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11 results for "motor effect" in 4 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Shelly (Traveling) + Shelly 20:10:13 - Shelly drives through the desertactor | bright | car | cheerful | combination of themes | desert | double exposure | driving | foreign key modulation | leading lady | map | montage | motor effect | ostinato | sequential modulation | traveling | traveling scene | wheel | zoom in
White Heat (1949)Pursuit0:19:58 - Agents pursue Ma in their carsagent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Tense)0:21:09 - Agents pursue Maagent | car | chase scene | driving | following | mother | motor effect | pursuing | street | telephone | tense | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Ominous)0:22:08 - Agents arrive at the moteladvance plot | agent | arriving | car | driving | motor effect | ominous | pursuing | street | telephone | tense

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit0:22:38 - The agents drive awayadvance plot | agent | car | driving | motor effect | pursuing | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit0:24:23 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | frantic | motor effect | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit0:24:37 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | dramatic | frantic | motor effect | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Fleeing)0:24:50 - Ernie chases the gangstersagent | car | chase scene | chasing | dramatic | frantic | leading lady | leading man | moll | mother | motor effect | murderer | speeding | street | tense

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Tense)1:07:49 - The men get in the carcar | dramatic | escaping | fanfare | gangster | guard | gun | leading man | motor effect | murderer | prison | prison break | prisoner | underscoring | warden
Without Honor (1949)Twilight (Washing Machine)0:10:14 - Dennis by the washing machineaddicent | adulterer | death | death scene | dramatic | dying | kitchen | knife | leading lady | leading man | love interest | motor effect | ominous | reacting | skewer | struggling | washing machine
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)Courage (Allegro con Fuoco) + The Iron Door1:01:23 - The boat leaves the dockarrow | boat | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | leading lady | leading man | motor effect | preparing | tense | victim | villain