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9 results for "cow" in 5 films

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)Underscoring (Tense)1:33:36 - Rocky pleads for his lifebegging | climax | cowardice | crowd | crying | death | execution | execution chamber | gangster | leading man | pleading | police | priest | prison | shadow | tense | tone cluster | underscoring | wailing
Dust Be My Destiny (1939)Cow0:11:39 - Man calls Charlie a cowcomical | cow | drunk | establish character | leading man | mickey-mousing | mooing | prison | prisoner | stinger | warden

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Underscoring (Humorous)0:13:13 - Joe talks to the cowbarn | chromatic parallelism | comical | conversing | cow | diminished triad | dissonant bass | leading man | lovers meet | prisoner | underscoring

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Dust Be My Destiny (Playful)0:13:38 - Mabel talks to Joebarn | comical | common-tone diminished 7th | cow | laughing | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | playful | prisoner | romantic

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Joe fights cow0:13:56 - Joe fights cow (off-screen)augmented triad | barn | chromatic parallelism | chromatic scale | comical | cow | diminished 7th chord | fighting | leading lady | leading man | lovers meet | mickey-mousing | prisoner
Flamingo Road (1949)If I Could Be With You (Somber)0:40:31 - Field talks to Lane's co-worker9th chord | 11th chord | advance plot | café | common-tone diminished 7th | conversing | coworker | deceptive resolution | diminished 7th chord | leading man | linear chromaticism | politician | reverse picardy | sigh gesture | somber
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Underneath a Western Sky0:56:48 - A chuckwagon dinneractor | advance plot | calm | campfire | chuckwagon | conversing | cowboy song | crowd | drinking | eating | father | flirting | food | friend | leading lady | love interest | mother | on-screen music | owner | playing | ranch | source music
Men of America (1932)Cimarron C0:01:08 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | common-chord modulation | cowboy | establish character | establish setting | fanfare | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | noble | parallel double period | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | title card | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron B (Transition)0:02:19 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | chromatic mediant | cowboy | dramatic | establish character | establish setting | fragmentation | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | tense | title card | transcribed by ear