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195 results for "agent" in 4 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Running and shooting0:06:52 - Police chase gangsters and Rocky shootsagent | augmented triad | chasing | dissonant bass | dominant 7th chord | dramatic | establish character | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | montage | newspaper | quartal chord | running | shooting | street | zoom out
The FBI Story (1959)Symbol (The Signal)1:18:41 - Chip lights his cigar with a match as he watches Dillinger leaveagent | cigar | FBI | flashback | lighting

The FBI Story (1959)

Symbol (Hiding)1:20:38 - The FBI arriveagent | car | FBI | flashback

The FBI Story (1959)

FBI March A (Marcia)1:30:44 - Agents working at FBI headquartersagent | FBI | flashback | office | working

The FBI Story (1959)

FBI March B1:31:19 - FBI agents working in a labagent | FBI | flashback | lab | working

The FBI Story (1959)

FBI March A (A la Marcia)1:31:36 - FBI agents working in a labagent | FBI | flashback | lab | working

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales1:54:45 - South American federal police arriveagent | flashback | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales1:55:56 - South American federal police arriveagent | flashback | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales (Menacing)1:57:17 - South American federal police look for the menagent | flashback | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales (Galloping)1:57:29 - South American federal police gallop to chase after the menagent | flashback | galloping | horse | mickey-mousing | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales (Pursuit)1:58:36 - South American federal police gallop to chase after the menagent | flashback | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

Federales (Varied)1:59:37 - South American federal police gallop to the bridge to chase the menagent | flashback | Spanish music

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Misterioso)2:08:47 - FBI agents working on the sceneagent | FBI | flashback | working

The FBI Story (1959)

Microfilm2:09:11 - FBI agents look at the codes on the microfilmagent | FBI | flashback | lab | microfilm | working

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Questioning)2:09:30 - Agents interview an old ladyagent | FBI | flashback | interview

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Field Reports)2:09:51 - Agents working at FBI headquartersagent | FBI | flashback | working

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Warrants)2:11:25 - FBI agents work in an officeagent | FBI | flashback | working

The FBI Story (1959)

Symbol (Following)2:13:52 - FBI agents follow communistagent | FBI | flashback

The FBI Story (1959)

The Chase2:21:51 - FBI agents chase after communistagent | chasing | communist | FBI | flashback

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Pursuit)2:22:10 - FBI agents get in a car and follow the managent | chasing | FBI | flashback

The FBI Story (1959)

Symbol (Quiet)2:23:59 - Agents watch communist from afarchasing | FBI: agent | flashback

The FBI Story (1959)

The Bureau (Moderato)2:24:05 - FBI agents pursue man on footagent | chasing | FBI | flashback | following | walking

The FBI Story (1959)

Underscoring (Tense)2:24:44 - Chip listens to a radio reportagent | FBI | flashback | tense | underscoring
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Undercover Agent (Marcia Misterioso)0:01:17 - Agent walks to the phoneagent | airport | arriving | calling | conversing | dialing | establish setting | march | mysterious | ostinato | polychord | sequence | telephone | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | typewriter | typing | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

FBI0:02:10 - FBI buildingagent | chromatic mediant | conversing | establish setting | noble | office | oscillation | secretary | tense | triadic transformation | typing | working

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

FBI (Extended)0:02:33 - Pittsburgh FBI office signagent | chromatic mediant | conversing | establish setting | noble | office | oscillation | tense | triadic transformation | typing | working

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Molto Misterioso)0:02:57 - Mason gets his assignmentagent | conversing | establish setting | map | march | mysterious | office | ostinato | planning | polychord | sequence | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | working

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

I'm in a Jam with Baby0:15:20 - Matt enters a barABAB structure | advance plot | agent | arriving | bar | calling | conversing | customer | dialing | jazz | jukebox | leading man | source music | sultry | telephone | undercover agent | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:24:58 - Matt reactschromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | departing | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | insult | leading man | neighbor | reacting | room | stinger | transition | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Family0:25:26 - Matt looks at a photo albumadvance plot | baby | common-tone modulation | deceptive resolution | double exposure | flashback | foreign key modulation | gentle | leading man | letter | looking | love | memory | mode mixture | photograph | room | self-borrowing | sentimental | smiling | son | tender | thinking | undercover agent | voice-over | writing

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Family (Molto Expressivo)0:26:15 - Matt writes a letter to his son9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | baby | deceptive resolution | double exposure | flashback | foreign key modulation | gentle | leading man | letter | looking | love | memory | photograph | room | self-borrowing | sentimental | smiling | son | tender | thinking | undercover agent | voice-over | writing

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Family (Triste)0:38:00 - Matt enters his homeadvance plot | common-chord modulation | foreign key modulation | leading man | pacing | room | self-borrowing | solemn | somber | thinking | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Agitato Molto Misterioso0:38:32 - Matt notices that he has lost his letteradvance plot | chromatic parallelism | leading man | letter | mysterious | ostinato | pc set | polychord | reacting | room | searching | tense | undercover agent | whole-tone chord

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

(I'm Gonna Wait) A Little Bit Longer (For That Never-on-Time Baby of Mine)0:39:06 - Matt goes to a record shopadvance plot | agent | arguing | arriving | conversing | jazz | leading man | record player | record shop | shopkeeper | source music | undercover agent | upbeat | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Don'cha Go 'Way Mad0:42:08 - Matt talks to agents in a back roomadvance plot | agent | conversing | jazz | planning | record player | record shop | sentimental | source music

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Ice Cold Katy0:53:21 - Matt follows Eveadvance plot | arguing | communist | jazz | leading lady | leading man | source music | spy | street | teacher | undercover agent | upbeat

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Down the stairs0:57:47 - Eve sneaks down the stairscommunist | create suspense | descending | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Tense)0:57:54 - Matt and Eve go down the stairscommunist | create suspense | leading lady | leading man | pc set | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | tritone | undercover agent | underscoring

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Sneaking0:58:02 - Matt and Eve sneak awaychromatic scale | communist | create suspense | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | running | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Molto Misterioso)0:58:12 - The communists go upstairsascending | communist | create suspense | leading lady | leading man | ostinato | polychord | sequence | sneaking | spy | staircase | stairs | teacher | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

FBI (Molto Marcato)0:59:03 - FBI man enters with a gunagent | arresting | communist | gun | leading lady | leading man | murder scene | noble | room | sneaking | spy | stinger | street | teacher | tense | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tense)0:59:26 - FBI man holds gun on commie agentsacceleration | agent | arresting | communist | dark | dialing | gun | murder scene | room | spy | tense | tritone oscillation

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Throws lamp0:59:39 - Commie throws lamp at FBI managent | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | communist | dramatic | falling | lamp | mickey-mousing | murder scene | room | spy | throwing

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Agents Fight0:59:39 - Communists fight the FBI managent | attacking | augmented triad | chromatic parallelism | communist | death | dramatic | fighting | knife | minor-major 7th chord | murder | murder scene | pc set | polychord | room | spy | stabbing | stinger | tritone oscillation

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Misterioso)0:59:50 - Agent watchescar | communist | driving | escaping | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | polychord | spy | street | teacher | transition | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Jumps off stairs1:03:23 - Matt jumps off of the staircasecommunist | gun | gunshot | jumping | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | tone cluster | train tracks | tritone | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Running and hiding1:03:28 - Matt runs and takes covercommunist | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | train tracks | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Gunfight)1:03:34 - Train tracksaugmented triad | communist | dissonant bass | diving | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | minor-major 7th chord | polychord | running | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | syncopation | teacher | tense | train tracks | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Running1:03:57 - Communist runscommunist | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | running | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | train tracks | undercover agent | whole-tone chord

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Commie is shot1:04:01 - Communist is shot and falls deadchromatic scale | communist | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | stinger | teacher | tense | tone cluster | train tracks | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Newspaper)1:04:11 - FBI agents talkagent | conversing | dark | leading man | newspaper | ominous | planning | polychord | room | transition | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Risoluto)1:09:39 - FBI agents walk awayagent | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | polychord | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Agitato Molto Misterioso1:10:18 - Communists interrogate Mattchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | ostinato | pc set | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | undercover agent | whole-tone scale

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent1:10:36 - Communists interrogate Mattcommunist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | polychord | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Tense)1:10:41 - Communists interrogate Mattchromatic scale | communist | dark | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | threatening | undercover agent | underscoring

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tuttissimo)1:10:54 - Communists interrogate Mattanger | anxiety | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | shallow focus | suspicion | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Tense)1:11:00 - Communists interrogate Mattanger | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | shallow focus | suspicion | suspicion | tense | threatening | undercover agent | underscoring | whole-tone chord

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Riot1:11:05 - Communists beat up Mattanger | attacking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | communist | dramatic | fighting | interrogation | leading man | punching | undercover agent | whole-tone chord

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Conflict)1:11:10 - Communists beat up Mattattacking | communist | dramatic | fighting | interrogation | leading man | police | polychord | punching | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Family1:21:44 - Matt is reunited with his son and brotherbrother | conversing | gentle | leading man | love | mode mixture | resolution | reuniting | self-borrowing | son | tender | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Family (Con Moto)1:22:03 - Matt talks to his sonbrother | conversing | gentle | leading man | love | peaceful | resolution | reuniting | self-borrowing | son | tender | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Battle Hymn of the Republic (The End)1:22:16 - Dick looks at his dadbrother | conversing | countermelody | end title sequence | leading man | love | patriotic | patriotic tune | plagal cadence | resolution | reuniting | son | The End | undercover agent
White Heat (1949)Underscoring (Mysterious)0:14:51 - The agents talkagent | clue | dark | investigating | investigation scene | morgue | mysterious | police | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Agitato)0:16:28 - Agents picks up the death maskagent | clue | death mask | heroic | investigation scene | noble | office | walking

White Heat (1949)

Agents0:18:49 - Agent leaves a phone boothagent | car | mysterious | sneaking | street | telephone | transition | walking

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:18:58 - Agents pull up in a caradvance plot | agent | arriving | car | driving | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Marcia)0:19:03 - Agents see the marker on the caradvance plot | agent | car | following | heroic | noble | observing | planning | street | telephone

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Planning)0:19:32 - Agents talk on the car phoneadvance plot | agent | car | conversing | dark | following | mysterious | observing | planning | street | telephone

White Heat (1949)

Ma0:19:45 - Ma walks out of the marketagent | car | chase scene | mother | observing | street | uneasy | walking

White Heat (1949)

Moll0:19:50 - Ma gets in her caragent | car | chase scene | mother | observing | street | uneasy | walking

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit0:19:58 - Agents pursue Ma in their carsagent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Getaway0:21:01 - Ma speeds awayagent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | pursuing | street | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Tense)0:21:09 - Agents pursue Maagent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:21:34 - Ma speeds ahead in her caragent | car | chase scene | dramatic | driving | escaping | mother | pursuing | street | tense | turning | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Ma (Dramatic)0:21:49 - Ma continues drivingagent | car | chase scene | chasing | dramatic | escaping | frantic | mother | pursuing | street

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Frantic)0:21:56 - Agents lose Maagent | car | chase scene | chasing | escaping | mother | pursuing | street | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Getaway (Bold)0:22:01 - Agents turn quicklyagent | car | chase scene | chasing | dramatic | escaping | harsh | pursuing | street

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Ominous)0:22:08 - Agents arrive at the moteladvance plot | agent | arriving | car | driving | motor effect | ominous | pursuing | street | telephone | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Chase)0:22:33 - The agents notice Ma's caradvance plot | agent | car | looking | observing | panning shot | stinger | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit0:22:38 - The agents drive awayadvance plot | agent | car | driving | motor effect | pursuing | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Molto Agitato)0:23:25 - Evans points a gun at Codyaction scene | agent | agitated | arresting | dying | falling | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | shooting | street | tense | wound

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Escaping)0:23:32 - Verna and Ma rush outaction scene | agent | dramatic | escaping | gangster | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | room | rushing | street | wound

White Heat (1949)

Agitato (Escaping)0:23:37 - Evans struggles on the groundaction scene | agent | agitated | car | dramatic | driving | escaping | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | shooting | street | struggling | tense | wound

White Heat (1949)

Driving (Extended)0:23:46 - The gangsters speed awayaction scene | agent | car | chasing | dark | dramatic | gangster | leading lady | leading man | menacing | moll | mother | murderer | speeding | street | wound

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:23:54 - Evans falls to the groundaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | helping | rushing | street | underscoring | wound

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit0:24:23 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | frantic | motor effect | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit0:24:37 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | frantic | motor effect | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Fleeing)0:24:50 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | dramatic | frantic | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | motor effect | murderer | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit (Rising)0:24:58 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | frantic | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Speed (Desperate 2)0:25:03 - The gangsters speed awayagent | car | chase scene | chasing | dramatic | drive-in theater | frantic | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | murderer | self-borrowing | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Mysterious)0:29:13 - Verna and Ma leave the police stationagent | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | mysterious | police station | transition | walking

White Heat (1949)

Cody 20:29:18 - Newspaper headlineagent | bold | dark | dramatic | headline | leading man | newspaper | police station | transition | typing

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Molto Misterioso)0:35:30 - Cody walks awaycourtroom | courtroom scene | dramatic | gangster | judge | leading man | murderer | prison | prisoner | stinger | undercover agent | walking

White Heat (1949)

Prison0:35:40 - The prison wallsconversing | dark | leading man | ominous | prison | prisoner | transition | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight0:37:48 - Hank sees Bo Creelaction scene | falling | fighting | gangster | guard | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | punching | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Punching and falling0:38:03 - Hank punches inmateaction scene | dramatic | falling | gangster | guard | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | punching | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Misterioso (Tense)0:40:12 - Hank looks aroundadvance plot | gangster | leading man | looking | murderer | mysterious | photograph | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Expressivo)0:40:26 - Hank looks at the photographadvance plot | conversing | gangster | leading man | murderer | photograph | prison | prisoner | undercover agent | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Jumping on bed0:40:41 - Hank jumps up on his bedadvance plot | ascending | gangster | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | undercover agent | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Misterioso (Ominous)0:40:51 - The prisoners talkadvance plot | conversing | gangster | leading man | murderer | mysterious | ominous | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Whispering0:41:06 - The prisoner reads lipsadvance plot | gangster | leading man | listening | murderer | prison | prisoner | spying | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | whisper effect | whispering

White Heat (1949)

Thinking0:41:34 - Prisoners talk about moneyadvance plot | conversing | gangster | leading man | murderer | mysterious | prison | prisoner | tense | thinking | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:44:42 - Parker sneaksgangster | leading man | murderer | murder scene | mysterious | prison | prisoner | sneaking | undercover agent | underscoring | working

White Heat (1949)

Trap0:44:53 - The crane moves over Cody's headattempted | crane | crashing | dramatic | dropping | falling | gangster | leading man | machine | machine effect | mickey-mousing | moving | murder | murderer | murder scene | prison | prisoner | saving | stinger | tense | trap | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Struggle0:50:50 - Cody crawls on the flooragitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | helping | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | undercover agent | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Headache)0:51:15 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:51:20 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | massaging | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Cody rises0:51:40 - Hank helps Cody standgangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | mickey-mousing | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | rising | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Recovering)0:51:52 - Cody's headache subsidesgangster | headache | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | waiting

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit1:08:44 - The agents turn aroundagent | car | driving | leading man | police | prison break | rushing | street | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:19:20 - Big Ed's body falls down the stairsdark | death | dramatic | falling | fugitive | gangster | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | moll | murderer | murder scene | panning shot | room | stairs | staring | statue | stinger | undercover agent | underscoring | watching

White Heat (1949)

Panning1:19:32 - Camera pans to the groupbeans | dramatic | fugitive | gangster | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mickey-mousing | moll | murderer | panning shot | room | throwing | transition | undercover agent | waiting

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Mysterious)1:26:39 - Hank sneaks outaction scene | mysterious | sneaking | undercover agent | underscoring | yard

White Heat (1949)

Fight1:26:51 - Hank attacks the gangsteraction scene | dramatic | fighting | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | punching | tense | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Misterioso)1:27:39 - Hank talks to Codyadvance plot | arguing | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | mysterious | stinger | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:27:53 - Hank talks to Codyadvance plot | arguing | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | underscoring | yard

White Heat (1949)

Verna (Cello Solo)1:28:30 - Cody talks about Vernaadvance plot | character mention | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | memory | murderer | somber | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Ma (Molto Expressivo)1:28:38 - Cody talks about his motheradvance plot | character mention | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | memory | murderer | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | yard

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Agitato)1:29:03 - Cody talks about his familyadvance plot | conversing | fugitive | gangster | insanity | leading man | memory | murderer | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | yard

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Climbing)1:29:15 - Cody talks about his pastadvance plot | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | memory | murderer | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | yard

White Heat (1949)

Ma (Triste)1:29:29 - Cody talks about his motheradvance plot | character mention | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | memory | murderer | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | yard

White Heat (1949)

Cody 3 (Molto Misterioso)1:31:42 - Hank works on the transmitteradvance plot | leading man | radio | tense | transmitter | undercover agent | working | yard

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Sneaky)1:31:56 - Hank puts the transmitter on the truckadvance plot | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading lady | leading man | moll | murderer | sneaking | tense | transmitter | truck | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Cody 3 (Tense)1:32:12 - Cody approaches the truckadvance plot | conversing | fugitive | gangster | leading lady | leading man | lying | moll | murderer | tense | transmitter | truck | undercover agent | yard

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:33:58 - Hank talks to the gas station attendantadvance plot | conversing | fugitive | gangster | gas station | leading man | murderer | tense | truck | undercover agent | underscoring | worker | working

White Heat (1949)

Mirror1:34:10 - Hank writes a message on the mirroradvance plot | bathroom | dramatic | fanfare | gas station | leading man | message | mirror | rushing | tense | undercover agent | writing

White Heat (1949)

Mirror1:34:34 - Gangster goes to check on Hankadvance plot | bathroom | dramatic | fanfare | fugitive | gangster | gas station | hurrying | leading man | message | mirror | murderer | tense | undercover agent | worker | writing

White Heat (1949)

Message on the Mirror1:34:49 - Message on the washroom mirroradvance plot | bathroom | dramatic | fanfare | gas station | leading man | message | mirror | Morse code | radio effect | radio signal | tense | undercover agent | writing

White Heat (1949)

Bo Creel1:35:51 - Bo Creel comes outsideadvance plot | conversing | dark | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | ominous | preparing | stinger | tense | truck | undercover agent | worker | working | yard

White Heat (1949)

Verna (Gum)1:36:15 - Verna spits out her gumadvance plot | conversing | fugitive | gangster | gum | kissing | leading lady | leading man | moll | murderer | preparing | spitting | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | worker | yard

White Heat (1949)

Danger1:36:32 - The gangsters hide in the truckadvance plot | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | preparing | tense | truck | truck | undercover agent | worker

White Heat (1949)

Truck1:36:45 - The truck engine startsadvance plot | driving | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | starting | tense | truck | truck | undercover agent | worker

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Antenna)1:37:17 - Policemen follow radio signal in their caragent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | electronic effect | pursuing | radio | radio effect | searching | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Truck (Speeding)1:37:36 - Tanker drives down the streetchase scene | driving | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | ominous | speeding | street | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Tracking)1:37:43 - Policemen pursue the truckagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | map | police station | pursuing | radio | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit (Antenna)1:37:59 - agent | chase scene | combination of themes | conversing | cut from film | police station | radio | tense

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (The Station)1:38:03 - Agents track progress of truck on the mapagent | chase scene | heroic | map | mapping | planning | police station

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Not Too Heavy)1:38:17 - Agents in car talking on radioagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | pursuing | radio | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody 2 (Montage)1:38:26 - Tanker drives down the streetcar | car | chase scene | dark | double exposure | electronic effect | fugitive | gangster | leading man | montage | murderer | pursuing | radio effect | speeding | street | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit (Montage)1:38:33 - Police car in pursuitagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | combination of themes | double exposure | electronic effect | montage | mysterious | police station | pursuing | radio | radio effect | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (The Map)1:38:58 - Agents map coordinates of the truckagent | chase scene | map | mapping | noble | planning | police station | radio

White Heat (1949)

Cody 21:39:10 - Tanker drives down the streetcar | chase scene | dark | double exposure | driving | fugitive | gangster | leading man | montage | murderer | radio | speeding | street | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Frantic)1:39:12 - Police car in pursuitagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | double exposure | montage | police station | pursuing | radio | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:39:16 - Agent at the control boardagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | double exposure | dramatic | mapping | montage | police station | pursuing | radio | speeding | street | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:39:35 - Agents map coordinates of the truckagent | chase scene | map | mapping | police station | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Truck (Tutti)1:39:43 - Tanker pulls up to factorychase scene | dramatic | driving | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | ominous | street | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Mugs)1:39:57 - Gangsters in the tankerarriving | chase scene | dramatic | driving | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | leading man | murderer | ominous | truck | truck | undercover agent | waiting

White Heat (1949)

Gate1:40:15 - The factory gate opensarriving | chase scene | closing | dark | driving | factory | fanfare | fugitive | gangster | gate | guard | leading man | murderer | opening | tense | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:40:42 - Truck pulls in to factoryarriving | chase scene | driving | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | tense | truck | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Cody1:40:57 - Cody exits truckarriving | chase scene | dark | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | opening | tense | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Misterioso)1:41:01 - Cody emerges from the truckchase scene | dark | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | rushing | tense | truck | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Oscillator)1:41:16 - Transmitter on the truckagent | antenna | car | car | chase scene | electronic effect | mapping | pursuing | radio | radio effect | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:41:22 - Agents map coordinates of the truckagent | chase scene | dramatic | fanfare | map | mapping | police station | radio | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Extended)1:41:31 - Agents map coordinates of the truckagent | chase scene | map | mapping | police station | radio | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit1:41:42 - Agents map coordinates of the truckagent | car | car | chase scene | combination of themes | pursuing | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Faster)1:41:49 - Gangsters enter the buildingaction scene | anxious | arriving | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | hurrying | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | working

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)1:42:42 - Hank looks out the windowaction scene | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | leading man | murderer | tense | undercover agent | underscoring | working

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Arriving)1:42:48 - Police cars rush to factoryaction scene | agent | car | factory | guard | police | pursuing | speeding | tense

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso)1:43:03 - Police enter the factoryaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | guard | police | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Police Raid1:43:09 - Gangster acting as lookoutaction scene | arriving | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | looking | march | murderer | police | running | rushing | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Bo Creel (Misterioso)1:43:26 - Bo Creel tells Cody that Hank is a copaction scene | discovering | discovery | factory | fugitive | gangster | guard | leading man | looking | murderer | mysterious | realizing | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:46:13 - Cody shoots man in backaction scene | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | shooting | tear gas | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Crawling1:46:18 - Hank crawls on the flooraction scene | agent | crawling | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | rushing | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Tutti)1:46:31 - Agents watch men exitingaction scene | agent | aiming | dramatic | factory | gun | leading man | police | rushing | stopping | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Escaping)1:46:36 - Hank escapesaction scene | agent | crawling | dark | escaping | factory | gun | leading man | police | reporting | tear gas | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Marcato)1:46:58 - Evans signals to another agentaction scene | agent | bold | commanding | factory | fanfare | leading man | police

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Extended)1:47:06 - Cody sends men outaction scene | agent | death | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | pushing | rushing | shooting | tense

White Heat (1949)

Climbing stairs1:47:22 - Gangsters climb up stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | rushing | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:47:35 - Gangsters get off of ladderaction scene | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | rushing | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Police Raid)1:47:47 - Police advance on the gangstersaction scene | advancing | agent | death | dramatic | dying | factory | falling | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hidiging | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | shooting | shootout | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody 2 (Brash)1:48:12 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | brash | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:17 - Gangsters run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fleeing | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shootout | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Prison Fight + Agents1:48:30 - Agents run up the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Sliding down pole1:48:43 - Cody slides down a poleaction scene | agent | descending | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | pole | police | raid | sliding | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Tense)1:48:48 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fanfare | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Gathering1:49:06 - Agents in actionaction scene | agent | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Risoluto)1:49:17 - Agents advanceaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:49:19 - Gangsters run awayaction scene | agent | chasing | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Extended)1:49:34 - Gangsters hideaction scene | agent | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing + Agents1:49:44 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | combination of themes | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

White Heat (Maestoso 2)1:49:55 - Police advanceaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Searching)1:50:02 - Agents plan their next moveaction scene | advancing | agent | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights)1:50:05 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | tense

White Heat (1949)

Madness1:50:16 - Cody talks to Rileyaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | madness | murderer | plotting | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting (Agitato)1:50:27 - Cody gets upaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | laughing | leading man | madness | murderer | police | raid | sneaking | tense

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Climbing)1:50:30 - Cody climbs the stairsaction scene | agent | ascending | dramatic | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | rushing | stairs | tense

White Heat (1949)

Plotting1:50:41 - Cody hidesaction scene | agent | factory | fugitive | gangster | hiding | leading man | murderer | police | raid | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing (Searchlights 2)1:50:48 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | announcing | death | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | killing | laughing | leading man | mickey-mousing | murder | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | surrendering | tense

White Heat (1949)

Riley's Death1:51:15 - Riley hits the groundaction scene | agent | dark | death | dying | factory | fugitive | gangster | laughing | leading man | murder | murderer | police | raid | stinger

White Heat (1949)

Cody 3 (Mocking)1:51:30 - Cody shootsaction scene | agent | brash | factory | frantic | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | laughing | leading man | mocking | murderer | police | raid

White Heat (1949)

Trap1:51:37 - Policeman hands Hank a rifleaction scene | agent | aiming | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | leading man | murderer | police | raid | searching | tense

White Heat (1949)

Rushing1:51:44 - Searchlightsaction scene | agent | aiming | factory | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | hiding | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | raid | searching | searchlight | shooting | tense

White Heat (1949)

Headache (Explosion)1:52:26 - Cody shoots a gas valveagent | climax | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | frantic | fugitive | gangster | gun | gunshot | laughing | leading man | murderer | police | raid | running | rushing | shooting

White Heat (1949)

Struggle1:52:46 - Explosionagent | climax | conversing | death | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid

White Heat (1949)

Cody (The End)1:53:02 - Explosionagent | climax | conversing | dark | death | dramatic | exploding | explosion | factory | fire | fugitive | gangster | leading man | murderer | police | raid | The End