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3 results for "glaring" in 3 films — see also crying | staring

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
In This Our Life (1942)Turning around1:09:06 - Stanley turns aroundaccident | car | car crash | chromatic scale | crime scene | criminal | dramatic | drunk | glaring | hit and run | leading lady | mickey-mousing | pc set | stinger | street | turning
Mildred Pierce (1945)It Can't Be Wrong (Uneasy)1:05:36 - Bert stares angrily at Monteadvance plot | dark | ex-husband | familiar tune | glaring | heroine | leading lady | leaving | love interest | pedal tone | popular music | restaurant | source to score | tense | uneasy
The Woman in White (1948)Ann (Slowly)1:19:46 - The countess entersangry | antagonist | criminal | dark | death scene | glaring | husband | leading lady | room | shaking | victim | wife