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107 results for "teenager" in 3 films — see also minor

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Sidewalks of New York0:00:58 - Organ grinder on the streets of New Yorkcheerful | conversing | establish place | establish setting | source music | street | teenager | walking

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

The Chase0:04:21 - Cops chase boys through the train yardchase scene | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | mickey-mousing | police | polychord | running | street | teenager | whole-tone chord

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

The Gangster (Reformatory)0:05:04 - Sign: "Society for Juvenile Delinquents"establish character | main title | Neapolitan | prisoner | reformatory | serious | sign | somber | teenager

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Whistling0:21:14 - Character whistlesadvance plot | cheerful | gang | on-screen music | source music | street | teenager | walking | whistling

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Shuffle Off to Buffalo0:58:27 - Boys in pool hallbetting | develop character | gambling | gang | playful | pool hall | ragtime | source music | teenager

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

From Me to You0:58:56 - Boys in pool hallbetting | develop character | gambling | gang | leading man | playful | playing | pool | pool hall | priest | ragtime | source music | teenager

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Jerry (Triste)1:35:23 - Jerry visits the boysconversing | death | foreign key modulation | leading man | pedal tone | picardy third | priest | resolution | room | somber | teenager

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Sanctus (Maestoso)1:36:06 - Jerry and the boys walk up the stairsangelic | ascending | chromatic mediant | foreign key modulation | leading man | priest | resolution | room | stairs | teenager | The End | transcendence | triumphant | up
Crime School (1938)Elephant Walk0:04:57 - Kids whistle as cop walks awaycomical | establish character | gang | on-screen music | source music | street | teenager | whistling

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)0:08:20 - The kids confront the junk shop ownerattacking | chromatic scale | conflict | death | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | ominous | ostinato | running | shop | shopkeeper | stairs | stinger | teenager | tense | underscoring | up

Crime School (1938)

Attacking0:08:27 - Spike attacks the junk shop ownerattacking | conflict | death | dramatic | fighting | gang | mickey-mousing | polychord | shop | shopkeeper | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Running away0:09:32 - Kids run away from cops42 chord | chasing | chromatic scale | conflict | dramatic | fleeing | gang | mickey-mousing | police | running | street | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)0:09:40 - Spike is captured by the cops9th chord | arresting | capturing | conflict | dramatic | police | street | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:09:53 - Frankie sneaks in the houseconcern | conversing | dissonant bass | establish character | heroine | leading lady | mysterious | pedal tone | room | sister | sneaking | sneaky | teenager | underscoring | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Minor)0:20:38 - Judge sentences boys to the reformatoryaugmented sixth chord | chromatic parallelism | courthouse | crying | dissonant bass | gang | heroine | judge | leading lady | leading man | sister | somber | stinger | teenager | trial

Crime School (1938)

The Warden0:23:15 - Warden stands up to face the boysantagonist | arguing | augmented triad | authority | chromatic parallelism | establish character | falling | gang | lightning | ominous | police | reformatory | slapping | stinger | teenager | warden | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:24:12 - Gang settles into their roomadvance plot | conversing | dissonant bass | gang | mysterious | pedal tone | reformatory | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)0:27:20 - Frankie is taken to the warden's officedevelop character | reformatory | teenager | tense | threatening | underscoring | warden | whip

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (Quasi Mysterioso)0:27:46 - Warden approaches Frankie with a whipchromatic parallelism | develop character | reformatory | rising | standing | teenager | tense | threatening | warden | whip

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:28:01 - Frankie escapes from the warden's office9th chord | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | mickey-mousing | ostinato | reformatory | running | teenager | tense | throwing | tone cluster | warden | whole-tone scale

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)0:28:21 - Boys wonder about the alarmalarm | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dissonant bass | escape | gang | pc set | reformatory | teenager | tense | whistle | wondering

Crime School (1938)

Searchlights0:28:27 - Boys wonder about the searchlightchromatic parallelism | escape | gang | mickey-mousing | reformatory | searchlight | teenager | tense | wondering

Crime School (1938)

Escaping0:28:32 - Frankie runs and hideschromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | sequence | sneaking | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Searchlights (Sneaking)0:28:47 - Frankie hides from the searchlightchromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | searchlight | sneaking | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:29:09 - Frankie hides then runsbarbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | escaping | gang | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Barbed Wire)0:29:18 - Frankie gets caught on barbed wireanguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | escape | half-diminished 7th chord | pain | pc set | reformatory | struggling | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (The Guards)0:29:34 - Warden's guards run to catch Frankie64 chord | anguished | barbed wire fence | battle call | capturing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dragging | dramatic | escape | falling | pc set | police | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | warden

Crime School (1938)

Dragging0:29:51 - Warden's guards drag Frankie through the rainaccented dissonance | anguished | capturing | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dragging | dramatic | escape | kicking | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | splashing | teenager | tense | warden

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (Capture)0:29:58 - Frankie is caught and dragged to the wardendragging | dramatic | escape | police | reformatory | teenager | tense | warden

Crime School (1938)

Window closing0:30:05 - Boys close their windowchromatic parallelism | closing | escape | gang | mickey-mousing | reformatory | somber | teenager | whole-tone scale | window

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:30:08 - Guards take Frankie insidebegging | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | dragging | dramatic | escape | fear | reformatory | teenager | tense | warden

Crime School (1938)

The Whip0:30:15 - The warden uses his whipbegging | dramatic | escape | fear | reformatory | teenager | tense | warden | whip | whipping

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill0:33:18 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | cut from film | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | split-third chord | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill0:34:09 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Pants falling0:34:10 - Squirt's pants fall downcomedy | comical | falling | mickey-mousing | pants | reformatory | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill (Coda)0:35:01 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | exercising | gang | jogging | leading man | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:35:46 - Mark visits Frankie in the sick roomadvance plot | caring | conversing | dark | hospital | leading man | reformatory | teenager | tender | underscoring | warden

Crime School (1938)

Marks0:36:14 - Mark looks at the whip marks on Frankie's backadvance plot | dark | hospital | leading man | looking | reformatory | teenager | violence | warden | wounded

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (Punishment)0:36:22 - Warden defends his punishmentadvance plot | chromatic wedge | conversing | dark | evil | hospital | leading man | reformatory | teenager | warden | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Subtle)0:37:09 - Transition to cafeteriaadvance plot | conversing | hospital | leading man | reformatory | somber | teenager | underscoring | warden

Crime School (1938)

The Painters0:48:02 - Boys paint their roomcalm | comedy | foreign key modulation | gang | paint | paintbrush | painting | peaceful | reformatory | see-saw | swing | swinging | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Paint slap0:48:32 - Boys hit each other with paint brushescomedy | gang | mickey-mousing | paint | paintbrush | painting | playful | reformatory | slapping | teasing | teenager | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

The Discus Thrower0:48:52 - Spike announces his "work of art"announcing | comedy | fun | gang | hero | interruption | leading man | reformatory | showman | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:49:10 - Mark comes into the roomcomedy | conversing | gang | gentle | hero | leading man | paint | parallelism | reformatory | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Spots0:49:20 - Squirt has spots on his pajamas9th chord | chromatic parallelism | comedy | comical | conversing | gang | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | paint | reformatory | spots | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Unveiling the statue0:49:31 - Mark takes the veil off of the statue64 chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | comedy | gang | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | teenager | tense | uncovering | unveiling

Crime School (1938)

Marble statue0:49:40 - Fats talks to Markcomedy | comical | gang | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | statue | teasing | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:49:47 - Mark talks about making this room their homecomedy | deceptive resolution | gang | gentle | hero | leading man | leaving | pedal tone | reformatory | teasing | teenager | underscoring | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Painting)0:50:45 - The boys paint their room13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | comedy | comical | gang | painting | reformatory | setting | teenager | working

Crime School (1938)

Paints face0:50:55 - Boy paints the guard's face accident | comedy | comical | mickey-mousing | painting | police | reformatory | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Slips on paint0:51:01 - Guard chases boy then slips and falls on paintaccident | chromatic scale | comedy | comical | falling | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | slipping | teenager | walking

Crime School (1938)

The Boiler Room0:54:27 - Boys talk about stoking the boileraction scene | auctioning | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | fanfare | gang | heroic | reformatory | teenager | working

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Mechanical)0:54:46 - Boys get to work13th chord | action scene | added-note chord | altered dominant | boiler room | coal | danger | fire | fire | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | hurrying | mechanical | reformatory | sequence | shoveling | smoke | teenager | temperature | temperature | working

Crime School (1938)

Temperature rising0:54:53 - Close up of rising temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Temperature stable0:55:07 - Close up of stable temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Temperature oscillating0:55:28 - Close up of oscillating temperature gaugeaction scene | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | mechanical | mickey-mousing | reformatory | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | watching

Crime School (1938)

Boiler Overheating0:55:31 - Danger as the boiler gets really hotaction scene | arguing | boiler room | danger | frantic | gang | gauge | heat | hurrying | linear chromaticism | mechanical | pc set | reformatory | shoveling | teenager | temperature | tense | tone cluster | worker | working

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues (Explosion)0:56:04 - The boiler explodes13th chord | action scene | added-note chord | boiler room | collapsing | escaping | exploding | explosion | foreign key modulation | frantic | gang | mechanical | reformatory | running | sequence | teenager | tense | worker | yelling

Crime School (1938)

Kids running down0:56:17 - Kids run down stairsaction scene | chromatic parallelism | down | dramatic | mickey-mousing | polychord | quartal chord | reformatory | running | stairs | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Running around0:56:37 - Boys run out of the buildingaction scene | chromatic parallelism | gang | linear chromaticism | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | rushing | teenager | tense | worker

Crime School (1938)

Fireman0:56:46 - Boiler room worker orders kids backaction scene | fanfare | gang | heroic | parallelism | pedal tone | protecting | reformatory | rushing | teenager | worker | yelling

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:56:50 - Mark goes to rescue Squirtaction scene | altered dominant | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dramatic | hero | leading man | linear chromaticism | reformatory | rushing | saving | teenager | tense | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Going down0:57:05 - Mark descends into the boiler roomaction scene | descending | dramatic | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | stairs | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Temperature rising 20:57:12 - The temperature gauge risesaction scene | altered dominant | boiler room | chromatic parallelism | danger | dramatic | gauge | heat | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | teenager | temperature | tense

Crime School (1938)

Explosion0:57:21 - Mark pulls Squirt out of the boiler roomaction scene | ascending | boiler room | destruction | dissonant bass | dramatic | exploding | explosion | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | stairs | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Mark Saves Boy0:57:29 - Mark carries Squirt up the stairsaction scene | ascending | authentic cadence | dissonant bass | hero | heroic | leading man | mickey-mousing | reformatory | rising | stairs | teenager | walking

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Hospital)0:57:38 - The doctor takes care of Squirt in the hospitaladvance plot | calm | conversing | doctor | hero | hospital | leading man | nurse | peaceful | reformatory | teenager | treating

Crime School (1938)

Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet0:59:13 - The boys sing in the shoe repair shopadvance plot | cheerful | gang | hammering | on-screen music | reformatory | singing | source music | teenager | worker | working

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)1:06:17 - Spike talks to Frankie about his sisteradvance plot | anger | arguing | mysterious | pc set | reformatory | teenager | tense | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:06:55 - Frankie hits Spikeadvance plot | anger | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic wedge | dramatic | reformatory | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Mysterious)1:07:09 - Spike talks to Frankie about his sisteradvance plot | arguing | mysterious | reformatory | teenager | thinking | worrying

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Troubled)1:07:37 - Frankie is troubled about his sisteradvance plot | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | conversing | gang | reformatory | teenager | thinking | troubled | worried

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Prison Moods)1:08:48 - Boys talk to Frankie about his sisteradvance plot | chromatic parallelism | dissonant | dissonant bass | distortion | gang | minor second | mysterious | plotting | reformatory | teenager | tense | tone cluster

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)1:09:46 - Boys talk to Frankieadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | gang | gun | keys | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ominous | pc set | plotting | reformatory | teenager | tense | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Keys1:09:50 - Spike tosses keys on bedadvance plot | dropping | gang | keys | mickey-mousing | mysterious | pc set | reformatory | teenager | tense | tossing

Crime School (1938)

Gun toss1:10:32 - Spike tosses gun on bedadvance plot | dropping | gang | gun | mickey-mousing | mysterious | pc set | reformatory | teenager | tense | tossing

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Whispering)1:10:38 - Frankie hears voicesanxious | fragmentation | gun | hearing voices | insanity | mad scene | mental breakdown | ostinato | pc set | reformatory | sequence | sound mass | teenager | tone cluster | whispering | worrying

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:11:24 - Boys plot their escape9th chord | arguing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dramatic | escape | gang | plotting | reformatory | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Window opening1:11:57 - Boys open the windowdiminished 7th chord | escape | escaping | gang | mickey-mousing | mysterious | opening | reformatory | teenager | up | window

Crime School (1938)

The Escape1:12:03 - Boys escapedown | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Jumping down1:12:03 - Boys jump out of the windowdiminished 7th chord | down | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Mysterious)1:12:35 - The boys walk through the cityescape | gang | mysterious | pedal tone | plotting | sneaking | street | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Climbing ladder1:13:05 - Frankie climbs the ladderclimbing | escape | ladder | mickey-mousing | street | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Window opening 21:13:25 - Frankie opens the windowconflict | mysterious | opening | room | teenager | up | window

Crime School (1938)

Parting curtains1:13:27 - Frankie parts the curtainsconflict | curtain | minor scale | mysterious | opening | parting | room | teenager

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Sneaky)1:13:28 - Frankie sneaks in with his gunbreaking in | conflict | distortion | fragmentation | gun | room | sequence | sneaking | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Grazioso Mysterioso)1:13:38 - Frankie confronts Sue and Markcheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | conversing | deceptive resolution | dining | gun | happy | hero | heroine | leading lady | leading man | room | stick up | stinger | teenager | tone cluster | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Tense)1:14:26 - Mark talks to policemanchromatic scale | conflict | deceptive resolution | gun | hero | heroine | hiding | knocking | leading lady | leading man | lying | mode mixture | pedal tone | police | room | teenager | tense | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:15:31 - Frankie fights Spikeagitated | arguing | chromatic scale | conflict | dissonant bass | fighting | gang | hero | leading man | sequence | street | teenager | underscoring

Crime School (1938)

Sue (Allegretto)1:24:18 - Boys talk about Sue9th chord | chromatic parallelism | conversing | courthouse | fragmentation | gang | optimistic | resolution | sequence | teenager
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Cowboy From Brooklyn0:25:04 - A young man whistlesestablish character | jaunty | on-screen music | ranch | source music | teenager | whistling | working

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Looking Around)0:25:11 - The young man sees Johnnie9th chord | deceptive resolution | establish character | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | ranch | teenager | tired | walking

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Date picking0:25:21 - Boys picking dates9th chord | establish character | light | ranch | sequence | step modulation | teenager | working

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Throws date0:25:34 - Boy throws datecomical | establish character | mickey-mousing | ranch | teenager | throwing

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Arriving)0:25:42 - Johnnie arrives at the ranch9th chord | arriving | establish character | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | ranch | teenager | tired

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Ladder0:30:11 - Tommy sitting on a laddercheerful | chromatic scale | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | fun | ladder | pedal tone | ranch | teenager | working

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Ladder falls0:30:16 - The ladder fallschromatic scale | comical | conflict | diminished 7th chord | falling | ladder | mickey-mousing | ranch | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

By a Waterfall0:55:35 - A shower signadvance plot | cheerful | comical | hero | leading man | on-screen music | popular music | ranch | showering | singing | source music | teenager | whistling

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:56:17 - Johnnie sees his picture in the paperangry | arguing | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dramatic | fighting | half-diminished 7th chord | hero | leading man | mickey-mousing | photograph | ranch | teenager | tense | turning point | underscoring

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Marche Funebre1:02:45 - Boys look at poster of a boxer64 chord | advance plot | Chopin | classical music | conversing | dark | death | poster | room | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Ashamed)1:03:55 - Johnnie tells them he can't fight9th chord | conflict | dark | foreign key modulation | harmonic sequence | leading lady | leading man | lying | room | somber | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Let Down)1:06:51 - The boys talk about Johnnieadded-note chord | arguing | conflict | criticizing | foreign key modulation | leading man | room | somber | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Going Away)1:07:38 - Tommy talks to Johnnieconflict | leading man | lonely | packing | room | somber | teenager | thinking

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Whip1:10:16 - People at the carnivalarena | boxer | cheerful | entering | excited | fighting | hero | leading man | march | sitting | source music | sport scene | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Spirit of Independence1:14:53 - Johnnie marches into the ringarena | cheerful | excited | hero | leading lady | leading man | march | preparing | source music | sport scene | teenager

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

The Fugitive (Ending)1:30:23 - A train rushes awaydetective | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | optimistic | passionate | plagal cadence | resolution | resolution | running | teenager | train station | triumphant

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Running1:30:35 - Johnnie runs to Tommyleading man | mickey-mousing | optimistic | passionate | resolution | resolution | running | teenager | train station | triumphant