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291 results for "film" in 61 films — see also create | movie | picture | record

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)The Duchess0:00:15 - Title of filmcast list | common-tone diminished 7th | enharmonic modulation | foreign key modulation | hopeful | opening title sequence | romantic | sequential modulation | title of film

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | child | chromatic wedge | conversing | cut from film | duchess | governess | leading lady | room | tense | underscoring

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

RubatoNIF - not in film9th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | arguing | child | cut from film | deceptive resolution | duchess | governess | leading lady | room | tense

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Desperation (Very Dramatic)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | altered dominant | arguing | child | cut from film | duchess | governess | leading lady | room | tense

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Rubato (Carriage)NIF - not in film9th chord | advance plot | carriage | child | cut from film | deceptive resolution | duchess | governess | leading lady | leaving | parallelism | passionate | street

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Desperation (Carriage Starts)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | advance plot | carriage | child | cut from film | duchess | gentle | governess | leading lady | leaving | pedal tone | street
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)Cauldron 10:00:15 - Title of filmbeaker | bubbling | chromatic scale | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | main title | ominous | opening title sequence | parallelism | starring list | title of film

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Cauldron 20:00:27 - Cast list9th chord | beaker | bubbling | cast list | chromatic parallelism | dramatic | main title | ominous | opening title sequence | ostinato | title of film

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

The Printing Press + Cauldron 1 (Not in Film) + The Amazing Doctor (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmcombination of themes | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | layering | ostinato | step modulation
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)The Gangster0:00:15 - Main titlebold | cast list | dark | foreign key modulation | main title | opening title sequence | sequence | title of film

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Rocky and Laury (Not In Film 1)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | common-chord modulation | conversing | cut from film | establish character | following | gangster | leading lady | leading man | mode mixture | street | walking

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Rocky and Laury (Not In Film 2)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | chromatic scale | conversing | cut from film | establish character | following | gangster | leading lady | leading man | street | walking

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | evading | following | gangster | leading man | linear chromaticism | setup | shop | street | underscoring | walking

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | altered dominant | chromatic scale | cut from film
Are These Our Children? (1931)Dreams0:00:15 - Title of the film and opening credits11th chord | AABA structure | card | cast list | conductor score | gentle | mode mixture | opening title sequence | title of film

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Coney Island)NIF - not in filmchromatic mediant | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | foreign key modulation | joyful

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Alternate Version)NIF - not in film9th chord | AABA structure | cheerful | cut from film | dance hall

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams + Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Allegro)NIF - not in filmcut from film | mysterious | octatonic | somber | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Washroom Sequence Bridge)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Washroom Sequence Coda)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | cut from film

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Flapper and Eddie WaltzNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | altered dominant | cut from film | linear chromaticism | parallel double period | waltz

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Con Espressione)NIF - not in filmcut from film | diminished 7th chord | enharmonic modulation | fragmentation | thematic transformation

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Moderato 2)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Newspaper Montage 2)NIF - not in filmcut from film | dissonant bass | fragmentation | sequence | thematic transformation

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Andante)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | mode mixture | parallelism | quartal chord | tense | whole-tone chord

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Transition 8B)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | altered dominant | augmented triad | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | foreign key modulation | pedal tone | tense | turbulent

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Transition 9)NIF - not in film9th chord | altered dominant | cut from film | dark | mysterious | pc set | tragic | whole-tone | whole-tone chord

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Lascia ch'io piangaNIF - not in filmABA structure | classical music | common-chord modulation | cut from film | da capo | solemn | ternary form

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Transition 13) + Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Transition 13)NIF - not in film9th chord | added-note chord | chromatic sequence | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | dramatic | plagal cadence | somber

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (End Title)NIF - not in filmbold | cut from film | mode mixture | plagal cadence

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Meno)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | chromatic parallelism | common-tone dominant 7th | cut from film | half-diminished 7th chord | peaceful

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dreams (Dark Introduction)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | dark

Are These Our Children? (1931)

FoxtrotNIF - not in filmAABA structure | common-chord modulation | cut from film | happy | plagal cadence | sentence form | ternary form

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Incidental MusicNIF - not in filmABAC structure | added-note chord | altered dominant | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | upbeat

Are These Our Children? (1931)

Dance TuneNIF - not in filmaugmented triad | bluesy | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | mode mixture
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Happy Land (Allegretto)0:00:13 - Main title11th chord | cast list | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | opening title sequence | sequence | starring list | title of film

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Here Comes the Bride (Modulating 2)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | deceptive resolution | familiar tune | fragmentation | love scene | pump-up modulation | sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

The AuntsNIF - not in filmcut from film | foreign key modulation | harmonic sequence

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Happy Land (Lento)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | suspension

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Mysterioso Pizzicato0:42:41 - Martha talks about scary moviesaunt | brother | conversing | crazy person | criminal | dissonant bass | doctor | establish character | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | murderer | mysterious | room | scar | silent film music
Beyond the Forest (1949)Beyond the Forest0:00:12 - Title of the filmcast list | dark | opening title sequence | title of film | turbulent

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Slowly)0:47:08 - Rosa reads a magazineadvance plot | cut from film | leading lady | office | reading | receptionist | solemn | waiting

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | cut from film

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film | underscoring

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Lewis (Dolce)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Lewis (Moderato Quasi Rubato)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Sawmill + Steam Whistle1:30:02 - The maid makes a phone callagitated | climax | collapsing | combination of themes | cut from film | falling | leading lady | machinery effect | madness | mad scene | maid | murderer | street | stumbling | tense | walking | whistle effect

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Train1:30:52 - A locomotiveagitated | climax | cut from film | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | stumbling | tense | train | train effect | train station | walking

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Train + Chicago (Shrill)1:30:54 - Rosa stumbles towards the trainagitated | climax | combination of themes | cut from film | familiar tune | leading lady | madness | mad scene | murderer | popular tune | shrill | stumbling | tense | train | train effect | train station | walking
The Big Sleep (1946)Vivian + Marlowe (Ear Business)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | altered dominant | combination of themes | conversing | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | leading lady | leading man | love interest | mysterious | private eye | romantic | room | thinking | whole-tone

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Phone Call)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | bold | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | dialing | leading man | phone | private eye | room | sequence | tense | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

CarmenNIF - not in filmadvance plot | burning | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mysterious | phone | private eye | room | tense | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Carmen (Clues)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | calling | cut from film | deleted scene | deleted scene | leading man | mysterious | phone | private eye | room | tense | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Not in Film)NIF - not in film9th chord | 11th chord | advance plot | conversing | cut from film | femme fatale | leading man | private eye | room

The Big Sleep (1946)

Drops hatNIF - not in film9th chord | advance plot | cut from film | dropping | femme fatale | hat | leading man | mickey-mousing | private eye | room

The Big Sleep (1946)

Sternwood (Extended)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | chromatic scale | conversing | cut from film | femme fatale | leading man | private eye | room | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | femme fatale | leading man | oscillation | private eye | room | tritone | underscoring | whole-tone chord

The Big Sleep (1946)

You!NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic scale | conversing | cut from film | femme fatale | fragmentation | leading man | private eye | room | tone cluster

The Big Sleep (1946)

Marlowe (Major)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | femme fatale | leading man | mode mixture | pc set | private eye | room

The Big Sleep (1946)

Bites handNIF - not in filmadvance plot | biting | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | femme fatale | leading man | mickey-mousing | pc set | private eye | room | stinger

The Big Sleep (1946)

Carmen (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | conversing | cut from film | femme fatale | leading man | oscillation | private eye | room | whole-tone chord
The Breaking Point (1950)The Breaking Point0:00:25 - Title of the filmboat | calm | cast list | conductor score | gentle | harbor | mixed meter | mode mixture | opening title sequence | tender | title of film

The Breaking Point (1950)

WavesNIF - not in filmchromatic mediant | cut from film | oscillation
Caged (1950)SignatureNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | bold | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | cut from film | dissonant bass | fragmentation | opening title sequence | oscillation

Caged (1950)

Caged (Main Title)NIF - not in filmcar | chromatic scale | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | driving | guard | opening title sequence | oscillation | police car | prisoner | riding | sigh gesture | title of film

Caged (1950)

Police VanNIF - not in filmcar | cut from film | dark | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | driving | guard | opening title sequence | oscillation | point-of-view shot | police car | polychord | prisoner | riding | siren effect | tense | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

Caged (Van Stops)NIF - not in filmcar | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | driving | guard | opening title sequence | police car | prisoner | riding | tense

Caged (1950)

Prisoners get outNIF - not in filmcar | cut from film | exiting | guard | opening title sequence | pc set | police car | prisoner | quartal chord | tense | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

Marie (Main Title)NIF - not in filmaugmented sixth chord | car | cut from film | dark | guard | leading lady | looking | opening title sequence | police car | prisoner | tense

Caged (1950)

PrisonNIF - not in film9th chord | augmented sixth chord | conversing | cut from film | dark | exiting | guard | leading lady | opening title sequence | police car | prison | prisoner | suspension | underscoring

Caged (1950)

Caged0:00:08 - Title of filmcar | cast list | chromatic scale | dark | dissonant bass | driving | guard | opening title sequence | point-of-view shot | police car | prisoner | title of film

Caged (1950)

Marie (Tragic)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | augmented sixth chord | cut from film | dissonant bass | foreign key modulation | guard | leading lady | pc set | prison | prisoner | standing | uneasy

Caged (1950)

SwimmyNIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cut from film | disbelief | dissonant bass | fragmentation | guard | leading lady | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | reacting | realization | tense

Caged (1950)

Molto ExpressivoNIF - not in film9th chord | advance plot | arriving | cut from film | disbelief | foreign key modulation | guard | leading lady | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | realization | somber | stinger | tense | walking

Caged (1950)

Mrs. Benton (Not in Film)NIF - not in film9th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | augmented sixth chord | comforting | common-tone modulation | crying | cut from film | disbelief | establish character | gentle | leading lady | mode mixture | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | realization | warden

Caged (1950)

CryingNIF - not in filmcomforting | crying | cut from film | deceptive resolution | dramatic | establish character | leading lady | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | sequential modulation | warden

Caged (1950)

Mrs. Benton (Not in Film 2)NIF - not in filmcomforting | crying | cut from film | establish character | foreign key modulation | gentle | leading lady | mode mixture | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | warden

Caged (1950)

Marie 2 (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | conversing | cut from film | establish character | gentle | leading lady | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | warden

Caged (1950)

LullabyNIF - not in film9th chord | added-note chord | conversing | cut from film | establish character | gentle | leading lady | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | sequential modulation | warden

Caged (1950)

Mrs. Benton (Not in Film 3)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | chromatic mediant | conversing | cut from film | establish character | gentle | guard | leading lady | mode mixture | office | pregnancy | prison | prisoner | reading | room | sigh gesture | warden

Caged (1950)

Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmbed | crazy person | crying | cut from film | leading lady | mad scene | oscillation | prison | prisoner | sleeping | tense | underscoring

Caged (1950)

MadnessNIF - not in filmagitated | bed | chromatic scale | crazy person | crying | cut from film | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | prison | prisoner | sleeping | standing

Caged (1950)

Train Whistle HallucinationNIF - not in filmacceleration | agitated | bed | breaking | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | crazy person | crying | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | glass | hallucinating | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pedal tone | polychord | prison | prisoner | screaming | smashing

Caged (1950)

Caged (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmbed | crazy person | crying | cut from film | dark | glass | leading lady | mad scene | pc set | prison | prisoner

Caged (1950)

WailingNIF - not in filmagitated | bed | crazy person | crying | crying effect | cut from film | glass | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pc set | prison | prisoner | wailing

Caged (1950)

Wailing + Train Whistle HallucinationNIF - not in filmacceleration | agitated | bed | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | combination of themes | crazy person | crying | crying effect | cut from film | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | glass | leading lady | mad scene | ostinato | pedal tone | polychord | prison | prisoner | rushing | unlocking | wailing

Caged (1950)

Wailing (Ominous)NIF - not in filmbed | bleeding | blood | crazy person | crying | cut from film | dark | leading lady | mad scene | ominous | ostinato | prison | prisoner | tritone | wailing | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

AgitatoNIF - not in filmagitated | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cut from film | fragmentation | mad scene | ostinato | pc set | prison | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

June (Triste)0:38:14 - June and Marie talkcommon-tone diminished 7th | conversing | cut from film | establish character | friend | leading lady | melancholy | prison | prisoner | somber

Caged (1950)

Swimmy (Party)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | pedal tone | syncopation

Caged (1950)

Underscoring (Dark)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut scene | dark | underscoring

Caged (1950)

She RunsNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | agitated | chromatic scale | cut from film | cut scene | dissonant bass | sequence | tritone oscillation

Caged (1950)

Underscoring (Dramatic)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut scene | dramatic | underscoring
His Greatest Gamble (1934)Morning Glory Fanfare0:00:12 - Title of film; starring listfanfare | noble | opening title sequence | pedal tone | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
City for Conquest (1940)Tone Poem Introduction (Main Title)0:00:12 - Title of film over a city skylinebold | cast list | city | common-tone dominant 7th | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | skyline | title of film

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Very Broad)0:12:16 - Eddie plays the piano13th chord | brother | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | composer | conversing | describing | dissonant bass | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | name of film | pentatonic | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem CNIF - not in film9th chord | bluesy | concert scene | countermelody | cut from film | enharmonic modulation | enharmonic respelling | mode mixture | sus chord

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Transition 3NIF - not in filmacceleration | bold | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | concert scene | cut from film | diminution | dominant 7th chord | exciting | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | polyrhythm

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem DNIF - not in film9th chord | AABA structure | added-note chord | altered dominant | blue note | bluesy | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | concert scene | countermelody | cut from film | mode mixture | parallelism

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Tag)NIF - not in film64 chord | cut from film | plagal cadence
Crime School (1938)Transition0:00:08 - Starring and cast list9th chord | cast list | dissonant bass | dominant pedal | dramatic | main title | opening title sequence | parallelism | starring list | tense | title of film

Crime School (1938)

Gangster Blues0:01:16 - New York City streets13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | blues | cut from film | establish setting | fun | Gershwinesque | main title | setting | street | upbeat

Crime School (1938)

The CourthouseNIF - not in filmcut from film | deceptive resolution | noble | parallelism

Crime School (1938)

The Patrol Wagon0:21:41 - Boys get loaded into the patrol wagon car | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | dissonant bass | pedal tone | police car | traveling

Crime School (1938)

Reform School Drill0:33:18 - Reform school boys exercise outsidecomedy | cut from film | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | split-third chord | teenager | upbeat | warden

Crime School (1938)

The Courthouse (Judge)1:22:53 - Door to the judge's chamberscourthouse | cut from film | entering | judge | noble | resolution
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Transition0:00:07 - Starring listadded-note chord | chromatic parallelism | dissonant bass | dramatic | main title | opening title sequence | pedal tone | starring list | tense | title of film
Deep Valley (1947)Homestead0:00:11 - A farmhousecalm | cast list | opening title sequence | peaceful | relaxed | starring list | title of film

Deep Valley (1947)

Libby 2NIF - not in filmcut from film | establish character

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film | establish character

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods0:09:57 - Libby walks in the woodscheerful | cut from film | dog | establish character | forest | leading lady | upbeat | walking

Deep Valley (1947)

Woods (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmcut from film | establish character

Deep Valley (1947)

JoeNIF - not in filmadvance plot | cut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Underscoring (Mysterious)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Calm)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Deep ValleyNIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

BarryNIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Broad)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Molto ExpressivoNIF - not in filmcut from film | underscoring

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Dolce)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Deep Valley (Delicato)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

Joe (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Deep Valley (1947)

SneakingNIF - not in filmcut from film
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Dust Be My Destiny (Opening A)0:00:21 - Main title64 chord | chromatic mediant | dissonant bass | dust | main title | mickey-mousing | opening title sequence | romantic | title of film

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Dolceeessimo)NIF - not in filmbarn | cut from film | deceptive resolution | foreign key modulation | intervallic expansion | love scene | pedal tone | sequence | sweet

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Not In Film)NIF - not in film9th chord | common-tone diminished 7th | conflict | cut from film | sequence
Each Dawn I Die (1939)Each Dawn A0:00:14 - Title of filmaugmented triad | cast list | dark | diminished 7th chord | main title | opening title sequence | parallelism | prison | title of film

Each Dawn I Die (1939)

Wings Over the Navy0:28:04 - Prisoners watch a moviedying | film music | knife | movie | murdering | murder scene | patriotic | prison | prisoner | source music | watching
Flamingo Road (1949)Flamingo Road0:00:18 - Book cover for Flamingo Roadblues | bluesy | book cover | cast list | establish setting | Gershwinesque | mode mixture | parallelism | self-borrowing | title of film

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Moderato Grazioso)NIF - not in filmconversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | picardy third | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

Underscoring (Lyrical)NIF - not in film9th chord | altered dominant | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | police | room | underscoring

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Poco Con Moto)NIF - not in filmconversing | cut from film | cut from film | deceptive resolution | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | parallelism | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

Arabian Riff (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmconversing | cut from film | cut from film | deceptive resolution | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | pedal tone | police | room | source to score

Flamingo Road (1949)

Underscoring (Lyrical)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | police | room | underscoring

Flamingo Road (1949)

LaneNIF - not in filmconversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | mode mixture | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

If I Could Be With You (Timidly)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | police | room | source to score

Flamingo Road (1949)

If I Could Be With You (Lightly)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | cut from film | flirting | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | pedal tone | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmconversing | cut from film | cut from film | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | mode mixture | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

TravelingNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | cut from film | cut from film | deceptive resolution | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | pedal tone | police | room

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Sentimentale)NIF - not in film9th chord | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | police

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Molto Expressivo)NIF - not in film11th chord | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | falling in love scene | leading lady | leading man | police

Flamingo Road (1949)

DrivingNIF - not in filmcar | cut from film | driving | foreign key modulation | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus (Ostinato)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | arguing | café | cut from film | cut from film | employer | leading lady | lying | ostinato | self-borrowing | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Not in Film 2)NIF - not in film9th chord | advance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | newspaper editor | office | whole-tone chord

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus 2 (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | leading lady | newspaper editor | office | self-borrowing

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lute Mae (Not in Film)NIF - not in film13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | common-chord modulation | countermelody | cut from film | cut from film | deceptive resolution | lovers meet | self-borrowing

Flamingo Road (1949)

Flamingo Road (Expressivo)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | cut from film | cut from film | self-borrowing | transition

Flamingo Road (1949)

Underscoring (Mysterious)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film | cut from film | transition | underscoring

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus 2 (Triste)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film | police station | resolution | self-borrowing

Flamingo Road (1949)

Lane (Not in Film 3)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film | foreign key modulation | mode mixture | police station | resolution
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Menace0:00:00 - Starring listconductor score | dark | menacing | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Hell on Frisco BayNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Hell on Frisco BayNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

MenaceNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

MenaceNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

I'm OffNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

SteveNIF - not in filmconductor score | cut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Amato1:20:16 - News of Mario's deathbrash | cut from film | death | montage | montage | murder | suicide | typing

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

The WreathNIF - not in filmcut from film

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

NIF - not in filmcut from film
Her Kind of Man (1946)It Had to Be You (Main Title)0:00:16 - Main titlecards | cast list | dramatic | gambling | opening title sequence | poker | romantic | roulette | sequence | title of film
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Communist0:00:09 - Title of filmbold | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | dark | dramatic | half-diminished 7th chord | hallway | march | opening title sequence | oscillation | parallelism | stranger | title of film | tritone oscillation | zoom in

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Communist (Alternate)NIF - not in filmalternate music | cast list | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | half-diminished 7th chord | opening title sequence | oscillation | parallelism | starring list | title of film | tritone oscillation | zoom in
In This Our Life (1942)Our Life0:00:17 - Title of the film9th chord | cast list | dissonant bass | dramatic | opening title sequence | sequence | title of film

In This Our Life (1942)

Stanley (Something Screwy)NIF - not in filmconflict | cut from film

In This Our Life (1942)

StanleyNIF - not in film9th chord | appoggiatura | circle of fifths | cut from film | resolution

In This Our Life (1942)

The EndNIF - not in filmappoggiatura | cut from film | resolution
The Informer (1935)The Informer0:00:14 - Shadows move across the screen behind the cast listcast list | Dorian mode | folk-like | informer | marching | minor pentatonic | mysterious | opening title sequence | Scotch snap | searching | serious | shadow | soldier | street | title of film
Key Largo (1948)Key Largo0:00:15 - Main titledark | main theme | opening title sequence | title of film | tragic

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 2 (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 3 (Cut from Film)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

TensionNIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco (Tense 2)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 2 (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 3 (Cut From Film 2)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man

Key Largo (1948)

McCloud (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmboss | conversing | cut from film | cut from film | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man
The Letter (1940)Leslie0:00:11 - The Letter9th chord | changing meter | main title | minor-major 7th chord | opening title sequence | oscillation | sequence | suspension | tense | title of film

The Letter (1940)

Native (Uncut)NIF - not in filmcut from film | Dorian mode | exoticism | melodic cell | ostinato | pentatonic | quintal chord | setting

The Letter (1940)

Leslie (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | cut from film | deceptive resolution | suspension
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Lightning0:00:24 - Title card, cast list and prisoncast list | dramatic | lightning effect | opening title sequence | prison | self-borrowing | title of film | transition

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly and TrevNIF - not in filmactor | blowing | candle | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | light | room | suspect | tense | turning off

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Traveling) + Shelly 2 (Allegretto)0:23:40 - Shelly travels to Tumblewood Ranchactor | arriving | bright | car | cheerful | combination of themes | countryside | cut from film | desert | driving | horse | leading lady | leading man | ranch | suspect | transition | traveling | walking

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Mournful1:18:16 - Shelly is worriedactor | concern | cut from film | danger | hearing voices | leading lady | mad scene | room | tense | worried | worrying

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Molto Agitato)NIF - not in filmactor | agitated | arriving | car | cut from film | dark | driving | leading lady | ranch | tense | turning point

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Frantic)NIF - not in filmactor | conflict | crying | cut from film | dark | frantic | leading lady | murderer | rancher | room

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Menace (Frantic)NIF - not in filmactor | arguing | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | leading lady | murderer | rancher | room

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Menace (Attack)NIF - not in filmactor | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | leading lady | murderer | rancher | room | strangling

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly (Attack)NIF - not in filmactor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly 2 (Attack)NIF - not in filmactor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling

Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)

Shelly 3 (Attack)NIF - not in filmactor | arriving | attacking | attempted murder | conflict | cut from film | dark | frantic | friend | husband | leading lady | leading man | murderer | rancher | room | rushing | strangling
Mildred Pierce (1945)Transition0:00:10 - Starring list and wave effect9th chord | bold | chromatic scale | dissonant bass | fanfare | mickey-mousing | opening title sequence | tense | title of film | water | wave

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Kay and Veda (Troubled)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | chromatic mediant | chromatic scale | common-chord modulation | cut from film | dissonant | dramatic | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | hopeful | mode mixture | sequence | tender | tense | tragic | turbulent | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mildred (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | tender

Mildred Pierce (1945)

Mazurka in B-Flat Major + MildredNIF - not in filmadded-note chord | classical music | combination of themes | cut from film | familiar tune | on-screen music | scored source music | source music | three-phrase period

Mildred Pierce (1945)

AllegrettoNIF - not in filmcut from film | self-borrowing

Mildred Pierce (1945)

It Can't Be Wrong (Not in Film)NIF - not in film9th chord | cut from film | familiar tune | mickey-mousing | popular music | source to score
The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)Lullaby0:00:09 - Starring cast listAABA structure | calm | cast list | common-chord modulation | lullaby | opening title sequence | pleasant | starring list | title of film

The Life of Vergie Winters (1934)

Lullaby (Resolution Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadded-note chord | cut from film
Rockabye (1932)Sleep, My Sweet0:00:14 - Title of film and cast listcalm | cast list | deceptive resolution | lullaby | mode mixture | opening title sequence | peaceful | starring list | title of film
Out of the Fog (1941)Russian Barcarolle0:00:14 - Title of the filmadded-note chord | augmented sixth chord | cast list | folk-like | harbor | opening title sequence | peaceful | pedal tone | title of film
The Unfaithful (1947)Unfaithful0:00:07 - Title of the filmaltered dominant | Beverly Hills | cast list | common-chord modulation | house | main title | mode mixture | Neapolitan | opening title sequence | ostinato | pedal tone | serious | starring list | title of film

The Unfaithful (1947)

Unfaithful (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmacceleration | arguing | climax | cut from film | husband | Neapolitan | ostinato | room | sequential modulation | tense | wife
We Are Not Alone (1939)Surprise Symphony (Foreboding)0:00:09 - Main titleclassical music | dark | familiar tune | Haydn | main title | mode change | opening title sequence | quotation | title of film

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Surprise Symphony (Not in film)NIF - not in filmclassical music | cut from film | doctor | establish character | familiar tune | Haydn | hero | heroine | pedal tone | quotation | room

We Are Not Alone (1939)

BirdsNIF - not in filmaugmentation | birds | chromatic mediant | cut from film | inversion | layering | pastoral | pentatonic

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Surprise Symphony (Dolcissimo)NIF - not in filmaltered dominant | classical music | cut from film | familiar tune | foreign key modulation | Haydn | playful | quotation

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Birds (Extended)NIF - not in filmaugmentation | birds | chromatic mediant | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | inversion | pastoral | pentatonic

We Are Not Alone (1939)

BirdsNIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | cut from film | pastoral | pentatonic

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Execution1:38:10 - Leni talks to Davidcomforting | conversing | drone | execution | hero | heroine | love scene | name of film | prison | somber

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Frohe Botschaft (6th chime)NIF - not in filmconclusion | cut from film | eerie | familiar tune | folk song | fragmentation | German | ominous | quotation | tone cluster
White Heat (1949)White Heat0:00:16 - Main title over an approaching traincast list | countryside | dark | dramatic | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | train | tunnel

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Molto Marcato)NIF - not in filmcut from film | room

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Cody 3NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Danger (Marcato)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Agents (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Pursuit (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

T-Men (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Cody (Cut From Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film

White Heat (1949)

Agents + Pursuit (Antenna)1:37:59 - agent | chase scene | combination of themes | conversing | cut from film | police station | radio | tense
The Woman in White (1948)SignatureNIF - not in filmcut from film | fanfare

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan0:00:08 - Title of the filmbook | cast list | opening title sequence | Renaissance music | somber | starring list | title of film

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie (Gentle)NIF - not in filmcut from film

The Woman in White (1948)

LauraNIF - not in filmcut from film

The Woman in White (1948)

Fosco (Cut from Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film
High Stakes (1931)Impish Elves0:00:00 - Title of film and cast listAABA structure | cast list | cheerful | jaunty | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Three Who Loved (1931)Impromptu0:00:16 - Title of film, starring list, cast listABAC structure | cast list | cheerful | mode mixture | not by steiner | opening title sequence | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Three Who Loved (1931)

Transition0:00:45 - Cast listcast list | cheerful | linear chromaticism | opening title sequence | pedal tone | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Transgression (1931)Main Title0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listAABA structure | altered dominant | cast list | gentle | happy | harmonic sequence | leading lady | mode mixture | opening title sequence | plagal cadence | pleasant | running | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Hold ‘Em Jail (1932)The Prisoner's Song0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listaltered dominant | cast list | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | establish place | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Ladies of the Jury (1932)Lady0:00:15 - Title of film, starring list, cast listABA structure | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | mode mixture | opening title sequence | sentimental | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Men of America (1932)Cimarron A0:00:14 - Title of film and starring listAmerican Indian music | bold | establish setting | fanfare | menacing | minor pentatonic | open fifth | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Penguin Pool Murder (1932)Penguin Pool Murder0:00:23 - Main title, starring list, and cast listcast list | chromatic parallelism | diminution | diving | double exposure | dramatic | hemiola | linear chromaticism | mysterious | opening title sequence | penguin | pool | starring list | swimming | tense | thematic transformation | through-composed | title of film | transcribed by ear | whirlpool | whole-tone | whole-tone chord
Secrets of the French Police (1932)La Marseillaise0:00:30 - The title of the film, superimposed on a newspaper illustrationfamiliar tune | France | newspaper | opening title sequence | patriotic | patriotic tune | self-borrowing | title of film

Secrets of the French Police (1932)

You're In the Army Now0:00:35 - The title of the filmfamiliar tune | newspaper | opening title sequence | patriotic | patriotic tune | self-borrowing | title of film

Secrets of the French Police (1932)

Drumroll0:00:38 - The title of the filmdrumroll | newspaper | opening title sequence | patriotic | self-borrowing | title of film
State’s Attorney (1932)The Sidewalks of New York0:00:15 - Title and starring listfamiliar tune | opening title sequence | popular music | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Transition0:00:20 - Title and starring listblues | bluesy | fanfare | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues0:00:29 - Title and starring list, cast listaltered dominant | blue note | blues | bluesy | cast list | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

State’s Attorney (1932)

Blues (Double Time)0:01:04 - Cast listblue note | blues | bluesy | cast list | diminution | exciting | Gershwinesque | opening title sequence | parallelism | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)Crestwood A0:01:51 - Title over the image of a dark seascapediminished 7th chord | mickey-mousing | mysterious | opening title sequence | title of film | transcribed by ear
The Roadhouse Murder (1932)Storm Music0:00:14 - Main title and cast listcast list | not by Steiner | opening title sequence | parallelism | storm | title of film | tremolo | wind
Thirteen Women (1932)The Star0:00:15 - Book cover of the novel Thirteen Womenbook | dark | opening title sequence | suspension | title of film | tragic | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Thirteen Women0:00:34 - Cast list on the pages of a bookbook | cast list | common-chord modulation | funeral march | funereal | harmonic sequence | opening title sequence | relative key | somber | title of film | transcribed by ear
Before Dawn (1933)Before Dawn A0:00:15 - Title over the image of hands grasping moneycoin | dark | diminished 7th chord | double exposure | grabbing | hand | money | mysterious | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | title of film | transcribed by ear
Blind Adventure (1933)Opening Fanfare0:00:16 - Title of film and starring listcast list | chromatic mediant | cloud | exciting | fanfare | opening title sequence | pedal tone | title of film | transcribed by ear
Headline Shooter (1933)You Bunch of Fun (Introduction)0:00:15 - Title and starring list over camera lens montage9th chord | boat | camera lens | car | cast list | cheerful | chromatic parallelism | kaleidoscope effect | opening title sequence | plane | racing | reused recording | sequence | split screen | title of film | transcribed by ear

Headline Shooter (1933)

He's Not the Marrying Kind0:02:32 - Radio announcer talkingannouncing | beauty contestant | conversing | establish character | filming | film staff | leading man | modeling | on-screen music | pageant | parallel period | photographer | pleasant | radio announcer | source music

Headline Shooter (1933)

You Can Depend on Me0:05:21 - Bathing beauties walk pastAABA structure | announcing | beauty contestant | conversing | drunk | establish character | filming | film staff | leading lady | leading man | modeling | on-screen music | pageant | photographer | pleasant | radio announcer | source music
Dangerous Corner (1934)Introduction0:00:05 - Beeping RKO radio toweropening title sequence | pedal tone | romantic | title of film | transcribed by ear
Sing and Like It (1934)Introduction0:00:10 - Title of the filmadded-note chord | foreign key modulation | introduction | jazz | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear | upbeat
Gridiron Flash (1934)Fanfare0:00:16 - Title of the filmfanfare | opening title sequence | pedal tone | starring list | title of film | upbeat

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Gridiron Flash0:00:24 - Cast listadded-note chord | cast list | countermelody | march | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | upbeat
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934)Transient Love0:00:12 - Title of film; starring list; cast listAABA structure | added-note chord | altered dominant | cast list | chromatic mediant | common-tone diminished 7th | opening title sequence | pedal tone | pleasant | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Murder on the Blackboard (1934)Murder Fanfare0:00:23 - Film title zooming out from a blackboardblackboard | dark | fanfare | opening title sequence | parallelism | pedal tone | title of film | transcribed by ear
Star of Midnight (1935)Midnight in Manhattan (Fanfare)0:00:12 - Title of film; starring listbold | linear chromaticism | marquee | mode mixture | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)Crestwood A0:00:00 - RKO radio towerdark | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | radio tower | title of film | transcribed by ear
We're Only Human (1935)Crestwood A0:00:13 - Title of the filmdark | diminished 7th chord | mysterious | opening title sequence | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear
Another Face (1935)Success at any Price0:00:00 - Beeping RKO radio towerbold | cast list | common-chord modulation | fanfare | lyrical | opening title sequence | radio tower | RKO tower | title of film | transcribed by ear
Girl of the Rio (1932)Paso Doble0:00:00 - Title of the film9th chord | cast list | common-tone diminished 7th | opening title sequence | Spanish | starring list | title of film | upbeat
Without Honor (1949)Twilight0:00:00 - Main titles over the shot of a valleycalm | cast list | dramatic | heavy | opening title sequene | starring list | title of film | valley

Without Honor (1949)

MisteriosoNIF - not in filmcut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Triste)NIF - not in filmadulterer | affair | conversing | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room

Without Honor (1949)

Appassionato 2 (Molto Agitato)NIF - not in filmadulterer | affair | conversing | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Poco Agitato)NIF - not in filmadulterer | affair | conversing | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room

Without Honor (1949)

Molto ExpressivoNIF - not in filmadulterer | affair | conversing | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmadulterer | affair | conversing | cut from film | establish character | leading lady | leading man | love interest | room

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Cello Solo)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Molto Expressivo)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (English Horn Solo)NIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Chromatic ClarinetNIF - not in filmcut from film | cut from film | underscoring

Without Honor (1949)

Valse Triste (Misterioso)NIF - not in filmantagonist | brother | conflict | cut from film | kitchen | leading lady | leading man

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Poco Agitato 2)NIF - not in filmcut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Molto ExpressivoNIF - not in filmcut from film

Without Honor (1949)

Twilight (Morendo)NIF - not in filmambulance | cut from film | driving | resolution | street
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)The Iron Door0:00:14 - Large iron doorcastle | cast list | door | door knocker | knocking | mysterious | opening | opening title sequence | statue | tense | title of film | zoom in | zoom out

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Cut from Film)NIF - not in filmcut from film

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Russian Waltz (Stabbed in Back)NIF - not in filmarrow | castle | corpse | count | cut from film | death | dying | killing | leading man | servant | stabbing | victim | villain
Caged (1950)Marie 2 (Molto Appassionato)NIF - not in film9th chord | cut from film | cut scene | foreign key modulation | passionate

Caged (1950)

Mrs. Benton (Not in Film 4)NIF - not in filmaugmented sixth chord | chromatic mediant | cut from film | cut scene | foreign key modulation | solemn

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + Caged (Tense)NIF - not in film9th chord | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | combination of themes | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | hysteria | isolation | leading lady | mad scene | melodic cell | mickey-mousing | mysterious | ostinato | prison | prisoner | sigh gesture | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + FoxtrotNIF - not in film11th chord | combination of themes | cut from film | deceptive resolution | eerie | foxtrot | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water DrippingNIF - not in filmcut from film | dark | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping + Marie 2NIF - not in filmcombination of themes | cut from film | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | prison | tender | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Water Dripping (Frantic)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | cut from film | dark | dissonant bass | frantic | hysteria | isolation | mad scene | mickey-mousing | mysterious | parallel 63s | pc set | prison | tense | uneasy | water effect

Caged (1950)

Molto Expressivo (Not in Film)NIF - not in filmadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | cut from film | prison | solemn | whole-tone chord

Caged (1950)

Molto Expressivo (Timidly)NIF - not in filmclimax | cut from film | mode mixture | somber

Caged (1950)

Isolation Ward (The End)NIF - not in filmchromatic parallelism | climax | cut from film | dramatic | pc set | uneasy
Mara Maru (1952)Gregory0:00:26 - Title of filmboat | cast list | fanfare | grand | heroic | ocean | opening title sequence | title of film