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5 results for "horoscope" in 1 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Thirteen Women (1932)Blue Streak0:01:54 - A circus posterABA structure | circus | circus music | conversing | cousin | establish character | establish place | horoscope | letter | performer | reading | source music | upbeat

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Horoscope)0:10:57 - Ursula looks at the horoscopeadvance plot | antagonist | appoggiatura | horoscope | leading lady | march-like | mysterious | reading | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Agitato)0:11:16 - Ursula tears up the horoscopeaccented dissonance | advance plot | agitated | antagonist | destroying | horoscope | leading lady | room | tearing | tense | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Dark)0:11:28 - Ursula reads a horoscope64 chord | advance plot | antagonist | dark | funeral march | horoscope | leading lady | reading | room | transcribed by ear

Thirteen Women (1932)

Ursula (Exotic)0:11:45 - Ursula forges the swami's signatureadvance plot | antagonist | dark | exotic | exoticism | forging | Gypsy major scale | horoscope | leading lady | mysterious | ostinato | room | signing | transcribed by ear