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4 results for "unsettled" in 2 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
White Heat (1949)Madness0:50:16 - Cody hears voicesagitated | blur | falling | gangster | hallucinating | hallucination | headache | headache effect | hearing voices | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Headache0:50:31 - Heavy machineryagitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | unsettled

White Heat (1949)

Struggle0:50:50 - Cody crawls on the flooragitated | crawling | falling | gangster | headache | headache effect | helping | leading man | machine | mad scene | murderer | pain | prison | prisoner | self-borrowing | tense | undercover agent | unsettled
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)Courage (Moderato)0:44:51 - Bob tells Eve to come outaction scene | calm | hiding | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | sneaking | unsettled | victim | waiting | watching