Character: Leni Krafft in We Are Not Alone (1939)

Home > People > Leni Krafft

Played by Jane Bryan
Character Information

Tags associated with this character: leading lady, friend, suspect, victim

Theme associated with this character: Frohe Botschaft

Other characters associated with this theme: Gerald Newcome
Tags associated with this theme:

9th chord | 11th chord | 64 chord | added-note chord | altered dominant | announcing | arresting | cheerful | chromatic parallelism | comforting | common-chord modulation | conversing | courtroom | crying | dark | deceptive resolution | delicate | eerie | evaded cadence | familiar tune | fanfare | folk song | foreign key modulation | fragmentation | garden | gentle | German | grand | greeting | happy | home | hopeful | hugging | joyful | leaving | lifting | mickey-mousing | mode mixture | ominous | on-screen music | parallel period | peaceful | pedal tone | plagal cadence | playing | prison | quotation | reverse picardy | room | sad | score to source | sentencing | sentimental | sequence | sigh gesture | singing | sinister | somber | source music | street | suspension | sweet | tender | tense | tone cluster | train station | transcribed by ear | tritone | warm | watching | whole-tone chord

Theme associated with this character: I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside

Theme associated with this character: Celebre Romance

Other characters associated with this theme: Dr. David Newcome