We Are Not Alone (1939)

Home > Film: We Are Not Alone > Theme: Frohe Botschaft

Theme name: Frohe Botschaft
Composer: Unknown; arranged by Max Steiner
Description: Leni's main theme is a German folk song (likely pre-1822); used in Aline by Adolf Bauerle and Wenzel Muller in 1822, then again in 1824 in the Vaudeville "Die Wiener in Berlin" by Carl von Holtei; Steiner might have thought of this tune in connection to a Viennese person in a foreign country, since Leni is an Austrian in England; Leni sings and plays this song on the piano in the film; Leni's original theme is "I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside," used only when she was a dancer
Related characters: Leni Krafft, Gerald Newcome
Total uses: 22
Total duration: 00:11:03
% of music: 18.91%
Total combinations: 1
Combinations: Frohe Botschaft + Surprise Symphony
Total variants: 19

[Film order]
0:00:26 - Grandioso
0:14:22 - Tenderly
0:25:12 - Ethereal
0:32:51 - Viennese
0:34:49 - At the Piano
0:36:41 - Original
0:38:09 - Drifting
0:38:52 - Somber
0:44:30 - Like a Sigh
0:45:45 - Crying
0:51:10 - Triste
1:14:30 - Drifting
1:22:12 - War Bulletin
1:33:07 - Death Sentence
1:38:41 - Hopeful
1:41:47 - Restful
1:49:22 - Ghostly
NIF - 6th chime
1:50:19 - Fading Away
1:50:32 - Singing
1:51:01 - The End

Tags associated with this theme:

9th chord | 11th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | advance plot | altered dominant | announcing | antagonist | arrest | arresting | boy | cast list | cheerful | child | chromatic parallelism | comforting | common-chord modulation | conclusion | conflict | conversing | courtroom | courtroom scene | crowd | crying | cut from film | dark | death | deceptive resolution | delicate | doctor | eerie | end title sequence | establish character | evaded cadence | familiar tune | fanfare | father | folk song | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | garden | gentle | German | grand | greeting | happy | hero | heroine | home | hopeful | hugging | joyful | kindness | leaving | lifting | love scene | main title | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | mother | murder | news | ominous | on-screen music | opening title sequence | parallel period | peaceful | pedal tone | piano | plagal cadence | playing | police | prison | promise | quotation | reverse picardy | room | sad | score to source | sentencing | sentimental | sequence | shop | sigh gesture | sign | singing | sinister | somber | source music | street | suspension | sweet | tender | tense | The End | tone cluster | train station | transcribed by ear | tritone | verdict | warm | watching | whole-tone chord | window