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12 results for "mourning" in 8 films — see also crying | grieving | reflection | weeping

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Sanctus (Mournful)1:34:12 - Jerry cries after Rocky diesadded-note chord | climax | crying | death | dissonant bass | execution chamber | leading man | mourning | pedal tone | priest | prison | redemption | reverse picardy | sacred | somber
Beyond the Forest (1949)Religioso1:11:19 - A church steeple in the raincalm | casket | crowd | funeral | graveyard | listening | mourner | mourning | rain | religious | victim | watching
The Big Sleep (1946)Jones (Dolce)1:31:04 - Marlowe sits down on the couchchromatic parallelism | death | death scene | leading man | mourning | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber | victim

The Big Sleep (1946)

Jones (Triste)1:32:02 - Marlowe leaves the officedeath scene | informer | leading man | mourning | mysterious | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | room | somber
The FBI Story (1959)Lucy A (Tragico)2:06:03 - Chip and Lucy mourn togethercrying | flashback | heroine | mourning | weeping

The FBI Story (1959)

The Marines' Hymn (Religioso)2:06:21 - Chip and Lucy look at Michael's military pictureangelic | familiar tune | flashback | heaven | marine | military | mourning | patriotic tune | picture | popular music
The Informer (1935)The Minstrel Boy0:25:32 - Man sings a folk tune at the street corner9th chord | AABA structure | advance plot | angelic | antagonist | calm | familiar tune | folk song | gentle | leading man | listening | mode mixture | mourner | mourning | on-screen music | playing | praying | singer | singing | street | violinist | watching
Mildred Pierce (1945)Mildred (Mourning)0:56:07 - Mildred mourns Kay's death9th chord | augmented sixth chord | child | death | death scene | doctor | ex-husband | heroine | leading lady | mourning | nurse | patient | room | sick person | somber | turning point

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Tenderly)0:56:34 - Veda and Mildred mourn for Kayadded-note chord | calm | child | death | death scene | ex-husband | heroine | hopeful | leading lady | mode mixture | mourning | plagal cadence | room | somber | turning point
The Woman in White (1948)Come, Sweet Death (Funeral)1:20:13 - Mourners at a funeralcemetery | church | cousin | crowd | funeral | funeral | husband | leading lady | leading man | mourning | priest | reading | somber | victim
Mara Maru (1952)Manuelo (Molto Appassionato)0:48:42 - Manuelo mourns for his brothercross | crying | dark | death | death scene | dock | embracing | evidence | leading man | mourning | somber | stinger | worker

Mara Maru (1952)

Adoramus te Christe0:49:05 - A cross and some candlesbrother | church | conversing | cross | crowd | crying | embracing | evidence | funeral scene | leading man | mother | mourner | mourning | police | praying | priest | private eye | somber | source music | worker