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35 results for "mansion" in 3 films — see also hall | house | palace | sign

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The Big Sleep (1946)Underscoring (Tense)0:01:01 - Sign for the Sternwood mansionarriving | butler | establish character | leading man | mansion | private eye | room | tense | underscoring
His Greatest Gamble (1934)Russian Waltz0:30:05 - Philip arrives at Florence's home9th chord | arriving | calm | chromatic sequence | common-tone diminished 7th | establish setting | fugitive | leading man | mansion | mode mixture | on-screen music | piano | playing | pleasant | source music | waltz | wandering

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Nocturne in E-flat Major0:36:29 - Philip looks for Aliceadvance plot | calm | conversing | daughter | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | mansion | nocturne | pleasant | searching | source music | wandering

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Waltz in C-sharp Minor0:40:28 - Philip talks with Alice and Florenceadvance plot | conversing | daughter | ex-wife | fugitive | leading lady | leading man | mansion | serious | source music | waltz

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Blue Ridge Moon0:53:16 - Philip talks with Aliceadvance plot | conversing | daughter | gentle | leading lady | love interest | mansion | popular music | radio | sentimental | source music | waltz

His Greatest Gamble (1934)

Morning Glory Waltz (Radio)0:57:06 - Philip talks with Alice9th chord | advance plot | conversing | daughter | fugitive | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | mode mixture | radio | score to source | sentimental | source music | transcribed by ear | walking
The Woman in White (1948)The Carman's Whistle0:06:09 - Walter walks awayarriving | calm | establish character | garden | leading man | mansion | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

The Carman's Whistle (Arriving) + Ann0:06:22 - The woman in white appearsarriving | calm | combination of themes | establish character | garden | leading lady | leading man | mansion | sneaking | tense | tremolo | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

Limmeridge0:06:41 - Walter arrives at the mansionarriving | bold | butler | establish character | leading lady | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Underscoring (Gentle)0:06:56 - Walter meets Marianarriving | butler | establish character | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | underscoring

The Woman in White (1948)

The Carman's Whistle (Sordini)0:11:18 - Count Fosco talks with Walteradvance plot | conversing | gentle | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann0:11:38 - Walter talks with Count Foscoadvance plot | butler | conversing | leading man | mansion | mysterious

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie0:11:53 - The butler takes Walter to see Mr. Fairliebutler | conversing | establish character | grand | leading man | mansion | noble

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie (Poco Meno)0:12:33 - They arrive at Mr. Fairlie's roomarriving | butler | establish character | gentle | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie (Gentle)0:12:57 - Walter enters Mr. Fairlie's roomarriving | butler | establish character | gentle | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Limmeridge 20:19:36 - Walter walks outsideestablish character | garden | leading lady | leading man | mansion | noble | walking | watching

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Poco Agitato)0:20:03 - Walter sees Lauraconversing | establish character | garden | leading lady | leading man | mansion | tense | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

Laura (Harp Countermelody)0:36:14 - Laura runs insideadvance plot | arriving | fiancé | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | running

The Woman in White (1948)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:36:22 - Laura greets Sir Percivaladvance plot | conversing | fiancé | leading lady | mansion | mysterious | underscoring

The Woman in White (1948)

The Self Banished (Slowly)0:36:40 - Laura leaves with Sir Percivaladvance plot | calm | cousin | fiancé | leading lady | mansion | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

The Self Banished (Con Moto)0:36:48 - Marian walks outsideadvance plot | agitated | calm | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion | walking

The Woman in White (1948)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:45:40 - Laura enters the mansionbutler | conflict | conversing | cousin | fiancé | leading lady | mansion | mysterious | tense | underscoring

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Poco Agitato)0:46:06 - Walter talks to Marianarguing | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion | tense

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie (Moderato)0:46:16 - Marian argues with Walteragitated | arguing | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Agitato Quasi Misterioso)0:46:28 - Walter argues with Marianarguing | butler | conflict | cousin | leading lady | leading man | mansion | mysterious | stinger

The Woman in White (1948)

The Self Banished (Tenderly)0:46:47 - Marion talks to Walterbutler | conflict | conversing | cousin | fiancé | gentle | leading lady | leading man | mansion | tender

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Molto Marcato)0:50:03 - Walter storms out of the roomangry | antagonist | butler | conflict | cousin | departing | fiancé | leading lady | leading man | mansion

The Woman in White (1948)

Pavan B0:50:44 - A carriage arrivesarriving | carriage | conversing | cousin | grand | headline | leading lady | mansion | montage | montage | newspaper | Renaissance music | servant | transition

The Woman in White (1948)

Fairlie (Meno)0:51:08 - Marian looks at Limmeridge Houseadvance plot | arriving | conversing | cousin | gentle | leading lady | mansion | servant | warm

The Woman in White (1948)

Hypnosis0:51:33 - The servants greet Marianadvance plot | arriving | butler | conversing | cousin | leading lady | mansion | servant | tense

The Woman in White (1948)

Fosco (Misterioso 2)0:51:57 - Marian learns that the countess is in the houseadvance plot | arriving | butler | conversing | cousin | leading lady | mansion | servant | stinger | tense

The Woman in White (1948)

Laura (At Dinner)0:55:43 - Sitting at the dining tableadvance plot | antagonist | butler | cigarette | conversing | cousin | eating | happy | husband | leading lady | light | mansion | monkey | servant | smoking | somber

The Woman in White (1948)

Underscoring (Mysterious)0:56:12 - Sir Percival and a monkeyadvance plot | antagonist | butler | cigarette | conversing | cousin | husband | leading lady | mansion | monkey | mysterious | servant | smoking | stinger | underscoring

The Woman in White (1948)

Ann (Misterioso Rubato)0:58:22 - The countess excuses herselfadvance plot | antagonist | butler | conversing | cousin | departing | husband | leading lady | mansion | mysterious | servant | somber

The Woman in White (1948)

Laura (Harp Countermelody)1:46:55 - The camera pans from the asylumarriving | butler | child | conversing | father | happy | husband | leading man | mansion | resolution | voice-over | waltz