The Most Dangerous Game (1932) [IN PROCESS - Information may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies]

Home > Film: The Most Dangerous Game > Theme: Zaroff

Tags associated with this theme:

action scene | advance plot | agitated | approaching | arrow | attacking | barking | boat | brother | candle | castle | chase scene | chasing | cliff | climax | climbing | close-up | combination of themes | conversing | corpse | count | dark | death | descending | dog | door | door knocker | dramatic | drunk | dying | escaping | establish character | fanfare | fighting | gun | hiding | hopeful | hunting | jungle | knife | leading lady | leading man | mickey-mousing | mute | mysterious | ominous | point-of-view shot | preparing | pursuing | rising | river | running | scrambling | searching | servant | shaking | shooting | sneaking | spear | stalking | staring | statue | stinger | tense | trap | tree | trembling | tricking | turning point | victim | villain | waiting | walking | watching | waterfall | wound