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7 results for "Renaissance music" in 1 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Woman in White (1948)Pavan0:00:08 - Title of the filmbook | cast list | opening title sequence | Renaissance music | somber | starring list | title of film

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan B0:00:37 - Cast listbook | cast list | grand | opening title sequence | Renaissance music

The Woman in White (1948)

The Carman's Whistle0:02:16 - Walter asks for directionscalm | directions | establish place | establish setting | establish time | forest | gentle | leading man | Renaissance music | voice-over | walking | worker

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan (Harpsichord)0:26:05 - Laura plays the harpsichordadvance plot | butler | conversing | family | gentle | harpsichord | leading lady | leading man | on-screen music | playing | Renaissance music | room | source music

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan (Garden)0:33:09 - Marian talks to Foscoarguing | conversing | cousin | falling in love scene | garden | instrument effect | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | Renaissance music | somber | watching

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan0:50:24 - Newspaper headlineheadline | montage | montage | newspaper | Renaissance music | somber

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan B0:50:44 - A carriage arrivesarriving | carriage | conversing | cousin | grand | headline | leading lady | mansion | montage | montage | newspaper | Renaissance music | servant | transition