Character: Philip Marlowe in The Big Sleep (1946)

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Played by Humphrey Bogart
Character Information

Tags associated with this character: leading man, private eye

Theme associated with this character: Marlowe

Tags associated with this theme:

9th chord | 11th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | arguing | arriving | ascending | augmentation | augmented sixth chord | bold | book shop | breaking in | café | calling | car | chasing | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | comical | common-chord modulation | common-tone diminished 7th | common-tone dominant 7th | conversing | cut from film | dark | dazed | decisive | departing | determined | dialing | disguising | dissonant bass | distortion | dramatic | driving | escaping | flirting | following | fragmentation | half-diminished 7th chord | heroic | hiding | inversion | investigating | leaving | library | lifting | lying | melancholy | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | mysterious | noble | not in score | ominous | outside | parallel 63s | parallelism | pc set | pedal tone | planning | plotting | punching | recovering | researching | resolved | reused recording | rising | room | running | searching | sequence | sequential modulation | shaking | shooting | shop | sinister | snapping | sneaking | somber | stinger | street | tender | tense | thinking | tone cluster | tritone | triumphant | tying up | underscoring | waiting | walking | weary | whole-tone | whole-tone chord | whole-tone scale | writing

Theme associated with this character: Marlowe 2

Theme associated with this character: Vivian