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66 results for "musician" in 11 films — see also composer | performer | player

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Take Me Out to the Ball Game0:01:20 - Fans yelling at a ball gameaugmented sixth chord | baseball | baseball player | bass drum | cheering | crowd | enharmonic modulation | establish place | evaded cadence | falling | familiar tune | field | fighting | musician | parallel double period | pep band | playing | popular song | punching | rushed | saxophone | simulated source music | source music | sporting event | trombone | umpire | upbeat | yelling
Beyond the Forest (1949)For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow1:02:12 - Folk musiciansarriving | cake | cheerful | conversing | crowd | dance scene | doctor | familiar tune | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | tuning | wife | wind

Beyond the Forest (1949)

The Arkansas Traveler1:02:55 - Folk musicianscrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Portland Fancy1:03:11 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Devil’s Dream1:03:26 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Little Brown Jug1:03:57 - People dancingcrowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | doctor | folk music | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | party | playing | room | singing | source music | square dance caller | square dance music | upbeat | wife
The Big Sleep (1946)And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine1:05:55 - Marlowe arrives at Mars's placeadvance plot | arriving | club | leading lady | leading man | love interest | musician | on-screen music | playing | private eye | singer | singing | source music | upbeat
The Breaking Point (1950)La Adelita0:09:56 - A Mexican village at nightarriving | bar | bartender | conversing | establish setting | folk music | leading man | musician | on-screen music | performing | sailor | salesperson | selling | source music | street | upbeat | working

The Breaking Point (1950)

Carmen, Carmela0:11:11 - Harry talks to Duncan in a barAABA structure | bar | conversing | criminal | establish setting | floozy | folk music | gambling | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | performing | pleasant | sailor | serenading | singing | source music

The Breaking Point (1950)

Make Love With a Guitar0:33:28 - Harry arrives homeadvance plot | arriving | calm | child | conversing | leading man | musician | neighbor | on-screen music | room | sailor | source music | street | wife | yard
City for Conquest (1940)Tone Poem A0:10:50 - Eddie plays the pianobrother | composer | conversing | establish character | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | score to source | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Very Broad)0:12:16 - Eddie plays the piano13th chord | brother | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | composer | conversing | describing | dissonant bass | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | name of film | pentatonic | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Unattainable Stars)0:12:37 - Eddie plays the pianobrother | chromatic parallelism | composer | conversing | describing | establish character | explaining | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | somber | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:13:03 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | conversing | deceptive resolution | establish character | leading man | musician | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:25 - Eddie composes at the pianoadvance plot | brother | composer | composing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallelism | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:40 - Eddie plays the piano13th chord | advance plot | brother | composer | composing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:27:59 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | brother | composer | composing | deceptive resolution | enharmonic respelling | leading man | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Negra Consentida0:41:21 - The Carleton Plaza Towersadvance plot | arriving | boxer | dance band | dancer | dancing | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | party | playing | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A0:42:10 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | boxer | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | conversing | crowd | deceptive resolution | leading man | musician | on-screen music | party | piano | playing | romantic | source music | transcribed by ear

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Stride Piano)0:43:27 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | augmented sixth chord | boxer | brother | chord substitution | common-tone diminished 7th | composer | conversing | crowd | foreign key modulation | leading man | mode mixture | musician | on-screen music | parallelism | party | piano | playing | ragtime | source music | syncopation | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

42nd Street0:51:52 - People arriving at a danceAABA structure | advance plot | club | crowd | dance band | dancer | dancing | musician | on-screen music | source music | upbeat

City for Conquest (1940)

Where Were You When the Moon Came Out (Fragment)0:56:56 - Eddie plays the pianoadvance plot | composer | composing | musician | on-screen music | piano | room | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Where Were You When the Moon Came Out1:19:38 - Danny resting in bedadvance plot | blur | brother | composer | dancing | leading man | listening | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | room | singer | singing | source music | upbeat | victim

City for Conquest (1940)

Where Were You When the Moon Came Out (Sad)1:20:48 - Eddie plays the pianoadvance plot | altered dominant | blur | brother | composer | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | room | sentimental | source music | victim | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (The Song of the City)1:23:05 - Eddie plays the piano9th chord | 13th chord | advance plot | brother | common-chord modulation | composer | diminished 7th chord | leading man | listening | musician | on-screen music | playing | romantic | room | source music | transcribed by ear | victim

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Introduction1:32:01 - Orchestra playing in a concert hall9th chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | common-tone dominant 7th | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | dominant 7th chord | double exposure | Dutch angle | Gershwinesque | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | radio | score to source | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A1:32:32 - Violins playing9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | deceptive resolution | dramatic | Gershwinesque | leading lady | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | romantic | sentimental | sequence | source music | watching | zoom in

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Tutti)1:33:02 - Peggy watches from the audience9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | deceptive resolution | dramatic | fragmentation | Gershwinesque | leading lady | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | point-of-view shot | romantic | source music | watching | zoom in

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Transition 11:33:15 - The conductor9th chord | added-note chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | common-tone diminished 7th | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | Dutch angle | excited | fragmentation | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem B1:33:32 - The wind section plays9th chord | added-note chord | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | excited | Mixolydian mode | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | ostinato | playing | pump-up modulation | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Train Whistle1:33:40 - The wind section playsadded-note chord | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | excited | fragmentation | Gershwinesque | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | pc set | playing | pump-up modulation | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Transition 21:33:48 - Orchestra playing9th chord | added-note chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dramatic | Gershwinesque | grand | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Introduction (Abbreviated)1:34:01 - Orchestra playing9th chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dissonant bass | double exposure | Dutch angle | Gershwinesque | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | radio | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Very Broad)1:34:24 - Peggy reacts to the music9th chord | 13th chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | deceptive resolution | dissonant bass | dramatic | Gershwinesque | leading lady | leading man | listening | musician | newspaper | newspaper stand | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | radio | romantic | source music | street | watching | zoom out

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Lento)1:35:02 - Orchestra playing9th chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | chromatic parallelism | chromatic sequence | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | crying | leading lady | linear chromaticism | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | polychord | romantic | somber | source music | tender | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Transition 1 (Abbreviated)1:35:34 - Harp playing in the orchestraadded-note chord | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | dramatic | Gershwinesque | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | source music

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem B1:35:43 - Danny listens to the radio9th chord | added-note chord | audience | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | excited | Gershwinesque | leading man | listening | Mixolydian mode | musician | newspaper | newspaper stand | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | pump-up modulation | radio | source music | street | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Transition 2 (Allargando)1:35:58 - Orchestra playing in the concert hallaudience | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | direct modulation | dramatic | Gershwinesque | grand | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | pedal tone | playing | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Grandioso)1:36:11 - Audience enjoying the performance9th chord | 13th chord | altered dominant | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | deceptive resolution | double exposure | dramatic | Gershwinesque | leading lady | leading man | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | romantic | sentimental | smiling | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Tutti 2)1:36:41 - Danny's figure appears in the concert hall9th chord | 13th chord | AABA structure | added-note chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | crying | deceptive resolution | double exposure | dramatic | Gershwinesque | leading man | listening | mode mixture | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | romantic | sentimental | smiling | source music | watching | zoom out

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem Introduction (Abbreviated 2)1:37:08 - The conductor leading the orchestraadded-note chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | common-tone dominant 7th | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | Gershwinesque | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | source music | watching

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Coda)1:37:16 - The conductor leading the orchestraadded-note chord | audience | bold | Carnegie Hall | chromatic mediant | concert | concert hall | concert scene | conducting | conductor | diminution | dramatic | Gershwinesque | listening | musician | on-screen music | orchestra | playing | source music | watching
Flamingo Road (1949)Lute Mae0:01:26 - Lute Mae's Roadhouse13th chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | bluesy | club | countermelody | dancing | eating | establish setting | musician | on-screen music | playing | self-borrowing | simulated source music | voice-over

Flamingo Road (1949)

South American Way0:22:08 - Field and Titus arrive at Lute Mae's Tavernadvance plot | club | dancer | dancing | gambling | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | police | politician | sheriff | source music | upbeat | waitress

Flamingo Road (1949)

If I Could Be With You0:26:58 - People gamble and danceclub | dancer | dance scene | dancing | fighting | gambling | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | police | sentimental | sheriff | singer | singing | source music

Flamingo Road (1949)

The Girl With the Spanish Drawl1:29:10 - Lane arrives at Lute Mae'sarriving | climax | club | dancer | dancing | leading lady | musician | on-screen music | playing | source and scoring overlap | source music | upbeat
Her Kind of Man (1946)Body and Soul0:56:43 - Georgia sings in a night clubAABA structure | applauding | club | conductor | crowd | leading lady | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performing | performing | romantic | score to source | singer | singing | source music | watching | wife
Out of the Fog (1941)Comparsa Negra No.10:35:38 - People dancing in a conga lineABAC structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | eating | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | parallel double period | playing | source music | upbeat

Out of the Fog (1941)

No Digas0:37:46 - Cuban dancers and musiciansAABA structure | bartender | club | conversing | criminal | crowd | dancer | dance scene | dancing | Latin music | leading lady | leading man | musician | on-screen music | playing | source music | upbeat
Three Who Loved (1931)St. Patrick's Day0:18:32 - Organ grinder on streetcheerful | musician | on-screen music | organ grinder | playing | source music | street | transition
State’s Attorney (1932)Stack o' Lee Blues0:43:17 - Jazz musicians playing in a clubclub | Dixieland | musician | music scene | on-screen music | playing | singer | singing | source music | upbeat

State’s Attorney (1932)

Bibelot0:55:22 - Tom plays the pianoadvance plot | cheerful | musician | on-screen music | playing | room | singing | source music
Sing and Like It (1934)O Du Lieber Augustin0:09:09 - Annie and Oswald go in the theatre doorAABA structure | ballad | dancer | dancing | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | source music | stage | upbeat

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother0:10:15 - Annie sings on stageAABA structure | ballad | boss | crying | gangster | leading lady | listening | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | robbery | score to source | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | stage | stealing

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother0:13:55 - Annie sings on stageAABA structure | ballad | boss | crying | gangster | leading lady | listening | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | stage

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother0:23:01 - Call board for a dress rehearsalAABA structure | arguing | ballad | boss | conversing | gangster | leading lady | listening | musician | music scene | on-screen music | piano | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | stage

Sing and Like It (1934)

Liebesträume0:34:46 - Ruby enters the roomadvance plot | calm | classical music | conversing | gangster | leading lady | moll | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | room | secondary dominant | source music

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother0:35:20 - Toots plays the pianoadvance plot | ballad | gangster | leading lady | moll | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | room | sentimental | singing | source music | teasing | tone cluster

Sing and Like It (1934)

Liebesträume0:35:31 - Toots plays the pianoadvance plot | calm | classical music | conversing | gangster | leading lady | moll | musician | on-screen music | piano | playing | room | secondary dominant | source music

Sing and Like It (1934)

Hearts and Flowers0:36:11 - Toots plays the pianoadvance plot | conversing | gangster | leading lady | moll | musician | on-screen music | parallel period | piano | playing | popular song | room | sentimental | source music

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:02:44 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | conducting | conductor | crowd | dancer | dancing | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:10 - The audience reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:34 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:04:10 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother1:04:54 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | ballad | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | crying | dancing | gangster | gun | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | theater | threatening | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother (Curtain Call)1:07:57 - The audience applaudsAABA structure | applauding | boss | bowing | cheering | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | gangster | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | playing | secondary dominant | singer | source music | theater | transcribed by ear | upbeat