4 results for "exercising" in 2 films — see also exercising music
Film | Theme name | Instance | Tags |
Crime School (1938) | Reform School Drill | 0:33:18 - Reform school boys exercise outside | comedy | cut from film | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | split-third chord | teenager | upbeat | warden |
Reform School Drill | 0:34:09 - Reform school boys exercise outside | comedy | deceptive resolution | exercising | exercising music | foreign key modulation | gang | jogging | leading man | polychord | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden | |
Reform School Drill (Coda) | 0:35:01 - Reform school boys exercise outside | comedy | exercising | gang | jogging | leading man | reformatory | teenager | upbeat | warden | |
Is My Face Red? (1932) | Comin' Thro' the Rye | 0:46:54 - A man exercises to music on a boat | advance plot | boat | calm | exercising | leading lady | leading man | source music | transcribed by ear |