The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:52:15 - Policemen report the alarm | 9th chord | operator | reporting | robbery | room | telephone | tense |
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:39:58 - Rocky in the drug store | conflict | conversing | gangster | leading man | ominous | setup | shop | telephone | tritone | underscoring |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | Jonathan | 0:23:14 - Mortimer reacts to the reveal | calling | conversing | dialing | diminished 7th chord | groom | leading man | ominous | pc set | quartal chord | reveal | room | sinister | stinger | telephone effect | thinking | turning point |
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | Here Comes the Bride | 0:26:22 - Elaine whistles on the phone | advance plot | bride | cheerful | familiar tune | groom | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | room | source music | telephone | whistling |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Chicago (City) | 0:44:28 - Downtown Chicago | arriving | bright | calling | calm | city | familiar tune | hotel | leading lady | phone book | popular tune | telephone | transition | traveling |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Telephone) | 0:44:52 - Rosa makes a phone call | advance plot | calling | hotel | leading lady | mysterious | telephone | telephone effect |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Moderato 2) | 0:45:30 - Rosa in her hotel room | advance plot | calling | hotel | leading lady | somber | telephone | waiting | worrisome |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (She Runs) | 0:49:22 - Rosa runs to the phone | advance plot | cafe | leading lady | optimistic | running | rushing | telephone |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Hurrying (Phone Call) | 0:49:32 - Rosa talks on the phone | advance plot | cafe | conversing | leading lady | optimistic | telephone |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Rosa (Dejected) | 0:49:45 - Rosa hangs up the phone | advance plot | cafe | crying | leading lady | somber | telephone |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Coin in phone | 1:21:04 - Marlowe puts a coin in the phone | advance plot | café | coin | diminished 7th chord | dropping | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | phone call | private eye | telephone |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Phone dialing | 1:21:07 - Marlowe dials a phone number | 11th chord | advance plot | café | dialing | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ostinato | phone call | private eye | telephone | tense |
Caged (1950) | Swimmy (Poco Agitato) | 0:43:53 - Mrs. Benton on the phone | advance plot | calling | cards | chromatic parallelism | conversing | dissonant bass | phone call | playing | prison | telephone | tense | warden |
Caged (1950) | Mrs. Benton | 0:44:07 - Mrs. Benton on the phone | added-note chord | advance plot | calling | cards | conversing | gentle | phone call | prison | telephone | warden |
City for Conquest (1940) | I'm Just Wild About Harry (Delicato) | 0:25:06 - Peggy calls Murray | 11th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | calling | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | leading lady | mode mixture | pleasant | room | source to score | telephone | upbeat |
Crime School (1938) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:12:21 - Cooper talks with the warden | chromatic parallelism | escape | half-diminished 7th chord | phone call | plotting | police | reformatory | telephone | tense | warden |
The FBI Story (1959) | Underscoring (Dark) | 2:26:22 - FBI agents arrest communists | arrest | FBI | flashback | telephone |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Inverted) | 0:33:27 - Field arrives at the café | arriving | breakup | café | inversion | leading man | ominous | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone | worker |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus (Slowly) | 1:30:42 - Lane holds Titus at gunpoint | arguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone | threatening |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Titus 2 (Ominous) | 1:30:55 - Titus pretends to make a phone call | calling | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dark | deceiving | gun | leading lady | mysterious | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:31:15 - Titus attacks Lane | attacking | breaking | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dramatic | dropping | gun | leading lady | linear chromaticism | oscillation | sheriff | staggering | stinger | telephone | tense | throwing | underscoring |
Flamingo Road (1949) | Breaking door | 1:31:19 - Titus throws the phone at Lane | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dramatic | gun | leading lady | mickey-mousing | sheriff | telephone | throwing |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Candy (Dark) | 1:12:58 - Candy leaves | bar | calling | conversing | criminal | dark | double-cross | gambler | henchman | husband | leading man | murderer | ominous | pc set | stinger | telephone | turning point | warehouse |
Her Kind of Man (1946) | Underscoring (Dramatic [Steiner]) | 1:14:17 - Cop looks at his watch | climax | conversing | criminal | double-cross | dramatic | henchman | leading lady | leading man | parallelism | police | reporter | room | singer | stinger | telephone | tense | underscoring | watch | wife |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | Undercover Agent (Marcia Misterioso) | 0:01:17 - Agent walks to the phone | agent | airport | arriving | calling | conversing | dialing | establish setting | march | mysterious | ostinato | polychord | sequence | telephone | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | typewriter | typing | walking |
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) | I'm in a Jam with Baby | 0:15:20 - Matt enters a bar | ABAB structure | advance plot | agent | arriving | bar | calling | conversing | customer | dialing | jazz | jukebox | leading man | source music | sultry | telephone | undercover agent | walking |
Illegal (1955) | Scott (Phone Call) | 0:09:27 - Doctor says that man will die before morning | death | hero | hospital | stinger | telephone |
Illegal (1955) | Scott (Dark) | 0:10:53 - Vic reacts to the news that Clary has been killed | death | hero | shock | surprise | telephone |
Illegal (1955) | Answering Phone | 1:05:00 - Ellen hopefully answers the phone | bottle | crash | hopeful | telephone |
Illegal (1955) | Ralph (Fanfare) | 1:11:49 - Ralph gets on the phone | dark | ominous | telephone |
In This Our Life (1942) | Phone Call | 0:47:29 - Asa answers the phone | bad news | conversing | dark | eerie | father | mysterious | pc set | phone call | room | telephone | tense | tone cluster | turning point |
In This Our Life (1942) | Stanley (Driving Away) | 1:29:06 - Craig goes to the phone | agitated | calling | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | climax | diminished 7th chord | lawyer | leading man | pedal tone | room | telephone | walking |
Key Largo (1948) | Relief | 1:38:40 - Nora answers the phone | answering | hopeful | hotel | leading lady | leading man | relieved | resolution | telephone |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | News Office | 0:03:08 - Newspaper headlines about the trial | augmented sixth chord | conversing | diminished third chord | frantic | headline | newspaper | newspaper editor | office | telephone | transition |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Expressivo) | 0:03:24 - Newspaper editor on the phone | 9th chord | bus | conversing | dissonant bass | headline | newspaper | newspaper editor | office | telephone | transition | uneasy | worker |
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) | Menace (Misterioso) | 1:19:48 - Trev calls Harvey | arguing | conversing | husband | leading man | mad scene | mysterious | room | suspect | suspense | telephone |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Murdered Man | 0:10:06 - Wally discovers the body | action scene | corpse | dark | death | dramatic | friend | linear chromaticism | looking | mickey-mousing | murder | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Phone rings | 0:10:16 - Phone rings | action scene | death | friend | mickey-mousing | murder | ringing | room | split-7th chord | telephone | tense | victim |
Mildred Pierce (1945) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:10:21 - Wally reacts to the situation | action scene | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | death | dramatic | escaping | friend | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | mickey-mousing | murder | room | running | smashing | sneaking | telephone | underscoring | victim | walking | whole-tone chord | worrying |
White Heat (1949) | Agents | 0:18:49 - Agent leaves a phone booth | agent | car | mysterious | sneaking | street | telephone | transition | walking |
White Heat (1949) | T-Men (Marcia) | 0:19:03 - Agents see the marker on the car | advance plot | agent | car | following | heroic | noble | observing | planning | street | telephone |
White Heat (1949) | Agents (Planning) | 0:19:32 - Agents talk on the car phone | advance plot | agent | car | conversing | dark | following | mysterious | observing | planning | street | telephone |
White Heat (1949) | Pursuit | 0:19:58 - Agents pursue Ma in their cars | agent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy |
White Heat (1949) | Pursuit (Tense) | 0:21:09 - Agents pursue Ma | agent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy |
White Heat (1949) | Pursuit (Ominous) | 0:22:08 - Agents arrive at the motel | advance plot | agent | arriving | car | driving | motor effect | ominous | pursuing | street | telephone | tense |
Without Honor (1949) | Underscoring (Tense) | 0:12:58 - Jane walks forward | advance plot | leading lady | room | telephone | tense | thinking | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Agitation | 0:13:26 - Jane puts down the phone | advance plot | agitated | leading lady | preparing | room | telephone | thinking | underscoring |
Without Honor (1949) | Fidgeting | 0:15:21 - | advance plot | calling | conversing | doorbell | fidgeting | leading lady | room | telephone | tense | underscoring | walking |
Without Honor (1949) | Unidentified dance tune 4 | 0:34:19 - Bill tunes the radio | antagonist | brother | calling | conflict | conversing | dialing | leading lady | leading man | popular music | radio | room | source music | telephone | upbeat | wandering | wife |
Without Honor (1949) | Appassionato (Broad) | 0:54:27 - Bill talks on the phone | antagonist | brother | calling | climax | leading lady | leading man | room | searching | telephone | tense | wandering | yard |
Caged (1950) | Harper Whistles | 1:19:30 - Harper whistles | advance plot | guard | leading lady | neutral | on-screen music | prison | source music | telephone | waiting | whistling |
Mara Maru (1952) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 0:15:56 - Gregory picks up the phone | advance plot | arriving | conversing | discovering | dramatic | knocking | leading man | police | room | stinger | telephone | underscoring | worker |
Bachelor Apartment (1931) | Waltz no. 2 | 0:05:36 - People entering a ballroom | advance plot | arriving | calm | conversing | leading lady | source music | telephone | waltz |
Bachelor Apartment (1931) | You're Wonderful | 0:44:30 - Lita in a phone booth | advance plot | bachelor | conversing | leading man | sister | source music | telephone | upbeat |