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4 results for "applauding" in 3 films — see also clapping

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Are These Our Children? (1931)Dreams (Marcia Maestoso)0:08:58 - Eddie dreamsapplauding | common-chord modulation | double exposure | dreaming | dream sequence | fragmentation | leading man | meter change | montage | reciting | thematic transformation | transcribed by ear | triumphant
Her Kind of Man (1946)Lady Play Your Mandolin0:11:03 - Audience applaudingAABA structure | applauding | applauding | club | crowd | dancing | leading man | music scene | popular music | source music | upbeat

Her Kind of Man (1946)

Body and Soul0:56:43 - Georgia sings in a night clubAABA structure | applauding | club | conductor | crowd | leading lady | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performing | performing | romantic | score to source | singer | singing | source music | watching | wife
Sing and Like It (1934)Your Mother (Curtain Call)1:07:57 - The audience applaudsAABA structure | applauding | boss | bowing | cheering | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | gangster | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | playing | secondary dominant | singer | source music | theater | transcribed by ear | upbeat