | drunk | drunk | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Drunk) | 1:22:58 - Field and Lane talk about their past love | arguing | chromatic parallelism | death scene | diminished 7th chord | drunk | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room | somber |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Ostinato 2) | 1:23:34 - Field and Lane talk about Titus and Dan | arguing | dark | death scene | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ominous | ostinato | room | self-borrowing |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Flamingo Road (Andante) | 1:24:05 - Lane goes to get a drink for Field | altered dominant | chromatic parallelism | dark | death scene | gentle | gunshot | hopeful | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mode mixture | room | self-borrowing | suicide | walking | warm |
Flamingo Road (1949) | If I Could Be With You (Dead) | 1:24:41 - Lane sees Field has committed suicide | augmentation | death scene | discovering | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | reacting | room | suicide | surprise | tragic | violent |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus 2 (Sinks) | 1:31:50 - Titus collapses to the floor | climax | club | death | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading lady | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff | sinking | tragic |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Dead Man | 0:38:18 - Dead man on the rocks | advance plot | body | brash | conductor score | dark | death | discovering | dock | violence |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:53:50 - Steve questions Hammy | action scene | conductor score | dark | death | dying | gangster | investigator | leading man | questioning | stinger | street | underscoring |
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955) | Amato | 1:20:16 - News of Mario's death | brash | cut from film | death | montage | montage | murder | suicide | typing |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Underscoring (Dark [Waxman]) | 0:17:02 - Steve fights Felix | action scene | arguing | conversing | criminal | dark | death | dramatic | gambler | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | owner | punching | room | self-defense | shooting | singer | stinger | tense | underscoring |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (Tragic) | 1:17:10 - Georgia holds Steve | 9th chord | augmented triad | climax | comforting | conversing | corpse | cradling | criminal | crying | death | dying | familiar tune | gambler | henchman | leading lady | leading man | murderer | police | popular music | reporter | singer | street | tense | tragic | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Water | 1:17:41 - Steve's corpse | 9th chord | corpse | criminal | death | flowing | gambler | henchman | leading lady | leading man | murderer | panning shot | police | reporter | resolution | singer | street | swirling | tense | tragic | voice-over | water | water effect | wife |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | It Had to Be You (The End) | 1:18:02 - The End | added-note chord | criminal | dark | death | dramatic | end title sequence | gambler | henchman | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | murderer | police | reporter | singer | street | The End | tragic | wife |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Agents Fight | 0:59:39 - Communists fight the FBI man | agent | attacking | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | communist | death | dramatic | fighting | knife | minor-major 7th chord | murder | murder scene | pc set | polychord | room | spy | stabbing | stinger | tritone oscillation |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Commie is shot | 1:04:01 - Communist is shot and falls dead | chromatic scale | communist | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | stinger | teacher | tense | tone cluster | train tracks | undercover agent |
Illegal (1955) | Scott (Phone Call) | 0:09:27 - Doctor says that man will die before morning | death | hero | hospital | stinger | telephone |
Illegal (1955) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:10:22 - Vic tries to stop the execution | dark | death | execution | execution | phone call | tense | underscoring |
Illegal (1955) | Scott (Dark) | 0:10:53 - Vic reacts to the news that Clary has been killed | death | hero | shock | surprise | telephone |
Illegal (1955) | Frank Garland (Andy is shot) | 1:23:57 - Andy is shot, falls, and dies | death | gun | gunshot | villain |
Illegal (1955) | Vic collapses | 1:26:17 - Vic clutches his side and falls to the floor | courtroom | death | hero | mickey-mousing |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Noble) | 0:14:28 - Frank talks about George and the war | advance plot | death | father | heroic | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | noble | remembering | storytelling | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Tense) | 0:14:56 - Nora and Frank talk about George | advance plot | agitated | death | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | mode change | remembering | storytelling | tense | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Molto Expressivo) | 0:15:36 - Frank and Mr. Temple talk about George | advance plot | death | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | war |
Key Largo (1948) | Burial Place | 0:16:11 - Frank talks about George's burial place | advance plot | death | father | hotel | hymn | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Bugle Call) + Taps | 0:16:31 - Mr. Temple asks Frank about George's burial place | advance plot | bugle call | combination of themes | death | father | heroic | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | noble | remembering | somber | storytelling | taps | war |
Key Largo (1948) | McCloud (Broad) | 0:17:00 - Nora and Frank go outside | advance plot | bright | death | father | hotel | leading lady | leading man | memory | remembering | somber | storytelling | tender | walking | war |
Key Largo (1948) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:48:10 - Rocco shoots Deputy Sawyer | boss | conflict | death | dramatic | father | fear | gangster | gun | gunshot | horror | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | look of horror | moll | shooting | stinger | tense |
Key Largo (1948) | Falling and dying | 0:48:19 - Deputy Sawyer falls dead off-screen | boss | conflict | death | dramatic | dying | falling | father | gangster | gun | gunshot | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | moll | tense |
Key Largo (1948) | Rocco 2 (Setup) | 1:15:43 - Indians run from the sheriff | conflict | death | dock | fleeing | gun | gunshot | menacing | running | setup | sheriff | shooting | tense | violent |
Key Largo (1948) | Rocco's Death | 1:35:17 - Rocco falls | boat | boss | conflict | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting | stinger | tense |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Shimmery) | 0:02:57 - Leslie stands over the dead body | cloud | death | half-diminished 7th chord | home | leading lady | moon | murder | murderer | murder scene | mysterious | oscillation | parallelism | plantation | sequence | suspension | watching |
The Letter (1940) | Mr. Hammond Has Been Shot | 0:05:45 - Worker runs in | 11th chord | action scene | altered dominant | dark | death | husband | ominous | reacting | servant | warehouse |
The Letter (1940) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:06:04 - Robert leaves | action scene | conversing | death | dramatic | husband | murder | servant | underscoring | warehouse |
The Letter (1940) | Andante Doloroso + Leslie | 0:15:53 - Men go to look at dead body | advance plot | combination of themes | dark | death | murder | parallelism | plantation | reveal | servant | sinister | walking |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Dark) | 0:16:09 - Men look at dead body | advance plot | augmented major 7th chord | changing meter | chromatic parallelism | creeping | dark | death | dissonant bass | investigating | murder | pc set | plantation | servant | shadow | sinister |
The Letter (1940) | Mrs. Hammond | 0:23:27 - Mrs. Hammond appears | Aeolian mode | Chinese | Chinese | death | delicate | dissonant bass | establish character | grieving | open fifth | parallel fifths | parallelism | pentatonic | plantation | stinger | widow |
The Letter (1940) | Mrs. Hammond (Appassionato) | 0:24:12 - Mrs. Hammond looks at her husband | Aeolian mode | Chinese | Chinese | death | delicate | establish character | grieving | open fifth | parallel fifths | parallelism | passionate | pedal tone | pentatonic | plantation | widow |
The Letter (1940) | Leslie (Reckoning) | 1:33:42 - Mrs. Hammond walks away | 11th chord | antagonist | augmentation | body | changing meter | Chinese | climax | death | leading lady | moon | oscillation | plantation | policeman | somber | suspension |
The Letter (1940) | Robert and Leslie (The Body) | NIF - not in film | alternate music | body | chromatic mediant | climax | death | foreign key modulation | love theme | Neapolitan | pedal tone | plantation | somber |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Mournful | 0:35:50 - Priest hears a dog whimpering | body | death | dog | flashback | leading man | priest | ranch | sad | searching | somber | suspect | whimpering |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (The Crash) | 1:28:30 - Liza drives off the hill | brother | car | car crash | climax | countryside | crashing | death | dramatic | dying | murderer | police | rancher | tense |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Monte is shot | 0:01:50 - Monte is shot | chromatic parallelism | collapsing | death | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | murder | murder scene | room | staggering | tragic |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Murder) | 0:01:59 - Bullet holes in the mirror | 11th chord | augmented sixth chord | dark | death | dying | leaving | murder | murder scene | room | somber |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Murdered Man | 0:10:06 - Wally discovers the body | action scene | corpse | dark | death | dramatic | friend | linear chromaticism | looking | mickey-mousing | murder | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Phone rings | 0:10:16 - Phone rings | action scene | death | friend | mickey-mousing | murder | ringing | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:10:21 - Wally reacts to the situation | action scene | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | death | dramatic | escaping | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | murder | room | running | smashing | sneaking | telephone | underscoring | victim | walking | whole-tone chord | worrying |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Misterioso) | 0:54:01 - Bert tells Mildred that Kay is sick | bad news | conversing | dark | death scene | distress | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | mysterious | ominous | stinger | street | turning point | whole-tone scale |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Bert (Dark) | 0:54:14 - Bert and Mildred rush off to see Kay | bad news | conversing | dark | death scene | distress | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | leaving | street | turning point |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Pneumonia | 0:54:25 - A doctor works on Kay | child | chromatic scale | dark | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | mickey-mousing | nurse | oscillation | patient | pc set | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Dying) | 0:55:05 - Kay's family waits and watches | 11th chord | child | dark | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | nurse | patient | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Pneumonia (Dying) | 0:55:24 - Kay passes away | 9th chord | child | chromatic parallelism | dark | death | death scene | doctor | dying | ex-husband | heroine | illness | leading lady | linear chromaticism | minor-major 7th chord | nurse | oscillation | patient | room | sick person | somber | tense | treating | turning point | waiting | watching |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Mildred (Mourning) | 0:56:07 - Mildred mourns Kay's death | 9th chord | augmented sixth chord | child | death | death scene | doctor | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | mourning | nurse | patient | room | sick person | somber | turning point |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Kay and Veda (Tenderly) | 0:56:34 - Veda and Mildred mourn for Kay | added-note chord | calm | child | death | death scene | ex-husband | heroine | hopeful | leading lady | mode mixture | mourning | plagal cadence | room | somber | turning point |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Monte is shot 2 | 1:47:28 - Monte is shot | antagonist | chromatic parallelism | collapsing | death | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | major 7th chord | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | murder scene | room | staggering | tragic |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Drowning) | 1:09:58 - Goff drowns | attempted murder | climax | criminal | dark | death | drowning | fisherman | friend | leading man | ominous | sea |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Morgue | 1:12:37 - The morgue | action scene | arriving | conversing | corpse | death | fear | leading lady | morgue | ominous | police | tense |
Out of the Fog (1941) | Russian Barcarolle (Dead) | 1:13:15 - Stella sees Goff's body | action scene | arguing | corpse | crying | dark | death | fear | leading lady | morgue | ominous | police |
Kid Galahad (1937) | Kid Galahad (Tender) | 1:39:15 - Nick speaks his final words | 9th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | appoggiatura | climax | death | dying | fanfare | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | manager | mode mixture | pedal tone | room | sister | somber | stretto imitation |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Surprise Symphony (Death Bed) | 0:24:11 - David discusses death with his son | advance plot | augmentation | boy | child | classical music | conversing | dark | death | familiar tune | father | Haydn | hero | home | quotation |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Drifting) | 1:14:30 - David gives Leni money for her travels | altered dominant | arrest | arresting | chromatic parallelism | conflict | conversing | dark | death | familiar tune | folk song | gentle | German | happy | hero | heroine | mode mixture | murder | police | quotation | sad | sweet | tense | train station | whole-tone chord |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Ghostly) | 1:49:22 - Gerald talks to Susan | antagonist | boy | child | conclusion | death | eerie | familiar tune | folk song | German | home | ominous | quotation | room | tone cluster |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Surprise Symphony (Ghostly) | 1:49:48 - Gerald talks to Susan | antagonist | boy | child | classical music | conclusion | death | eerie | familiar tune | Haydn | home | ominous | on-screen music | quotation | remembered source music | room | source music | tone cluster | whistling |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Fading Away) | 1:50:19 - Susan looks surprised | antagonist | boy | child | conclusion | death | eerie | familiar tune | folk song | fragmentation | German | home | ominous | quotation | room | tone cluster |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Singing) | 1:50:32 - Gerald sings in the tub | 9th chord | 11th chord | boy | child | conclusion | death | familiar tune | folk song | German | home | peaceful | quotation | room |
We Are Not Alone (1939) | Frohe Botschaft (Singing) + Surprise Symphony | 1:50:50 - Gerald sings in the tub | augmented triad | boy | child | classical music | combination of themes | conclusion | death | familiar tune | folk song | German | Haydn | home | mode mixture | on-screen music | peaceful | quotation | room | source music | whistling |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Dark) | 0:12:14 - Zuckie pleads with Cody | conversing | dark | death | funereal | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | pleading | room | underscoring | victim |
White Heat (1949) | Zuckie's Death | 0:12:29 - Cody ignores Zuckie | crying | dark | death | departing | funereal | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moaning | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | pleading | room | somber | victim |
White Heat (1949) | Plotting (Extended) | 0:12:45 - Ma warns Cody that Zuckie may talk | dark | death | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | mysterious | plotting | victim | warning | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:12:57 - Cody orders Cotton to shoot Zuckie | commanding | dark | death | dramatic | gangster | gun | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | stinger | underscoring | victim | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Plotting (Ugly) | 0:13:06 - Cotton goes to kill Zuckie | dark | death | gangster | gun | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | mysterious | victim | walking | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Zuckie's Death | 0:13:32 - Gangsters get in the car | dark | death | departing | funereal | gangster | gun | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | murder scene | somber | victim | walking | yard |
White Heat (1949) | T-Men (Agitato) | 0:16:28 - Agents picks up the death mask | agent | clue | death mask | heroic | investigation scene | noble | office | walking |
White Heat (1949) | Madness (Agitato) | 1:15:59 - Cody looks at Verna | agitated | anger | death | gangster | leading lady | leading man | lying | moll | murderer | murder scene | staring | stinger | tense | yard |
White Heat (1949) | Big Ed's Death | 1:18:41 - Big Ed runs | dark | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | moll | murder | murderer | murder scene | room | running | rushing | shooting | violence |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:19:20 - Big Ed's body falls down the stairs | dark | death | dramatic | falling | fugitive | gangster | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | moll | murderer | murder scene | panning shot | room | stairs | staring | statue | stinger | undercover agent | underscoring | watching |
White Heat (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:46:13 - Cody shoots man in back | action scene | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | shooting | tear gas | underscoring |
White Heat (1949) | Danger (Extended) | 1:47:06 - Cody sends men out | action scene | agent | death | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | pushing | rushing | shooting | tense |
White Heat (1949) | White Heat (Police Raid) | 1:47:47 - Police advance on the gangsters | action scene | advancing | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hidiging | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | shooting | shootout | tense |
White Heat (1949) | Falling and dying | 1:48:09 - Gangster falls down | action scene | death | descending | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | mickey-mousing | police | raid | shootout | tense |
White Heat (1949) | Falling down stairs | 1:48:21 - Gangster falls down the stairs | action scene | death | descending | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | gangster | gun | mickey-mousing | police | raid | shootout | stairs | tense |
The Woman in White (1948) | Hypnosis (Misterioso con moto) | 1:16:57 - The countess talks to the woman in white | conversing | death scene | leading lady | mysterious | room | tense | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann 2 | 1:17:48 - The woman in white talks to Laura | conversing | death scene | gentle | leading lady | room | tender | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann | 1:17:56 - The woman in white talks to Laura | conversing | death scene | leading lady | mysterious | room | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Hypnosis | 1:18:17 - The woman in white hears Fosco's voice | death scene | hearing voices | leading lady | madness | mysterious | room | tense | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Misterioso) | 1:18:29 - The woman in white hears Sir Percival's voice | antagonist | arriving | criminal | death scene | hearing voices | husband | leading lady | madness | mysterious | room | screaming | shock | surprise | tense | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Appearing | 1:18:48 - The woman in white clutches her heart | antagonist | criminal | death scene | dying | husband | leading lady | mickey-mousing | room | screaming | shock | surprise | tense | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Dead) | 1:18:55 - The woman in white lies dead | antagonist | conversing | criminal | dark | death scene | dying | husband | leading lady | murderer | room | somber | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Slowly) | 1:19:46 - The countess enters | angry | antagonist | criminal | dark | death scene | glaring | husband | leading lady | room | shaking | victim | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Fosco (Dying) | 1:45:34 - The Countess picks up the necklace | arriving | climax | criminal | death | dramatic | dying | falling | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | revenge | rising | room | stinger | tense | victim | violent | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Quasi Misterioso) | 1:46:05 - Various close-ups | climax | criminal | death | dying | friend | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | revenge | room | somber | victim | watching | wife |
The Woman in White (1948) | Ann (Waltz 2) | 1:46:13 - A close-up on the Countess | criminal | death | embracing | friend | leading lady | leading man | love interest | murder | murderer | necklace | reacting | resolution | revenge | room | tender | victim | waltz | wife |
Transgression (1931) | Gong | 0:50:00 - Don Arturo is shot | death | dying | gun | gunshot | leading lady | love interest | murder | murderer | murdering | murder scene | room | tense | victim |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Spring, Beautiful Spring | 0:04:48 - June and May perform | ABA structure | circus | circus music | death scene | performer | performing | source music | swinging | trapeze | upbeat |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Drum Roll | 0:06:18 - June and May perform | circus | death scene | fear | performer | preparing | source music | tense | trapeze |
Thirteen Women (1932) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:07:14 - May falls to her death | circus | dark | death scene | dying | falling | performer | trapeze | underscoring |
Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:28:05 - Bob shoots guard | breaking | death | dramatic | gangster | guard | gun | gunshot | imposter | leading man | murder | robbery | robbery | shooting | stealing | store | transcribed by ear | whole-tone chord |
We're Only Human (1935) | Katie (Dolcissimo) | 0:30:05 - Danny talks with Pete | action scene | bank | chromatic sequence | conversing | death | detective | dying | gangster | leading man | solemn | victim |
We're Only Human (1935) | Dan and Mary (Adagio) | 0:30:44 - Pete says goodbye to Danny | 11th chord | action scene | bank | conversing | death | detective | dying | gangster | leading man | solemn | victim |
We're Only Human (1935) | Lost Patrol 2 | 1:06:45 - Berger falls to the ground | climax | conflict | death | detective | dramatic | dying | falling | gangster | gunshot | hostage | leading man | murderer | room | tone cluster | underscoring |
We're Only Human (1935) | Lost Patrol 3 | 1:06:52 - Pete looks at Berger | 64 chord | climax | conflict | death | detective | gangster | hostage | leading man | murderer | reacting | room | solemn |
Without Honor (1949) | Triste | 0:07:37 - Dennis tells Jane their relationship is over | adulterer | affair | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato 2 (Agitato) | 0:07:57 - Jane tells Dennis she still loves him | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Broad) | 0:08:11 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Desperation | 0:08:20 - Jane talks to Dennis | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Molto Expressivo) | 0:08:35 - Jane cries | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | passionate | somber |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Agitato) | 0:08:54 - Jane talks to Dennis | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | ominous | tense |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Agitated) | 0:09:10 - Jane threatens to kill herself | adulterer | affair | arguing | breaking up | breakup | crying | dark | death scene | dramatic | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | suicide | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:09:23 - Jane and Dennis struggle | addicent | adulterer | death | death scene | dramatic | fighting | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | skewer | struggling | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Maestoso) | 0:09:36 - Dennis on the ground | addicent | adulterer | death | death scene | dramatic | dying | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ominous | reacting | skewer | standing | struggling |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Washing Machine) | 0:10:14 - Dennis by the washing machine | addicent | adulterer | death | death scene | dramatic | dying | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | motor effect | ominous | reacting | skewer | struggling | washing machine |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:10:30 - Jane looks at Dennis's body | addicent | adulterer | corpse | death | death scene | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | reacting | skewer | tense | thinking | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Fingers | 0:10:54 - Jane's fingers start twitching | addicent | adulterer | corpse | crazed | death | death scene | hand | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | reacting | skewer | tense | thinking | twitching |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Bloody Hand) | 0:11:04 - Blood on Jane's hand | addicent | adulterer | blood | dark | death | death scene | hand | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | reacting | thinking | washing |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Molto Expressivo) | 0:11:25 - Jane tries to get the blood off her hand | addicent | adulterer | blood | death | death scene | hand | kitchen | leading lady | leading man | love interest | somber | washing |
Without Honor (1949) | Twilight (Dark) | 0:11:59 - Jane closes the door to the laundry room | blood | dark | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | washing |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:12:11 - Jane wipes blood off of the floor | blood | death scene | kitchen | leading lady | ominous | tense | underscoring | washing |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Shark Attack | 0:07:35 - A shark in the water | action scene | attacking | biting | blood | captain | crew | death | dramatic | drowning | dying | leading man | ocean | shark | ship wreck | stinger | struggling | swimming | victim |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Zaroff (Ivan Dying) | 0:51:03 - Ivan lies dying on the ground | chase scene | dark | death | dying | jungle | servant | spear | trap | wound |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Falling off cliff | 0:55:47 - Bob and the dog fall off the cliff | climax | count | death | dog | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | servant | shooting | tense | victim | villain | waterfall |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | The Count rises | 0:59:46 - The Count slowly rises | action scene | arrow | breaking | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | rising | servant | sneaking | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Zaroff (Slow) | 1:00:03 - Bob kills Zaroff's servant | action scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | leading man | preparing | servant | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | The Iron Door (Allegro Furioso) | 1:00:07 - Bob attacks Zaroff | action scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Russian Waltz (Stabbed in Back) | NIF - not in film | arrow | castle | corpse | count | cut from film | death | dying | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Emotions (Agitato) | 1:00:32 - Bob is almost hit by a knife | castle | count | death | dodging | dramatic | escaping | gun | knife | leading lady | leading man | preparing | running | servant | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Emotions 2 (Agitato) | 1:00:45 - Bob and Eve escaping | arrow | castle | count | death | dramatic | escaping | gun | leading lady | leading man | rising | running | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Russian Waltz (Meno) + The Iron Door | 1:00:50 - The Count rises | castle | combination of themes | dark | death | escaping | gun | knife | leading lady | leading man | rising | running | servant | victim |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:01:01 - Tartar throws a knife | castle | death | escaping | gun | gunshot | knife | leading lady | leading man | servant | shooting | tense | throwing | victim |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:01:05 - Tartar falls dead to the ground | castle | corpse | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | gun | gunshot | knife | leading lady | leading man | servant | underscoring | victim |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Courage (Allegro con Fuoco) + The Iron Door | 1:01:23 - The boat leaves the dock | arrow | boat | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | leading lady | leading man | motor effect | preparing | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Russian Waltz (Impossible) | 1:01:37 - Zaroff collapses | arrow | boat | castle | collapsing | count | dark | death | dying | falling | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:01:44 - Dogs barking | barking | boat | castle | count | death | dog | dramatic | dying | leading lady | leading man | tense | underscoring | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Falling out of window | 1:01:53 - Zaroff falls out of the window | boat | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | tense | victim | villain |
The Most Dangerous Game (1932) | Russian Waltz (Climax) | 1:01:55 - The boat speeding away | boat | castle | dark | death | escaping | fanfare | leading lady | leading man | victim |
White Heat (1949) | Rushing (Searchlights 2) | 1:50:48 - Searchlights | action scene | agent | announcing | death | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | killing | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | surrendering | tense |
White Heat (1949) | Riley's Death | 1:51:15 - Riley hits the ground | action scene | agent | dark | death | dying | factory | fugitive | gangster | laughing | leading man | murder | murderer | police | raid | stinger |
White Heat (1949) | Struggle | 1:52:46 - Explosion | agent | climax | conversing | death | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid |
White Heat (1949) | Cody (The End) | 1:53:02 - Explosion | agent | climax | conversing | dark | death | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | The End |
Caged (1950) | Harper's Death | 1:27:19 - Kitty stabs Harper with a fork | added-note chord | dark | death | dying | dying | falling | falling | fork | killing | minor-major 7th chord | murder | murdering | murder scene | prison | screaming | stabbing | stabbing | stinger | walking | walking |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Jalopy | 1:28:41 - Old jalopy drives along | bystander | car | car crash | climax | comical | countryside | death | driving |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Aftermath | 1:28:48 - Man gets out of the jalopy | approaching | brother | bystander | car | car crash | climax | countryside | death | murderer | police | rancher | solemn |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Father Paul (Slow) | 1:29:00 - Shelly and Myra wait for the news | actor | bell effect | car crash | countryside | death | funereal | leading lady | mother | owner | police | resolution | somber | waiting |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Liza (Triste) | 1:29:20 - Father Paul climbs up | actor | arriving | car crash | climbing | countryside | death | husband | leading lady | leading man | mother | owner | police | priest | resolution | somber |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:46:32 - A boat on fire | arriving | crowd | death scene | dock | dousing | dramatic | fire | fire effect | hurrying | leading man | police | running | tense | underscoring |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Somber) | 0:47:16 - Manuelo hold Perol in his arms | conversing | crying | death scene | dock | dying | leading man | pain | somber | struggling | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Manuelo (Molto Expressivo) | 0:47:44 - Perol talks to Gregory | conversing | crying | death scene | dock | dying | expressive | leading man | pain | struggling | tender | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Manuelo (Perol Dies) | 0:48:12 - Perol speaks his last words | angelic | conversing | crying | dark | death | death scene | dock | dying | expressive | leading man | pain | stinger | struggling | tender | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Manuelo (Molto Appassionato) | 0:48:42 - Manuelo mourns for his brother | cross | crying | dark | death | death scene | dock | embracing | evidence | leading man | mourning | somber | stinger | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | The Escape | 1:23:42 - People running from the boat | antogonist | chase scene | chasing | corpse | cross | dark | death | dramatic | escaping | fleeing | frantic | gun | gunshot | hurrying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | private eye | rain | rock | running | ship | ship wreck | shooting | stinger | storm | wind | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Ortega is Shot | 1:34:42 - Ortega is shot | action scene | antagonist | blocking | bodyguard | catacomb | cave | climax | cross | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading man | martyr | murder | murderer | passionate | sentimental | shooting | somber | tunnel | victim |
Mara Maru (1952) | Rolling down the stairs | 1:36:05 - Benedict falls down the stairs | action scene | antagonist | catacomb | cave | climax | corpse | death | descending | dramatic | falling | leading man | martyr | mickey-mousing | murderer | rolling | stinger | tense | tunnel | victim |
Mara Maru (1952) | Gregory (Expressivo) | 1:36:22 - Stella and Gregory look at each other | catacomb | cave | comforting | conversing | corpse | cross | death | dying | leading lady | leading man | love interest | martyr | resolution | solemn | somber | tunnel | victim | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | Cross (Cello Solo) | 1:36:55 - Manuelo mourns Ortega's death | catacomb | cave | corpse | cross | crying | death | hymn-like | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | martyr | reacting | resolution | solemn | somber | thinking | tunnel | victim | worker |
Mara Maru (1952) | The End | 1:37:33 - Gregory gives the cross to Manuelo | catacomb | cave | corpse | cross | crying | death | deciding | departing | end title sequence | fade-out | leading lady | leading man | looking | love interest | map | martyr | reacting | redmption | religious | religious | resolution | The End | thinking | triumphant | tunnel | victim | worker |