All This, and Heaven Too (1940) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:13:19 - Henriette watches the falling snow | advance plot | arriving | butler | dissonant bass | dramatic | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | outside | panning shot | pc set | point-of-view shot | room | sigh gesture | underscoring | watching |
Beyond the Forest (1949) | Running | 0:14:40 - Rosa runs to the lodge | advance plot | leading lady | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ominous | outside | running | wife |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:41:36 - Marlowe runs to his car | 9th chord | action scene | criminal | diminution | dramatic | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | linear chromaticism | love interest | outside | private eye | running | underscoring | whole-tone chord |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Hiding) | 1:41:50 - Marlowe crouches behind a car | action scene | criminal | hiding | leading man | mysterious | outside | private eye |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:41:55 - Thug looks for Marlowe | action scene | criminal | diminished 7th chord | outside | sneaking | tense | underscoring |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Shoots) | 1:42:07 - Marlowe shoots off to the side | action scene | gun | gunshot | leading man | outside | private eye | shooting | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Running and jumping | 1:42:10 - Man runs away | action scene | chromatic scale | criminal | fear | jumping | mickey-mousing | outside | running | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Echo) | 1:42:20 - Canino shoots at Marlowe | action scene | criminal | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hiding | leading man | outside | private eye | shooting | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Hostage + Marlowe (Fragment) | 1:42:34 - Canino brings Vivian out as a hostage | 64 chord | action scene | criminal | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | ostinato | ostinato | outside | private eye | tense | tritone oscillation | walking |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Dramatic) | 1:43:17 - Canino shoots | action scene | criminal | dramatic | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | private eye | shooting | underscoring |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe rises | 1:43:19 - Marlowe rises | action scene | criminal | dramatic | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | pc set | private eye | rising |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Canino's Death | 1:43:22 - Canino is shot | action scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | dramatic | dying | falling | gun | gunshot | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mirroring | outside | pc set | private eye | retrograde | stumbling | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Underscoring (Tense) | 1:43:35 - Marlowe gets the keys to the handcuffs | action scene | chromatic parallelism | criminal | death | escaping | gun | hostage | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | pc set | private eye | tense | underscoring | whole-tone | whole-tone chord |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Escaping) | 1:43:48 - Vivian takes off the handcuffs | action scene | distortion | escaping | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | outside | private eye | tense |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Marlowe (Bold) | 1:45:44 - Marlowe and Vivian get out of the car | bold | chromatic scale | heroic | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | private eye | transition | walking |
The Big Sleep (1946) | Walking (Extended) | 1:45:45 - Marlowe and Vivian walk up to house | fragmentation | leading lady | leading man | love interest | outside | parallelism | pedal tone | private eye | sequential modulation | tense | transition | walking |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Sentimental) | 0:53:43 - Vergie talks with John by the lake | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | outside | pedal tone | secret love | secret lover | tender |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Flowing) | 0:53:59 - John talks with Vergie by the lake | altered dominant | conversing | diminished 7th chord | happy | leading lady | leading man | love scene | outside | pedal tone | reassuring | secret love | secret lover |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Somber) | 0:54:14 - Vergie listens to John | altered dominant | conversing | leading lady | leading man | love scene | outside | secret love | secret lover | somber |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Quasi Appassionato) | 0:54:24 - John expresses his love for Vergie | conversing | direct modulation | dissonant bass | fragmentation | half-diminished 7th chord | leading lady | leading man | love scene | outside | passionate | secret love | secret lover |
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934) | Lullaby (Poco Con Moto) | 0:54:53 - Joan and Vergie talk about the future | 13th chord | altered dominant | conversing | dissonant bass | gentle | leading lady | leading man | longing | love scene | outside | pedal tone | secret love | secret lover | sigh gesture |