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4 results for "New York" in 2 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Sidewalks of New York (Misterioso)0:01:10 - New York City64 chord | added-note chord | card | city | establish place | familiar tune | mysterious | New York City | opening title sequence | tense
Is My Face Red? (1932)Sidewalks of New York (Harbor)0:20:07 - New York City skylinecalm | countermelody | New York | parallelism | popular music | setting | transcribed by ear | transition | traveling

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Sidewalks of New York (Lights)0:21:04 - New York City skylinecalm | diminished 7th chord | drinking | leading lady | leading man | New York | octatonic | popular music | setting | transcribed by ear | transition

Is My Face Red? (1932)

Scenes Metropolitaine0:43:51 - Montage of activities in the cityABCA structure | augmented triad | boat | boxing | Chinatown | diminished 7th chord | excited | gambling | leading lady | leading man | metric dissonance | montage | New York | night club | parallelism | transcribed by ear | transition | whole-tone