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3 results for "terrace" in 1 films — see also form

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Girl of the Rio (1932)Was it Wrong?0:15:41 - Johnny rolls a pair of diceconversing | crowd | dancing | flirting | leading lady | leading man | love interest | lovers meet | night club | on-screen music | performing | romantic | singer | source music | syncopation | terrace | upbeat

Girl of the Rio (1932)

Querida0:38:14 - Dolores sings and plays the guitarABAC structure | advance plot | conversing | crowd | leading lady | night club | on-screen music | plotting | prison | romantic | singer | singing | source music | terrace | whistling

Girl of the Rio (1932)

Querida0:48:40 - Dolores sees JohnnyABAC structure | conversing | gentle | guard | leading lady | leading man | love interest | love scene | romantic | singer | terrace