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2 results for "ambush" in 1 films — see also run | trap

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
Men of America (1932)Cimarron C0:01:08 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | common-chord modulation | cowboy | establish character | establish setting | fanfare | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | noble | parallel double period | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | title card | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron B (Transition)0:02:19 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | chromatic mediant | cowboy | dramatic | establish character | establish setting | fragmentation | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | tense | title card | transcribed by ear