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36 results for "pain" in 8 films — see also annoyance | hurting | trouble | upset

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)The Duchess (Con Moto)1:13:45 - Henriette watches the Duke and Duchessadvance plot | dramatic | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | leaving | painful | point-of-view shot | room | sequential modulation | watching
The Big Sleep (1946)Marlowe (Beaten)1:23:35 - Jones helps Marlowe upadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | dazed | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | lifting | mickey-mousing | pain | private eye | rising | street | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Dazed)1:23:48 - Marlowe recoversadvance plot | conversing | dazed | leading man | pain | private eye | street | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Recovering1:24:06 - Jones helps Marlowe upadvance plot | augmented triad | conversing | impressionism | leading man | mysterious | pain | private eye | street | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Sostenuto)1:24:25 - Marlowe cleans upadvance plot | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | pain | private eye | recovering | room | somber | tender | weary

The Big Sleep (1946)

Walking (Hesitant)1:26:55 - Marlowe walks into a buildingfragmentation | hallway | investigation scene | leading man | neutral | pain | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | sequential modulation | walking
Caged (1950)Underscoring (Dramatic)0:32:47 - Marie working in the prison laundryalarm | alarm effect | augmented sixth chord | bell | chromatic scale | double exposure | dramatic | leading lady | mickey-mousing | montage | montage | pain | prison | prisoner | quick cuts | underscoring | working

Caged (1950)

Marie (Dark)0:32:55 - Marie's medical reportaugmented sixth chord | dark | double exposure | infirmary | leading lady | medical report | montage | montage | pain | prison | prisoner | working
Crime School (1938)Sue (Barbed Wire)0:29:18 - Frankie gets caught on barbed wireanguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | half-diminished 7th chord | pain | pc set | reformatory | struggling | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

The Painters0:48:02 - Boys paint their roomcalm | comedy | foreign key modulation | gang | paint | paintbrush | painting | peaceful | reformatory | see-saw | swing | swinging | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Paint slap0:48:32 - Boys hit each other with paint brushescomedy | gang | mickey-mousing | paint | paintbrush | painting | playful | reformatory | slapping | teasing | teenager | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:49:10 - Mark comes into the roomcomedy | conversing | gang | gentle | hero | leading man | paint | parallelism | reformatory | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Spots0:49:20 - Squirt has spots on his pajamas9th chord | chromatic parallelism | comedy | comical | conversing | gang | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | paint | reformatory | spots | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Painting)0:50:45 - The boys paint their room13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | comedy | comical | gang | painting | reformatory | setting | teenager | working

Crime School (1938)

Paints face0:50:55 - Boy paints the guard's face accident | comedy | comical | mickey-mousing | painting | police | reformatory | teenager
The FBI Story (1959)Communists (Mysterious)2:10:14 - Chip looking at papers at his deskcommunist | dropping | flashback | mickey-mousing | mysterious | text painting | tritone
White Heat (1949)Steam0:04:54 - Man gets burned by steam from trainburning | bursting | countryside | dramatic | establish character | falling | gangster | leading man | murderer | pain | robbery | steam | steam effect | stinger | tense | train | train engineer | victim | writhing

White Heat (1949)

Danger0:05:02 - Gangsters leap from the trainannouncer | countryside | dramatic | escaping | establish character | gangster | jumping | leading man | murderer | pain | radio | robbery | tense | train | train engineer | victim | writhing

White Heat (1949)

Madness0:50:16 - Cody hears voicesagitated | blur | falling | gangster | hallucinating | hallucination | headache | headache effect | hearing voices | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Headache0:50:31 - Heavy machineryagitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Struggle0:50:50 - Cody crawls on the flooragitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | helping | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | undercover agent | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Headache)0:51:15 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:51:20 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | massaging | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Cody rises0:51:40 - Hank helps Cody standgangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | mickey-mousing | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | rising | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Recovering)0:51:52 - Cody's headache subsidesgangster | headache | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | waiting
The Woman in White (1948)Asylum1:01:26 - Laura suffers from a headacheaching | advance plot | agitated | conversing | cousin | headache | illness | illness effect | leading lady | pain | room | somber | tense | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum (Molto Expressivo)1:01:37 - Laura talks to Marianadvance plot | calm | conversing | cousin | headache | illness | leading lady | pain | recovering | recovery | room | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum (Dark)1:09:26 - Fosco talks to Sir Percivalaching | antagonist | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | headache | husband | illness | leading lady | leading man | pain | plotting | prisoner | room

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum (Dolce)1:09:46 - Laura senses someone in the roomadvance plot | appearing | calm | conversing | headache | illness | leading lady | pain | room | superimposed shot | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Poco Agitato)1:09:55 - The woman in white talks to Lauraadvance plot | agitated | calm | conversing | gentle | headache | illness | leading lady | pain | room | superimposed shot | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Poco Agitato)1:11:46 - Laura mentions the woman in whiteagitated | antagonist | conflict | conversing | criminal | doctor | headache | husband | illness | leading lady | leading man | pain | room | servant | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Fosco1:12:05 - Fosco talks to the maidagitated | anger | antagonist | conflict | criminal | doctor | headache | husband | illness | leading lady | leading man | pain | room | searching | servant | tense | victim | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

Fosco (Molto Agitato)1:12:15 - Fosco walksagitated | anger | antagonist | conflict | criminal | dark | doctor | headache | husband | illness | leading lady | leading man | pain | room | rushing | searching | servant | tense | victim | walking
Mara Maru (1952)Underscoring (Somber)0:47:16 - Manuelo hold Perol in his armsconversing | crying | death scene | dock | dying | leading man | pain | somber | struggling | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Manuelo (Molto Expressivo)0:47:44 - Perol talks to Gregoryconversing | crying | death scene | dock | dying | expressive | leading man | pain | struggling | tender | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Manuelo (Perol Dies)0:48:12 - Perol speaks his last wordsangelic | conversing | crying | dark | death | death scene | dock | dying | expressive | leading man | pain | stinger | struggling | tender | worker