Flamingo Road (1949)

Home > Film: Flamingo Road > Theme: If I Could Be With You

Theme name: If I Could Be With You
Description: Lane and Field's love theme
Related characters: Lane Bellamy, Fielding Carlisle
Total uses: 19
Total duration: 00:09:37
% of music: 16.90%
Total variants: 15

[Film order]
0:07:53 - Original
NIF - Timidly
NIF - Lightly
0:17:22 - Dolce
0:18:06 - Ethereal
0:26:58 - Original
0:29:32 - Tenderly
0:34:51 - Triste
0:40:31 - Somber
0:43:04 - Slowly
0:51:15 - Misterioso
0:59:52 - Original
1:11:05 - Dramatic
1:18:35 - Tragic
1:22:18 - Triste
1:22:58 - Drunk
1:24:41 - Dead
1:26:31 - Maestoso
1:33:37 - Ecstatic

Tags associated with this theme:

9th chord | 11th chord | 13th chord | added-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | arguing | artwork in score | augmentation | breakup | café | carny | chromatic parallelism | club | common-tone diminished 7th | confessing | conflict | conversing | coworker | cut from film | dancer | dance scene | dancing | dark | death scene | deceptive resolution | diminished 7th chord | dining | discovering | dramatic | driving | drunk | establish character | falling in love scene | fighting | flirting | foreign key modulation | foreshadowing | friend | gambling | gunshot | half-diminished 7th chord | husband | joyous | kissing | lake | lawyer | leading lady | leading man | leaving | linear chromaticism | love | love interest | lovers meet | love scene | montage | musician | on-screen music | parallel period | pedal tone | playing | police | politician | pondering | porch | prison | prisoner | radio | reacting | reading | resolution | reuniting | reverse picardy | romance | romantic | room | secondary dominant | sentimental | sheriff | sigh gesture | singer | singing | somber | source music | source to score | staring | street | stumbling | suicide | surprise | telegram | The End | thematic transference | tragic | train | triumphant | uneasy | violent | waitress | wife | working