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63 results for "threat" in 24 films — see also danger | person | threatening | warning

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
All This, and Heaven Too (1940)Desperation (Very Emotional)1:20:06 - The Duchess threatens the Dukearguing | augmented triad | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | desperate | dissonant bass | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | room | tense | threatening

All This, and Heaven Too (1940)

Desperation (Sempre Accelerando1:20:39 - The Duke and Duchess argueacceleration | arguing | augmented triad | chromatic scale | chromatic sequence | conflict | desperate | dissonant bass | duchess | duke | leading lady | leading man | panning shot | pc set | room | screaming | tense | threatening
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)Jonathan 20:43:08 - Jonathan talks about the operationaunt | brother | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | crazy person | criminal | dark | dissonant bass | doctor | establish character | grabbing | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | pc set | room | struggling | threatening

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Jonathan 20:49:12 - Jonathan threatens the auntsadvance plot | aunt | brother | chromatic scale | chromatic wedge | crazy person | criminal | dark | dissonant bass | doctor | fear | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | pc set | room | threatening

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Scar0:49:36 - Dr. Einstein calls to Jonathanadvance plot | aunt | brother | crazy person | criminal | dark | doctor | fear | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | pc set | polychord | room | threatening

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Jonathan 2 (Ominous)1:00:36 - Jonathan backs Elaine into a corneradvance plot | anger | augmented triad | bride | brother | chromatic scale | crazy person | dissonant bass | doctor | fear | hurting | leading lady | leading man | murderer | ominous | polychord | questioning | room | stinger | tense | threatening
Beyond the Forest (1949)Threat1:16:14 - Rosa lunges forwardadvance plot | dark | harsh | leading lady | lunging | murderer | ominous | room | staring | stinger | threatening | violent
The Big Sleep (1946)Underscoring (Tense)0:28:58 - Marlowe tries to crack the codeleading man | pc set | private eye | researching | room | tense | threat | transition | tritone | writing

The Big Sleep (1946)

Sternwood (Threatening)0:51:52 - Carmen enters holding a gun on Brodyblackmailer | blue note | conflict | criminal | dark | dissonant bass | femme fatale | gun | leading lady | leading man | private eye | room | sinister | stinger | suspect | threatening | whole-tone chord
City for Conquest (1940)Googi (The Car)1:14:32 - Googi threatens Cobbcar | car | criminal | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | driving | gangster | manager | murder | murderer | murder scene | ominous | tense | threatening | trill

City for Conquest (1940)

Underscoring (Tense)1:14:48 - Googi threatens Cobbcar | car | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | criminal | dissonant bass | driving | gangster | manager | murder | murderer | murder scene | ominous | tense | threatening

City for Conquest (1940)

Tone Poem A (Very Rough)1:15:00 - The car pulls to a stoparriving | car | criminal | dark | dock | driving | gangster | manager | murderer | murder scene | threatening | tritone | whole-tone chord
Crime School (1938)Underscoring (Tense)0:27:20 - Frankie is taken to the warden's officedevelop character | reformatory | teenager | tense | threatening | underscoring | warden | whip

Crime School (1938)

The Warden (Quasi Mysterioso)0:27:46 - Warden approaches Frankie with a whipchromatic parallelism | develop character | reformatory | rising | standing | teenager | tense | threatening | warden | whip
Death of a Scoundrel (1956)Clementi C (Molto Grazioso)0:51:26 - Clementi and Bridget talkflashback | threatening
Deep Valley (1947)Barry0:22:35 - Barry threatens the guardangry | arguing | boss | conflict | convict | dramatic | father | guard | leading lady | leading man | street | threatening | yelling

Deep Valley (1947)

Barry (Ferroce)0:42:50 - Libby sees Barryadvance plot | cabin | convict | dark | dog | fierce | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | threatening
Flamingo Road (1949)Titus 2 (Threatening)1:04:45 - Titus threatens Laneadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | leading lady | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | threatening | threatening

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus1:04:55 - Titus insults Laneadvance plot | dark | leading lady | leading man | ominous | politician | room | self-borrowing | sheriff | threatening

Flamingo Road (1949)

Underscoring (Dramatic)1:30:24 - Lane pulls a gun on Titusarguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | sheriff | stinger | threatening

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus (Slowly)1:30:42 - Lane holds Titus at gunpointarguing | climax | club | dark | demanding | dramatic | gun | leading lady | ominous | self-borrowing | sheriff | telephone | threatening

Flamingo Road (1949)

Titus (Ostinato 3)1:31:25 - Titus holds a gun on Laneclimax | club | dramatic | fighting | gun | gunshot | leading lady | menacing | ostinato | self-borrowing | sequence | sheriff | struggling | tense | threatening
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Amato0:48:11 - Amato threatens Lyeadvance plot | antagonist | arguing | brash | conductor score | dark | gangster | leading man | room | threatening

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Menace1:08:27 - Amato threatens Brodyadvance plot | antagonist | conductor score | dark | gangster | leading man | street | threatening
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Undercover Agent1:10:36 - Communists interrogate Mattcommunist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | mysterious | polychord | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Tense)1:10:41 - Communists interrogate Mattchromatic scale | communist | dark | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | room | shallow focus | suspicion | tense | threatening | undercover agent | underscoring

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Undercover Agent (Tuttissimo)1:10:54 - Communists interrogate Mattanger | anxiety | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | shallow focus | suspicion | suspicion | tense | threatening | tritone oscillation | undercover agent

I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)

Underscoring (Tense)1:11:00 - Communists interrogate Mattanger | communist | interrogating | interrogation | leading man | questioning | shallow focus | suspicion | suspicion | tense | threatening | undercover agent | underscoring | whole-tone chord
Illegal (1955)Frank Garland (Ominous)1:20:57 - Frank threatens Vichero | stinger | threat | villain
Key Largo (1948)Rocco 30:25:37 - Curly pushes Noradangerous | establish character | gangster | gun | hotel | leading man | mysterious | stinger | threatening | violence

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 3 (Misterioso)0:28:45 - Sawyer starts moaning in the other roomboss | conflict | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | menacing | mysterious | threatening

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 20:33:53 - Rocco talks to Noraboss | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | mysterious | threatening

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 3 (Shrill)0:46:38 - Rocco mocks McCloudboss | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | moll | tense | threatening

Key Largo (1948)

Tension (Violent)0:46:44 - McCloud decides whether to shootboss | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | moll | tense | threatening | violence | violent

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco + Tension0:46:48 - Rocco's grinning faceboss | combination of themes | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | moll | staring | tense | threatening | violence | violent

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco 3 (Extended)0:47:08 - Mr. Temple asks for the gunboss | conflict | dangerous | father | gangster | gun | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | moll | staring | tense | threatening | violence | violent

Key Largo (1948)

Rocco (Conflict)0:47:39 - Gaye looks terrifiedboss | conflict | danger | father | fear | gangster | gun | horror | hostage | hotel | leading lady | leading man | look of horror | moll | staring | stinger | threatening | violence
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Molto Agitato1:21:32 - String gets angryanger | angry | brother | murderer | rancher | room | threatening | turning point
Out of the Fog (1941)Russian Barcarolle (Dark)0:19:34 - Goff walksboat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | threatening | walking

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Dark)0:20:11 - Jonah reactsarguing | boat | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening | underscoring

Out of the Fog (1941)

Russian Barcarolle (Threatening)0:20:40 - Goff threatens Jonaharguing | boat | breaking | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | threatening | violence

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:26:51 - Jonah helps Olafchef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | gentle | helping | leading man | mickey-mousing | reacting | solemn | tender | threatening | underscoring

Out of the Fog (1941)

Russian Barcarolle (Dark 2)0:27:12 - Jonah and Olaf reactarguing | chef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | gun | leading man | stinger | tense | threatening

Out of the Fog (1941)

Animato0:27:43 - Goff pulls out a gunchef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | foreign key modulation | friend | gun | leading man | tense | threatening

Out of the Fog (1941)

Russian Barcarolle (Distorted)0:28:02 - Jonah and Olaf pay Goffchef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | money | threatening

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Tense)0:28:20 - Jonah and Olaf reactchef | conflict | conversing | criminal | dock | extortion | father | fisherman | friend | leading man | tense | threatening | underscoring

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:49:39 - Goff stops Jonahconflict | conversing | criminal | dark | dramatic | extortion | father | fisherman | leading man | mickey-mousing | panning shot | stinger | street | threatening | underscoring | violence | walking | weapon

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:50:24 - Goff shoves Jonahconflict | criminal | dark | dramatic | extortion | father | fisherman | leading man | street | threatening | underscoring | violence

Out of the Fog (1941)

Russian Barcarolle (Death Threat)0:50:48 - Goff mocks Jonahconflict | criminal | dark | extortion | father | fisherman | leading man | mocking | street | tense | threatening | violence

Out of the Fog (1941)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:51:05 - Goff gives Jonah a gunconflict | criminal | dramatic | extortion | father | fisherman | gun | leading man | mocking | stinger | street | threatening | underscoring | violence
The Unfaithful (1947)Unfaithful (Menacing)1:12:25 - Bob sees the statueantagonist | husband | menacing | monophonic | ostinato | pivotal scene | realizing | revealing | room | sequence | staring | statue | threatening | unveiling | widow
White Heat (1949)Ma (Restless)0:49:34 - Cody walks back to workanxious | dramatic | gangster | leading man | mad scene | murderer | prison | prisoner | tense | thinking | threatening | working

White Heat (1949)

Underscoring (Tense)0:49:56 - Cody threatens Parkergangster | leading man | mad scene | murderer | prison | prisoner | tense | threatening | underscoring
Sing and Like It (1934)My Imaginary Sweetheart1:03:34 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

My Imaginary Sweetheart1:04:10 - The critic reactsAABA structure | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | dancer | dancing | gangster | gun | laughing | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | source music | theater | threatening | upbeat | watching

Sing and Like It (1934)

Your Mother1:04:54 - A man conducts the pit orchestraAABA structure | ballad | boss | conducting | conductor | critic | crowd | crying | dancing | gangster | gun | leading lady | moll | musical | musician | music scene | on-screen music | performer | performing | playing | sentimental | singer | singing | source music | theater | threatening | watching
Star of Midnight (1935)Swing it Sister0:10:50 - Clay talks with JimAABA structure | blackmail | blackmailing | conversing | criminal | detective | establish character | leading man | radio | room | source music | threatening | upbeat
Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)Makes You Forget Your Troubles0:39:42 - Grace turns on the radioAABA structure | arriving | cheerful | common-tone diminished 7th | confronting | conversing | gangster | gun | leading man | moll | murderer | murder scene | popular music | room | source music | staring | threatening

Don’t Turn ‘em Loose (1936)

Makes You Forget Your Troubles (Dream Sequence)0:39:59 - Bob (Bat) pulls a gun on Graceaugmented sixth chord | cheerful | confronting | fragmentation | frantic | gangster | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | leading man | mirror shot | moll | murder | murderer | murder scene | popular music | reacting | room | screaming | sequence | shooting | simulated source music | source music | staring | tense | threatening | victim
We're Only Human (1935)Game 21:01:56 - Witness threatens to kill the criminalsacceleration | arguing | car | car | chromatic parallelism | climax | conflict | detective | dramatic | driving | hurried | leading lady | leading man | pedal tone | reporter | rushing | threat | threatening | victim
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)The Iron Door (Fangs and Claws)0:37:00 - Zaroff gives Bob a knifeaction scene | castle | commanding | count | giving | knife | leading man | mute | preparing | prisoner | servant | tense | threatening | villain
Caged (1950)Underscoring (Dark)0:56:40 - Kitty and Harperadvance plot | chromatic parallelism | dark | guard | low-angle shot | pc set | pedal tone | prison | prisoner | shadow | threatening | underscoring
Mara Maru (1952)Benedict (Bored to Death)1:07:34 - Benedict threatens to kill Gregoryantagonist | conversing | dark | leading lady | love interest | mysterious | ominous | plotting | reveal character | ship | ship | stinger | tense | threat | turning point