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11 results for "Indian" in 3 films — see also American Indian | American Indian music | Indian | native

FilmTheme nameInstanceTags
The FBI Story (1959)Ten Little Indians0:38:09 - Indian business men and the comical things they do with their new wealthfamiliar tune | flashback | Indian

The FBI Story (1959)

Underscoring (Indians)0:38:26 - Indian business men and the comical things they do with their new wealth, then man gets shot in a fieldflashback | Indian | underscoring

The FBI Story (1959)

Underscoring (Indians)0:48:13 - Indian was killedflashback | Indian | underscoring
Key Largo (1948)Seminoles0:19:11 - Seminole Indians arriveadvance plot | arriving | boat | conversing | dock | Indian | Indian | leading lady | leading man | rowing | serious

Key Largo (1948)

Seminoles (Grandma)0:19:46 - Elderly Indian woman talks to Noraadvance plot | arriving | boat | conversing | dock | grandmother | Indian | Indian | leading lady | leading man | old woman | serious | smoking

Key Largo (1948)

Seminoles (Brothers)0:20:29 - Nora talks with Seminole Indiansadvance plot | arriving | boat | conversing | dock | Indian | Indian | leading lady | leading man | serious

Key Largo (1948)

Shelter in the Storm1:06:41 - Storm continues outsidebeach | blowing | crashing | dramatic | hurricane | Indian | raining | sheltering | storm | storm scene | tense

Key Largo (1948)

Underscoring (Tense)1:15:37 - Sheriff approaches Indiansconflict | dock | Indian | searching | sheriff | tense | underscoring
Men of America (1932)Cimarron A0:00:14 - Title of film and starring listAmerican Indian music | bold | establish setting | fanfare | menacing | minor pentatonic | open fifth | opening title sequence | self-borrowing | starring list | title of film | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron C0:01:08 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | common-chord modulation | cowboy | establish character | establish setting | fanfare | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | noble | parallel double period | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | title card | transcribed by ear

Men of America (1932)

Cimarron B (Transition)0:02:19 - Smokey Joe fights the Indiansambush | chromatic mediant | cowboy | dramatic | establish character | establish setting | fragmentation | gun | gunshot | horse | Indian | leading man | prairie | riding | self-borrowing | shooting | stagecoach | tense | title card | transcribed by ear