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33 results for "jump" in 18 films — see also alternate | change | jumping | look | spring | switch | transition

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Underscoring (Dramatic)1:16:29 - Rocky shoots Mac and Frazieragitated | attacking | casino | chaos | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | climbing | conflict | crowd | death | dissonant bass | dramatic | dying | escaping | falling | fighting | gangster | gun | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | hurrying | jumping | landing | lawyer | leading man | mickey-mousing | pedal tone | police | rooftop | room | running | sequence | shooting | sneaking | sneaky | street | tone cluster | underscoring

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Breaking in1:18:11 - Rocky enters the buildingconflict | down | gangster | jumping | landing | leading man | mickey-mousing | room | sneaking | sneaky
Beyond the Forest (1949)Leaping1:19:56 - Rosa leaps off of a cliffaction scene | canyon | jumping | leading lady | murderer | runaway | rushed

Beyond the Forest (1949)

Rosa (Broadly)1:19:57 - Rosa rolls down a hillaction scene | canyon | dark | dramatic | falling | jumping | leading lady | leading man | murderer | runaway | tense
The Big Sleep (1946)Running and jumping1:42:10 - Man runs awayaction scene | chromatic scale | criminal | fear | jumping | mickey-mousing | outside | running | tense
Crime School (1938)Searchlights (Sneaking)0:28:47 - Frankie hides from the searchlightchromatic parallelism | dramatic | escape | escaping | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | police | reformatory | running | searchlight | sneaking | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

Underscoring (Dramatic)0:29:09 - Frankie hides then runsbarbed wire fence | battle call | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | diminished 7th chord | dramatic | escape | escaping | gang | hiding | jumping | mickey-mousing | reformatory | running | teenager | tense

Crime School (1938)

The Escape1:12:03 - Boys escapedown | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager | whole-tone chord

Crime School (1938)

Jumping down1:12:03 - Boys jump out of the windowdiminished 7th chord | down | escape | escaping | gang | half-diminished 7th chord | jumping | mickey-mousing | mysterious | reformatory | sneaking | teenager
They Made Me a Criminal (1939)Jumps off train0:24:21 - Johnnie jumps off the moving trainadvance plot | diminished 7th chord | dissonant bass | dramatic | escaping | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | train | train

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Jumps out of window0:30:00 - Johnnie jumps out of the windowconflict | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | ranch | window
Death of a Scoundrel (1956)Jumps down stairs0:24:49 - Man jumps down the stairs to chase Clementidown | flashback | jumping | mickey-mousing | stairs
Deep Valley (1947)Jumping down1:07:32 - Barry jumps off the roofaction scene | cabin | convict | dramatic | fugitive | jumping | leading man | love interest | manhunt | mickey-mousing | police | tense
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)Climbing and jumping0:53:27 - Steve runs from Hammyaction scene | climbing | conductor score | detective | hiding | hurried | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | street | tense

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve dives1:34:48 - Steve dives in the wateraction scene | agitated | antagonist | boss | detective | diving | dock | dramatic | gangster | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | splashing | tense | water

Hell on Frisco Bay (1955)

Steve dives 21:36:27 - Steve dives in the wateraction scene | boat | climax | detective | diving | dock | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | splashing | tense | water
Her Kind of Man (1946)The Escape1:03:50 - Steve tries to escapeaction scene | car | chasing | club | crowd | dramatic | driving | escaping | gambler | husband | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | police | running | sister | street | victim
I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951)Jumps off stairs1:03:23 - Matt jumps off of the staircasecommunist | gun | gunshot | jumping | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | shooting | shootout | shootout | spy | teacher | tense | tone cluster | train tracks | tritone | undercover agent
We Are Not Alone (1939)Whee!0:23:57 - David flips his son upside down playfullyadvance plot | boy | child | father | hero | home | jumping | mickey-mousing | parallel 63s | parallelism | playful | playing | spinning
White Heat (1949)Danger0:05:02 - Gangsters leap from the trainannouncer | countryside | dramatic | escaping | establish character | gangster | jumping | leading man | murderer | pain | radio | robbery | tense | train | train engineer | victim | writhing

White Heat (1949)

Jumping on bed0:40:41 - Hank jumps up on his bedadvance plot | ascending | gangster | jumping | leading man | mickey-mousing | murderer | prison | prisoner | undercover agent | uneasy

White Heat (1949)

Jumping out window1:14:31 - Verna jumps out of the windowaction scene | descending | dramatic | jumping | leading lady | mickey-mousing | moll | tense | window | yard
Is My Face Red? (1932)Hurrying0:22:00 - Mildred and William hurry offadvance plot | boat | hurried | hurrying | jumping | leading lady | leading man | transcribed by ear | up
Thirteen Women (1932)Ursula (The End)0:59:03 - Ursula jumps to her deathchromatic scale | climax | dark | dramatic | dying | jumping | leading lady | murderer | The End | train | transcribed by ear
We're Only Human (1935)Kong 10:28:23 - Pete jumps on a criminalaction scene | bank | chromatic parallelism | detective | dramatic | fighting | gangster | jumping | leading man | pedal tone | punching | tense
Without Honor (1949)Jumping down0:37:38 - Jane jumps to the groundaction scene | descending | jumping | leading lady | mickey-mousing | tense | window | yard
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)Centaur0:13:56 - Bob sees a centaur on the tapestrycastle | count | establish character | jump scare | leading man | mute | ominous | servant | staring | stinger | tapestry

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Decapitated Head0:31:35 - Eve sees a decapitated headcandle | castle | dramatic | head | jump scare | leading lady | leading man | screaming | stinger | turning point

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Trap Falling0:47:47 - The trap collapsesaction scene | count | dramatic | falling | gun | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | stinger | trap | victim | villain

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Chase (Accelerando) + The Iron Door0:53:02 - The dogs bark up the treeagitated | barking | chase scene | chasing | combination of themes | count | dark | dog | escaping | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | lifting | log | mickey-mousing | running | servant | tense | tree | victim | villain | vine

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The Approach (Risoluto)0:53:38 - Bob and Eve hide in the treesbarking | chase scene | cliff | climbing | cutting | dog | dramatic | hiding | jumping | jungle | leading lady | leading man | running | tense | victim

The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Bob leaping0:58:57 - Bob leaps at Zaroffaction scene | castle | count | dramatic | fighting | gun | jumping | leading man | leaping | tense | victim | villain
Mara Maru (1952)Shark1:01:35 - A shark appearsaction scene | captain | close-up | diver | diving | dramatic | fearful | jump scare | leading man | ocean | shark | suspenseful | swimming | swimming effect | swirling effect | underwater