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87 results for "villain" in 4 films — see also antagonist | character

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Underscoring (Tense)0:14:40 - Charlie entersbarn | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | prisoner | stinger | tense | underscoring | villain | warden

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Tense)0:14:53 - Joe talks to Charliebarn | dark | dissonant | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | prisoner | tense | tritone | villain | warden

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dark)0:25:03 - Charlie interrupts the loversbarn | chromatic scale | conflict | dark | diminished 7th chord | hexatonic scale | leading lady | leading man | underscoring | villain | warden

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:25:23 - Charlie grabs Mabel's armbarn | chromatic scale | conflict | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | leading lady | leading man | underscoring | villain | warden

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Fight)0:25:41 - Charlie and Joe fight42 chord | barn | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | conflict | dramatic | fighting | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | octatonic scale | punching | villain | warden | whole-tone scale

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dying0:26:09 - Charlie falls and diesbarn | death | death | dramatic | falling | mickey-mousing | villain | warden
Illegal (1955)Scott (Ominous)1:13:42 - Vic talks to Frank in the back of his carhero | villain

Illegal (1955)

Double Stinger1:14:04 - Frank gives Vic a veiled threathero | stinger | villain

Illegal (1955)

Frank Garland (Ominous)1:20:57 - Frank threatens Vichero | stinger | threat | villain

Illegal (1955)

Menace1:21:20 - Frank orders Andy to kill Vicmurder | villain

Illegal (1955)

Frank Garland (Andy is shot)1:23:57 - Andy is shot, falls, and diesdeath | gun | gunshot | villain
Key Largo (1948)Rocco (Heavily)1:21:28 - Gangsters handle the counterfeit moneyadvance plot | brash | gangster | hotel | money | observing | tense | villain
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)The Iron Door (Tense)0:36:27 - Zaroff looks at Bob's watchaction scene | castle | commanding | count | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | shackles | stinger | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Walking0:36:42 - Zaroff walks to the dooraction scene | agitated | castle | closing | count | leading man | marching | mickey-mousing | mute | preparing | prisoner | servant | tense | villain | walking

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Fangs and Claws)0:37:00 - Zaroff gives Bob a knifeaction scene | castle | commanding | count | giving | knife | leading man | mute | preparing | prisoner | servant | tense | threatening | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato)0:37:23 - Eve runs to Bobaction scene | agitated | arriving | castle | conversing | count | fear | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Meno) + The Iron Door0:37:30 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | combination of themes | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Tense)0:37:49 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | underscoring | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Molto Moderato) + The Iron Door0:38:01 - Zaroff talks about the gameaction scene | castle | combination of themes | conversing | count | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage + The Iron Door0:38:17 - Bob and Eve leaveaction scene | agitated | castle | combination of themes | count | departing | leading lady | leading man | mute | prisoner | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Slowly) + Russian Waltz + The Iron Door0:39:04 - Zaroff stares at Bob and Eveaction scene | combination of themes | count | jungle | ominous | smoking | staring | villain | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Poco Agitato)0:42:12 - The Count approachesaction scene | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Poco Agitato)0:42:25 - Bob and Eve hide in a caveaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Hiding)0:42:33 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Count Approaches0:42:44 - The Count approaches slowlyaction scene | approaching | arrow | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | shooting | sneaking | stalking | tense | trap | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Tree falling0:43:14 - A tree fallsaction scene | arrow | count | dark | dramatic | falling | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:29 - Eve reacts to the arrowaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato Mysterioso)0:43:44 - Bob and Eve watch and waitaction scene | agitated | count | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | stalking | tense | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hunting) + The Iron Door0:43:48 - Zaroff talks to Bobaction scene | combination of themes | count | dark | hiding | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | sneaking | stalking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Andante)0:44:07 - Close up on Zaroffaction scene | count | dark | departing | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | ominous | sneaking | victim | villain | waiting | watching

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Hiding)0:46:48 - Bob and Eve hide from Zaroffaction scene | combination of themes | count | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | preparing | sneaking | tense | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Trembling)0:47:20 - A branch tremblesaction scene | approaching | count | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | trembling effect | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro)0:47:43 - The Count approachesaction scene | approaching | count | dark | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | shaking | shooting | tense | trap | trembling | tricking | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Trap Falling0:47:47 - The trap collapsesaction scene | count | dramatic | falling | gun | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | stinger | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Deliberate)0:47:51 - Bob and Eve scramble awayaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hiding | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | scrambling | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Fog0:48:02 - Bob and Eve in the fogaction scene | count | dark | escaping | gun | hunting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | pursuing | running | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Tense)0:48:21 - The Count talks to Bobaction scene | conversing | count | dark | gun | jungle | leading lady | leading man | taunting | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:48:50 - Zaroff blows his hunting hornaction scene | count | dark | horn | horn call | jungle | leading lady | leading man | playing | scored source music | score to source | source music | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Tremolo) + The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:49:40 - The Count blows his hunting hornchase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dog | dramatic | fog | horn | jungle | leading lady | leading man | playing | running | scored source music | score to source | servant | source music | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Chasing)0:50:39 - The dogs chase after Bob and Evebarking | chase scene | chasing | count | dog | dramatic | jungle | running | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Allegro)0:51:09 - Count Zaroff runningagitated | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | fanfare | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | stumbling | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Chasing)0:51:28 - Count Zaroff in pursuitagitated | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | fog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase + Russian Waltz (Augmented)0:52:02 - Dogs running through the swampagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dog | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | ominous | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Furioso)0:52:13 - Eve runs towards a logagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | dramatic | falling | jungle | leading lady | leading man | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Heavy)0:52:45 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | climbing | count | dark | dog | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Dark)0:52:53 - Eve and Bob hiding in a treeagitated | barking | chase scene | count | dark | dog | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach0:52:59 - Eve and Bob hiding in a treeagitated | barking | chase scene | count | dark | dog | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Accelerando) + The Iron Door0:53:02 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dark | dog | escaping | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | lifting | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain | vine

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro con Fuoco)0:53:24 - Zaroff looks up at the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | count | dark | dog | jungle | running | searching | servant | tense | tree | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Climbing)0:53:55 - Zaroff climbs to the top of the cliffchase scene | chasing | cliff | climbing | count | dramatic | fanfare | jungle | servant | tense | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Running) + The Iron Door0:54:08 - Bob runs through the junglechase scene | chasing | close-up | combination of themes | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Running)0:54:15 - A close-up on Zaroffchase scene | chasing | close-up | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | leading man | point-of-view shot | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Risoluto)0:54:59 - Count Zaroff by the riverchase scene | chasing | count | dramatic | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Tremolo) + The Iron Door (Horn Call)0:55:08 - Count Zaroff approaching the waterfallchase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dramatic | hiding | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Dog attacking0:55:19 - A dog rushes at Bobattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Dog Fight)0:55:24 - Bob fights a dogattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Dog Fight)0:55:33 - A barking dogattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Dog falling 20:55:37 - Bob kills the dogattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | falling | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Dog attacking0:55:42 - A dog rushes at Bobattacking | climax | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | running | servant | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Falling off cliff0:55:47 - Bob and the dog fall off the cliffclimax | count | death | dog | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | river | servant | shooting | tense | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Meno)0:55:50 - Zaroff reacts to Bob's fallclimax | count | dramatic | jungle | murderer | reacting | river | tense | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions0:55:59 - Eve reacts to Bob's fallcapturing | climax | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | reacting | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | watch | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Moderato Quasi Maestoso)0:56:11 - Zaroff looks at his watchcapturing | climax | count | dramatic | jungle | leading lady | river | servant | tense | victim | villain | watch | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Risolutissimo) + The Iron Door0:56:17 - Eve is capturedcapturing | climax | close-up | combination of themes | count | jungle | leading lady | ominous | river | servant | victim | villain | walking | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Climax)0:56:25 - A close-up on Eveclimax | close-up | count | jungle | leading lady | ominous | reacting | river | servant | victim | villain | waterfall

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Piano Improvisation0:56:39 - The Count plays the pianocalm | castle | count | listening | on-screen music | piano | playing | servant | source music | transition | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Grandioso)0:57:09 - The Count plays the pianoadvance plot | calm | castle | count | entering | leading man | on-screen music | piano | playing | sneaking | source music | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Bob leaping0:58:57 - Bob leaps at Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | jumping | leading man | leaping | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Allegro Furioso)0:58:57 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dog | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (The Fight)0:59:04 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (The Fight)0:59:06 - Zaroff's gunaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | leading man | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:59:18 - Bob fights Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | underscoring | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (The Fight 2)0:59:22 - Zaroff's servant attacksaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (The Fight 2)0:59:27 - Bob fights Zaroff's servantaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (The Fight)0:59:36 - Bob fights Zaroff's servantaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | leading man | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Count rises0:59:46 - The Count slowly risesaction scene | arrow | breaking | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | rising | servant | sneaking | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Slow)1:00:03 - Bob kills Zaroff's servantaction scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | leading man | preparing | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Iron Door (Allegro Furioso)1:00:07 - Bob attacks Zaroffaction scene | arrow | castle | corpse | count | death | dramatic | dying | fighting | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Stabbed in Back)NIF - not in filmarrow | castle | corpse | count | cut from film | death | dying | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions (Agitato)1:00:32 - Bob is almost hit by a knifecastle | count | death | dodging | dramatic | escaping | gun | knife | leading lady | leading man | preparing | running | servant | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Emotions 2 (Agitato)1:00:45 - Bob and Eve escapingarrow | castle | count | death | dramatic | escaping | gun | leading lady | leading man | rising | running | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Zaroff (Risoluto)1:01:10 - Zaroff at the windowarrow | boat | castle | count | dramatic | escaping | leading lady | leading man | rising | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (The Window)1:01:15 - Zaroff at the windowarrow | boat | castle | count | dramatic | escaping | fanfare | leading lady | leading man | rising | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Courage (Allegro con Fuoco) + The Iron Door1:01:23 - The boat leaves the dockarrow | boat | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | leading lady | leading man | motor effect | preparing | tense | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Impossible)1:01:37 - Zaroff collapsesarrow | boat | castle | collapsing | count | dark | death | dying | falling | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:01:44 - Dogs barkingbarking | boat | castle | count | death | dog | dramatic | dying | leading lady | leading man | tense | underscoring | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Falling out of window1:01:53 - Zaroff falls out of the windowboat | castle | count | death | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | tense | victim | villain