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71 results for "mad scene" in 7 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)The Duchess (Expressivo con Schmalzo)0:39:24 - The Duchess writes a letterangry | chromatic sequence | crying | despair | duchess | foreign key modulation | leading lady | mad scene | on-screen text | room | sequence | sequential modulation | writing

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Desperation0:39:54 - The Duchess writes a letterangry | chromatic scale | crying | despair | duchess | leading lady | mad scene | on-screen text | parallelism | room | writing

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Rushing0:40:15 - The Duchess rushes to the Abbeangry | arguing | augmented triad | despair | duchess | leading lady | mad scene | mickey-mousing | priest | room | turn figure

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Pleading (Extended)0:40:26 - The Abbe talks with the Duchess9th chord | angry | arguing | chromatic sequence | despair | duchess | fragmentation | leading lady | mad scene | oscillation | parallelism | priest | room

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Desperation (Very Emotional)0:41:00 - The Duchess pleads with the Abbeangry | arguing | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | crying | despair | dissonant bass | illness | leading lady | mad scene | priest | room
Beyond the Forest (1949)Chicago (Agitato Molto Marcato)0:55:48 - Rosa runs through the streetsagitated | crazy person | crying | familiar tune | laughing | leading lady | mad scene | manic | popular tune | running | rushing | scaring | stranger | street | tense

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago (Echo Chambre)1:28:20 - Rosa prepares to leaveangry | arguing | climax | crazed | delirious | eerie | familiar tune | leading lady | mad | madness | mad scene | maid | murderer | popular tune | preparing | room | stumbling | unsettling | yelling

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago (She Walks Down)1:29:25 - Rosa walks down the stairsclimax | dark | descending | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | maid | mickey-mousing | murderer | popular tune | room | solemn | stairs | stumbling

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill1:29:51 - Rosa opens the dooragitated | climax | leading lady | machinery effect | madness | mad scene | maid | murderer | street | stumbling | tense | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill + Steam Whistle1:30:02 - The maid makes a phone callagitated | climax | collapsing | combination of themes | cut from film | falling | leading lady | machinery effect | madness | mad scene | maid | murderer | street | stumbling | tense | walking | whistle effect

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill + Rosa (Stumbling)1:30:10 - Rosa struggles to her feetclimax | combination of themes | dark | leading lady | machinery effect | madness | mad scene | murderer | ominous | standing | street | stumbling | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Fever 2)1:30:23 - Rosa stumbles forwardclimax | dark | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | ominous | street | stumbling | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill + Steam Whistle1:30:36 - Darknessagitated | climax | combination of themes | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | stumbling | tense | train | train station | walking | whistle effect

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Train1:30:52 - A locomotiveagitated | climax | cut from film | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | stumbling | tense | train | train effect | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Train + Chicago (Shrill)1:30:54 - Rosa stumbles towards the trainagitated | climax | combination of themes | cut from film | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | popular tune | shrill | stumbling | tense | train | train effect | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Train (Heating Up) + Chicago (Fragmented)1:31:05 - Rosa stumbles towards the trainagitated | climax | combination of themes | desperate | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | popular tune | stumbling | tense | train | train effect | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago1:31:21 - Rosa stumbles towards the trainclimax | desperate | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | popular tune | stumbling | tense | train | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Chicago1:31:26 - The train leaves the stationagitated | climax | departing | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | obsessive | popular tune | shrill | tense | train | train station

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Stinger1:31:51 - Rosa deadarriving | climax | dark | death | doctor | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | solemn | stinger | train | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa1:32:10 - Lewis arrivesarriving | checking | climax | dark | death | doctor | dramatic | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | reacting | tender | train | train station
Caged (1950)Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmbed | crazy person | crying | cut from film | leading lady | mad scene | oscillation | prison | prisoner | sleeping | tense | underscoring

Caged (1950)

MadnessNIF - not in filmagitated | bed | chromatic scale | crazy person | crying | cut from film | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | prison | prisoner | sleeping | standing

Caged (1950)

Train Whistle HallucinationNIF - not in filmacceleration | agitated | bed | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | crazy person | crying | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | glass | hallucinating | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pedal tone | polychord | prison | prisoner | screaming | smashing

Caged (1950)

Caged (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmbed | crazy person | crying | cut from film | dark | glass | leading lady | mad scene | pc set | prison | prisoner

Caged (1950)

WailingNIF - not in filmagitated | bed | crazy person | crying | crying effect | cut from film | glass | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pc set | prison | prisoner | wailing

Caged (1950)

Wailing + Train Whistle HallucinationNIF - not in filmacceleration | agitated | bed | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | combination of themes | crazy person | crying | crying effect | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | glass | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pedal tone | polychord | prison | prisoner | rushing | unlocking | wailing

Caged (1950)

Wailing (Ominous)NIF - not in filmbed | bleeding | blood | crazy person | crying | cut from film | dark | leading lady | mad scene | ominous | ostinato | prison | prisoner | tritone | wailing | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

AgitatoNIF - not in filmagitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cut from film | fragmentation | mad scene | ostinato | pc set | prison | whole-tone chord
Crime School (1938)Sue (Whispering)1:10:38 - Frankie hears voicesanxious | fragmentation | gun | hearing voices | insanity | mad scene | mental breakdown | ostinato | pc set | reformatory | sequence | sound mass | teenager | tone cluster | whispering | worrying
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Menace (Expressivo)1:18:00 - Shelly is worriedactor | concern | danger | hearing voices | leading lady | mad scene | room | tense | worried | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Mournful1:18:16 - Shelly is worriedactor | concern | cut from film | danger | hearing voices | leading lady | mad scene | room | tense | worried | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Menace (Molto Misterioso)1:18:21 - Shelly panicsactor | concerned | crying | hearing voices | leading lady | mad scene | panicking | room | violence | worried | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Spider1:18:41 - Trev hits a spideractor | bug effect | fear | hitting | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | running | scurrying | spider | suspect | tense

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Mournful (Scared)1:18:45 - Shelly is afraid of Trevactor | crying | fear | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | somber | suspect | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Afraid1:19:02 - Shelly leaves Trev in fearactor | crying | dramatic | escaping | fanfare | fear | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | self-borrowing | stinger | suspect | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Escaping)1:19:17 - Shelly flees from Trevactor | dramatic | escaping | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | room | running | suspect | unlocking

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly 2 (Fleeing)1:19:32 - Shelly runs to the caractor | chasing | dramatic | driving | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | ranch | running | running effect | suspect

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Fleeing)1:19:41 - Trev sees Shelly drive awayactor | dramatic | driving | fear | fleeing | husband | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | ranch | running effect | suspect

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Menace (Misterioso)1:19:48 - Trev calls Harveyarguing | conversing | husband | leading man | mad scene | mysterious | room | suspect | suspense | telephone
White Heat (1949)Ma (Restless)0:49:34 - Cody walks back to workanxious | dramatic | gangster | leading man | mad scene | murderer | prison | prisoner | tense | thinking | threatening | working

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:49:56 - Cody threatens Parkergangster | leading man | mad scene | murderer | prison | prisoner | tense | threatening | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Madness0:50:16 - Cody hears voicesagitated | blur | falling | gangster | hallucinating | hallucination | headache | headache effect | hearing voices | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Headache0:50:31 - Heavy machineryagitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Struggle0:50:50 - Cody crawls on the flooragitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | helping | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | undercover agent | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Headache)0:51:15 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:51:20 - Hank helps Codycrawling | gangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | massaging | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | underscoring

White Heat (1949)

Cody rises0:51:40 - Hank helps Cody standgangster | headache | helping | leading man | mad scene | mickey-mousing | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | rising | tense | undercover agent

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Recovering)0:51:52 - Cody's headache subsidesgangster | headache | leading man | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | waiting
The Woman in White (1948)Asylum + Ann1:24:50 - Close-up on Count Foscoantagonist | asylum | combination of themes | criminal | dark | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | hypnotizing | leading lady | leading man | lighting change | mad scene | murderer | mysterious | thematic transference | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum + Ann + Hypnosis1:25:26 - Laura looks at Sir Percivalantagonist | asylum | combination of themes | criminal | dark | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | hypnotizing | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | mysterious | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan (Distressed)1:25:43 - Laura confronts Sir Percivalantagonist | arguing | asylum | criminal | dark | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum + Ann + Hypnosis1:26:10 - Count Fosco hypnotizes Lauraantagonist | asylum | combination of themes | criminal | dark | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | hypnotizing | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | shrill | staring | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann1:26:55 - Laura speaks to Count Foscoantagonist | asylum | criminal | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | hypnotizing | leading lady | leading man | mad scene | murderer | mysterious | staring | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Waltz)1:27:14 - Laura dashes awayantagonist | asylum | conversing | criminal | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | leading lady | leading man | leaving | mad scene | murderer | nurse | tender | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Asylum + Ann + Hypnosis1:27:35 - Laura hears Count Fosco's voice in her headasylum | combination of themes | hearing voices | hypnosis | leading lady | mad scene | mysterious | sneaking | tense | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann1:28:02 - Laura exchanges the keysasylum | hypnosis | key | leading lady | mad scene | mysterious | sneaking | tense | victim

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann 21:28:39 - The nurse takes Laura to her roomantagonist | asylum | criminal | husband | hypnosis | hypnotist | leading lady | leading man | leaving | mad scene | murderer | nurse | tender | victim | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Quasi Misterioso)1:29:00 - Count Fosco talks to Sir Percivalantagonist | asylum | conversing | criminal | husband | hypnotist | leading man | mad scene | murderer | ominous
Caged (1950)Prison Alarm (The Scream)1:00:42 - Marie covers her earsalarm | alarm effect | anxiety | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dramatic | fidgeting | guard | hysteria | leading lady | mad scene | prison | prisoner | screaming | tense | tone cluster | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

Hysteria1:00:55 - Marie runs down the hallalarm | anxiety | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | dramatic | escaping | guard | hysteria | leading lady | mad scene | pc set | polychord | prison | prisoner | running | tense

Caged (1950)

Falling1:01:18 - Marie falls to the grounddiminished 7th chord | dramatic | falling | guard | leading lady | mad scene | mickey-mousing | octatonic scale | prison | prisoner | throwing

Caged (1950)

Marie 2 (Melancholy)1:01:25 - Marie returns to her cellconversing | guard | leading lady | mad scene | melancholy | prison | prisoner | returning | solemn

Caged (1950)

Marie (Misterioso)1:17:04 - Shadows on a staircaseaugmented sixth chord | descending | guard | leading lady | mad scene | prison | prisoner | shadow | solemn | solitary | walking

Caged (1950)

Isolation Ward (Dark)1:17:27 - Shadows on Marie's facedark | departing | dissonant bass | guard | isolation | leading lady | mad scene | mysterious | ominous | oscillation | polychord | prison | prisoner | shadow | solitary | staring | uneasy | walking

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping1:17:52 - Marie in solitaryaudible thoughts | dark | dripping | guard | hysteria | isolation | leading lady | mad scene | melodic cell | mickey-mousing | mysterious | pacing | pc set | prison | prisoner | tense | thinking | uneasy | water | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + Caged (Tense)NIF - not in film9th chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | combination of themes | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | hysteria | isolation | leading lady | mad scene | melodic cell | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ostinato | prison | prisoner | sigh gesture | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + FoxtrotNIF - not in film11th chord | combination of themes | cut from film | deceptive resolution | eerie | foxtrot | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water DrippingNIF - not in filmcut from film | dark | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + Marie 2NIF - not in filmcombination of themes | cut from film | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | tender | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping (Frantic)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | frantic | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | parallel 63s | pc set | prison | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping (Molto Expressivo)1:18:15 - Marie in solitary9th chord | crying | dissonant bass | dripping | hysteria | isolation | leading lady | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mickey-mousing | minor-major 7th chord | mysterious | prison | prisoner | tense | uneasy | water | water effect | wipe | yelling