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4 results for "whisper effect" in 2 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Key Largo (1948)Rocco Whispers0:39:53 - Rocco whispers to Noraboss | conflict | creepy | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | tense | whisper effect | whispering

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco Whispers0:40:10 - Rocco whispers to Noraboss | conflict | creepy | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | mysterious | tense | whisper effect | whispering

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco Whispers1:24:08 - Rocco whispers in Nora's earadvance plot | boss | gangster | hotel | leading lady | mysterious | tense | whisper effect | whispering
White Heat (1949)Whispering0:41:06 - The prisoner reads lipsadvance plot | gangster | leading man | listening | murderer | prison | prisoner | spying | tense | undercover agent | uneasy | whisper effect | whispering