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36 results for "calling" in 17 films — see also business | yelling

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Jonathan0:23:14 - Mortimer reacts to the revealcalling | conversing | dialing | diminished 7th chord | groom | leading man | ominous | pc set | quartal chord | reveal | room | sinister | stinger | telephone effect | thinking | turning point

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Tense)0:58:28 - Elaine comes in the dooradvance plot | bride | calling | darkness | entering | familiar tune | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | room | sequence | sneaking | tense

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Scar (Tense)0:58:39 - Close-up on Dr. Einstein's faceadvance plot | bride | brother | calling | close-up | crazy person | darkness | doctor | entering | fear | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | murderer | polychord | room | sneaking | tense
Beyond the Forest (1949)Chicago (City)0:44:28 - Downtown Chicagoarriving | bright | calling | calm | city | familiar tune | hotel | leading lady | phone book | popular tune | telephone | transition | traveling

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Telephone)0:44:52 - Rosa makes a phone calladvance plot | calling | hotel | leading lady | mysterious | telephone | telephone effect

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Moderato 2)0:45:30 - Rosa in her hotel roomadvance plot | calling | hotel | leading lady | somber | telephone | waiting | worrisome
The Big Sleep (1946)Marlowe 2 (Dialing)0:59:47 - Marlowe walks to the phonecalling | chromatic scale | corpse | dialing | half-diminished 7th chord | investigating | investigation scene | leading man | mysterious | private eye | room | spinning | tense

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Phone Call)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | bold | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | dialing | leading man | phone | private eye | room | sequence | tense | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

CarmenNIF - not in filmadvance plot | burning | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mysterious | phone | private eye | room | tense | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Carmen (Clues)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | leading man | mysterious | phone | private eye | room | tense | whole-tone chord
Caged (1950)Swimmy (Poco Agitato)0:43:53 - Mrs. Benton on the phoneadvance plot | calling | cards | chromatic parallelism | conversing | dissonant bass | phone call | playing | prison | telephone | tense | warden

Caged (1950)

Mrs. Benton0:44:07 - Mrs. Benton on the phoneadded-note chord | advance plot | calling | cards | conversing | gentle | phone call | prison | telephone | warden
City for Conquest (1940)I'm Just Wild About Harry (Delicato)0:25:06 - Peggy calls Murray11th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | calling | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | leading lady | mode mixture | pleasant | room | source to score | telephone | upbeat
Deep Valley (1947)Libby 2 (Misterioso)0:37:32 - Cliff looks for Libbyadvance plot | calling | father | mysterious | room | searching | tense

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Appassionato)1:41:02 - Libby arrives at the cabincabin | calling | death scene | leading lady | passionate | resolution | searching

Deep Valley (1947)

Molto Expressivo1:41:09 - Libby looks for Barrycalling | death scene | forest | leading lady | passionate | resolution | searching
Flamingo Road (1949)Somber Phone Call1:19:54 - Dan calls Lane from the stationcalling | conflict | half-diminished 7th chord | husband | leading lady | leading man | politician | somber | tone cluster | train station | wife

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus (Triste 2)1:20:10 - Dan and Lane talk on the phonecalling | conflict | husband | leading lady | leading man | politician | room | somber | train station | wife

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus 2 (Ominous)1:30:55 - Titus pretends to make a phone callcalling | chromatic parallelism | climax | club | dark | deceiving | gun | leading lady | mysterious | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Lye1:09:00 - Amato calls Lyeadvance plot | antagonist | calling | conductor score | conversing | gangster | leading man | stinger | street | uneasy

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Underscoring (Mysterious)1:24:05 - Amato calls detectiveadvance plot | calling | gangster | leading man | mysterious | room | statue | tense | underscoring

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Hell on Frisco Bay1:29:23 - Marcia calls the policeagitated | calling | investigator | leading lady | leading man | leaving | love interest | room | turning point | witness
Her Kind of Man (1946)Candy (Dark)1:12:58 - Candy leavesbar | calling | conversing | criminal | dark | double-cross | gambler | henchman | husband | leading man | murderer | ominous | pc set | stinger | telephone | turning point | warehouse
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Undercover Agent (Marcia Misterioso)0:01:17 - Agent walks to the phoneagent | airport | arriving | calling | conversing | dialing | establish setting | march | mysterious | ostinato | polychord | sequence | telephone | tense | tone cluster | tritone oscillation | typewriter | typing | walking

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

I'm in a Jam with Baby0:15:20 - Matt enters a barABAB structure | advance plot | agent | arriving | bar | calling | conversing | customer | dialing | jazz | jukebox | leading man | source music | sultry | telephone | undercover agent | walking
In This Our Life (1942)Stanley (Driving Away)1:29:06 - Craig goes to the phoneagitated | calling | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | climax | diminished 7th chord | lawyer | leading man | pedal tone | room | telephone | walking

In This Our Life (1942)

Fast Driving (Dark)1:35:07 - Policemen on the radiocalling | oscillation | pc set | police | police station | reporting | resolution | room | solemn | somber | stinger

In This Our Life (1942)

Underscoring (Tense)1:35:22 - Policemen on the radioaltered dominant | calling | police | police station | reporting | resolution | room | solemn | somber | tense | underscoring
Key Largo (1948)Hope1:36:11 - McCloud calls for help on the radioboat | calling | conflict | hopeful | leading man | radio | steering
Mildred Pierce (1945)Mildred (Mad)1:43:19 - Mildred makes a phone callanger | angry | calling | dissonant bass | half-diminished 7th chord | heroine | leading lady | room | tense | turbulent | turning point | walking
The Woman in White (1948)Ann0:03:00 - The woman in white talks to Waltercalling | conversing | establish character | forest | leading lady | leading man | mysterious
We're Only Human (1935)Katie (Begging)0:29:21 - Close up on Danny64 chord | action scene | bank | calling | detective | gangster | leading man | sequence | serious | tense | victim
Without Honor (1949)Underscoring (Tense)0:15:21 - advance plot | calling | conversing | doorbell | fidgeting | leading lady | room | telephone | tense | underscoring | walking

Without Honor (1949)

Unidentified dance tune 40:34:19 - Bill tunes the radioantagonist | brother | calling | conflict | conversing | dialing | leading lady | leading man | popular music | radio | room | source music | telephone | upbeat | wandering | wife

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato (Broad)0:54:27 - Bill talks on the phoneantagonist | brother | calling | climax | leading lady | leading man | room | searching | telephone | tense | wandering | yard
Mara Maru (1952)Manuelo (Guitar)0:01:40 - Boys workingboat | boat | calling | child | establish character | light | playful | worker | working | yelling